Power Distribution of VSP Done at Vizag Steel
Power Distribution of VSP Done at Vizag Steel
Power Distribution of VSP Done at Vizag Steel
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power distribution system with 220 KV supply taken from AP TRANSCO and
220 KV at MRS.
load block sub stations-1,2,3,4 from where Voltage at this level will go to
different shop flows of the Plant viz., sinter plant, blast furnace, steel melting
shop, etc., there it is further stepped down to 415 V to fed the different loads of
the plant by load center sub stations (LCSS) major loads like 11 KV and 6.6
To have reliable power supply V.S.P. has adopted auto bus transfer
system (ABT) to its various switch boards. Where the bus coupler closes
automatically in case of failure of any one source of the switch board. This
automatic clousure of the bus coupler ensures reliable power supply to the
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Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, the first coastal based steel plant of India is
million tones per annum of liquid steel and 2.656 million tones of saleable steel.
VSP is the first integrated Steel Plant in the country to be certified to all
management (ISO – 14001) and for occupational health and safety (OHSAS –
VSP exports quality pig iron and steel products to Srilanka, Myanmar,
Nepal, Middle East, USA and South East Asia. Having a total manpower of
about 16,613 VSP has envisaged a labour productivity of 265 tones per man-
year of liquid steel, which is the best in the country and comparable with
international levels.
India on 18th Feb. 1982 formed a new company called Rashtriya Ispat Nigam
Limited (RINL)
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and transferred the responsibility of constructing, commissioning and operating
Finally all the units were constructed and dedicated to the nation by then Prime
production, some of them for the first time in the country. They are as follows:
Gas expansion turbines for power generation utilizing blast furnace top
gas pressure.
environmental protection.
BF Limestone
SMS limestone.
BF dolomite.
SMS dolomite
Manganese ore
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Blast Furnace (BF)
Rolling Mills
peak load being 292 MW and the essential load being 49 MW present average
plant load is about 200 MW. The installed inplant generating capacity is 286.5
gas expansion turbo generators utilizing blast furnace high top pressure and 15
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MW from back pressure turbo generators is utilizing the waste heat recovered at
coke dry cooling plant with the help of waste heat boilers.
These two lines are terminated at MRS. Also VSP generating its own power at
TRANSCO and VSP are fed to two different buses. There is one more bus at
220 KV level named as transfer bus or auxiliary bus has been provided at MRS
Each of the LBSS receives 220 KV level supplies with two lines. There
are two lines will feed to three transformers (except at LBSS-2) of 80 MVA
capacity, 220/11 KV 3-winding voltage level. In LBSS-2 there are two 220 KV
31.5 MVA 220/33 KV Transformer. At LBSS-1 also three 220 KV sources will
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All these 220 KV Transformers are of Star/delta connections. To
facilitate earth fault protection of these transformers and also for local supplies
where 415 Volts power supply is available for LBSS own loads. These ESTs
are of zigzag type and its star point is connected to Neutral Grounded
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remains secure and serviceable to supply the out going transmission system
even under conditions of major equipment or bus bar failure. The choice of bus
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Bus bars are conducting bars to which a number of local feeders are
connected. They operate at constant voltage and are insulated from earth and
Therefore, the isolator opens only after the opening of the circuit breaker.
While closing, isolator closes first and then circuit breaker. Lighting arrestors
connecting between conductor and earth, divert the high voltage surges. It is
Lightning Arrestors:
power equipment especially at the outdoor sub-station is not protected the over-
connected between the line and earth at the sub station when the traveling surge
reach the diverter and attain the prefixed voltage a spark is formed across the
The surge diverter should provide a path of low impedance only when the
traveling surge reaches, the surge diverter neither before it nor offer it. A good
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lightning arrestor or surge diverter must posses the following conditions
a) It should not absorb any current during the normal operation. At over
b) After the first discharge of the current has taken place through them they
6) Electrolytic type.
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8) Pellet type lead per-oxide type.
For low voltage circuits, fuses are used to isolate the faulty circuit. But
for high voltage circuits isolation is achieved by the Circuit Breaker. The circuit
breaker can close the circuit as well as break the circuit without any
1) It must safely interrupt the normal working current as well as short circuit
2) After occurrence of fault the switch gear must isolate the faulty circuit as
quickly as possible.
isolate the only faulty circuit without effecting the healthy one.
4) It should not operate when an over current flows under healthy condition.
There are different types of circuit breakers among those air blast circuit
breaker, magnetic blast circuit brakes and oil circuit breaker are there.
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In the air blast circuit breaker a blast of air is utilized to blow out the arc. The
an oil blast.
If the circuit breaker is on, then power flows through the wire in the wall and
makes its way eventually to its final destination, the outlet.
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What an unbelievable story! It took all of that equipment to get power from the
power plant to the light in your bedroom.
The next time you drive down the road and look at the power lines, or the next
time you flip on a light, you'll hopefully have a much better understanding of
what is going on. The power distribution grid is truly an incredible system.
Fuses and circuit breakers are safety devices. Let's say that you did not have
fuses or circuit breakers in your house and something "went wrong." What
could possibly go wrong? Here are some examples:
• A fan motor burns out a bearing, seizes,
overheats and melts, causing a direct connection
between power and ground.
• A wire comes loose in a lamp and directly
connects power to ground.
• A mouse chews through the insulation in a
wire and directly connects power to ground.
• Someone accidentally vacuums up a lamp
wire with the vacuum cleaner, cutting it in the
process and directly connecting power to
• A person is hanging a picture in the living
room and the nail used for said picture happens
to puncture a power line in the wall, directly
connecting power to
When a 120-volt power line connects directly to
ground, its goal in life is to pump as much electricity
as possible through the connection. Either the device
or the wire in the wall will burst into flames in such
a situation. (The wire in the wall will get hot like the
element in an electric oven gets hot, which is to say
very hot!). A fuse is a simple device designed to
overheat and burn out extremely rapidly in such a
situation. In a fuse, a thin piece of foil or wire
quickly vaporizes when an overload of current runs
through it. This kills the power to the wire immediately, protecting it from
overheating. Fuses must be replaced each time they burn out. A circuit breaker
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uses the heat from an overload to trip a switch, and circuit breakers are
therefore resettable.
The power then enters the home through a typical circuit breaker panel like the
one above.
The primary which is usually of few turns or even a single turn or thick copper
or brass bar is inserted into the core of the transformer is connected in series
with the load. The secondary current is normally rated for 5A or 1A and the
number of turns in the secondary will be high. When the current transformer
has two secondary windings then one winding is connected to the protective
transformers with 1A rating secondaries can handle 25 times more burden than
distance from the control room, where the relays are situated.
and also the impedance of the secondary circuit. CT’s normally operate under
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conditions close to short circuit conditions. The Secondary winding burden
further depends upon the method of connection of the CT secondary, the relay
windings and the kind of short circuit experienced. CT’s used for extra high
both during steady state process and under transient conditions in order to
The reasons for choosing proper CT’s for extra high voltage net work
protection are;
2. The ratio of the short circuit current to the rated current is very high, due
the current transformer should not get saturated before the pick up level of the
relays. CT’s must transform exactly the primary current, both in phase and
amplitude. In the case of differential type of protection, the two currents are
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connected across the transmission line whose voltage may range from 2.4 KV
to 220 KV. The secondary voltage is standardized at 110 KV. The load
the magnetic fluxes of the primary and secondary voltages. They can be
of the core as small as possible and flux density in the core is also low,
as possible.
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The Primary as it carries high voltage should be heavily insulated. Hence
it is immersed in oil and the terminals are brought out to porcelain bushing.
Now-a-days synthetic rubber insulation like styrene is used avoiding oil and
Protective relays are devices which close and open electrical circuits for
control of circuit breakers, when the quantity they are designed to respond to,
divided into main relays and auxiliary relays. The main relays are the
protective elements, which respond to any change in the actuating quantity e.g.
Current, voltage, power. The auxiliary relays are those which are controlled by
multiplying the number of contacts, passing a command pulse from one relay to
another relay, acting upon circuit breaker closing (or) opening, energizing a
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Relays are classified to how they are connected. “Primary Relays” are
those whose measuring elements are directly connected in the circuit. The
secondary relays are those whose measuring elements are connected to the
provided to protect the electrical equipment when the main protective system
fails. The main one is called as Primary and the other is called as Back up
therefore the isolator opens only after the opening after the circuit breaker.
While closing, isolator closes first and then circuit breaker. Isolator is also
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Earth Switch is connected between the line conductor and earth. Normally it is
disconnected line. When the line is disconnected from the supply end, there is
some voltage on the line to which the capacitance between the line and earth is
closing the earthing switch. Normally the earthing switches are mounted on the
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------: MAIN RECEIVING STATION (M.R.S): ------
as well as from inplant generation. The 220 KV incoming power supply from
circuit 220 KV Transmission Lines. These lines are terminated at the 220 KV
bus of MRS the MRS is interconnected with load block step down Sub-Station-
5 (LBSS-5) with one set of double circuit 220 KV over head tie lines. From
MRS 220 KV power has been taken to each of LBSS-2, 3, 4 over a set of
double circuit 220 KV overhead lines. Also a set of 220 KV double circuit
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Duplicate type 220 KV bus bar arrangement with a transfer bus has been
TRANSCO feeder bays, three power plant and blower house (PP & BH) tie
feeder bays, seven outgoing feeder bays, one bus couples bay and one bypass
The power generated at power plant and blower house coke oven and by
product (CO – BP) and Blast Furnish (BF) has been paralleled in three groups
buses are interconnected with the 220 KV bus at LBSS-5 over three numbers
220 / 11 KV, 50/63 MVA and 220/11/11 KV. 31.5 / 40 / 50 MVA split
been provided in LBSS-5. Totally there are 11 Circuit breaker bays viz., Four
Transformer Bays, three bays for double circuit connection to MRS, two
outgoing feeders to LBSS-1 one bus coupler and one bypass bay.
The 220 KV Power is stepped down over three 220 / 11 / 6.6 KV three
winding transformers at each of LBSS-1 and LBSS-2 and over three 220 / 11.5 /
Number of Phases 3
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Rated Frequency 50 HZ
The 220 KV base connections are so arranged that clearance and access
facilities required for safe maintenance of any section are maintained when the
The Sub-Station Layout and single line diagram for Main Receiving
Station and load Block Sub-station –5 are shown in the following figures.
Broadly the layout for MRS and LBSS-5 are similar for number of feeders and
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transformer feeder in LBSS-5. MRS and LBSS-5 are provided with the
isolator, a circuit breaker, a transfer bus isolator and two bus isolators. Bus
coupler connects main bus-1 and 2 through a circuit breaker and 2 bus isolators.
All feeders are provided with 3 single phase current transformers. However,
bus coupler is provided with 6 single phase current transformers. The details
such as number of cores, burden, and accuracy classes of each core are
indicated in the single line diagrams for MRS and LBSS-5 respectively.
provided with 3 single phase potential transformers. Also three single phase
potential transformers are provided in bypass bay for main bus-1 and in bus
coupler bay for main bus-2 for potential measurements. Each 50/63 MVA,
fourth Transformer bay. All feeders for bus coupler and bypass feeders in MRS
contacts of Isolators and Breakers are brought for interlocking purpose. Also
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All Isolators installed in the out door yard can be operated controlled
done with the help of a set of control and metering panels. One number of
doublex type panels with minimic diagram is provided for each bay. All
metering requirements and protective relays of that bay are mounted on the
same panel. All the control and relay panels along with the Metering Panel for
MRS are install in the MRS Control Building. Control and Relay Panels for
of 1 meter. The earth mat is designed keeping the touch and step potentials
within the permissible limits. The earth connection from the equipment
equipment in the sub-station, rail track for transformers, cable rocks and trays
and structures are properly earthed. The two earth conductors are joined by
means of welding. One coat of red load, aluminum and lituminous point is
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applied on the welding portion. Details of earthing are indicated in diagrams
for MRS and for LBSS-5. Totally 75 numbers of earth points are provided for
MRS and 96 numbers of earth points are provided for LBSS-5. Lightening
arresters and lightening mat are provided with separate earth points.
The auxiliary A.C. supply for the outdoor yard equipments for MRS as
well as the equipments in MRS control room is obtained from a load centre sub-
station in MRS. The double ended load substation LCSS No. – 41 LC3
distribution board and interconnecting HT and LT for ducts. The single line
No. of outgoing feeders from the load centre ACDB has been decided
add the equipments involved in the substation. A.C. auxiliary supply system for
The Auxiliary D.C. supply for MRS and LBSS-5 is taken from a
set of 220 KV, 250 A Battery Charger 1 set of 220 V batteries. The DC output
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DB has been decided considering individual DC feeder taken for each 220 KV
MRS are installed in MRS control room. The layout of all the equipment in
MRS control building is indicated in diagram. The control room in MRS is air
conditioned and ventilating boxes are provided for battery room and store
Ton along with compressors and its drives are provided for this purpose and
they are installed in MRS control building. One set of factory assembled
totally enclosed, metal elude, dead front, and compartmentalized motor control
2) Ensure earth switches 57A, 57B and 57C are in open position.
3) Ensure earth switch 57A, PT of the bus Isolator 29A PT in open position
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condition is satisfied)
2) Ensure earth switch 57A-PT is in open position for charging main Bus-I.
3) Ensure earth switch 57B-PT is in open position for charging main Bus-II.
required to be charged.
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8) Put the trip transfer switch provided on the panel corresponding to the
1) Ensure earth switches 57-B BC, 57A-BC, 57B-PT and breaker 52-BC is in
open position.
closes automatically.
29B and close isolator 29A to transfer charge from 29B to 29A.
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1) Ensure earth switch 57B-BC and 57A-BC and 57A-PT, 52-BC are in
open position.
closes simultaneously.
8) From remote point operate discrepancy switch and open isolator 29A and
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from MRS at 220 KV level and the LBSS-1 receives power from LBSS-5. At
220 KV / 33 KV, 31.5 MVA is installed for feeding power to ladder furnace.
generators at TPP. The 11 KV and 6.6 KV switch boards located inside the
enclosed bus ducts. High capacity 11 KV motors like feed air compressor in
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of 220 / 33 KV, 125 MVA rating and this is further reduced by the transformers
Receiving Station and the voltage is further step down to 0.4 KV and is
the lines are connected by the well tested protective equipment in order to
From MRS the power is distributed to all the LBSS through 2 lines
and at Bus-1 the AP TRANSCO incoming lines are connected. At bus 2 all the
another bus called as auxiliary bus. Under fault conditions if any one of the
buses one or two is damaged then the power is transferred from that bus to
auxiliary bus and then the service is continued until the bus is repaired. This
auxiliary bus is operated by operating the by pass. From Bus 1 the power is
Each line is named as 1 Bay. There are 14 Bays at MRS. Each bay
is named with a certain alphabet and it consists of a line isolator and a circuit
breaker, a transfer bus isolator and 2 Bus isolators. From MRS the power has
been distributed to the CPRS and then to household consumers through A Bay.
Through B bay and C bay the power has been feeded to LBSS-2 from MRS at
220 KV Level. By means of H Bay, and G Bay, the power has been feeded to
the LBSS-4 from MRS at 220 KV Level. Similarly to LBSS-3 the power has
been feeded through M Bay and L Bay and to LBSS-5 the power has been
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LBSS-1 receives power from LBSS-5 through 2 number of 220 KV
6.6 KV Switch Board from the Switch Board the power has been feeded to
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LBSS-2 receives power from MRS through 2 numbers of 220 KV Lines named
L2 & L2 and L2, L1 (B Bay and A-Bay) This 220 KV is stepped down to
cum Stationery Transformer (EST) and from the switch boards the power is
feeded to different loads namely, BF1, BF2, SMS, CRMP, ASP, BHS1,
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LBSS-3 receives power from MRS through 2 numbers of 220 KV Transmission
Lines named L3 and L2 and L2 and L1. This 220 KV is stepped down to 11
From the switch boards the power has been feeded to different loads viz.,
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LBSS-4 receives power from MRS through 2 number of 220 KV Transmission
line named L4 and L1 and L4 and L2. This 220 KV is further stepped down to
Switch Board. From the switch board the power has been feeded to the
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system is concerned. The GSB feeders of this area switchboards plays a vital
role in Steel Plant Units viz., SMS, BF, ASP, WMD, etc. Which are directly
connected to Thermal Power Plant. This can not be afforded to fail for a Bus
Hence, all the LBSS and GSB Switch Boards were provided with
new over current instantaneous relays to trip the feeders and also prevents the
Bus Coupler to close in auto in case of Bus faults the reliability of the system
has become very high. Thus the reliability of the system has become very high.
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