Student Exploration: Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
Student Exploration: Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
Student Exploration: Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
Vocabulary: bipedal, canine, cranial capacity, cranium, evolve, foramen magnum, hominid,
hominin, index, maxilla, orbit, palate, skull
1. Label one of the skulls below as human and the other as a chimpanzee skull.
__________________ ___________________
Human Chimpanzee
2. What features did you use to identify which skull was human and which was chimpanzee?
Gizmo Warm-up
In 1924, a fossilized skull that looked very similar to a chimp skull was
discovered. But the skull most definitely did not belong to a chimp. The
location of the foramen magnum—a hole in the skull where the spinal
cord exits—indicated that the individual was bipedal, or walked on two
legs. This fossil was some of the earliest evidence of human evolution.
Using the Human Evolution – Skull Analysis Gizmo, you will discover
some of the ways that skulls can be used to learn about human evolution.
Start by comparing two modern hominids: a human and a chimpanzee.
1. Examine the Front view of the Homo sapiens (modern human) skull. Then, use the
Select skull menu to examine the same view of the Pan troglodytes (chimp) skull.
How do the skulls compare? Chimpanzee skull head is smaller than humans skull head.
2. Now, examine the Bottom view of the two skulls. How do they compare? Jaw of the
chimpanzee is smaller.
Activity A: Get the Gizmo ready:
Foramen magnum Select the Homo sapiens (modern human) skull.
1. Measure: Select the Bottom view. To determine the opisthion index for
humans and chimps, follow the steps below and complete the table.
Turn on Click to Measure Lengths. Measure the distance from
the opisthocranion to the opisthion, as shown at top right. Record
the opisthocranion-opisthion distance in the table below.
Measure from the opisthocranion to the orale, as shown at bottom
right. Record the opisthocranion-orale distance in the table.
To calculate the opisthion index, divide your first measurement by
your second measurement. Multiply this number by 100.
Species opisthion distance Opisthion index
orale distance (cm)
Homo sapiens 6.80 20.00 34.0
Pan troglodytes 1.80 19.60 9.18
2. Analyze: The opisthion index is an indicator of where the foramen magnum is situated. The
greater the opisthion index, the closer the foramen magnum is to the center of the cranium.
This position is usually found in species that stand upright. A low value for the opisthion
index occurs when the foramen magnum is situated in the rear of the cranium. This may
indicate that the species walked on its knuckles or on four legs.
Using the index values you calculated, what can you conclude about humans and chimps?
Humans are bipedal, chimps are knuckle walkers.
Activity A (continued from previous page)
3. Gather data: Humans, chimpanzees, and the other great apes are hominids. Hominids
evolved from a common ancestor that lived about 13 million years ago. Hominins are
hominids that belong to the lineage that led to humans.
Measure the opisthion index of the other hominids available in the Gizmo. (Note: the
foramen magnum was not preserved in the Homo naledi skull.)
Opisthocranion- Opisthion
Species opisthion distance
orale distance (cm) index
A. afarensis 2.62 16.10 16.3
A. africanus 3.50 18.10 19.3
P. boisei 4.63 20.10 22.9
H. habilis 4.91 17.50 28.1
H. erectus 5.21 20.00 26.1
H. heidelbergensis 6.61 22.80 29.0
H. sapiens
6.93 24.70 28.1
H. floresiensis 4.10 16.70 24.6
A. Based on their opisthion indexes, which of the hominids in the Gizmo are hominins?
All except chimps.
B. Based on opisthion indexes, which hominin skulls are most similar to human skulls?
All except florenthisis.
4. Explain: Why do you think the foramen magnum is positioned near the rear of the cranium
for knuckle-walking species and near the center of the cranium for bipedal species?
Introduction: The brain is housed inside the cranium. The internal volume of the cranium is
called the cranial capacity. The larger an organism’s cranial capacity is, the larger its brain
tends to be.
Question: How does the cranial capacity compare amongst hominids?
Activity B (continued from previous page)
B. What do you think cranial capacity is a good indicator of? Brain size and intelligence.
C. Did any hominids have a larger cranial capacity than humans? If so, which species?
3. Compare: Turn off the Area tool. Using the Front view, compare the size and shape of the
forehead of a chimpanzee and the forehead of a modern human. How are they different?
B. Why do you think humans have such large foreheads in comparison to chimps?
5. Draw conclusions: Compare the data you collected in activity A with the data you collected
in this activity. Which evolved first in hominins: bipedalism or large brains? Explain.
Activity C: Get the Gizmo ready:
Maxilla and Select Side view.
mandible Turn on Click to measure angles.
Introduction: Teeth and the bones around the mouth give a great deal of information about
both a species’ diet and how it eats. Take a look at the skull features below.
2. Observe: Select the Bottom view and look at the size and shape of each species’ palate.
How does the maxillary angle and palate shape relate to the size of each species’ mouth?
Activity C (continued from previous page)
B. How do the size and shape of human canines compare with chimp canines?
4. Form hypothesis: Chimps and humans eat similar foods. What do you think could explain
the differences between the maxillary angle, teeth, and palate of these two species?
5. Infer: What is the relationship between the evolution of bipedalism, the increase in cranial
capacity, and the decrease in tooth and mouth size of hominins? (Hint: As cranial capacity
increased, the use of sophisticated stone tools became more common.)
6. Summarize: On a separate sheet of paper, record the age of each fossil. Then, look over all
the data you collected. Summarize how hominins changed as they evolved. _____________
7. Evaluate: Of the fossils presented in this Gizmo, Homo floresiensis is the youngest. In what
ways does this species NOT follow the pattern of human evolution you described above?