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Sand equivalent and methylene blue value of aggregates for highway


Article · January 2007


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Evaggelos Manthos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


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No. 10 2007


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering
54006 Thessaloniki, Greece



Received: 24 April 2007

Accepted: 22 November 2007

The suitability of the aggregates for the construction of base course and asphalt
layers of a pavement is determined by various parameters-properties. One of these prop-
erties is aggregate cleanliness. The two basic tests that determine the cleanliness of the
aggregates are the sand equivalent test and the methylene blue test. In the present paper,
firstly, a reference is being made to the two tests and to the limits used by international
standards. Secondly, relevant results are presented from a significant number of lime-
stone and ‘non-limestone’ aggregates. From the results obtained it is concluded that some
aggregates with acceptable sand equivalent value do not satisfy the methylene blue re-
quirement. Similarly, aggregates that do not satisfy the sand equivalent requirement are
suitable to be used in highway engineering.

Key words: Aggregates, Sand Equivalent, Methylene Blue Test


One of the basic parameters for achieving proper pavement construction

is the suitability of the aggregates used in the unbound and bitumen bound lay-
ers. This suitability depends on various parameters related to physical and me-
chanical characteristics of the aggregates. One basic parameter is their cleanli-
ness from clay materials.

Corresponding author. Tel.: 0030-2310-995759; fax: 0030-2310-995764
E-mail address: (A. Nikolaides)

© Publishing House of Poznan University of Technology, Poznań 2007

ISSN 1642-9303
112 A. Nikolaides, E. Manthos, M. Sarafidou

It is important to determine whether the clay materials are harmful to the

performance of the pavement layers. The harmful materials are susceptible to
moisture i.e. they absorb moisture causing swelling and debonding of the bitu-
men from the aggregates. Thus, the question raised is: How to detect the pres-
ence of clay particles and how to determine whether they are harmful or not.
The laboratory tests that give the answers to the above are the well known
sand equivalent test and the less well known methylene blue test.
In this paper, after a brief explanation of swelling-expansion mechanism, a ref-
erence is made to the two tests and to the limits proposed and used by interna-
tional standards. Secondly, relevant useful results are presented from a signifi-
cant number of limestone and ‘non-limestone’ aggregates sampled from Central
and Northern Greece.


In highway engineering the general term - clay is used to describe very

small particles that may have a detrimental effect on the performance of un-
bound and bound materials. In terms of grain size, clay refers to particles less
than 2µm in diameter. The structures of the common clay minerals are made up
of combinations of two simple structural units, the silicon tetrahedron and the
aluminum or magnesium octahedron [1, 2].
Clay materials occur in small particle sizes and their unit cells ordinarily
have a residual negative charge in their surface. When clay particles are placed
in water, the space between the particles is taken over by water molecules,
which behave as dipoles with a negative pole, the oxygen atom a positive pole
and the two atoms of hydrogen. At the same time the presence of the negatively
charged clay materials and the dipoles of water, leads to the development of
electro molecular forces which attract and hold the dipoles of water. The
charged surface and the distributed charge around the particles are together
termed the diffuse double layer [2].
Clay particles are multi layer formations. The distance between layers and
the presence of free cations in the interlayer space are the main reasons for the
swelling or not of clay. These two characteristics vary between the clay miner-
als. The presence of free cations results in the absorption of water dipoles to the
interlayer, so that chemical balance is achieved. When the distance between the
layers is small, the attractive forces among the layers are powerful and overwin
the absorption of water, so swelling does not occur. On the contrary, when the
distance between the layers is significant, the interlayer bonds are weak. In this
case, the absorption of water in the interlayer occurs and continues until the
bonds fail. At that time, the clay particles are separated and rearranged and
Sand equivalent and methylene blue value of aggregates for highway engineering 113

swelling is observed. The magnitude of the phenomenon depends on other fac-

tors too which can act individually or together and magnify or decrease the ma-
jor mechanisms that are mentioned above. Such factors are the density of the
surface charge, the type and the valence of the cations, the concentration of the
electrolytes and the dielectric constant [2].
As it is concluded from the above, swelling depends on the type of clay
mineral. Swelling minerals are considered to be the minerals of the smectite
group with a major representative -the montmorillonite. Non swelling clay min-
erals are : the pyrophyllite, the margarite and the illite.


3.1 Sand equivalent test

The objective of the test is to quickly evaluate the relative portion of clay
in the sand that is to be used in unbound and bituminous bound layers. A low
value of sand equivalent characterize the fine aggregate as “dirty” and indicates
that possibly the clay materials are harmful.
The test is carried out on the 0/2mm fraction in fine aggregates according
to the EN 933-8 specification [3]. From a representative portion of sand, a sam-
ple of 120gr is taken and is poured into a plastic graduated cylinder. Then, a
washing solution of calcium chloride is added into the cylinder, until it reaches
the height of almost 100 mm. The cylinder is left for 10±1 min to soak the test
sample. At the end of the 10 min period the cylinder is sealed and shaked for a
period of 30±1 sec. The shaking can be done by hand or by a shaker. After the
shaking the cylinder is replaced in an upright vertical position and more solution
of calcium chloride is added. The adding stops when the level of the liquid
reaches the upper mark of the 380±0.25 mm. The cylinder is left to settle, with-
out disturbance and free from vibration for 20±0.25min. At the end of this pe-
riod, the heights of the sand (hs) and clay (hc) are measured. The sand equivalent
value is determined by equation 1:
SE = (hs / hc ) x100 (1)

For a specific aggregate, two cylinders are used. The sand equivalent
value is calculated as the average of the values of the two cylinders and is re-
corded to the nearest whole number.
The minimum values of sand equivalent specified by various specifica-
tions for unbound and bound layers are given in Table 1.
114 A. Nikolaides, E. Manthos, M. Sarafidou

Table 1. Specification limit values for the sand equivalent

Revised Greek ASTM
Specifications(a) 2940 French
Aggregates for: Specs
ASTM specs.[7]
Bituminous mixtures for
≥55 ≥50 ≥60
wearing courses ≥55
Bituminous base course ≥50 ≥50 ≥50
Unbound base course ≥50 ≥35 ≥40 or ≥50
Unbound sub-base course ≥40 ≥35 (≥30) or ≥60
Cold bituminous mixtures
- for wearing course ≥55 - - ≥50
- for binder or base layer ≥45
Surface dressing ≥55 - - ≥60
(a) To be authorized [6]

3.2 Methylene blue test

The methylene blue test is executed in order to determine whether the
clay minerals are active and harmful. The active clay materials expand, depend-
ing on the moisture content. Methylene blue test is the only test that gives this
information accurately and quickly. The test is carried out according to the EN
933-09 [4].
An appropriate quantity of the aggregate is dried (200g-210g of the
0/2mm fraction or 30±0.1g of the 0/0.125 mm fraction) and placed in a beaker
with 500 ml of demineralized water. The mixture is stirred for 5 min. At the end
of the 5 minute period, 5 ml of the methylene blue dye solution is added. The
new mixture is stirred again for 1 min. Then, a “stain” test is executed. The stain
test is carried out by dipping a glass rod into the mixture and then allowing a
drop of the mixture to fall onto a filter paper. If the test portion has absorbed all
the dye, the drop on the filter paper appears as a spot of blue stained grains sur-
rounded by a colorless halo. The test is considered positive when the central
spot is surrounded by a light blue halo, with a thickness of almost 1 mm. If after
the addition of the 5 ml of the methylene blue dye solution a halo does not ap-
pear, 5 ml of the dye solution is added, the mixture is stirred again and a test
spot is carried out. If again, a halo does not appear the procedure is repeated, in
exactly the same way, until the halo appears. The halo must remain visible for 5
min in order to consider that the test has been finished. If the halo disappears at
the first 4 minutes another 5 ml of the dye solution is added. If it disappears
during the fifth minute, only 2 ml of the dye solution is added. After the test is
finished, the total volume Vi of the methylene blue dye solution which was used
for the formation of the halo (retained visible for 5 minutes) is recorded to the
nearest 1 ml.
Sand equivalent and methylene blue value of aggregates for highway engineering 115

The Methylene blue value MB, recorded in grams of dye solution per
kilograms of the aggregate of the 0/2mm fraction is given by equation 2:
MB = (Vi / M i ) x10 g/kg (2)

Where Mi is the mass of the sample in grams and Vi is the total volume added in
In case that the 0/0.125mm fraction is used the result is recorded as MBF.
In every case, the methylene blue value is recorded to the nearest 0.1 g of the
dye solution per kilogram of aggregate fraction.
At present, there aren’t many countries that have included this test as an
acceptance requirement in their specifications. France, USA and now Greece are
some of the few countries that have implemented this test in their National
specifications. The limit values required are as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Permissible Methylene Blue values according to international specifications

Greek Specifica-
French specifications ISSA(a)
tions (EOAE) (b)
Aggregates for: NF XP P 18-540 [7] TB 145
Unbound and bitu- ≤2.0 whenS.E.<60
minous bound ≤2.5 whenS.E.<50 ≤10 - ≤3.0 ≤10
layers ≤3.0 when S.E.<40

Wearing courses ≤2 ≤10 - - ≤10

Concrete ≤1 ≤10 - - -
Railway works ≤1 ή ≤2 - - - -
(slurry seal) and ≤2 ≤10 ≤10 or ≤7 - ≤10
cold mixtures
(a) ISSA= International Slurry Seal Association, USA [8]
(b) EOAE= Egnatia Odos S.A. (Major State owned construction company)
(c) The test is performed on a 0/0.075 aggregate fraction


The aggregates examined in this paper come from 15 quarries, situated

around Central and Northern Greece. In addition to the above, one steel slug
was also tested. Eight of the samples were limestone aggregates and seven were
non limestone aggregates suitable for wearing courses with respect to their
hardness. Table 3 shows the region of the aggregate quarry and the correspond-
116 A. Nikolaides, E. Manthos, M. Sarafidou

ing numbering assigned. It is mentioned, that samples 15-1 to 15-7 from quarry
No. 15 are collected from stockpiles having different storage period while sam-
ples 15-8 to 15-14 are collected from constructed unbound layers. The reason
for this was the fact that early sand equivalent tests showed a changing behavior
in sand equivalent value with sampling time after crushing.
Prior to sand equivalent and methylene blue testing, all samples except
No. 15, an analysis of particle size distribution was made, considering that sam-
ples belonged to the sand fraction. The particle size gradations for the limestone
aggregates are shown in Figure 1 and for the non limestone aggregates and the
slug in Figure 2. The gradation envelops shown on both figures are the recom-
mended limits of the sand fraction for producing asphalt concrete.
As it can be seen, the particle size distribution varies among sand from
different quarries. Variability was also observed on the percentage of the filler
content. The percentage of the filler content varied between 8.5% to18.9%, for
the limestone aggregates, and 4.5% to 12.5%, for the non limestone aggregates.

Table 3. Regions of aggregate origin and notationification of quarries

Limestone aggregates Non limestone aggregates
Region of origin Notification Region of origin Notification
Evros A, Northern Greece 1 Evros, Northern Greece 9
Thessaloniki, Northern Volos, Central Greece 10
2-1 & 2-2
Kavala, Northern Greece 3 Ioannina, Central Greece 11
Evros B, Northern Greece 4 Grevena, Northern 12
Ioannina A, Central Greece 5 Kilkis, Northern Greece 13
Ioannina B, Central Greece 6 Pella, Northern Greece 14
15-1 to 15-7
Thessaloniki, Northern
Evros C, Northern Greece 7 and 15-8 to
Ioannina C, Central Greece 8 Steel slug, Northern 16
Sand equivalent and methylene blue value of aggregates for highway engineering 117

0.063 0.25 0.5 1.18 2 4.75 6.3



80 Sand limits according toΑ-100

Persentage passing (%)


7 6
40 1

0.063 0.25 0.5 1.18 2 4.75 6.3
S ieves (mm)

Figure 1 Sieve analysis of limestone aggregates (sand)

0.063 0.25 0.5 1.18 2 4.75 6.3


Persentage passing (%)

70 Sand limits according to Α-100 11
60 10
50 16

0.063 0.25 0.5 1.18 2 4.75 6.3
S ieves (mm)

Figure 2 Sieve analysis for non limestone aggregates (sand)


The results obtained from the sand equivalent (SE) and methylene blue
(MB) tests carried out are summarized in Table 4.
118 A. Nikolaides, E. Manthos, M. Sarafidou

Table 4. Sand equivalent and methylene blue results

Limestone aggregates Non limestone aggregate
Quarry S.E MB MBF Quarry S.E MB MBF
1 68 0.5 1.7 9 54 11.3 16.7
2-1 69 0.5 3.3 10 43 3.8 11.7
2-2 74 0.3 2.6 11 59 1.3 3.3
3 76 0.3 1.7 12 81 1.8 6.7
4 79 1.3 3.3 13 55 2.3 5.0
5 58 0.5 1.7 14 90 2.8 8.3
45, 40, 1.8, 1.8, 5.0, 5.0,
15-1 to 30, 41, 2.0, 1.8, 5.6, 5.0,
6 61 0.8 3.3 1.8, 1.8, 5.0, 5.0,
15-7 34, 36,
40 0.8 3.3,
22, 22, 2.5, 2.6, 5.0, 6.1,
15-8 to 23, 24, 2.7, 2.2, 6.7, 5.0,
7 70 0.3 1.7 1.9, 1.9, 5.0, 5.0,
15-14 22, 49,
48 2.0 5.0
8 80 0.3 1.7 16 77 0.3 1.7


6.1 Sand Equivalent Test

the sand equivalent values of the limestone aggregates tested varied from
58 to 80. Similarly, for the non-limestone aggregates the sand equivalent values
varied from 22 to 90 respectively. According to the Greek Specifications all
limestone aggregates tested are suitable for use in highway engineering.
As far as the non-limestone aggregates are concerned, only some of them
are suitable for unbound and bituminous bound layers. In particular, only five
out of eight materials examined, could be considered suitable for highway engi-
neering according to sand equivalent criterion. Among the rest of the non lime-
stone materials, the aggregate from quarry No. 10 is suitable only for sub-base
layer and Νο. 9 is suitable for both unbound layers, but not for bituminous mix-
tures. Aggregate Νο. 15, because of its low and variable values obtained, is not
acceptable neither for unbound nor bituminous bound layers.

6.2 Methylene Blue Test

The methylene blue values (MB) of the limestone aggregates varied from
0.3 to 1.3, when fraction 0/2mm was used. Similarly, the methylene blue values,
when fraction 0/0.125mm was used (MBF), varied from 1.7 to 3.3.
Sand equivalent and methylene blue value of aggregates for highway engineering 119

For the non-limestone aggregates tested, the methylene blue values (MB)
varied from 0.3 to 11.3 when 0/2mm fraction was used and the MBF from 1.7 to
16.7 when fraction 0/0.125mm was used.
According to French Standards and the draft Greek Specifications, all
limestone and non-limestone aggregates, apart from Νο. 9 and Νο. 10, are suit-
able for both unbound and bituminous bound layers. The aggregates from quar-
ries Νο. 9 and Νο. 10 are thought to be unsuitable as they contain harmful clay
materials (swelling).
It is worth noticing that the aggregates from quarries Νο. 9 and Νο. 10
were found to be suitable if only the sand equivalent criterion was taken into
consideration. On the contrary, the aggregate from quarry Νο. 15 was found
unsuitable according to the sand equivalent criterion, alone. However, the ag-
gregates from this quarry, despite its low to very low sand equivalent values are
suitable according to the methylene blue criterion. This is because although they
contain excessive amount of very fine particles (≤2µm), the particles are not
active and harmful to pavement construction.
According to the above mentioned facts it is concluded that the applica-
tion of the sand equivalent criterion alone is not safe. It could lead to the accep-
tance of an unsuitable aggregate or to the rejection of a suitable aggregate. The
first affects the quality of works while the second affects the economy of the
construction and the environmental intrusion. When additionally taking into
considerationthe methylene blue criterion, proper use of natural materials is
achieved. This reflects the economy of the construction cost and the protection
of the environment. It must be remembered that hard and durable materials,
suitable for wearing courses, in particular, are scarce in nature.



The results of sand equivalent and methylene blue values (MBF) obtained
are plotted in Figure 3.
When examining the relation between the two measures it was found that
there is no correlation. The same applies if the results obtained from fraction
0/2mm were considered. This was more or less expected due to the different
nature of the two tests.
What could be said for certain is that limestone aggregates with accept-
able sand equivalent value, they surely satisfy the methylene blue criterion.
120 A. Nikolaides, E. Manthos, M. Sarafidou


Limestone aggregates
90 Non Limestone aggregates
MBF Limit
Sand Equivalent, %






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Methylene blue value, ΜΒF

Figure 3 Sand equivalent and Methylene blue results

However, this is not the case for hard and durable non-limestone aggre-
gates. There are cases where although the sand equivalent criterion is satisfied,
the aggregates may contain harmful clay materials and hence not satisfying the
methylene blue criterion. Therefore, it can be said that for non-limestone aggre-
gates both tests must be carried out and both criteria must be applied and the
acceptance decision should be based on the methylene blue criterion.


From the results obtained in this study the conclusions are as follows:
1. The limestone aggregates produced from crushing clean parent rocks posses
high sand equivalent values.
2. The sand equivalent test is not a reliable test to determine whether or not
any aggregate material is suitable for pavement construction.
3. For the determination of suitability of a limestone aggregate, if sand equiva-
lent criterion is satisfied, it is not necessary to perform the methylene blue
4. As for the determination of suitability of a non limestone aggregate, both
tests must be performed and in case the sand equivalent criterion is not sat-
Sand equivalent and methylene blue value of aggregates for highway engineering 121

isfied the acceptance or rejection should be based on the methylene blue cri-
5. Depending on which fraction of material is preferable to be used in the me-
thylene blue test, there seems to be no important difference, since the results
in both cases provide the same information. However, using the fraction
0/0.125mm, smaller dispersion of the results and better repeatability were
6. Based on the finding of (5) it is recommended to use the fraction
0/0.125mm, when the filler content in the aggregate mixture is ≥3%. If the
filler content in the aggregate mixture is <3%, fraction 0/2mm may be used
to run the methylene blue test.
7. Among the quarries examined it was observed that there is a big variability
in relation to the aggregate gradation of the produced sands. This is not a
convenient situation for a highway engineer.
8. As expected the filler content in the limestone sands grows constantly as
opposed to the filler content in the non limestone sands.


1. A. Nikolaides, Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials, Quality con-

trol, 2nd edition, A.F. Nikolaides, Thessaloniki, Greece
2. Mitcell James K. Fundamentals of soil behavior, 2nd edition, USA, John
Wiley & Sons Inc. 1993.
3. ΕΝ 933-08. Test for geometrical properties of aggregates –Part 8: Assess-
ment of fines-Sand equivalent test
4. ΕΝ 933-09. Test for geometrical properties of aggregates –Part 9: Assess-
ment of fines-Methylene blue test
5. ISSA TB No 145, Methylene Blue Test. USA
6. Normalisation Fransaise XP P 18-540. AFNOR.Granulats. 1997
7. Revised Greek Specifications, A-100 and O-100, Aggregates for asphalt con
crete and unbound layers, Submitted for authorization
8. PTP A-265 and O-155, Aggregates for asphalt concrete and unbound layers,
Ministry of Public Works, Athens, 1966
9. Technical Note, 354/12/29.8.03, Egnatia Odos S.A., 2003

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