SVES Action Research (Part 1)
SVES Action Research (Part 1)
SVES Action Research (Part 1)
It is believe that every student is different with each other. There are things that were not
common with one another. The way they learn, socialize and comprehend with many things.
Teachers always find a way on how to motivate or arouse the interest of his/her students. No
matter how good you are as teacher, there are times that you cannot control the behavior of your
students. There are lots of things that they can do because of the way they think and how their
imagination leads them the way on building and creating things. Understanding behavior of the
students is very important in solving their problems. In teaching, there are times that most of the
students don’t really show some interest with the lesson. Some of them were doing something
which they think will not affect their learning. There are lots of reasons such as: they are not
afraid with the teacher, they find the teacher boring, or they don’t really find the subject
interesting, they were thinking about their problems, and they want something new that will
enhance and cater their skills, abilities and intelligences. We called this behavior “inattention’
that will have a greater impact on the academic performance of the students. In order to solve
this problem, it was decided to integrate art activities and established routines in lessons.
"Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and
learning…. Routines don’t just make life easier, they save valuable classroom time. And what
are most important, efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more."
When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modelled, and established in the classroom,
children know what’s expected of them and how to do certain things on their own. Having these
predictable patterns in place allow teachers to spend more time in meaningful instruction
(http://www.creating/classroom/routines/ (n.d.).
Establishing clear classroom routines and procedures is necessary for ensuring that
classroom runs smoothly. With predictable routines in place, students can move smoothly from
one activity to the next without losing learning time. Through established routines, students may
also control their own behavior and can do things automatically with/without teacher’s
command. They may become more attentive and will initiate to do things on their own.
According to http://www.classroomroutinesandprocedures.html (1998), students need to
know what is expected of them in the classroom. To ensure that smooth transitions throughout
the day will be achieved, one should think carefully about the routines for which one must plan.
It may be helpful to make a list of transitional times throughout the day. Other teachers can serve
as resources by sharing their own classroom procedures and routines.
Before establishing specific procedures or routines, it is necessary to have a discussion
with students about their importance. During this discussion, you should be able to talk about the
rationale behind various routines. When possible, invite students to create procedures with you.
This process can nurture a sense of ownership and community in your classroom. In establishing
procedures or routines, it is important to: (1) Ensure that students understand the reason for the
routine. (2) Clarify the procedure through modeling. (3) Allow students opportunities to practice
the routine through rehearsal. (4) Try not to overwhelm students by teaching too many routines
at once. The process of establishing routines and procedures may take several days. (5)
Remember that it will probably be necessary to revisit this process as you see the need.
Establishing effective classroom routines requires a considerable amount of thought and
effort but if it’s implemented properly, learning will surely take place. Aside from establishing
classroom routines, it was also decided to integrate arts in lessons. Integrating the arts into a class
not only has the easily observed and undisputed benefit of increasing student engagement and
motivation, but it’s also been shown to increase student achievement. It will surely help diverse
learners in their learning process; enhances learning opportunities and academic success for all
The arts allow students to be expressive in their perspective and understandings of academic
subject matter (Mason, Steedley & Thorman, 2008). Arts integration involves the whole child.
Students become immersed intellectually, emotionally, physically and therefore rigorously in the
learning experience (Lynch, 2007). These experiences allow students to use their hands, bodies,
and voices in meaningful ways (Lynch, 2007). They learn to make choices that help them
express their understanding of content and they learn to interact appropriately with their peers.
Arts integration supports all types of learners and makes academic content accessible.
Regardless of learning style or intelligence, students are able to interpret content in ways that are
meaningful to them, making the experience inclusive for all involved (Lynch, 2007). Children
who have an environment in which to express themselves through art and play will likely be
happy in school and develop positive attitudes to what goes on there (Bhroin, 2007). Piaget,
1962 (as cited by Bhroin, 2007) says that self- expression through art or play is important for the
child’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Educationally, the child is empowered to
communicate experiences and ideas in a gratifying way, developing self-expression and
communication skills. Through the arts, students can discover appropriate means to
communicate a range of emotions. Students with disabilities can access the process of creating
art as a way to share information about themselves and their perceptions of the world (Mason et
al., 2008).
Integrating arts in the classroom fosters the development of the whole child. The arts
positively affect children’s social, cultural, and academic lives. Through the arts every student
has the opportunity to succeed. In this research we decided to integrate the following art
activities: collage, coloring, paper tearing, seed mosaic, drawing, straw art, gulay painting, clay
dough, finger drawing and cotton art to solve inattention and unleash the potentialities of the
students. Teachers will demonstrate their knowledge or mastery of the subject and on the other
hand students deepen their understanding of an important topic, concept, or theme in specific
subject (major) through the integration of arts. The behavior (inattention of the students) and
learning of the students will surely enhance through the integration of arts and established
routines. Established routines will initiate the students to do things automatically on their own
with or without the command of the teacher; thus it will maximize instructional time and
inattention. Through the integration of art activities, students will keep them busy and focus with
their own task. Misbehavior and inattention may be solved and learning will surely take place in
every mind of the students. Thus, this study aims to determine the effects of different art
activities and established routines in controlling students’ inattentive behavior in the San Vicente
Elementary School during the S.Y. 2017-2018.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of the study revolved around the paradigm as shown in
Figure 1. It shows the possible effects of art activities and established routines toward
students’ inattentive behavior.
This chapter presents the method of research, the respondents of the study, data gathering
instrument, the research instrument or tools, the matrix of action plan and the statistical treatment
used in analysing and interpreting data.
Research Design
The study made use of the descriptive-survey method of research. It aims to determine
the effects of utilizing established routines and art activities to students’ inattentive behavior.
Paper Tearing
The teacher will give a paper in each
student. Photocopy of answer
January The first half of the paper contains boxes sheet and a half sheet of
Create a calendar by
17, 2018 which are needed to be filled by tearing the paper for their words
tearing papers.
names of the days in a week and their and numbers,paste
corresponding numbers in the other half of
the paper.
Seed Mosaic
Make and design a clock Chip board, Paste, Seed
January The teacher will give a paper clock from
using different kinds of (ipil-ipil seed, mongo
23, 2018 each pupil to be filled by seeds.
seeds. seed, corn etc.), pencil
Straw Art
Using the straw, the teacher will dictate what
January Straws, Paste, Pair of
Create short, shorter, they need to create.
25, 2018 scissors, Bond paper
shortest using straws. The teacher will let the students compare the
straw art base on their length.
Distinguish light
(yellow) and heavy (red) Gulay Painting
Okra, Calamansi, Water
objects by painting it The teacher will show pictures of light and
January color, Bond paper,
using vegetables. heavy objects. The heavy objects will be painted
29, 2018 Branch of banana
Paint pictures using by red and the light objects will be painted by
different types of yellow water color using vegetables.
Clay Dough
January The students will bring clay dough. Clay dough, Coupon
Create tall, taller, tallest
31, 2018 Afterwards, students have to create tall, taller, Bond
using clay dough
tallest using the clay dough.
Draw objects with Drawing using Pencil
different lengths using The teacher will let the students draw 3 objects
February pencil. using pencil with different heights. Bond paper, Pencil
02, 2018 Estimate length using The teacher will let the students draw 3 objects
non-standard unit of with different length.
linear measurement.
Cotton Art
The teacher will let the students fill the heart
Estimate capacity using Cotton balls, Bond
with cotton balls with no spaces. The teacher
February non-standard unit. paper, Heart cut-outs,
will ask how many cotton balls they used to fill
05, 2018 Show and find capacity Paste
circle. Each student will present their activity
using non-standard unit.
and tell their classmates how many cotton balls
they used to fill their heart.
Finger Drawing
February Interpret the information The teacher will let the students draw according Color, Paint, Coupon
06, 2018 in the pictographs. to the numbers given and draw it using the Bond
With the use of the play money, students will paste the
different values of money in the bond paper to form a
Write money in
January 15, collage.
symbols and in
2018 After they paste the play money, students will write the Play money
symbols and words of the money in a strip of colored Glue
paper and paste it again in the appropriate area where Bond paper
the said amount of money can be found.
Compare values of
Give each student different values of money printed on
denominations of
a bond paper.
coins and paper
Students will color the money based on the correct
bills through P100
January 16, color of it that corresponds to the value of money given Bond paper
using relation
2018 to them (e.g. P20 is orange) Coloring Materials
symbols <,> and =
After they color the given money they will identify it
Write the
whether it is less than or greater than.
symbols <,> and =
Visualize, identify
Paper Tearing
and describe half
First, the students will have to draw a half circle and a Paper
circle and quarter
quarter circle. Colored Paper
January 17, Second, the students will be going to tear the paper. Glue
Illustrate half circle
2018 After they had torn the paper, they will be going to
and quarter circle
paste it in their drawn half circle and quarter circle.
Seed Mosaic
Each student will be assigned to draw shapes like
square, rectangle, triangle and circle. Glue
Construct square, With the use of the seeds that the students have, they Ruler
January 22,
rectangle, triangle will be going to use it as a color to their drawn shapes. Bond Paper
and circle The students will paste the seeds that will serve as an Pencil
outline in the shapes. Seeds
Straw Art
Identify shapes and
First, the students will draw shapes that shows
figures that show Bond Paper
symmetry in a line Straw
After they had drawn shapes, they will cut the straw.
January 24, Draw a line that Glue
They will be using blue straw that will serve as an
2018 shows symmetry Scissor
outline in the shapes and any color of straw will be
used as a line of symmetry.
Gulay Painting
Recognize shapes
Each student will be assigned to draw shapes to be
that can tessellate
Create tessellation
After they had drawn shapes, the students will Water Color
on surface of a
tessellate the shapes that they had drawn. Bond Paper
January 25, figure using
With the use of the vegetables such as calamansi, okra Vegetables
2018 triangles and
and banana stalk, the students will color it by dipping (calamansi, okra and
in the water color and then dip it again in the surface of banana stalk)
the shapes that will be tessellated.
Clay Dough
The students will be assigned to draw first a shape that
Define tessellation
they will be tessellating.
January 29, Tessellate a surface Clay
Next, with the use of the clay they will going to use it
2018 using triangle and Oslo Paper
with tessellate the shapes that they had drawn.
Finger Drawing
Give each student an object with a straight and curve
Identify straight
line drawn in the bond paper that they will be tracing.
January 30, and curve lines Water Color
The students will trace the given shapes with the use of
2018 Trace straight lines Bond Paper
their finger with water color.
and curves
Cotton Art
The teacher will first show picture of objects with flat
and curve surfaces.
After that, the students will draw their own objects
which have flat and curve surface depending on what
Identify and Cotton
January 31, was assigned to them.
differentiate flat Water color
2018 When they had drawn the object, they will paste the
and curve surface Bond paper
cotton on the surface of the objects.
Then, the students will going to paint it with the color
that they want.
Implementer: Lea Diane H. Subaite
Coupon bond
The teacher will show example of collage. Then
Make a collage of the Magazine/Newspap
January 15, ask the students to make a collage of their
school’s surroundings ers
2018 environment. Using the magazine/ newspapers
they will cut letters and picture. Then they will
paste it on a piece of coupon bond.
January 16, Tell something about The teacher will give a photocopy of an image Crayons
2018 the surroundings that are land and water forms. Students color worksheet
the landforms brown, and water forms blue.
Paper Tearing
Colored Paper
January 17, Identify things that are The students will make an image of the things
2018 found in a garden. that can be found in the garden using a colored
Coupon Bond
paper that they tore.
Seed Mosaic
January 22, Identify the things if it The teacher will give a copy of example image
Monggo Seed
2018 is living or non-living. of living and non-living things. Students will
paste mongo seeds on living things.
Coupon Bond
Drawing (pencil)
January 23, The students will draw examples of bodies of
Draw an example of Eraser
2018 water on a coupon bond. Students may color it if
bodies of water. Color
they want.
Gulay Painting
The teachers will give a photocopy of the Water Color/ Poster
January 25, Draw an example of
common landforms. The students will draw an Paint
2018 common landforms
example of landform but instead of using paint Vegetables
brush they use the vegetables that they have.
Finger Drawing
The students will draw at least 1 of the kinds of Coupon bond
January 29, Draw at least 1 kind
different weather conditions (rainy, sunny, and Water Color
2018 of different weather
cloudy) using their fingers.
Coupon Bond
Cotton Art
January 30, Make at least 1 The student makes at least 1 kind/type of cloud
2018 example of kinds of using cotton. The students will color it using
Poster paint
clouds. poster paint.
Make a representation
Clay Dough
of the clouds this
January 31, The students will make representation of clouds Clay
moment of clouds
2018 in the moment using clay dough and describe it. Coupon Bond
Describe the types of
unique design.
Gulay Painting
Chop first the vegetable that will be used.
Identify the beneficial and
Then dip the vegetable in the poster paint.
January 24, harmful effects of the
The students will paint on a bond paper Vegetables, bond paper
2018 sun’s heat and light on
using this at least a beneficial or harmful
living things.
effects of sun’s heat and light on living
Clay Dough
January 25, Describe how shadows are Using the clay dough, they will mold it to
2018 formed. form a shadow.
Finger Drawing
Determine the processes Using fingers and poster paint as a
January 29,
involved in the water medium, they have to do at least one Poster paint, bond paper
cycle. process that is involved in the water cycle.
Cotton Art
Use the cotton and put it slightly to get
Determine the safety some poster paint.
January 30, precautions on the Then, place it in the bond paper based Cotton, poster paint,
2018 negative effects of too from what you draw. The cotton will be bond paper, pencil
much exposure to sunlight. used as the color of the drawing and to
have a little design that makes the drawing
Implementer: Santa Teresita P. Codamus
-clay dough
-Make a trapezoid using Clay Dough
January clay dough and find its area The teacher will ask the students to make a trapezoid as
31, 2018 using cm. big as they can with the use of clay they have brought.
After doing so, find its area using cm.
-Bond paper
Vegetable art
-Paint a parallelogram, In your bond paper draw a grid, after doing so, draw one
Februar -pencil
triangle and trapezoid using parallelogram, triangle and trapezoid and paint it with the
y 1, -ruler
vegetable`s stalk and find its use of vegetable`s stalk instead of paint brush. After
2018 -color
area using cm. painting, find its area using the formula taught by the
-bond paper
Paper Tearing
-Cut a square, rectangle, The teacher will demonstrate to the students how to tear a
Februar Construction
parallelogram, triangle and construction paper to make a figures. After
y 2, paper
trapezoid with the use only demonstrating, the teacher will ask the students to cut one
2018 -Bond paper
of bare hand. rectangle, parallelogram, triangle and trapezoid with the
use only of bare hand and paste it on a clean bond paper.
Implementer: Jerome M. Yulo
identify the different types of
point of view used in making
stories or narratives;
share opinions or insights
Paint (for the
about the fairytale “The
color of their
Emperor’s Nightingale” Seed Mosaic
example: Which situation The teacher will present a video on how to make a
other real
would you chose: stay in a seed mosaic artwork. The teacher will explain that
objects for
Day 5 place as the most powerful they are about to make a seed mosaic artwork using
(January person in the world or be a any of the images from the picture selection. The
design, any
19,2018) traveler? Why?; students can use any kinds of seed. Afterwards, they
kinds of seed,
create a seed mosaic artwork will share their output in front of the class and explain
pencil, eraser,
using images from the picture the reason why they choose that picture.
board and
example: pictures of
treasures/material wealth,
kingdoms or empire, the
beauty of nature, peace,
wisdom, and happiness.
determine an example of a
feature article;
share their experience Water
Gulay Painting
about the beautiful places color/poster
The teacher will explain that they are about to write a
that they have been; paint,
Day 6 story featuring one of the beautiful places that they
write an example of a vegetables,
(January have been and paint using any parts and kinds of
feature story with pictures illustration
22,2018) vegetable. Afterwards, they will present their output
painted using “gulay board,
and share their experience with this place in front of
painting” scissors and
the class.
The teacher will use the water
feature article in the book
entitled “Five Days in Bali”.
Straw Art
determine how to gather The teacher will present the sample brochure in the
information book entitle “Beautiful Batanes”. The teacher will
share ideas about the show them a real example of a brochure and a straw Straw,
Day 7 importance of brochures artwork. The teacher will give some tips on how to scissors, glue
(January create their own brochure gather information if you are about to create your own and colored
23,2018) brochure. The teacher will explain that they are about paper/coupon
The teacher will used sample to make their own brochure promoting any beautiful bond
brochure in the book entitled place or tourist spot that they want using straw.
“Beautiful Batanes”. Afterwards, they will share their output in front of the
Clay Dough
determine an informational
The teacher will present an informational article
article “An Oasis in the
entitled “An Oasis in the Desert”. The students will Clay (with
share the main idea of the article. The teacher will different
Day 8 share the main idea of the
show some examples of a real artwork made of clay. colors),
(January article
The teacher will explain that they are about to make toothpick and
24,2018) create their own island of life
their own island of life (oasis in the desert) using clay. illustration/ca
(oasis in the desert) and
Afterwards, they will present their output and give rdboard
restate sentences read and
statements about oasis and desert using their own
heard in one’s own words
words in front of the class.
Finger Drawing
The teacher will share the article in the book entitled
“Artificial Beaches, Anyone?” An article about an
artificial beach; one of the amazing places in Japan.
differentiate artificial from a
The students will share their ideas about the message
natural one Water
that the article wants to convey to us (Filipinos). They
share ideas about the message color/poster
Day 9 will differentiate artificial from a natural one based on
that the article aim to tell us paint,
(January their understanding of the article. The teacher will
(Filipinos) illustration
25,2018) show some examples of a finger drawing artwork. The
draw their insights about what board and
teacher will explain that they are about to paint or
will happen if we do not care water
draw their insights about what will happen if we do
for our beaches
not care for our beaches using their fingers.
Afterwards, they will share and present their output in
front of the class.
Cotton Art
The teacher will explain the tips in note-taking and
highlighting. The teacher share an article entitled
‘Moon Bases”. The students will listen carefully and
identify the tips in note-taking will take down notes while the teacher is explaining
Cotton, glue,
and highlighting and reading the article. The teacher will teacher will
Day 10 toothpick,
share ideas about the show an example of a cotton artwork.
(January illustration
importance of note-taking The teacher will explain that they are about to create
26,2018) board, pencil
create their own rocket using their own rocket using cotton. Afterwards, they will
and eraser
cotton share and describe their output using the word on their
noted in front of the class. The students will share the
importance of note-taking and highlighting based on
their experience.
Data Analysis
For Objective Number 1. Frequency count and ranking was used in identifying the
effects of utilizing established routines and art activities to students’ inattentive behavior.
This portion presents the results, discussion and analysis of data from the results
evaluated by the researchers on the effects of established routines and doing art activities in
students’ inattentive behavior.
From the figure, it should be noted from the result of the responses that the top 5
dominant effects of utilizing established routines and art activities (as part of the instruction) are:
1) Students are participating. 2) Students are following the instruction. 3) Students listen to the
instruction very well. 4.5) Students are complying on what have said and 4.5) Students
understand the instruction and aware of what they are doing. According to (n.d.), establishing clear classroom routines and procedures is necessary
for ensuring that classroom runs smoothly. Through established routines, students may also
become more attentive and will initiate to do things on their own. Moreover, arts integration
involves the whole child. Students become immersed intellectually, emotionally, physically and
therefore rigorously in the learning experience (Lynch, 2007). Arts integration supports all types
of learners and makes academic content accessible. Regardless of learning style or intelligence,
students are able to interpret content in ways that are meaningful to them, making the experience
inclusive for all involved (Lynch, 2007). Children who have an environment in which to express
themselves through art and play will likely be happy in school and develop positive attitudes to
what goes on there (Bhroin, 2007). However, it can also be gleaned from the figure the top 5
least effects of utilizing established routines and art activities (as part of the instruction) are: 1)
Students make the activity peacefully. 2) Students raise their hands before talking/asking. 3)
Students encourage each other to participate. 4) Students are behaving while doing the activity
and 5) Passing of papers done properly. According to, Jordan Catapano (n.d.), we could ask
nicely to students who abide the established rules/expectations/routines, but we must remember
that the other half of rules is the consequences. However, teachers should work with their
administration to establish a clear sequence of their rules/expectations/routines so students will
not fail to abide by.
This chapter presents the findings of the study and draws the corresponding conclusions
and recommendations.
This study was conducted to find out the effects of integrating established routines and art
activities in the instruction to address students’ inattentive behavior.
This study made use of descriptive-survey method which helped to determine the effects
of established routines and art activities in addressing students’ inattentive behavior.
. It was conducted in the Kindergarten up to the Grade Six class of San Vicente
Elementary School, Santa Ignacia, Tarlac.
For data gathering, the researchers made use of a questionnaire. Before gathering data, a
letter was given to distribute questionnaires to the teacher- respondents. The researchers which
are practice teachers of San Vicente Elementary School implemented a 10-day intervention
concerning different art activities and established routines. During the intervention, the
researchers distributed the questionnaire to the teacher-respondents as well as to their co-practice
teachers to observe the actual intervention of established routines and art activities. The
researchers gave the respondents adequate time to observe and answer until such time that the
respondents have finished answering, and the questionnaires were given back to the researchers.
Based on the conducted study, the researchers came up with these findings: the top 5
dominant effects of integrating established routines and art activities in the instruction were: 1)
Students are very participative. 2) Students eagerly follow instructions. 3) Students are listening
to the instruction carefully. 4) Students have compliance and 5) Students understand and aware
of what’s happening/what they are doing.
Based on the results of the study, it can therefore be concluded that integrating
established routines and art activities in the instruction can make students participative,
following the given instructions, carefully listen to the instructions, really complying, and easy to
understand what they are doing.
Based on the aforementioned conclusions, the researchers have come up with the
following recommendations:
1. To have a smooth classroom transition, teachers should have clear rules/expectations and
2. Students should continue doing different arts as it can be a platform to unleash their
potentials and a way of expressing themselves.
3. Schools may support developing art to the students by conducting workshops/seminars.
4. Similar studies will be conducted to determine how arts help children to be creative.
Bhroin, M. N. (2007). A slice of life": The interrelationships among art, play and the" real"
life of the young child. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 8(16), 25.
Catapano, Jordan. (n.d.). Classroom Management: Develop Clear Rules and Epectations.
Lynch, P. (2007). Making meaning many ways: An exploratory look at integrating the arts
with classroom curriculum. Art Education, 60(4), 33-38.
Mason, Steedley and Thorman. (2008). Impact of Arts Integration on Voice, Choice, and
Access. Teacher Education and Special Education, 31(1), 36.
12 January 2018
To the Respondents:
We, the Practice Teachers of San Vicente Elementary School are currently conducting a research
In line with this, may we request your assistance by way of filling out the questionnaire
attached? Your honest and sincere responses are highly appreciated for betterment and success of
the said study. Rest assured that your answers will be kept with utmost confidentiality and will
only be used for educational purposes.
Student Leader
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Camiling, Tarlac
(0)Not at All
Attentive Behavior
Name: _________________________________
School Observed:________________________
Signature: ___________
Date: _______________
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Grade 2
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Grade 3
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Grade 4 (Science)
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Grade 4 (Math)
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Grade 5
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Grade 6
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
Kindergarten to Grade 6
Extensively (4)
Frequently (3)
Sometimes (2)
It was Monday, a fresh start for us and the day that we started to implement our 10-day intervention. Last
meeting, which is Friday, January 12, 2018, I asked my pupils to bring their scissors, glue and pieces of colored
papers, and they didn’t fail me. Most of the children brought their materials, so we are able to fulfill our plan on this
day. We studied a lot like places and plants in the community and words that start with letter Kk and the letter itself.
I also remembered that this was my first observation with my supervisor; I was grateful then and so happy to
remember this very successful day that the Lord has made. So after studying and writing letter Kk, I asked the
children to do a collage of it. We provided the photocopies as well as materials for those who don’t have. Children
were not surprised anymore because this is just their regular activity since then. While I am telling them the
instruction, they are so attentive. There are children that are so willing to do. Before starting, there are children who
asked question/s unto me (for clarification) but they forgot to raise their hands before speaking as part of their
routine but I remind those students to raise their hands before speaking. Students are behaving while doing their
collage and complying on what have said. Still, there are children who are talking during the activity. Some are
generous to share things to those who don’t have and most are independent worker. I asked students who are done
already to remain on their seats. When they are all done, they passed their papers so gently; it was done properly
(from back up to the front). As a teacher, I am happy to see my students complying and very submissive to authority
which is a good start for them to grow (as long as the command comes to authority is right). While the minor
problems, maybe I can still learn and do more.
It was Tuesday when we implemented the second day of our 10-day intervention and
Coloring was the activity for this day. I discussed parts of the tree and as part of our application,
children were asked to color a tree during their Work Period 1. I asked them to bring out their
crayons and I started to distribute the photocopies. Children just need to listen because
instructions coming from me are important. They didn’t just color the tree but each part of it has
specific color. Children have to color the leaves/crown of a tree; green, the branches are black,
its trunk is brown, while the fruits are red and the roots; yellow. There are children who are
attentive and really following the instruction given. Sadly, some of them failed to follow the
given color for each of the parts because they failed to identify which is a trunk or a branch but I
will be working hard for the improvement of this kind of situation next time. But most of them
are successful in identifying the parts of a tree and able to do and color it based on what I said.
There are children who are busy and quiet doing the coloring activity but there are some who are
shouting and talking to their seat mate. Children asked questions before and while doing the
activity, but they are not raising their hands at all. Passing of papers was also done properly like
what they have done on the day one. In teaching, errors are inevitable and these are part of
learning because mistakes are not meant for failures but to learn and grow more.
On this day, I was late at morning, so I taught during the afternoon session. One of our
objectives then was to recognize and articulate the sound of Kk. The art activity then was paper
tearing where students will tear pieces of papers, so they can form capital letter K with the use of
colored paper/s. Like what we are doing before, I give them the instructions, and they are
listening. There are students who don’t have their own materials, and we provided them, so they
can also have their output. Many students asked questions before starting the activity and their
questions are like “sir, bawal po gumamit ng gunting?” I explained to them what a paper tearing
is, and they started to be enlightened that scissors are not allowed. There are children who are
behaving while having the activity while some are talking and noisy. All of them participated
and were able to do what have said/asked them to do. Their outputs are really good and neat.
Passing of their papers was not that good because there are some that they just put their papers
anywhere but still, most of them followed the established routine. It’s so overwhelming seeing
your students doing their activity with love and compassion because at the end of the day, it’s
about product at all but the love given on the process.
Supposedly, this activity was on January 18 but, since we don’t have classes on January
18-19 and 20-21 are weekends, our intervention resumed on Monday (January 22). Needs of a
plant in order to grow was our lesson then. Students are so active to recite and really mastered
the lesson. Prior to this activity, I asked them to bring glue and different seed like mongo or ipil-
ipil but most of them brought mongo seed. I provided the photocopies where children will
paste/fill it with seeds and some of them will explain how water (for example) helps a plant to
grow. As they have their papers, they started to write their names. I asked each of them to fill the
image with seed that they have brought. The room then was so messy because of scattered seeds.
All children did their output but most of them are so active and even hit their classmates using
mongo seeds. Passing of papers was not good also because some of them just put their papers on
our table. But still, they followed the instruction and did the activity independently but not
peacefully. This day was a challenge for me to improve more because in teaching, we don’t just
teach but we learn at the same time. Yes, there’s no perfect teacher, but we can be the best one.
Supposedly, this activity was on January 19 but, since we don’t have classes on January
18-19 and 20-21 are weekends, this activity took place on January 23 (Tuesday). Proper ways on
taking a plant was our lesson then. Since kindergarteners can’t draw complex things yet, we
planned to just give them photocopies that have broken lines, so they will trace it. Students will
trace the drawing, and they will identify if it is a proper way of taking care a plant. Afterwards,
they will color it if it is right otherwise, it is wrong. They are all listening to the instructions very
well and even asked questions before and doing the activity. What a peaceful time it is while
they are doing the activity. They are all doing and participating and able to fulfill what I asked
them. In short, they understand every little thing I said. The moment they pass their papers was
good too, they followed the routine of passing of papers that they are doing from time-to-time.
As said, routines are backbones of learning. Thus, having clear one can help us to have a smooth
transitions and properly managed classroom.
It was Wednesday when we had this activity, the gulay painting. Prior to this, as I asked
my pupils to bring any kind of vegetable like okra, calamansi, vegetable tops and the like.
Another, each of them should have at least one (1) color of poster paint. Most of them complied
on what I commanded but three of them did not. However, their classmates are so kind and
cooperative to give and share their things to them. Our lesson was different animals living on
land. So I gave to my pupils the photocopies, and they have to recognize animals living on land
and paint them using the vegetable and poster paint they brought. Most of them got a perfect
score. The atmosphere then was good because they are busy and peacefully painting and doing
their work. Some students who asked question were raising their hands as well, and they are
really following the instruction given. All the kindergarten students participated and able to have
their output. Passing of their papers was quite good because some of the students lined-up their
papers at front but there are few who just left their papers anywhere. The room was quite messy
of scattered paints but, there’s nothing more overwhelming seeing your students learning and
enjoying at the same time. Process over the product.
It was a good day to know about animals living in the water! The straw art is one of the
activities that children loved. Prior to this, I asked children to bring at least 10 pcs of straw
(different colors may do), scissors and a glue. I gave each of my pupils a photocopy that has a
picture of two animals. Students have to recognize the animal that living in the water. Once they
have recognized it, they will design it by pasting/putting straw on it. This instruction was clear
like a crystal to them and willingly started the activity. As I observe, they are all busy doing.
Some are asking questions to clarify things. All of them are so quiet and I find this activity the
best so far! And surely I will do it again. Everyone is following and complying with the
instruction while passionately doing their work. Children are all striving for the best straw art
output. I love seeing kids who put love and passion in everything they do. All of them did it
wonderfully! What a productive day it is. Everyone is aware and enjoying of what they are
doing. The passing of papers was so smooth and good. I can see to them that they really love this
activity and surely we’ll do it again soon. Success doesn’t mean having the best and being the
most but the joy you feel in everything you do.
Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 07:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Date: January 26, 2018 (Day 8)
It was a great day to know about animals with two legs, four legs and without legs. Kids
really enjoyed discussing the lesson. Each of them easily identified which are four-legged, two-
legged or no leg/s. As part of the instruction and of our plan as well, kids did a very nice finger
drawing using the poster paint with fancy neon colors. Since we forgot to tell them that they need
to bring one, we provided them all the materials. We gave each student a photocopy that has an
animal. Students need to identify whether it is four-legged, two-legged or not. After so, they will
trace the broken lines by dipping their finger on the poster paint. Some kids enjoyed this activity,
but there are some who are hesitant at first, but they still complied. While I am reiterating the
mechanics, kids are really attentive to listen. All of them participated and made their own output.
They are so independent are peacefully performed their task. After doing the activity, it is
surreal that they really had a good, neat and presentable output. In despite of sharing paints, kids
are able to do what I asked to them, and I am so grateful seeing them reaching our goals
(objectives) and enjoying as well while having the activity.
Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 07:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Date: January 29, 2018 (Day 9)
It was Monday when we had this activity, the play dough molding. Children need to
identify numbers 1 to 8. My instruction is to say a number and kids need to form that number
using the play dough. Students during that time are so active. Some of them did not bring their
own play dough even I asked it to them. Some children are so noisy and they are not
participating. But I keep on reminding them that talking is not part of my instruction. There are
children who are really paying their attention just to comply on what I am saying. Some kids are
successfully formed each number that I asked them. But those who didn’t bring their material,
they are just distracting and making noise inside the class. Some of them asked some questions
to clarify but failed to raise their hands as part of their routine. Not all of them complied and the
environment was not that peaceful during this activity. I admire those children who are busily
complying and obeying to their teacher but I keep on believing and helping those who are not.
However, it’s not about negativities at all, it’s about learning and all of these are just part of it.
Sometimes, what we wish we can’t do, it’s just can’t be but I learned that improving myself
more is a must because at the end of the day, you only have yourself to compare with. As
teachers, we should not competing with others, but with our old selves.
Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 07:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Date: January 30, 2018 (Day 10)
Cotton art, our last activity for the 10-day intervention. It may all done but, learning and
making art never stops. It was a great day for us to explore letter Vv and words that start with it.
Children really love studying alphabets which is prior to their beginning reading. Though, some
of them mastered it already and able to read at a very young age. For them to recognize it
properly (the letter Vv), we decided to bring this activity to our plan. We provide them the
photocopies and glue (for those who don’t have) and children brought their own cotton. Children
need to pinch small pieces of cottons, and they have to fill the paper given to them (letter Vv). It
is similar on what they are doing before, the paper collage. Children are so excited to make their
outputs (it might be their first time to use cotton as an art). Children are so attentive in every
instruction I give. Students are all busy doing and participating. They really love cotton! All of
them are independently and peacefully making. There are students who even colored their work
using poster paint. However, passing of papers was quite good too because most of the students
followed the routine but there are some who just put their works on the table. After doing the
activity, you can really see the joy on them, and they even used the excess cottons to play; they
made it a horse tail! Indeed, if you do things with love, there’s a joy in it. When students did
something great, it’s time for us teachers to commend them and it’s a way of finding and
choosing joy.
Since this is the first day of our intervention I asked my students to bring the materials
last Friday for them to have the art activity. I have discussed the plants in the community as well
as the words that start with letter K including, kama, kabayo kumot, etc. I also asked them to
write letter k in there notebook for them to recognize letter K. After the discussion, I asked my
students to bring out their glue, scissors, and colored paper and I have provided the worksheet in
which they will do the collage. I have instructed them first before they get started their activity.
In doing the activity, it was just a regular day for them because they are doing it every day. Since
the other doesn’t bring the materials needed other have shared generously to their classmates
even I have not told them to give. During the activity I have seen that other students were doing
great and some are not but it was just okay because “practice makes perfect”. Some students
asked questions for them to clarify but they don’t raise their hands since it was part of the
routine. They passed their papers at front when they have done and all have participated at the
Tuesday, the second day of the intervention. I have tackled the parts of the tree/plant in
which there next activity will be related to it. I observed that they knew the parts of a tree. After
the discussion, I asked them to bring out their colors to be use at the activity; I have provided the
worksheet in which they will be doing the coloring art activity. I asked them to find leaves and
color it green, fruits and color it red, branches and color it brown, trunk and color it black, and
lastly find the roots and color it yellow. I observed that other students shared there things to their
seatmates. Other students asked questions if it is the branch. Trunk? I observed that other who
was fast in coloring got bored but I told them to wait their classmates. Finally, they passed their
papers correctly.
This was the third day of the intervention and I asked my students yesterday to bring
colored paper, bond paper and glue that they were using for todays’ activity. But I have
discussed first about how plants do help people, that plants can give us food and medicine. After
that I asked to cite the words that start with letter k and they did, and I told them to write letter
Kk at the board. The person I called will just be the one who will write on the board. Then after
writing the letter Kk I asked them to bring out their book and open it on page 56. I have
instructed them to write the letter Kk and color it red and they did. After all, I have asked them to
close their book and bring out the materials I told them to bring yesterday and I have told them
the instructions after bringing the colored paper, bond paper, and glue inside their bags and other
at the envelope. Other students didi not bring the materials needed so I asked their co-students to
give: others did it but some are not. Other students asked some questions on how to do it, other
were told to use scissors but according to the instructions, you can just use your hands in paper
tearing that’s why scissors will not be part of the activity. the activity went well but they don’t
raise their hands again as parts of the routine when asking questions. They passed their papers
correctly and all have participated at the said activity.
On this day I discussed what do plants needed, and the proper and improper ways of
taking care of a plant. And after the discussion I asked my students on what plant needed in order
to grow and they said water, sun, fertilizer, etc. I also asked them the proper and improper ways
of taking care of plant and they did. After the discussion, I asked them to bring out the seeds, and
glue needed for the activity. on this day we are doing the seed mosaic about the discussion lately.
I have instructed what to do and they can choose whether to fill it all or not it’s up to them. I
observed that my students are making noise, some are standing, some are going out on their
place, and some are not doing it because they have not bring the materials needed, that’s why I
asked them to asked their classmates to give and they did. During the activity I asked them what
is the picture that they got, and they told water, sunlight, etc. which are the needs of a plant.
After the activity I asked them to dry it first. They passed their papers in front after drying it.
Fifth day of the intervention, I have discussed the proper and proper ways of taking care
of plant before I have proceed on the art activity which is drawing but first I instructed them
what to do; if the pictures tell if it is right trace and color it, but if the pictures tell if it is not right
or wrong they just have to trace it as I have instructed them to do. They have started to wrote
there name at the worksheet given by the teacher and other students asked questions if they will
just trace it and not color it. I have to round them to asked whether the pictures tells right and
what is it, what does the picture all about. I asked them if is right to water the plant? And the
answered: yes ma’am, is it right to cut a tree? No ma’am they answered. Some students who
have given the improper ways of taking care of plant wanted to color the picture they got, but I
asked them again if it is improper ways, just race the picture while the students who got the
picture of proper ways of taking care of plant will have to trace the drawing and color it. Of
course they are excited to color their worksheet. Other students who do not have a color have
asked their seatmate to share and they did. After the drawing activity I asked them to pass it to
the centre aisle, if they don’t do it I will not receive their paper that’s why all of them have
passed the papers correctly.
Wednesday, the sixth day of the intervention, I have tackled where the animals live or
their habitat. They are interactive very interactive with the topic for that day because they can
already identify where does the animal live. After the discussion I have test them to pick up the
animals living on land and they have did it. And after that I asked they to bring out their books
and they have to find an animal that lives on land, and they have to paste it on the mural. After
tested their skills to find animals living on land, I asked the students to bring the needed
material/s. they have given a pictures of different animals. They have to recognize animals living
on land
This is the seventh day o he intervention and the main objectives given on the said
activity is to recognize animals living in the water through straw art activity. The teacher
discussed the different animals living in the water as well as those who live both in land and
water. The student have recognized animals living in the water because the teacher have sorted
of the pictures about animals that lives in water and land, students can already identified where
do they live. After the discussion, teachers have instructed the student to bring out the straw,
glue, and scissors. They followed the teachers’ instruction, the others didn’t have any materials
and the other has shared generously to them while others did not want to share. The teachers
have provided the worksheet; there are two pictures of two animals (one that lives on land and
the other one are in the water). They have recognized the one that lives in the water while some
cannot. Then they cut the straw into smaller pieces and pasted it on animal living in the water.
During the activity, they are asking questions if they can change their worksheet but I told them
not to. All of them have participated at the activity and they enjoyed doing it. They have not
raised their hands as part of their routines.
Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Date: January 26, 2018 (Day 8)
The teachers have discussed the body parts of animals e.g. fin, feet, hair, etc. The
teachers have discussed also the different animals including two-legged, four-legged and no legs
animals. Some are confused about the animals with two-legged and four legged but when I
showed the pictures they can already identified it. That is why I have the pictures of animal
sorted that would test their ability or if they have listened carefully. And I have provided also a
jigsaw puzzle and they have identified it as four-legged, two-legged and no legs. After all the
activity, I have proceeded to the finger drawing. The teacher provided the worksheet to the
students. The teachers have given an illustration with broken lines to the students. They have
identified the animal on the illustration as two-legged, four-legged and no legs. They traced the
drawing through their finger, they dipped it on acrylic paint, but I told them not to use it because
if they will use it will not be called a finger drawing; they have the vegetable stalk that they
brought. They behaved during their activity and all have participated at the entire activity.
Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Date: January 29, 2018 (Day 9)
I have discussed first the numbers 1 to 9 to the class and then I used pictures for them to
familiarize the numbers. I also asked them to write numbers 1 to 9 on their paper. After that I
asked them to bring out their clay to be used by the art activities which are play dough (numerals
1 to 9). Then they have brought their clay as I have said but some do not have any materials
brought because every day they don’t bring any of those materials we told them to bring. So, I
asked my students if they wanted to share things to their co-students and they shared generously
to them and I told them to bring it back to the owner until we finished the activity. First, I asked
to meld their clay, and they did. Then they make it circle to make it easy for them. And I told
them to make the number 9, some have made a small, and others are big. They moulded again
the clay as they finished the number 9, and I they made the numbers 7,4,3,8,1,2,5 and 6 as I
asked them to. They have done the activity very noisy; they are not behaving anymore even if
you asked them nicely to behave. The reason why they are not behaved on this activity was that
my cooperating teacher was not around the classroom even my co-practice teacher is there. They
are asking questions if they did right, and some have flaws but I asked their co-students to write
the numbers on the air for their classmates. They have participated actively with the said activity.
Grade: Kindergarten
Time: 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Date: January 30, 2018 (Day 10)
I discussed how the animals’ moves then they have demonstrated how animal moves and
they enjoyed the animal movement because they are interactive, they can relate to the topic
because they knew the animal movement already. After that I have proceeded to the letter Vv, I
told them to write letter Vv on the air, and they did. I have discussed the words that start with
letter Vv such as vase, violin, violet, van, etc. so I asked them to encircle the word that start with
letter Vv and they did. Then I asked them to bring out their glue, cotton to be used by the cotton
art activity. Each student has been given a photocopy of letter Vv. And they have to paste the
cottons inside the letter Vv. Then, I instructed them paint their letter Vv to really recognize what
letter is it, they asked questions but not raising their hands. They are so behave on this activity
and all have participated.
It was Monday morning, January 15, 2018. This was the first day of the implementation
of our ten-day intervention. First thing I did is I introduced my lesson to my pupils. My lesson
was all about “Using a Calendar - Days of the Week”. I started my activity by dividing the class
into 7 groups. I prepared and provided all the things they needed, like the pieces of papers with
different colors with the names of the days of the week on it. I showed them how to make a
collage and showed a sample. I let them find their own comfortable place and after that I gave
their materials. Before they started the activity, I told them the instruction which was they need
to paste the small pieces of papers until the name on the paper is covered and they need to make
sure that there is no gaps on it. Some of the groups were having a problem in making their
activity, they found the activity difficult and some of the pupils are not participating in their
activity, they are making different things. So next time, I would be giving activity/ies which
suite/s to all the students. There were pupils that are not interested in the activity, they just stand
and roam around like supervisors and teasing others work. The room was quiet messy and noisy
until the art activity ends. Fortunately, they finished their work successfully and on time.
My second activity was all about coloring. I introduced my lesson first which was “Using
a Calendar- Months of the Year”. In this activity, all of the students had their own papers to
color. Each paper had the names of the months of the year. The students were not that happy
because they used only crayons to color their paper, unlike their previous activity. In this
activity, I observed that having an individual activity is better because all of them are working,
they have freedom to do their activity and they need to do their own work because they know
that their classmates were not going to help them unlike in group activity, some of the pupils are
not helping and they just depend on their classmates.
As I started the activity, I gave my pupils papers with the names of the months of the year
printed on it. I let them choose their favorite color that they think it will be easier for them to
remember the months of the year. The participation of the pupils was good. When it comes in
coloring, some of the pupils still don’t know how to color properly. Some of them don’t have
crayons so they just borrowed crayons from their classmates. They were all quite, focused and
busy coloring their papers that’s why they finished their activity well. They were all behaved
until the end of the time.
January 17, 2018, it was the third day of the implementation of our intervention. My
lesson was “Using a Calendar- Dates of the Month. I gave my pupils their art activity sheet
individually so that all of them will work and learn how to do their activity. Before they did their
activity which is paper tearing, I explained and showed them first how to tear the papers and
where to paste it. After I explained the things they need to do, they started to do their activity.
Some of them were having a hard time in tearing papers, some were walking and playing while
doing their activity and some of them can’t really follow the instruction so the tendency was they
keep on asking questions if what will be the next thing to do. In tearing papers, the students who
are having a hard time in tearing used some techniques which were leaking their papers so that it
will be easier for them to tear the paper. When it comes in pasting the teared papers, they were
also having a hard time in doing it, but still they tried their best to finish their work. Even though
their work is not that perfect, at least 90% of them got it correctly. I’m so happy because that
time they learnt how to make things by their selves.
This was the 4th day of our intervention. The day before this, I told to my pupils to bring
different kinds of seeds for our art activity. I printed an image of a clock for this activity. All of
them are excited in our art activity which is seed mosaic. They were all getting ready and
preparing their materials for the activity. After I introduced our lesson, I inserted our activity in
the evaluation part, which is they need to trace the clock by putting seeds on the line and they
will write what time they did at the bottom of their clock. They were all quite in doing their
activities. They shared their things for those who don’t have their materials. The students were
very generous and in making their activity they really don’t mind the work of others. Their
products were very nice and beautiful. In this activity, they obviously enjoyed and interested. At
the end of this activity, the students learnt how to decorate using seeds and at the same time they
learnt how check time. They finished their activity on time.
Sometimes, students have their odd talents. Even though they didn’t excel in academics,
they have their different talents in other aspects. As they say, “All individuals are different” and
that’s why we have the 9 multiple intelligences. In this activity, I discovered one student who has
unique talent, even my CT (Cooperating Teacher) recognized this. After I taught my lessons
which are “Short, shorter, shortest and Long, longer, longest”, in my enrichment I let them do the
straw art. In straw art, they were going to make anything using straw which is related to our topic
and about what they learnt in our lesson. I showed them first an example which was 3 flowers
with different length with different sizes of petals. After I showed an example, I let them out
their straw and coupon bond. While the students are busy making their activity, there was one
guy who is picking straws on the floor and seems like very eager to make his own product too.
They were very happy in doing their activity and they shared their ideas and opinions to one
another. After they passed all their works, I was overwhelmed in their outputs, it were clean and
beautiful. There was one output that stands out. Me and my CT were amazed and said “Ma’am
Amparo meron din palang tinatagong galling si Carlo, tingnan mo yung gawa niya ang ganda”.
Indeed, Carlo’s work is very beautiful and she realized that every student have their own talent.
January 29, 2018, 6th day of our intervention. Our lesson was all about comparing objects:
light and heavy. It was a messy and noisy art activity; because some of the students brought
calamansi and big vegetables which are too big and not suited to the papers, so that they need to
resize their vegetables first before using it. I gave each student a paper which has an image of
heavy and light animals, which they will paint the heavy animals by red paint and yellow for the
light animals using the vegetables instead of brush. As usual, some of the students didn’t bring
their things for our activity, so they asked paints from their classmates. The pupils kept on
roaming around because they are borrowing things from their classmates, but I let them do it
because I saw their eagerness and excitement to do and finish their activity. The pupils were so
happy because they were so amazed to the outcomes of their activity. I saw their eyes sparkled
and wide smiles when they saw their paints with styles made by vegetables and they really
enjoyed our activity. Even though they didn’t pass their papers on the same time, they still made
their best to submit their papers.
Grade: Grade 1
Subject: Mathematics
Time: 10: 00 AM to 10:50 AM
Date: January 31, 2018 (Day 7)
January 31, 2018, our art activity was using clay dough. Before inserting our art activity,
I introduced first our lesson, which was “Comparing Tall, Taller and Tallest. After the
discussion, I explained to my pupils the things they will do. I let them prepare the things they
will use such as clay and bond paper. I explained and showed them the things they need to do, I
also showed finish products. It was so easy that’s why they didn’t ask follow up questions. As I
saw their outputs, it really showed how creative they were; some of them really showcased their
talents in arts. They are very attentive in class, they followed my instruction well and they really
concentrated in doing their outputs. Children love to play, and this time they were playing and at
the same time they were learning. The clay dough art was successfully done because aside from
their outputs that were overwhelming, the pupils were very happy and behaved all throughout the
When we say drawing, we already knew that pencil is one of the most common medium.
My pupils already know that pencils are used to write and draw, but this time they used their
pencils to measure. They used their pencils to measure the things that I let them to draw, like
crayons and pencils. After using their pencils to measure, I also let them use different medium to
use in measuring like paper clips. The pupils wrote how many paper clips they used in measuring
their drawings at the lower part of their paper. Most of the pupils were having a hard time in
measuring the length of their drawings, so that my ever supportive CT helped me in facilitating
my art activity. They finished and passed their art work on time.
Grade: Grade 1
Subject: Mathematics
Time: 10: 00 AM to 10:50 AM
Date: February 05, 2018 (Day 9)
February 05, 2018, it was the 9 th day our intervention. It was a memorable activity for my pupils.
February is a heart month so that, I prepared some paper hearts for my students for their art activity. As I
distributed the hearts I let them bring out their things that I told them to bring that day which are cotton
and paints. I explained to them the things they need to do. Before they start, I asked the pupils to estimate
if how many cotton balls will they use in covering the heart and they wrote it at the back of the heart.
While doing their activity, I saw their smiles on their faces that seems like they are enjoying. They made
circles out of cotton to make cotton balls. Some of the pupils already brought cotton balls, so that they
proceeded to the next step which was pasting the cotton balls on the heart until no spaces left. Some of the
pupils were having a hard time in putting cotton balls on the heart, that’s why my CT helped them. Even
though my CT didn’t tell me that she enjoyed the activity, I saw smiles on her face that means she was
happy and she also enjoyed it. The pupils are behaved and they were not asking what to do next, so I
assume that they already understand my instruction. After they pasted all their cotton balls, they counted
and wrote at the back of the heart if how many cotton balls they used. I let the students compare their
estimation and to the exact cotton balls they used. 50% of the students got it close to their estimation but
to those who didn’t get it may focus more and as a teacher, I may reiterate my instructions more. For the
beautification of their work, I let my pupils paint the cotton balls with red. I can say that they really
enjoyed this activity because their outputs were very beautiful and I and my CT were very satisfied to
their products.
Grade: Grade 1
Subject: Mathematics
Time: 10: 00 AM to 10:50 AM
Date: February 06, 2018 (Day 10)
The topic for the first intervention day of our art activity was all about writing the different
denominations of money in symbols and in words. And so, the first art activity that was being integrated
for this topic was collage making. The different denominations of money was written on the cartolina
together with their spelling when it was written in words The instruction in this activity was that the
students were going to paste the play money in a coupon bond and after which they were going to write
the amount of money in symbols and in words.
The students listened to the instruction and they also asked questions for some clarifications. As
the art activity started, some of the students participated in doing the art activity especially those who had
their own art materials. Others who do not have their art material specifically play money, were those
who made unnecessary noise and disturbed their classmates while they were doing their work but maybe
next time, I will be giving those kind of students a different activity so they will not disturb the class or
even make a noise. While their classmates were busy doing their art activity, they were also busy doing
such unnecessary things. Some students moved to other chairs just to borrow some of their classmates’ art
material. They had done their work independently but there was still noise that I could hear from them.
They had shown their interest in doing the activity by exerting effort in their works.
Next art activity for the second day of the intervention was coloring activity. Students
were given each of them a paper wherein different denominations of money are being printed in
there. The instruction for this activity was that the students should color the money that was
being printed with its appropriate color (eg.P50.00 is red). Next is that after they had colored the
money, they are going to compare the denomination of the money using the symbols <,> and =.
After instructing them what they were going to do, the students started to work on their activity.
The students listened to the instructions very well. They also repeat asking questions to clarify
themselves. During their art activity, the students are peacefully coloring their own work. Others
sat beside their classmates quietly to share with their coloring materials. Even those who are not
that participative in doing such activity had finished their work quietly and independently. There
was still noise coming from them but not that too loud compared with the other days. Students
seemed to be enjoying their art activity as they were showing their interest and eagerness in
doing their task. They had also done their work easily just because they understood the topic
very well. All of the students have their own output in that art activity.
The topic was all about illustrating half circle and quarter circle and the activity that was
integrated in this topic was paper tearing for the third day of the intervention. Students used
colored paper, pencil and coupon bond for this specific activity. In this activity, students were
instructed to torn the colored paper in different shapes they wanted as long as it would fit in the
half circle and quarter circle that they had drawn in a piece of bond paper. While giving the
instruction, students kept on asking questions on what they were going to do such as on what
they were going to use to form a half circle and a quarter circle and most especially if they would
just really tore the colored papers without using scissors. Other students had difficulty on how to
draw a circle but others found another way on how to draw a circle and they used objects with a
round shape. It was one of the main sources of their noise but I remind them that talking is not
part of my instruction and it’s just okay to use objects for making a circle but making noise is
not. Other students do their work quietly and independently but most of them created
unnecessary noise while doing their art activity. Most of the students passed their outputs but
others do not.
The art activity for the fourth day of the intervention was seed mosaic wherein the topic was
all about recognizing and constructing the shapes of triangle, circle, square and rectangle. In this kind
of activity, each student was assigned to draw shapes like square, circle, rectangle and triangle. After
they had drawn the designated shape assigned to them, they used different kind of seeds to outline
the shape. As they were doing their own work, the students showed their enjoyment while doing the
activity. Others were enjoying pasting the seeds in their drawn shapes in the bond paper. The
students showed their enjoyment in doing the activity but still they cannot avoid talking to each
other. Others shared their seeds to their classmates for them to be able to have an output for that
activity. Some students, who do not have materials in the activity, just picked up those seeds that fell
down in the floor. While some of them just get seeds from their classmates, without asking
permission. As a result, those who were being taken their seeds started to quarrel between those who
get there seeds. And it was one of the reasons why they were noisy during the art activity. But in
behalf of their noisiness, the activity was still successful in the end of the period because of their
creative outputs. Maybe next time, I will share to my students how important the sharing is so getting
without permission will not be happening again and through that, they will be having sense of
initiative to share/give to those in need.
Art Activity: Drawing (Pencil)
For the fifth art activity of the intervention was drawing. The topic was all about
drawing a line in the objects to show symmetry. During the discussion, they were shown
different objects that were drawn a symmetry line. Other students also tried to draw a symmetry
line in the objects printed in a cartolina. After that, when it was their turn in doing the activity,
they were instructed to draw objects in a bond paper. After they had drawn the objects, they will
draw a broken line that will show the symmetry on the objects. As they were doing their work,
some of the students were independently doing their own work. Other students borrowed some
of their classmate’s stuffs just for them to finish their work. They had shown their care to their
classmates by giving them some of their materials and let them to borrow their art materials.
They listened to the instructions well and asked questions before and during their activity. Most
of the students remained silent in doing the activity while some of them were doing unnecessary
noise while doing their activity. Other students showed effort in doing their drawing activity
which resulted to a creative output.
Straw art was the sixth art activity for the intervention. The topic for this art activity was
all about drawing symmetry line in shapes. They were first shown different kind of shapes which
show symmetry that was being printed in a paper. Before doing their activity, they had first tried
to draw a line of symmetry that was being posted in the board. The students listened to the
instructions first and then they asked some questions regarding to what they will do in the
activity. In here, the students’ task was to draw a shape that shows symmetry. After that, they
used blue straw to outline the shapes and used any color of straw that will serve as the line of
symmetry. All of the students had their own art materials which was the straw. The students
moved to another place wherein they were comfortable with. Other students borrowed their
classmate’s things most especially scissors and tape. The students followed the instruction very
well so that there were no any problems when they were doing the activity. Some of the students
were peacefully doing their own activity. But most of the students were noisy while they were
doing their art activity. All of the students finished their work and all of them had their own
Art Activity: Clay Dough
The eighth art activity for the intervention was clay dough. The topic was all about
tessellation. In here, students were first shown shapes that were being tessellated by using cut
outs of small squares and triangles. The students were instructed and assigned to draw shapes of
squares and triangles. The students asked questions during and after they were instructed what
they were going to do on the art activity. When the art activity started, most of them made
unnecessary noise. Others do not have their own art materials which was clay. The main source
of their noisiness was those students who do not have their own art materials. They got their
classmates’ materials without asking their permission and then after that it caused noisiness in
the class which also made the others make noise too. Others fought because of getting one
another’s things. Some of the students had their own business which was connected with the art
activity. Some of the students also do not cooperate when doing the art activity. But most of
them had the courage to finish their work.