Xi International PHD Workshop Owd 2009, 17-20 October 2009: 1. Introduction To The Problem
Xi International PHD Workshop Owd 2009, 17-20 October 2009: 1. Introduction To The Problem
Xi International PHD Workshop Owd 2009, 17-20 October 2009: 1. Introduction To The Problem
allows controlling softstarter output voltage by losses in the induction motor transients than during
changing the thyristor firing angle. Power circuit of its phase voltage regulation.
such a thyristor softstarter is presented in Fig. 2.
Thyristor softstarter output voltage curve during
quasi-frequency control of an induction motor is
shown in Fig. 5. The formation of the induction
motor supply voltage consists of a series of positive
and negative supply mains voltage half-waves, which
are formed according to the alternating sign
switching function.
Transistor T7 operates only as a shunt when either switches and a shunt diode bridge (Fig. 7). The
T1 or T2 is in off state so that the circuit current parameters of the special crane induction motor
could decrease to zero. The same switching 4MTKF160LB8 (11kW, 380/220V, 40% duty cycle)
algorithm during quasi-frequency control is applied designed for intermittent operation mode have been
to the remaining power switches of phase B and C. used during the simulation.
In general the formation of any PVR output Pulse voltage regulation of the crane induction
voltage curve during quasi-frequency control of an motor 4MTKF160LB8 has been performed
induction motor is performed with a certain according to the linear and exponential 1st harmonic
switching sequence of the mains and shunt IGBT voltage variation.
transistors according to the desired quasi frequency. PVR output voltage and current curves are
To variate quasi-voltage value one should change the presented in Fig. 8. The induction motor
supply mains transistors pulse width. 4MTKF160LB8 speed curves for various starting
current limitation settings are presented in Fig. 9.
5. Simulation results The authors have also performed simulation of
The research of the induction motor soft starting the crane induction motor 4MTKF160LB8
and braking for phase and pulse voltage regulation underspeed operation at quasi-frequency of 8,33 Hz
has been performed via Matlab simulation models. for the same PVR power circuit structure.
PVR simulation model has been developed The results of quasi-frequency control simulation are
according to the power circuit with three power presented in Fig. 10.
T2a_pulse T1 T2
1 g g
T1a_pulse C C
Usa 3
T1b_pulse Tm
T2b_pulse Tm
6 LOAD U1a
T4a_pulse T4 A
5 g g m
E E U1b
T3a_pulse C C B
Usb 7 U1c
T3b_pulse C
T4b_pulse Crane Induction Motor
10 Shunt IGBT pulses
T6a_pulse T5 T6
9 g g Shunt IGBT T7
T5a_pulse C C
3 OR g
Usc C
Fig.7. Matlab simulation model of PVR with 3 power switches and a shunt diode bridge.
To provide steady underspeed operation of the during this operating mode. Underspeed fluctuations
induction motor at the reduced frequency it is lead to the induction motor vibrations. Moreover
imperative to maintain flux linkage at constant level with the relatively high motor torque (close to its
by decreasing the quasi-frequency control voltage nominal value), current amplitudes during quasi-
proportionally to the reduced frequency. Otherwise, frequency control of the induction motor increase up
an oversaturation of the induction motor magnetic to 200% and even higher. Therefore quasi-frequency
system will occur. control should be applied for the induction motor
Quasi-frequency control results in the motor low speed operation for a short period of time.
underspeed fluctuations (Fig. 10) because of the
pulse nature of stator current and motor torque
Fig.8. Output phase voltages (a) and currents (b) of PVR with 3 power switches
and a shunt diode bridge.
Fig. 10. 4MTKF160LB8 induction motor speed curve with underspeed operation
at 8,33 Hz during quasi-frequency control.
6. Conclusions
[2] Firago Bronislav, Vasilyev Dmitry, Pawlaczyk
Pulse voltage regulator based on a power circuit Leszek: Zastosowanie impulsowego regulatora napięcia
with 3 power switches and a shunt diode bridge has dla miękkiego rozruchu i hamowania silników, prace
a number of obvious advantages over the thyristor Naukowe Instytutu Maszyn, Napedow i
voltage regulator such as: Pomiarow Elektrycznych, nr 62, Studia i
- reduced energy losses in the induction motor Materialy nr 28, s. 378-386, Politechnika
transients due to symmetrical power circuit structure Wroclawska, Wroclaw, 2008
and lack of output voltages and currents phase [3] Strzelecki Ryszard, Supronowicz Henryk:
asymmetry; Wspólczynnik mocy w systemach zasilania pradu
- lowered impact on supply mains due to the przemiennego i metody jego poprawy, oficyna
better harmonic content of the PVR output voltage Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej,
and current curves; Warszawa, 2000. – 452 s
- increased power factor and lack of 1st harmonic
current shift angle; Authors:
- quasi-frequency control ability for the induction
motor steady operation at underspeeds. PhD student
PVR with quasi-frequency control ability if Vasilyev Dmitry
compared to thyristor voltage regulator can be Belorussian National
considered an improved softstarter device and is a Technical University
cheaper alternative to a frequency converter F. Skaryna 65
provided there are no strict speed control Minsk 220027
requirements for a certain technological mechanism. Belarus
For example, it would be reasonable and cost- email: dmy@tut.by
effective to apply such PVR in the crane electric
drive of a trolley traveling mechanism.
Prof. Firago Bronislav
Bibliography Belorussian National
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Leszek: Regulirovanie naprjazenija asinchronnogo F. Skaryna 65
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tormozenija, II mezdunarodnaja naucno- Belarus
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