Research Article
A simple, specific and accurate reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed
for the simultaneous determination of chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylephrine in tablet dosage forms. A
reversed-phase C-18 column (250 mm × 8 mm i.d., particle size 10 µm) column with mobile phase consisting of
acetonitrile and phosphate buffer 55:45 (v/v) (pH 5.6 ± 0.02, adjusted with triethylamine) was used. The flow rate
was 1.0 ml/ min and effluents were monitored at 255 nm. The retention times of chlorpheniramine maleate and
phenylephrine were found to be 3.13 min and 4.58 min, respectively. The method was validated in terms of
linearity, range, specificity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ). The
linearity for both the drugs was found in the range of 10-70 μg/ml. The % recoveries of chlorpheniramine maleate
and phenylephrine were found to be between 101.09 and 98.99. The proposed method was successfully applied to
the estimation of chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylephrine in combined tablet dosage forms.
Keywords: Chlorpheniramine maleate, phenylephrine, simultaneous estimation, RP-HPLC, tablet dosage forms.
Chlorpheniramine maleate (CM) chemically, 3-(4- HO
chlorophenyl)-N, N-dimethyl-3-pyridin-2-ylpropan-1- OH
amine is an antihistamine drug that is widely used in C CH2NHCH3.HCl
pharmaceutical preparations for symptomatic relief of H
common cold and allergic diseases. Phenylephrine (PE) Phenylephrine (PE)
chemically, (1R)-1-(3hydroxy-phenyl)-2-(methylamino)
ethanol hydrochloride is used as a sympathomimetic.1-4 MATERIALS AND METHODS
The structures of CM and PE are shown in (Figure 1). Chemicals and Reagents
Numerous UV, HPLC and HPTLC based methods have been Reference standards of CM and PE were procured as gift
reported for estimation of these drugs alone as well as in samples from Torrent Pharmaceutical (Gandhinagar,
combination with other drugs in pharmaceutical dosage India). HPLC grade acetonitrile, water and triethylamine
forms.5-14 But no method had yet been reported for were obtained from Rankem, RFCL Limited, New Delhi,
simultaneous estimation of these two drugs using HPLC in India. Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate AR and
bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage forms. Therefore, ortho phosphoric acid AR grade were procured from
the present work was aimed to develop and validate a new Central Drug House (P) Limited, New Delhi, India.
RP- HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of CM and Instrumentation
PE in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The HPLC (PerkinElmer series 200) instrument equipped
Figure 1. The structures of chlorpheniramine maleate with a model series 200 pump, vacuum degasser,
(CM) and phenylephrine (PE) rheodyne injector with a 20μl loop, UV-Visible detector
Cl and C-18 column was used.
Chromatographic Conditions
N The isocratic mobile phase was consisted of acetonitrile
C CH2CH2N . CHCOOH and phosphate buffer 55:45 (v/v) (pH 5.6 ± 0.02, adjusted
H CH3 with triethylamine). The mobile phase was sonicated for
15 min and filtered through a 0.45 μ membrane filter
Chlorpheniramine maleate (CM)
paper. Flow rate of mobile phase was 1.0 ml/min. The
*Corresponding Author:
variable wavelength UV–visible detector was set at 255
Mukesh Maithani
Lecturer, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, nm. All analyses were performed at ambient temperature.
Shobhit University, NH-58, Modipuram,
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh- 250 110, India.
Preparation of Standard Stock Solution
Contact no: +91-9758860810 25 mg CM and 25 mg PE were accurately weighed and
Email: mukeshmaithani@gmail.com transferred to 100 ml volumetric flasks separately and
dissolved in the mobile phase to give stock solutions of simultaneous determination of CM and PE is given in
250 μg/ml each of CM and PE. (Figure 2).
Figure 2. HPLC chromatogram obtained during
Preparation of Sample Solution
simultaneous determination of CM and PE
Twenty tablets (Maxtra-P, Zuventus) were weighed and
powdered finely. Tablet powder equivalent to 2 mg of CM
and 2.5 mg of PE was transferred to a 100 ml volumetric
flask and dissolved in 50 ml of mobile phase. The solution
was ultrasonicated for 15 min and filtered through 0.45
micron membrane filter. The solutions were further
diluted with mobile phase to obtain concentration of 10
µg/ml of CM and 12.5 µg/ml of PE and were subjected to
HPLC analysis as described earlier. From the peak area of
CM and PE, the amount of drugs in samples was computed.
Method Validation15-18
Specificity: Specificity was tested against standard
compounds and against potential interferences in the Method Validation
presence of placebo. No interference was detected at the Linearity and Range: Seven different concentrations (10,
retention time of CM and PE in sample solution. 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 μg/ml) of the mixture of two
Linearity: Linearity is studied to determine the range over drugs were prepared for linearity studies. The calibration
which analyte response is a linear function of curves obtained by plotting peak area against
concentration. This study was performed by preparing concentration showed linear relationship over a
standard solutions at seven different concentrations and concentration range of 10-70 µg/ml for both the drugs.
analyses were performed in triplicate. The responses were The linear regression equations for CM and PE were found
measured as peak area. The calibration curves were to be y = 2521.4x - 1428.6 and y = 2000x - 428.57
obtained by plotting peak area against concentration. respectively. The regression coefficient values (r 2) were
Precision: The precision of an analytical method is the found to be 0.9995 and 0.9993 respectively indicating a
closeness of replicate results obtained from analysis of the high degree of linearity. Calibration curves of CM and PE
same homogeneous sample. Precision was considered at are shown in (Figure 3). Regression characteristics of the
two levels, i.e. repeatability and intermediate precision, in proposed HPLC method are given in (Table 1).
accordance with ICH recommendations. Repeatability, or Figure 3. Calibration curves of CM and PE
intra-day precision, was determined by performing nine y = 2521.4x - 1428.6
Standard Curve of Chlorpheniramine maleate
analyses at three concentrations on the same day. R2 = 0.9995
Intermediate precision was determined by analyzing the 200000
Area (mV.s)
each concentration.
Limits of Detection and Limit of Quantitation: The LOD
and LOQ were separately determined on the basis of
standard calibration curve. The residual standard 0
deviation of the regression line or the standard deviation 0 20 40 60 80
of y-intercepts of regression lines was used to calculate Concentration (µg/ml)
LOD and LOQ. Following formulae were used; LOD=
3.3×D/S and LOQ= 10×D/S, where, D is the standard Table 1. Regression characteristics of the proposed
deviation of the y-intercepts of regression line and S is the HPLC method
slope of the calibration curve. Linearity experiment CM PE
Range (µg/ml) 10 – 70 10 – 70
Regression coefficient (r 2) 0.9995 0.9993
Method Development
Several mobile phase compositions were tried to resolve Slope 2521.4 2000
the peaks of CM and PE. The optimum mobile phase Intercept 1428.6 428.57
containing Acetonitrile and phosphate buffer 55:45 (v/v)
(pH 5.6 ± 0.02, adjusted with triethylamine) was selected Specificity: The specificity studies proved the absence of
because it could resolve the peaks of CM (RT = 3.13±0.03 interference, since none of the peaks appeared at the
min) and PE (RT = 4.58±0.05 min) with a resolution factor retention time of CM and PE. The interaction study in
of 9.0. Quantification was achieved with UV detection at standard solution was also carried out by comparing peak
255 nm on the basis of peak area at 1.0 ml/min flow rate. of each drug individually and in drug mixture.
A typical HPLC chromatogram obtained during Precision: From the standard stock solutions, mixed
2 Pharmacie Globale (IJCP), Vol. 01, Issue 05
Maithani M et al. / Pharmacie Globale (IJCP) 2010, 5 (05)
standards containing CM and PE were prepared. Standard Table 3. Analysis of marketed tablets
solutions (n=3) were injected using a universal rheodyne Drug Label claim Quantity found RSD %
injector with injection volume of 20 μl. The intra-day and (mg/tablet) (mg/tablet) (n = 3) (%) Assay
inter-day precisions were assessed by analyzing standard Chlorpheniramine 2 2.01 0.40 100.5
solutions. The % RSD was found to be between 0.78 and maleate
0.60 for both the drugs. The lower values of % RSD Phenylephrine 2.5 2.53 0.51 101.1
indicate that the method is precise.
System Suitability Parameters
Accuracy: Recovery studies were carried out by applying For system suitability parameters, seven replicate
the standard addition method. Known amounts of injections of mixed standard solution were injected and
standard CM and PE corresponding to 80%, 100%, and parameters such as the resolution, capacity factor, tailing
120% of the label claim were added to sample of tablet factor, theoretical plate, retention volume and asymmetry
dosage form separately. The average % recoveries for CM factor of the peaks were calculated. The results are shown
and PE in marketed formulation were found to be between in Table 4.
101.09 and 98.99. The results revealed that there was no Table 4. System suitability data
interference of excipients. The results of accuracy are Parameters CM PE
shown in (Table 2). Resolution - 6.0
Table 2. Percent recovery data Capacity factor 0.12 0.57
Drug % simulated % Mean (n=3) ±SD RSD Tailing factor 1.03 1.40
dosage nominal (%) Theoretical plates 13450 15342
CM 80 100.65 0.35 0.61 Asymmetry factor 1.15 1.39
PE 80 101.06 0.67 0.76
CM 100 99.51 0.11 0.82 CONCLUSION
PE 100 98.99 0.59 0.33
A novel RP- HPLC method has been developed for the
simultaneous estimation of CM and PE in marketed
CM 120 100.34 0.95 0.54
formulations. The method gave good resolution for both
PE 120 101.09 0.28 0.17
the drugs with a short analysis time below 6 minutes. The
Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation developed method was validated. It was found to be novel,
(LOQ): The limit of detection and limit of quantification simple, precise, accurate, and sensitive. The good %
were found to be 0.23 and 0.40 µg/ml for CM and 0.15 and recovery in tablet forms suggests that the excipients
0.32 µg/ml for PE. The values indicate that the method is present in the dosage forms have no interference in the
sensitive. determination. The %RSD was also less than 2% showing
high degree of precision of the proposed method. The
Analysis of Marketed Formulation
proposed method can be used for routine analysis of CM
Analysis of marketed tablets ((Maxtra-P, Zuventus) was
and PE in combined dosage form. It can be also used in the
carried out using optimized mobile phase and HPLC
quality control in bulk manufacturing.
conditions. The % drug content of tablets obtained by the
proposed method for CM and PE was found to be 100.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
and 101.1, respectively. This showed that the estimation of The authors are grateful to Torrent Pharmaceutical
dosage forms was accurate within the acceptance level of (Gandhinagar, India) for providing gift samples of CM and
95% to 105%. The results are given in Table 3. PE.
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