Liceo de Cagayan University: College of Nursing

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Paseo del Rio Campus, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City

Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

● Health Assessment RLE

Worksheet 1

Positions for Physical Assessment

(65 pts)

Positions Description (2pts each) Indications (2 pts each)

The client lies down on the This position assesses the
Dorsal Recumbent Position examination table or bed with client’s head, neck, chest,
knees bent, the legs separated, axillae, lungs, heart, extremities,
and the feet flat on the table or breasts and peripheral pulses. It
bed. is also more comfortable than
the supine position

The client lies on the back with The lithotomy position is used
Lithotomy positions the hips at the edge of the to examine the female genitalia,
examination table and the feet reproductive tracts, and the
supported by stirrups. rectum.

The client lies on the right or This position is useful for

Sim’s Position left side with the lower arm assessing the rectal and vaginal
placed behind the body and the areas
upper arm flexed at the shoulder
and the elbow. The lower leg is
slightly flexed at the knee while
the upper leg is flexed at a
sharper angle and pulled
The client stands still in a This position allows the
Erect Position normal, comfortable, resting examiner to assess posture,
posture. balance, and gait. This position
is also used for examining the
male genitalia
The client lies down on the The prone position is used
Prone Position abdomen with the head on the primarily to assess the hip joint.
side. The back can also be assess with
the client in this position

Ask the client to lie down within This position allows the
Dorsal/Supine Position the legs together on the abdominal muscles to relax and
examination table. A small provides easy access to
pillow may be placed under the peripheral pulse sites. Areas
head to promote comfort. If the assessed in this position may
client has trouble breathing, the include head, neck. Chest,
head of the bed may need to be breasts, etc.
It is a bed position wherein the This position is often used for
Fowler’s Position head of the bed is elevated 45 to patients who have cardiac
60 degrees. issues, trouble breathing, or a
nasogastric tube in place.

The Semi-Fowler’s position is Used for similar Fowler’s

Semi-Fowler’s Position an inclined medical position position purposes that include
where the patient is on their lung expansion and feeding, the
back at a bed angle between Semi-Fowler’s position is
30°-45° uniquely preferred during
childbirth to improve the
comfort of the mother

Head of the bed raised 15-30 This position is typically used

Paseo del Rio Campus, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Low-Fowler’s Position degrees after a procedure, to reduce

lower pain, to administer drugs,
and to prevent aspiration during
tube feeding.

The client kneels on the The knee-chest position is

Knee-Chest Position examination table with the useful for examining the rectum.
weight of the body supported by This position may be
the chest and the knees. A 90- embarrassing and uncomfortable
degree angle should exist for the client; therefore, the
between the body and the hips. client should be kept in the
The arms are placed above the position for as limited a time as
head, with the head turned to possible.
one side. A small pillow may be
used to provide comfort
The patient’s cervical spine is This position is used for
Hyperextension Position hyperextended when looking examining the neck, throat,
overhead toward the ceiling mouth, and nose.

Involves lowering the head of This position was promoted as a

Trendelenburg Position the bed and raising the foot of way to increase venous return to
the bed of the patient. The the heart, increase cardiac
patient’s arms should be tucked output and improve vital organ
at their sides perfusion

It is a patient position wherein This position is typically used to

Reverse Trendelenburg the the head of the bed is prevent bleeding and
elevated with the foot of the bed hypotension.
down. It is the opposite of
Trendelenburg’s position.

The head is supported with a This position is used to promote

Shock Position pillow, the trunk is horizontal venous blood return and for
and the legs are elevated at patient who is on shock.
about 15 degrees without
bending the knees

Places the patient in a sitting Typically used for lung

Orthopneic Position position or on the side of the bed expansion to enhance breathing.
with an overbed table in front to
lean on and several pillows on
the table to rest on.

The client should sit upright on This position is good for

Sitting Position the side of the examination evaluating the head, neck, lungs,
table. In the home or office chest, etc. This position is also
setting, the client can sit on the useful because it permits full
edge of a chair or bed. expansion of the lungs and it
allows the examiner to assess
symmetry of upper body parts.

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