Chopped Carbon Fibers Innovative Materia
Chopped Carbon Fibers Innovative Materia
Chopped Carbon Fibers Innovative Materia
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P P Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Dept, Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, India
P Deputy Manager, Ambuja Cements Ltd, Andheri East India
PGraduate Student, Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli, Mumbai, India
Abstract— the purpose of this research is based on the Keywords—Fibers, Chopped Carbon Fiber, Fiber
investigation of the use of short fibres in structural reinforced concrete, The minimum or critical fibre
concrete to enhance the mechanical properties of volume dosage rate, fibres volume dosage. Split tensile
concrete. The objective of the study was to determine test.
and compare the differences in properties of concrete
containing no fibres and concrete with fibres, as well as I. INTRODUCTION
the comparison on the effects of different volume of Fibre Concrete is acknowledged to be a relatively brittle
fibres to the concrete. This investigation was carried out
material when subjected to normal stresses and impact
using several tests, which included workability test,
compressive test, split tensile test and flexural test. loads, where tensile strength is only approximately one
tenth of its compressive strength. As a result for these
A total of five mix batches of concrete containing 0%, characteristics, concrete member could not support such
0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% fibre volume dosage rate loads and stresses that usually take place, majority on
on carbon fibres were tested to determine the concrete beams and slabs.
enhancement of mechanical properties of concrete. The
workability of concrete significantly reduced as the
fibre dosage rate increases. This was assessed through
standard slump test. Results of compressive strength
test indicated that the use of fibre in concrete increase
the strength and help in early strength gain. In flexural
and split tensile test showed specimens with fibres that
drastic increase in strength from specimens without
The usage of fibres were fully utilized in split tensile test
as the fibres don’t allow splitting of concrete specimens
after the first crack. Flexure test results showed us that
the concrete with fibres didn’t have brittle failure after
first crack and the concrete could take further load
after first crack indicating increase in ductility of
As to create a cost efficient fibre reinforced structure,
these changes on fibres are vital to the design and
construction. However, further investigations are Figure 1: Types of fibres available in market.
recommended and could be carried out to understand
more mechanical properties of fibre reinforced In the early stage of fibre development, steel and glass
concrete. fibres with geometry of straight and smooth were used, as
these fibres improve in ductility, flexural strength and
fracture toughness of concrete matrix [1, 2, 3]. Figure 1 shows
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-4, July 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470
workability with increased volume dosage of fibres. This III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK
has a tendency to influence the quality of concrete and
A. The minimum amount
strength. [4, 6, 15]
tensile strength, which are a new form of binder that could To alter and further the effects of fibre reinforced concrete,
combine Portland cement in the bonding with cement fibre dosage rates of 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% by
matrices [5, 13, 19] .Fibres are most generally discontinuous,
volume were selected. Summary of Mix design in table no
randomly distributed throughout the cements matrices. The 2.[17, 18, 19]. As a result, a total of 5 mix batches were
term of ‘Fibre reinforced concrete’ (FRC) is made up with required for this project, which involves 4 different
volumes of carbon fibres and a control mix batch. From
cement, various sizes of aggregates, which incorporate with current information, when fibre volume dosage is around
discrete, discontinuous fibres. [7, 9, 14]
F.A. 47%
Elongation % 1.8 C.A.-I 16%
Tensile Strength MPA 4,300 C.A.-II 37%
Tensile Modulus Gpa 230 Table 2: Summary of mix design
Bulk Density g/liter 350
Sizing agent Poly urethane % 1.2 VOLUME AND WEIGHT OF CARBON FIBRE
Table 1.Properties of carbon fibres Short pitch chopped Carbon fibers Volume of fibers Weight of
(%) (in lit) fibers(in kg)
carbon fibres: (source: Ramesh carbon suppliers)
0.00% Control mix
0.25% 2.5 0.875
These fibres with different volume fractions have been
0.50% 5 1.75
used in this study to study the effect of short chopped
carbon fibres on mechanical properties (compressive 0.75% 7.5 2.625
strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength) of 1.00% 10 3.5
concrete. Carbon fibre, is a material consisting of fibres
Table 3 Carbon fibres by weight required per cum. of
about 5–10 μm in diameter and composed mostly of carbon
To produce carbon fibre, the carbon atoms are bonded
together in crystals that are more or less aligned parallel to
the long axis of the fibre as the crystal alignment gives the
fibre high strength-to-volume ratio (making it strong for its
size). Several thousand carbon fibres are bundled together
to form a tow, which may be used by itself or woven into a
fabric.[10, 11, 13]
Figure 3 Drying of River sand before sieve analysis. Chart 2. Percentage of compressive strength attained with
respect to compressive strength of control mix at 28 days
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-4, July 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470
VII. RESULTS DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The indirect tensile test results have an increasing trend of
The comparisons of mechanical properties and average tensile strength for fibre reinforced concrete when
behaviour include the workability, compressive strength, the fibre volume dosage rate increased. This increase in
indirect tensile strength and flexural strength. With the tensile strength was due to the nature of binding of fibre
discussions and results obtained from the experimental available in concrete. When the reinforced concrete was
force to split apart in the tensile strength test, the load was
transferred into the fibres as pull-out behaviour when the To widen the use of fibre reinforced concrete, different or
concrete matrix began to crack where it exceeded the pre- more complicated geometry of fibre can be used to
crack state. The control batch specimens containing no investigate the effects of short fibres in the concrete
fibres failed suddenly once the concrete cracked, while the through fresh and hardened properties.
fibre reinforced concrete specimens were still intact
together. This shows that the fibre reinforced concrete has The mechanical properties of fibre reinforced concrete may
the ability to absorb energy in the post-cracking state. be different in various temperatures. Test on hot weather
and cold weather concreting can be performed.
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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-4, July 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470