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Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2023)

Text for question number 1 to 2

Kiel : “Grace, have you ever thought about the availability of gold within the Earth due to large
scale mining?”
Grace : “Yes, it’s a concerning issue. Gold is a finite resource and extensive mining can depletes its
Kiel : “ Exactly! The demand for golds keeps increasing, but there’s a limited supply. It raises
questions about its long-term availabilty.”
Grace : “Moreover, mining operations can cause environmental damage, like deforestation and
water pollution. It’s a double-edged sword.”
Kiel : “Absolutely, Grace. We need to consider sustainable mining practices and explore
alternative methods to reduce the impact on the environment.”

1. What are the potential consequences of 2. What does the dialogue talk about?
extensive gold mining on the A. The long-term availability of gold
environment? and the sufficient biodiversity.
A. Sufficient biodiversity B. The availability of gold and the
B. Limitless wealth impact of its mining on the
C. Abundant living environment.
D. Environmental damage C. People need to consider sustainable
E. Long-term availability mining practices on the
UTBK 2023 environment.
D. Earth’s pollution because of mining
E. The increasing demand for gold and
UTBK 2023

Text for question number 3 to 5

Coronary artery disease is a common heart condition that affects the major blood vessels
that supply the heart muscle. Cholesterol deposits (plaque) in the heart arteries are usually the
cause of coronary coronary artery disease. The build up of his plaque is called atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis reduces blood flow to the heart and other parts of the body. It can lead to a heart
attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.
Coronary artery disease symptoms may be different for men and women. For instance, men
are more likely to have chest pain. Women are more likely to have othe symptoms along with chest
discomfort, such as shortness of breath, nausea, and extreme fatigue.
Symptoms of coronary artery disease can include chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure,
and chest discomfort (angina), shortness of breath, pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper belly area or
back, pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in the legs or arms if the blood vessels in those body
areas are narrowed.
You might not be diagnosed with coronary artery disease until you have a heart attack,
angina, stroke, or heart failure. It’s important for heart symptoms and discuss concerns with your
health care provide. Heart (cardiovascular) disease can sometimes be found eary with regular health
Source: mayoclinic.org
Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2023)

3. The main idea of the passage is ... D. Stomach

A. Lack of oxygen level in the blood E. Hull
vessels UTBK 2023
B. Chest discomfort along with nausea
C. Coronary artery disease in humans 5. The author’s attitude toward the topic of
D. How to recognize Atherosclerosis the passage is ...
E. The heart as part of the body A. Doubtful
UTBK 2023 B. Anxious
C. Objective
4. The word in bold has a formal form as ... D. Informal
A. Tummy E. Subjective
B. Bowels UTBK 2023
C. Gastric

Text for question number 6 to 7

Many private schools have an academic threshold that prospective students must meet for
consideration and/or acceptance. The admissions process might include interviews, assesments and
testing, essays, and thorough examination of scholarly history and goals. Students may or may not
be admitted basen on any one private school’s application process.
It is commonly believed private schools do not receive government funding. In some cases
this is true. The answers get more complicated as you more closely consider federal vs state
education dollars and the current efforts of state lawmakers to finalize legislation allowing public
education money to be used by private institutions. Currently, however, we can say public funding
typically doesn’t pay tuition for the majority of private shcool students.
As a result, private schooling is funded by tuition, which can range greatly in cost depending
on the type of school. The average annual tuition for nonsectarian private school in the US is $25k.
While education is considered an investment in your child’s future, it’s worthwhile to look into
tuition discounts, bundles, and payment plans offered when considering affordability.
Source: laurelsprings.com

6. According to the text, the following 7. The main topic of the given passage is ....
statements about private schools are A. Private schools admissions, funding,
true, except .... and tuition.
A. Private schools don’t receive B. Public funding in private schooling.
government funding. C. Academic threshold for prospective
B. Public funding typically does not pay students.
the tuition for the majority of D. Public schooling tuition.
private school students. E. Private school receive significant
C. Private schools is funded by tuition government funding.
just like public schools. UTBK 2023
D. Admission to private schools is not
solely determined by anyone
application process.
E. Private schools rely on tuition as
their main source of funding.
UTBK 2023
Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2023)

Text for question number 8 to 10

Tree, woody plant that regularly renews its growth (perennial). Most plants classified as trees have a
single self-supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in most species the trunk produces
secondary limbs, called branches. To many, the word tree evokes images of such ancient, powerful,
and majestic structures as oaks and sequoias, the latter being the most massive and longest-living
organisms in the world. Although the majority of Earth’s terrestial biomass is represented by trees,
the fundamental importance of these seemingly ubiquitous plants for the very existence and
diversity of life on Earth is perhaps not fully appreciated. The biosphere is dependent on the
metabolism, death, and recycling plants, especially trees. Their vast trunks and root systems store
carbon dioxide, move water, and produce oxygen that is release into the atmosphere. The organic
matter of the soil develops primarily from decayed leaves, twigs, branches, roots, and fallen trees, all
of which recycle nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and other important nutrients. There are few organisms
as important as trees for maintaining Earth’s ecology.
Source: britannica.com

8. What can be inferred from the passage one of the most important
above? organisms in this regard.
A. The word trees evokes images of E. Most plants classified as trees have
modern and fragile structures such multiple trunks containing woody
as oaks and sequoias. tissues.
B. The biosphere is independent of the UTBK 2023
metabolism, death, and recycling of
plants. 9. Another word that can be replaced
C. The organic matter of the soil “twigs” is ....
primarily develops from fresh leaves, A. Root.
twigs, branches, roots, and fallen B. Branch.
trees. C. Solitude.
D. Trees are vital for maintaining D. Diatribe.
Earth’s ecology and are considered E. Enormous.
UTBK 2023

Text for question number 10

Clara : “Hey Shinta, have you heard about these new pills that everyone’s been talking about?
Shinta : “Yes, I’ve heard about them. They seem to be quite popular lately. What do you think
about them?”
Clara : “Well, I’m a bit skeptical, to be honest. I’ve heard mixed reviews about their effectiveness
and potential side effects. I think it’s important to be cautious when it comes to such
Shinta : “I completely agree with you, Clara. It’s always better to prioritize our health and well
being. I believe that maintaining a balance diet and engaging in regular excercise is a safer
and more sustaiable approach to weight management.”
Clara : “Absolutely! I think these diet pills may offer quick results, but we have to consider the
long-term effects on our bodies. Besides, adopting a healthy lifestyle is not just about losing
weight, but also about promoting overall wellness.”
Shinta : “That’s great point, Clara. It’s not worth risking our health for temporary results. Instead,
let’s focus on making healthies food choices and finding enjoyable ways to stay active. It’s a
journey toward a healthier lifestyle rather than relying on shortcuts.”
Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2023)

Clara : “You’re right, Shinta. Let’s support each other in making positive changes and encouraging
others to do the same. Together, we can achieve our fitness goals in a safe and sustainable
Shinta : “Absolutely, Clara! Health should always be our top priority. I’m glad we have this
conversation and reaffirmed the importance of making informed choices for our well-being.”
Clara : “Me too, Shinta. Let’s stay committed to a healthy lifestyle and inspire others to do the
same. It’s not just about looking good, but feeling good inside and out.”
Shinta : “Definitely, Clara. Here’s a journey of self-care, wellness, and making smart choices. Cheers
to our health.”

10. Which statements can weaken Shinta’s opinion about the relationship between diet pills and
A. It is better to lose weight through regular excercise.
B. Proper food selection and a healty lifestyle can aid in weight loss.
C. Health is the top priority, so don’t be complacent when it comes to diet pills.
D. Recent research has shown that there are no side effects associated with the consumption
of diet pills.
E. Diet pills can cause health problems, so it is wise to use them judiciously.
UTBK 2023

Text for question number 11 and 12

Water pollution in Africa is being caused by humans. There’s no denying it. The very species that is
so dependent on safe and clean water is the species that is causing freshwater sources to be
polluted. But what is water pollution? Water pollution is the process of foreign substances entering a
water body (either above or below ground) and in the process causing the water to be unusable or
toxic to the ecosystem in which it is located. The effects of water pollution are catastrophic: Plant
and animal life suffers and so do vulnerable people and communities.

Plastic pollution in Africa is a political issue. Every year, thousands of ton of plastic waste is shipped
into countries like South Africa and Kenya from Global North, where most of it finds its way into
fragile river and dam ecosystems, causing water pollution. Africa’s coastlines are also being
threatened by water pollution. Kenyan authorities are struggling with a massive rise in illegal
dumping of plastic waste in the Indian Ocean. Many sea-dwelling animals choke to death on
microplastics, mistaking them for food.
Source: greenpeace.org

11. The relationship between the two texts is 12. The similarity between text 1 and 2 is ....
indicated by the pattern of .... A. Water pollution in Indian Ocean.
A. Cause-effect B. Mass death of living creatures due
B. Narrative-informative to garbage.
C. Recount-Discussion C. Water and environmental pollution
D. Descriptive-Informative in Africa.
E. Anecdote-News D. Escalating political issue in Africa.
UTBK 2023 E. Africa and Kenya are the largest
contributors of waste in the world.
UTBK 2023
Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2023)

Text for question number 13 to 15

Tuberculosis spreads easily where people gather in crowds or where people live in crowded
conditions. People with HIV/AIDS and other people with weakened immune systems have higher risk
of catching tuberculosis than people with typical immune systems. Drugs called antibiotics can treat
tuberculosis. But some forms of the bacteria (especially Mycobacterium tuberculosis) no longer
respond well to treatments. When TB germs survive and multiply in the lungs, it is called a TB
infection. A TB infection may be in one of three stages and the symptoms are diffrent in each stage.
Primary TB infection is the first stage of TB infection. Immune system cells finds and capture the
germs. The immune system may completely destroy the germs. But some captured germs may still
survive and multiply. Primary infection is usually followed by the stage called latent TB infection.
Immune system cells build a wall around lung tissue with TB germs. The germs can’t do any more
harm if the immune system keeps them under control. But the germs survive. There are no
symptoms during latent TB infection. The last one is active TB Disease, happen when the immune
system can’t control an infection. Germs cause disease throughout the lungs or other parts of the
body. Active TB disease may happen right after primary infection. But it usually happens after
months or years of latent TB infection.
Source: mayoclinic.org

13. What information can be inferred from 14. The paragraph preceding the text most
the text above? likely talk about ....
A. The bacteria living in the lungs do A. Severe tuberculosis infection.
not respond when given supporting B. The initial explanation of
antibiotic drugs. tuberculosis.
B. Immune cells build a wall to protect C. Methods of tuberculosis
the bacteria, allowing them to grow management.
comfortably in the lungs. D. Tuberculosis prevention.
C. There are no symptoms when E. Recommended activites for
tuberculosis becomes severe, so tuberculosis patients.
people can carry on with their usual UTBK 2023
D. Tuberculosis can cause extemely 15. The following words are alternative
severe drowsiness in every patient. meaning of the word “destroy”
E. Tuberculosis is a lung infection (paragraph 2), except ....
caused by the bacterium M. A. Demolish
Tuberculosis and the infection B. Annihilate
occurs in three stages. C. Preserve
UTBK 2023 D. Exterminate
E. Devastating
UTBK 2023

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