Week3 Assignment
Week3 Assignment
Week3 Assignment
1. For a motion under the central force − rk3 . If it starts on the +ve X-axis at a distance a away
from the origin and moves with speed v0 in direction making an angle α with X-axis, the
differential equation can be written as
2 k−ma2 v02 sin2 α
(i) ddt2r = − mr3
d2 r k−ma2 v02 sin2 α
(ii) dt2
= mr3
d2 r k+ma2 v02 sin2 α
(iii) dt2 = − mr3
d2 r k+ma2 v02 sin2 α
(iv) dt2 = mr3
3. A particle describes an equiangular spiral r = aeθ in such a manner that its acceleration has
no radial component. Then
(i) angular velocity is zero
(ii) angular velocity is constant and magnitude of velocity is proportional to r
(iii) angular velocity is constant and magnitude of velocity is proportional to 1r
(iv) angular velocity and magnitude of velocity is proportional to r.
4. For attractive inverse square force field f (R) = − rk2 , show that the velocity at any point of
the for an hyperbolic path may be given as
(i) v 2 = m [ r − a1 ]
k 2
k 2
(ii) v 2 = m [ r + a1 ]
(iii) v = k [ r − a1 ]
2 m 2
(iv) v 2 = m 2
k [r + a]
5. A small satellite revolves around a planet in an orbit of radius slightly greater than the radius
of the planet, which is spherical. If the average density of the planet is ρ, the period of
revolution of satellite.
(a) independent of R of the planet
(b) depends on R2 of the planet
(c) depends on R3 of the planet
(d) depends on R4 of the planet
6. The central force necessary to make a particle describe the lemniscate r2 = a2 cos 2θ is
(i) proportional to r7
(ii) inversely proportional to r
(iii) proportional to r
(iv) inversely proportional to r7
7. If a particle describes a elliptic orbit under the influence of an attractive central force (= - rk2 )
, then the√ period of revolution of the particle is
3/2 m
(i) 2πa
(ii) 2πa3/2 m
(iii) πa3/2 m
(iv) πa3/2 m
8. Find the law of force to the pole when the orbit described by the cardioid r = a(1 − cos θ)
(i) ∝ to r−1
(ii) ∝ to r−2
(iii) ∝ to r−3
(iv) ∝ to r−4
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