A2 Entropy Notes
A2 Entropy Notes
A2 Entropy Notes
Entropy change, ΔS ⦵
a explain that entropy is a measure of the ‘disorder’ of a system, and that a system
becomes more stable when its energy is spread out in a more disordered state
b explain the entropy changes that occur:
i during a change in state e.g. (s) → (I); (I) → (g); (s) → (aq)
iii during a reaction in which there is a change in the number of gaseous molecules
c predict whether the entropy change for a given process is positive or negative
d calculate the entropy change for a reaction, ΔS ⦵, given the standard entropies, S ⦵, of
the reactants and products
a define standard Gibbs free energy change of reaction by means of the equation ΔG⦵=
ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵
b calculate ΔG⦵ for a reaction using the equation ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵
c state whether a reaction or process will be spontaneous by using the sign of ΔG⦵
5 Chemical energetics
Enthalpy changes and entropy changes accompany chemical reactions. This topic demonstrates why
some reactions and processes are spontaneous and others are not.
Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry 9701 syllabus Syllabus content
Learning outcomes
Candidates should be able to:
Born-Haber cycles calculations involving such cycles and relevant energy terms, with
c) state whether a reaction or process will be spontaneous by using
particular reference to:
the sign of ΔG
d) (i) determining
predict enthalpy
the effect changes that
of temperature cannot
change onbe found
the by direct of a
reaction, given e.g. an enthalpy
standard change
enthalpy and of formation
entropy from enthalpy
changes of combustion
(ii) average bond energies
(iii) the formation of a simple ionic solid and of its aqueous solution
(iv) Born-Haber cycles (including ionisation energy and electron
b) construct and interpret a reaction pathway diagram, in terms of the
enthalpy change of the reaction and of the activation energy
3.1 Entropy
The dissolving of sodium chloride (common salt) in water is an
endothermic process that occurs spontaneously at room temperature.
The idea of an endothermic reaction occurring spontaneously goes
against our daily experiences that things do not seem to move
spontaneously from lower to higher energy states (a book does not jump
from a lower shelf to a higher one but will fall to a lower shelf if the shelf it
is on breaks).
3.2 Entropy
In a sodium chloride solution the Na+ and Cl− ions are dispersed
throughout the solution and are moving around, which is a much more
disordered, or random, arrangement than a separate crystal of sodium
chloride and a beaker of pure water.
in disorder. For example
Increase in number of mo
of gas: ∆S +ve (entropy
To predict the sign of the entropy change in a reaction, we must
consider whether there is an increase or decrease in disorder in the system.
As gases have significantly higher entropy than solids and liquids, the most
Decrease in number of m
important factor in determining whether a chemical reaction involves an
of gas: ∆S −ve (entropy
increase or decrease in entropy is whether there is an increase or decrease
3.6 Predict
in the number ofthe
molessign of an
of gas (Table 5.5).entropy change
Gases have higher entropy than liquids, which have higher entropy than
For instance, Sϴ for (NH4)2SO4(s) is 220 JK−1mol−1, whereas that for CCl4(l)
is 214 JK−1mol−1 and that for HCl(g) is 187 JK−1mol−1.
the prediction could be made that the entropy change for this reaction
would be approximately zero.
whether there is an increase or decrease in disorder in the system.
As gases have significantly higher entropy than solids and liquids, the
most important factor in determining whether a chemical reaction
This is an approximate rule of
involves an increase or decrease in entropy is whether there is an
thumb, which is useful when
increase or decrease in the number of moles of gas.
Table 5.4 shows the values of standard entropies for elements across
period 2 in the periodic table. Lithium to carbon are all solid elements
and have low entropy values at 298 K, but nitrogen to neon are all gases
and have much higher entropy values.
the prediction could be made that the entropy change for this reaction
would be approximately zero.
A −1−240 kJ mol−1
A −240 kJ mol C −1532 kJCmol−1532
−1 kJ mol−1
B −1−332 kJ mol−1
B −332 kJ mol D −1900 kJDmol−1900
−1 kJ mol−1
3.10 Skill check 2
8 Which of8theWhich of the following
has reactions has that
a ∆Sis negative?
value that is negative?
following reactions a ∆S value
A 2H2O2(aq) A 2H 2O
2H 2(aq)+ O22H
2O(l) (g)2O(l) + O2(g)
B CaCO3(s)B CaCO CaO(s)3(s)
+ COCaO(s)
2(g) + CO2(g)
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)
C CaCO3(s)C+ 2HCl(aq) CaCl2(aq) + CO CaCl 2(aq)
2(g) + H+2O(l)
CO2(g) + H2O(l)
D 2C4H10(g) 2C4H
D+ 13O 2(g)
10(g) + 13O
8CO 2
(g) + 8CO
10H 2
2 + 10H2O(l)
10 Using the giventhe data given
below, below,
calculate the calculate the value
value of ∆G of ∆G
, for the , for the
following following
reaction reaction
at 298 K: at 298 K:
SO2(g) + Cl2(g) + Cl2(g)
−1 −1 J K−1 mol−1
∆H = −97.3∆H = −1
kJ mol −97.3
and kJ
∆Smol= −254.4
and ∆SJ K−1
= mol
∆S = ∑S product
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⟶ 2NH3(g)
∆S = (2 × 193) − [192 + (3 ×
The standard entropy values are
multiplied by the appropriate ∆S = −199 J K−1 mol−1
∆Sϴ = (2 × 193) — [192 + (3 × 131)]
coefficients in the equation.
That there is a decrease in entr
∆Sϴ = —199 J K−1 mol−1 above based on the number of
(a) CaCO3(s) ⟶ CaO(s) + CO2(g)
[Sϴ /Jmol–1K–1: CaCO3(s) 92.9; CaO(s) 39.7; CO2(g) 213.6]
3.16 Spontaneity
Spontaneous reaction: one that occurs without any outside influence, i.e.
no input of energy.
If sodium and oxygen are put together in an isolated container (one with
no connection to the outside world) at 25 °C, they will react
spontaneously to produce sodium oxide:
This reaction will occur by itself – nothing has to be done to make the
reaction occur. This is an example of a spontaneous reaction.
3.17 Spontaneity
If methane and oxygen are put into an isolated container at 25 °C, they will
react together spontaneously to form carbon dioxide and water.
3.18 Spontaneity
Whether a reaction will be spontaneous or not under a certain set of conditions
can be deduced by looking at how the entropy of the Universe changes as the
reaction occurs.
If the value of ∆STotal is positive, the total entropy (of the universe) increases and
the reaction occurs spontaneously.
3.19 Spontaneity
The total entropy change is given by: ∆Stotal = ∆Ssurroundings + ∆Ssystem
The entropy change of the system is given by: ∆Ssystem = ΣSproducts — ΣSreactants
∆Ssurroundings = —∆Hreaction
∆Stotal = ∆Ssystem — ∆Hreaction
It involves a quantity called Gibbs free energy or, more simply, free
energy.The Gibbs free energy change is given by the relationship:
∆G = —T∆Stotal
∆Stotal = ∆Ssurroundings + ∆Ssystem
— ∆G = —∆Hreaction + ∆Ssystem
∆G = ∆H —T∆S
∆G = ∆H —T∆S
The units of ∆G are kJmol−1 and T must be in K. The subscripts are now
omitted, as both ∆H and ∆S refer to the system (the chemical reaction).
3.22 Calculating ∆G
We can calculate ∆G for C2H2(g) + 2H2(g) ⟶ C2H6(g) given the following
∆G = ∆H —T∆S
∆G = 512 — 298 × (891/1000) = 246 kJmol−1
3.26 Skill check 6
∆G = ∆H —T∆S
The consequence of —T∆S being positive is that this reaction will never
be spontaneous.
3.31 Changing
A 290 temperature
B −290 & ∆G
C −5 D 5
7 Use the enthalpy change of formation values in the table to calculate the enthalpy change for the following
reaction: Reactions for which ∆S is positive
become more spontaneous as
4NH3(g) + 3O2(g) 2N2(g) + 6H2O(l)
temperature increases, but reactions
for which ∆S is negative become
less spontaneous as temperature
A −240 kJ mol−1 C −1532 kJ mol−1
B −332 kJ mol−1 D −1900 kJ mol−1
10 Using the data∆S −55.3 J K−1 mol
the value of ∆G , for the following reaction at 298 K:
SO27 Given
2(g) + Cl2(g) theSO
(l) calculate ∆G for the
∆H =following
−97.3 kJ molreaction
and ∆Sand
= −254.4 J K−1 mol−1it is
state whether
A −21.5 kJor molnot
at 298 K: C −173.1 kJ mol−1
B 75 714 kJ mol
C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)
3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)−97.0 kJ mol
D −1
Is the reaction spontaneous at 298 K?
11 a Explain what you understand by the term−1 ‘average bond enthalpy’. [2]
∆H = −2219 kJ mol and 30 Consider the decomposition of Pb(NO3)2(s):
b Use the average bond enthalpies given in the −1
table to calculate the enthalpy change for the
combustion of = −373.3
∆Sethanol J K−1 mol
vapour, according to the equation: 2Pb(NO3)2(s) 2PbO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
C Calculate
2H5OH(g) ∆G 2CO
+ 3O2(g) for2(g)
the following
+ 3H 2O(g) reaction, given ∆H = +598[3]kJ mol ∆G = +333 kJ mol−1
the ∆G f values in the table: a Work out the value for ∆S at 298 K.
CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g) b Assuming that ∆H and ∆S do not change
with temperature, calculate the temperature,
c Explain why bond enthalpies could not be used to work out the enthalpy change for the reaction:
in °C, above which this reaction will become
C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) [2]
d Consider the reaction:
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) ∆H = +57 kJ mol−1
31 For each of the following reactions, predict
whether it becomes more or less spontaneous as
Draw an enthalpy level diagram for this reaction and explain whether NO2 or N2O4 is more stable. [3]
temperature increases:
a Define ‘standard enthalpy change of formation’. a N2O4(g) [2] 2NO2(g)
3. 33 Skill check 9 b N 2(g) + 3H (g)
2[2] 2NH3(g)
b Write a chemical equation for the standard enthalpy change of formation of propan-1-ol.
c standard
c(a) Use the standard enthalpy change of combustion values given in the table to calculate the 2KNO2(s) + O2(g)
enthalpy change of formation of propan-1-ol. d 2AgNO3(s) [3] 2Ag(s) + 2NO2(s) + O2(g)
d Use the standard entropy values in the table below to calculate the entropy change for the complete
combustion of propan-1-ol and justify the sign of the entropy change. [3]
e Calculate the standard free energy change, ∆G , for the complete combustion of propan-1-ol and
explain whether the reaction will be spontaneous at 25 °C. [3]
c Explain why bond enthalpies could not be used to work out the enthalpy change for the reaction:
3.34 Skill
C2H5OH(l) check
+ 3O2(g) 2CO92(g)
3H2O(l) [2]
d Consider the reaction:
d Use the standard entropy values in the table below to calculate the entropy change for the complete
N2O4(g) of propan-1-ol
combustion 2NO2(g) and ∆Hjustify
= +57 kJ mol
the sign of the entropy change. [3]
Draw an enthalpy level diagram for this reaction and explain whether NO2 or N2O4 is more stable. [3]
d Use the standard entropy values in the table below to calculate the entropy change for the complete
combustion of propan-1-ol and justify the sign of the entropy change. [3]
Worked example
For the reaction C2H4 (g) + HCl(g) → C2H5Cl(g), at 298 K,
∆H 1 = −96.7 kJ mol –1 and ∆G 1 = −25.9 kJ mol –1.
Calculate the value of ∆G 1 at 1000 K.
20 Answer Further energy changes
∆G 1 = ∆H 1 − T∆S 1
At 298 K, −T∆S 1 = −25.9 − (−96.7) = +70.8 kJ mol–1
1. −70
= Skill
800 check −110
= −239 J mol K−1
the reaction C2−96.7
K, ∆G 1 =
∆H = −96.7 kJ mol –1
= +142
H4 (g) +– HCl(g)
1000 →
1000 –1
mol= −25.9 kJ mol .
1 -1
× C2H5Cl(g), at 298 K,
in water
= +142 kJ mol
( −239
K, ∆H 1 = +34.8 kJ mol−1 and ∆G1 = +0.3 kJ mol−1.
a Calculate ∆S . 1
This shows that as the temperature increases, the addition reaction becomes less feasible.
b Calculate ∆G1 at 320 K.
c Comment on the effect of temperature on the solubility of KNO3.
3 Heptane
Now try is converted
this into methylbenzene industrially:
C7H16(l) → C7H8(l) + 4H2(g)
1 300
K, ∆Hthe
1 temperature –1
= +211 kJ mol at and ∆G∆1G= +110
which for the
mol−1. of HCl to ethene becomes
2 When∆G
Estimate KNOat:
3 dissolves in water at 298 K, ∆H = +34.8 kJ mol
and ∆G1 = +0.3 kJ mol−1.
a 600 K
a Calculate ∆S 1.
Entropy Bilal Hameed
b 900 K
b Calculate ∆G1 at 320 K.
c Explain why your
c Comment estimated
on the effect ofvalues will be on
temperature unreliable.
the solubility of KNO3.
3 Heptane is converted into methylbenzene industrially:
Worked example
For the reaction C2H4 (g) + HCl(g) → C2H5Cl(g), at 298 K,
∆H 1 = −96.7 kJ mol –1 and ∆G 1 = −25.9 kJ mol –1.
Calculate the value of ∆G 1 at 1000 K.
∆G 1 = ∆H 1 − T∆S 1
At 298 K, −T∆S 1 = −25.9 − (−96.7) = +70.8 kJ mol–1
−70 800
∆S 1.= = −239 J mol−1 K−1
At 1000 K, ∆G 1 = −96.7 – 1000 ×
= +142 kJ mol -1
( −239
1000 )
This shows that as the temperature increases, the addition reaction becomes less feasible.
Estimate ∆G
Gibbs free
at: is related to the enthalpy change
energy element is zero.
aof600 K and entropy change of the system by the
reaction ■ Spontaneous (feasible) chemical changes involve a
900 K —
O —
O —
∆G = ∆H reaction – T∆S system decrease in Gibbs free energy (∆G is negative).
c Explain why your estimated values will be unreliable.
■ The Gibbs free energy change of a reaction can ■ Chemical reactions tend not to be spontaneous if there
be calculated from Gibbs free energy changes is an increase in Gibbs free energy (∆G is positive).
of formation using the relationship is related to
Applying free energy changes
The free energy of a reaction tells us whether the reaction proceeds spontaneously
and this depends on the signs and magnitudes of both ∆H 1 and ∆S 1 for the reaction.
As ∆H 1 and ∆S 1 can each be positive or negative, there are four possibilities.
2 3268 kJ are required to change 1 mole of ethanol into its gaseous atoms.
C2H5OH(g) 2C(g) + 6H(g) + O(g)
a Calculate the entropy change of the surroundings during this process when it is carried out at 150 °C. [3]
b Explain why the total entropy change of this reaction is likely to be negative. [2]
c When ethanol undergoes combustion, carbon dioxide and water are formed.
C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) reaction = –1367 kJ mol
∆H —