The Neurobiology of Autism
The Neurobiology of Autism
The Neurobiology of Autism
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Departments of 1 Neurology and 2 Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md.
Corresponding author:
Carlos A. Pardo, MD, Department of Neurology, 600 N. Wolfe St.—Pathology Bldg 627, Baltimore, MD 21287 (E-mail: or Charles G. Eberhart,
MD, PhD, Department of Pathology, 720 Rutland Ave., Ross 558, Baltimore, MD 21205
Improving clinical tests are allowing us to more precisely classify autism spectrum being identified, it is generally believed
disorders and diagnose them at earlier ages. This raises the possibility of earlier and that genetic as well as environmental
potentially more effective therapeutic interventions. To fully capitalize on this oppor- factors are involved in the pathogenesis of
tunity, however, will require better understanding of the neurobiological changes
ASD (98, 147, 164). This review focuses
underlying this devastating group of developmental disorders. It is becoming clear that
the normal trajectory of neurodevelopment is altered in autism, with aberrations in
on the current knowledge of molecular
brain growth, neuronal patterning and cortical connectivity. Changes to the structure and cellular factors that may contribute
and function of synapses and dendrites have also been strongly implicated in the to pathogenic mechanisms in ASD, and
pathology of autism by morphological, genetic and animal modeling studies. Finally, examines how they might affect the devel-
environmental factors are likely to interact with the underlying genetic profile, and opment and functioning of the central
foster the clinical heterogeneity seen in autism spectrum disorders. In this review we nervous system (CNS).
attempt to link the molecular pathways altered in autism to the neurodevelopmental
and clinical changes that characterize the disease. We focus on signaling molecules THE NEUROANATOMICAL AND
such as neurotrophin, Reelin, PTEN and hepatocyte growth factor, neurotransmitters NEURODEVELOPMENTAL BASIS OF ASD
such as serotonin and glutamate, and synaptic proteins such as neurexin, SHANK and Different approaches, including clinical
neuroligin. We also discuss evidence implicating oxidative stress, neuroglial activation
assessment, neuroimaging and neuro-
and neuroimmunity in autism.
pathological studies have been used to
Brain Pathol 2007;17:434–447. assess the structural and morphological
brain abnormalities in ASD. One con-
sistent finding in ASD is altered brain
INTRODUCTION rodevelopmental milestones are lost and/ growth, which has been extensively docu-
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are or other clinical signs worsen (174). ASD mented by Courchesne et al (54). The
the most devastating conditions in the are clinically heterogeneous and can be clinical onset of autism appears to be pre-
broad range of developmental abnormali- associated in up to 10% of patients with ceded by two phases of brain growth
ties known as “pervasive developmental well-described neurological and genetic abnormalities: a reduced head size at birth,
disorders” (175). ASD comprise a complex disorders, such as tuberous sclerosis, fragile then a sudden and excessive increase
and heterogeneous group of conditions X, Rett’s and Down syndromes, although between 1–2 months and 6–14 months of
that include autism, Rett and Asperger in most patients the causes are still age (54, 57). Furthermore, these reports
syndromes, and pervasive developmental unknown (159, 176) (see review by and other recent neuroimaging studies
disorder-otherwise nonspecified (2). The London). The heterogeneity and clinical have shown that an abnormal pattern of
main clinical features of ASD are stereo- variability of autism has prompted some brain overgrowth also occurs in areas of the
typic behaviors and marked impairment in researchers to use the term autisms instead frontal lobe, cerebellum and limbic struc-
communication, social skills and cognition of autism (81). tures between 2 and 4 years of age, a
(129, 174). Clinical signs of ASD are fre- The stereotypic behaviors and marked pattern that is followed by abnormal slow-
quently present at 3 years of age and recent delay or disruption of communication and ness in brain growth (54, 55, 57, 192).
prospective studies in toddlers indicate that social behavior trajectories that characterize These brain regions are intimately involved
abnormalities in social, communication ASD indicate that crucial neuroanatomic in the development of social, communica-
and play behavior that may represent early structures and neurodevelopmental path- tion and motor abilities that are impaired
indicators of autism can be detected as ways may be affected during intra-uterine in ASD. For example, social orienting defi-
early as 14 months of age (124). Abnor- and/or early postnatal brain development. cits in ASD were linked to abnormalities in
malities in language development, mental Several lines of research indicate that ASD frontal brain mechanisms involved in asso-
retardation and epilepsy are frequent prob- are associated with disarrangement of ciating rewards with goal-directed activity
lems in the clinical profiles of patients with neuronal organization, cortical connectiv- (62, 201). A recent clinical study found
autism, and some patients may exhibit fea- ity and neurotransmitter pathways. While that a head circumference >75th percentile
tures of clinical regression, in which neu- the causes of these abnormalities are still is associated with more impaired adaptive
Infections modeling
31–40 weeks Language and communication
Cortical Networks
Postnatal First year development
Brain Motor development
Toxins Development Brain growth
Brain Second and
Maturation Third year
Altered Trajectories = Autism Spectrum
Figure 1. Genetic and environmental factors that influence intrauterine and early postnatal brain development likely alter neurobiological and neurodevel-
opmental trajectories that determine the clinical core of ASD.
behaviors and with less impairment in IQ fMRI of the brain has also shown abnormal mal pattern of growth with an overall
measures and motor and verbal language patterns of activation and synchronization decrease number of neurons (190, 191).
development (182). Neuroimaging studies across different cortical and subcortical These observations suggest that delays and
have also demonstrated an overall enlarge- regions. This includes reduction in the disarrangements in neuronal maturation
ment of brain volume associated with functional connectivity and decreased cor- are important in the pathogenesis of
increased subcortical white matter in the relation of the time series involved in higher autism (55), although the possibility that
frontal lobe, and abnormal patterns of order tasks that include language, working Purkinje cells or other neurons were ini-
growth in the cerebral cortex, amygdala memory, problem solving and social cogni- tially present and subsequently degener-
and hippoccampal formations (see review tion (reviewed by Minshew (147)). ated must also be considered. In addition
by Herbert (95)). A detailed parcellation Post-mortem neuropathological studies to these cytoarchitectural abnormalities,
study of the cerebral white matter showed also show disturbances in neuronal and the structure and number of cortical mini-
increased volume of the subcortical or cortical organization (reviewed in this issue columns, narrow chains of neurons that
outer radiate white matter in all lobes, but by Casanova). Indeed, cytoarchitectural extend vertically across layers 2–6 (151)
most remarkable in the frontal lobe, sup- organizational abnormalities of the cerebral to form anatomical and functional units,
porting the view that an overgrowth of cortex, cerebellum, and other subcortical appear to be abnormal in ASD. Mini-
intrahemispheric and cortico-cortical con- structures appear to be the most prominent columns in brain from patients with ASD
nections rather than interhemispheric con- neuropathological changes in autism (7, are more numerous, smaller, and less
nections occur in patient with autism and 112). An unusual laminar cytoarchitecture compact in their cellular configuration in
language-associated developmental disor- with packed small neurons has been the frontal and temporal regions, as com-
ders (96, 97). Other studies of cortical and described in the classical neuropathological pared with controls ((34) and review by
cerebral white matter volumes are in- studies by Kemper and Bauman, but no Casanova in this issue).
dicative of inter-regional disconnectivity abnormalities in the external configuration Taken together, clinical, neuroimaging
(95–97), potentially resulting in poor inte- of the cerebral cortex were noted (112). and neuropathological studies support the
gration within and across neurobehavioral Cerebellar and brainstem pathology was hypothesis that autisms are disorders of
developmental domains (56, 117). also prominent, with loss and atrophy of neuronal-cortical organization that cause
Other novel neuroimaging approaches Purkinje cells, predominantly in the poste- alterations of information processing at
such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and rolateral neocerebellar cortex. Kemper and different levels of the nervous system, from
functional magnetic resonance imaging Bauman (11, 112) have delineated at least synaptic and dendritic organization to
(fMRI) have also demonstrated disruption three different types of pathological abnor- pathway connectivity and brain struc-
of white matter tracts and disconnection malities in autism: (i) a curtailment of the ture (81, 147). These neurobiological
between brain regions in patients with normal development of neurons in the alterations likely affect the developmental
autism. DTI of the brain reveals reduced forebrain limbic system, (ii) an apparent trajectory of social behavior and com-
fractional anisotropy values in white matter decrease in the cerebellar Purkinje cell munication during early stages of child-
adjacent to the ventromedial prefrontal cor- population, and (iii) age-related changes in hood (124) and appear to be influenced
tices, anterior cingulated gyrus and superior neuronal size and number in the nucleus of by both genetic and environmental factors
temporal regions, suggesting disruption of the diagonal band of Broca, the cerebellar (Figure 1). Some of the morphological
white matter tracts in brain regions involved nuclei and the inferior olive. Most recently, abnormalities (eg, minicolumnar disorga-
in social functioning (9). Interestingly, studies of the amygdala showed an abnor- nization) suggest the events involved in the
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