Smps Ups

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Degree Examination

Second Semester

M.E. Power Electronics and Drives

PX 7002 SMPS and UPS

Time : 90 Minutes

Maximum: 50 Marks

Answer ALL Questions

PART -A (5X2=10 Marks)

1. What is the principle of operation of an Step Up Converter? Derive its Voltage Gain?

2. List common performance measures of a DC-DC converer?

3. List the steps involved in the state averaging technique?

4. What are the series non idealities in buck converter?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Cuk Converter?

PART-B (2X 16=32 Marks)

6.Describe in detail state averaging technique applied to Buck Converter (Step-Down Coverter)


7. Derive expressions for voltage gain, reverse current conversion ratio, efficiency, current and voltage ripple of
a boost converter (Step-up Converter)

8.Draw the power circuit of a Cuk Converter and analyse for its inductor current , Vc1 and Vc2 wave forms?


9. Considering inductor non ideality derive the expression for Voltage gain, reverse current conversion ratio of
a boost converter?

PART-C (1X8Marks)

10a. Describe the working principle of a buck converter? (2 Marks)

10b. The buck regulator has an input voltage V s =12V. The required average output voltage is Vo=5 V at R =500
Ohms and the peak to peak output ripple voltage is 20milli volts.The switching frequency is 25khz. If the peak
to peak ripple current of inductor is limited to 0.8A, determine (a) the duty cycle (b)the filter inductance, L and
(c) the filter capacitance C (8 Marks)


11a.Describe the working of a boost converter? (2Marks)

11b. A boost converter has an input voltage of Vs=5V The average output voltage Vo=15V and average load
current Ia=0.5A. The switching frequency is 25 KHz. If L=150µH and C =220 µF, determine (a)the duty cycle (b)
the ripple current of inductor (c) the peak current of inductor (8Marks)

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