Notes - Computer Software

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BSA-2 Custom Software

Computer Software
 Written by programmers
 Consider communication between two humans,  Takes a lot of time to write and test
between a human programmer and a computer, or  When specifications are unique
between a network of computers.
Packaged or Commercial
 Use language to describe procedures and use
machines to turn descriptions of procedures into  Sold in stores, catalogs, or downloadable from the
executing processes. WWW
 Purchased from software publishers
Computer Software
 Must be installed
- Computer software, or just software, is a collection  Standard or custom installation
of computer programs and related data that provides  The setup process copies some of all of the software
the instructions for telling a computer what to do and to the hard disk
how to do it.  May require the CD-ROM to be in the drive to run
- Any set of instructions that guides the hardware and
Example of programming language:
tells it how to accomplish each task.
C, C++, C#
System Software
 C++ is a low-level programming language that adds
- A computer software designed to operate the
object-oriented features to its base language C
computer hardware to provide basic functionality and
whereas C# is a high-level language.
to provide a platform for running application
software. PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Pre-
- Refers to the operating system and all utility processor)
programs that manage computer resources at a low
 Suited for web development and can be embedded
into HTML.
* BIOS (basic input/output system) gets the computer
system started after you turn it on and manages the data
flow between the operating system and attached devices  Often used in software applications, pages within a
such as the hard disk, video adapter, keyboard, mouse, web browser, the shells of operating systems and
and printer. some games.
- Also includes system utilities, such as the disk BASIC, Visual Basic
defragmenter and System Restore.
 Visual Basic provides a graphical user interface GUI
System Software Includes that allows the developer to drag and drop objects
into the program as well as manually write program
 Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) Program
 Disk Defragmenter
 Disk Cleanup JavaScript
 Disk Partition Tool  JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming
PC Software Characteristics language.

1. User-friendly in terms of interface HTML

2. Easy to access  HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that
3. Intuitive and can be guided by the GUI and other is used to structure a web page and its content.
4. Minimum training and documentation needed to use Acquiring Software

Programming Software Freeware

- Include tools in the form of programs or applications  Free to all

that software developers use to create, debug,  Copyrighted
maintain, or otherwise support other programs and  Distributed in machine-readable format
applications. Commercial Software
- The term usually refers to relatively simple programs
such as compilers, debuggers, interpreters, linkers,  Used most often
and text editors.  Copyrighted
 Generally costly
Software Types
 May not be copied without permission of the Graphic Arts
 Use software to produce art, express ideas
Public-domain Software
Integrated Applications
 Un-copyrighted
 Combine basic word processing, spreadsheet, and
 May be used or altered without restriction
graphics capabilities
 Generally developed under government grants.
 Communicate from home with computer at office,
 Freely distributed for a trial period
Access data stored in another computer in another
 Pay a nominal fee to register with the author
location, Stock exchange updates, Weather
Open source information
 Free to all Web Browser
 Source code is distributed
 Web browser, a software application used to locate
 May be used or altered
and display Web pages.
 Popular under LINUX OS
Other Examples:
Application Software
 Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- A program or group of programs designed to allow
end users to accomplish one or more specific (non-  Video Editor
computer related) tasks.  Sound Editor
- Task-Oriented Software  Video Games
- Productivity Software makes work faster, and our  Educational Software
lives easier  Email Client
 Electronic Media
Word Processing
 Uses: Memos, Reports, Correspondence, Minutes of
meetings, anything to be typed - Software is copied onto CD-ROMS / DVD-ROMS
- Package duplicates the original
Desktop Publishing
- Sold in flea markets or small stores
 Uses: Newsletters, Reports, Brochures - Cheaper price
- Occurs more overseas
Electronic Spreadsheets
Computer Professionals
 Uses: Comparing mortgage interest rates, Preparing
budgets, Tracking weight loss - Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Data Graphics
- Computing Services
 Uses: Maps, Graphs, Charts, Makes Visual - Information Services
information more compelling - Information Technology (IT)
Database Management
Users – Any individual who operates a computer to
 Uses: Keep track of a large number of related facts,
accomplish a task
Query the data for specific information, Retrieve
information in a variety of ways Data entry operators – key data into a machine-
readable format
Presentation Graphics
Computer operators – monitor the computer
 Uses: Sales tool, Demonstrate a product, Show
cost/benefit projections on charts, Present Librarians – catalog and keep secure the disks
audio/video testimonials from satisfied customers
Computer programmers – write, test, implement, and
Office Suites maintain programs
 Group of basic software applications designed to Systems analysts – plan and design computer systems
work together
Network manager – oversees the network
 Data is portable between basic applications of the
suite Chief information officer (CIO) – department manager;
 Various applications in the suite have the same “look makes strategic decisions relating to the flow of
and feel” information in the organization

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