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Electric Fusion Machine 2

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fusion equipment


XrFuse 2 & 6
The user interface is designed in such a way
that it can meet the need for consistency of
a production laboratory, while at the same
time giving the analytical chemist the flexibility
to modify parameters as required. Cold-to-
cold operation means it is an ideal solution
where the health and safety requirements of
a production environment need to be strictly
adhered to.
If on the other hand, method development is
the critical requirement, the instrument can
be configured in a custom manner to meet
specific experimental needs. Zero Contamination
The ceramic cradle and holders ensure that
High Accuracy and Purity the environment for creating beads has
For applications such as mineral sands where zero contamination in comparison with that
high accuracy and purity is required across typically found with Inconel based solutions.
a broad range of elements, the absence of
contamination is a significant benefit.

Programmable Fusion Parameters

¢¢ reheating temperature and duration
¢¢Main heating temperature and duration
¢¢Rocking duration, speed and amplitude Simple User Interface
¢¢Stand duration Simple touch screen interface. The
Pouring angle User Interface is simple to use and
¢¢Cooling (2 stages) provides the flexibility to cope with
Pause at any time the simplest operation on a repeatable
¢¢Fusion complete-alarm basis or the most complex one off
XRF or ICP Mode experiments.

Established Technology

The XrFuse range of electric fusion machines

has been developped based on more than
25 years of experience of fusion technology and
applications. Now available in both a 6 place
high volume solution and a 2 place compact
model to cater for the needs of broad range of
customers. The XrFuse range represents the best
elements of XRFS established electrical fusion
range with significant advances in safety and
design. Designed with the latest thermal imaging
technology, consumer tested in the biggest
laboratories in the world, XrFuse is designed
with the customer in mind.
Process Visibility
The glass viewing panel allows the customer
to view the key elements of the fusion process
in action. This is particularly important for
method development.

Safe Operation
The external surfaces of the
instrument have been modelled
and developed with the latest IR
technology to ensure all contact
surfaces are safe to touch.

Process Flexibility –
XRF or ICP mode
The machine is designed Built to Last
to allow for both XRF or
ICP processes. Simple The XrFuse range has evolved from robust and
access, control and reliable technology developed for high volume, high
monitor, at the touch of up time applications in the Iron Ore industry in
a button. Australia. This tough environment has driven the
development of machines with component lifetimes
of up to 3 times of that of our major competitors.
When you buy an XrFuse, it’s built to last!

Technical specification 2 place 6 place

Construction Single external aluminium case

Lid Cool touch glass viewing window

Safety-interlocked during fusion and standby mode

Size (H x W x D) 580 x 780 x 800mm 580 x 1110 x 800mm

H 800mm with lid open H 800mm with lid open

Weight 80kg 100kg

User interface Touch screen user interface

password protected engineer levels

Programmable recipes Up to 12 user-defined recipes with naming flexibility

Insulation Ceramic fibre board

Maximum temperature 1250°C, real time temperature reading

Heating elements Silicon carbide

Thermocouples Type R

Over temperature protection 2nd thermocouple and insulation case thermostat

Power requirement 50/60Hz, 1/3-phase, 50/60Hz, 3-phase,

208 – 220 Volt 380 – 415 or 208 – 220 Volt

Power consumption 4kW 6kW

Cradle / mould holders Hi-purity ceramic, contamination proof

Crucible 30 – 40g

Mould 32/40mm, 40 – 100g

Throughput Up to 10 samples per hour Up to 30 samples per hour

Safety Emergency stop button

Cold-to-cold operation
Maximum external temperature of 50°C
CE certified independently tested by Pilz
Cat 4 rated dual safety circuit

Noise <70db

We reserve the right to change the design or

specification of our products without notice.
Some of the information contained in this
brochure is general in nature and customers
should check that it is applicable to their
individual circumstances.

The purchase of an XrFuse is the beginning ¢¢Advice on appropriate selection of flux and
of an ongoing relationship where we provide a standards
range of services to our customers. ¢¢Organization of platinum remake processes

¢¢Technical advice on difficult fusion issues

Whether you are new to fusion or a seasoned ¢¢

On-site support and preventative maintenance
professional, we have a range of services to programs
increase the accuracy and throughput of your
application. Please see our website for more details
of our representatives in your area:


fl u x a n d c h e m i c a l s

We are the world’s pre-eminent manufacturer of flux. We
can provide standard borate fluxes or custom solutions to
meet your specific needs.

platinum labware

We manufacture labware for all our fusion instruments
in house. We can also provide a remake service for the
transfer from other labware designs.

lab equipment

The XrWeigh allows the rapid and accurate measurement
of flux. Increasing laboratory throughput and process
fl u x a n d c h e m i c a l s

platinum labware

precision platinum

lab equipment

fusion equipment


XRF Technology (WA) Pty Ltd XRF Scientific Europe SPRL XRF Scientific Europe GmbH
67 Boulder Rd. Malaga Avenue de Roodebeek 282 Seligenstädter Str. 100
Western Australia, 6090 Australia 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium 63791 Karlstein, Germany
P: +61 (0) 8 6240 3000 P: +32 (0) 2 762 77 12 P: +49 (0) 6188 954 2761
F: +61 (0) 8 6240 3099 F: +32 (0) 2 762 55 07 F: +49 (0) 6188 954 2799
E: sales@xrfscientific.com E: info.eu@xrfscientific.com E: stefan.lang@xrfscientific.com


XRF Scientific LTD
86 Guthrie Street
Osborne Park WA 6017, Australia
P: +61 (0) 8 9244 0600
F: +61 (0) 8 9244 9611
E: info@xrfscientific.com www.xrfscientific.com

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