MCGM - CVS - Queries Final With SD Sign
MCGM - CVS - Queries Final With SD Sign
MCGM - CVS - Queries Final With SD Sign
Sr. No. BID DOCUMENT Content of BID DOCUMENT requiring Clarification Sought /Query MCGM Final Decision
reference (Section and clarification
Page No)
1 Section 5.1 Consortium/ Joint Venture is allowed Since this Contract value is much less than prescribed limit of Rs No Change
S No. a 100Cr for allowing consortium and it requires one single skill,
Page No. 17 Consortium should not be allowed.
Also as this is a single work, i.e., implementation of a Property
Tax software, so only firms those having experience in
implementation of property tax software should be allowed. It
has been seen before that consortiums are misused by some
vendors to find back door entry into the bidding process
without possessing necessary competence.
2 Section 5.1 Average annual financial turnover during As per the standard bid document followed by MCGM, the No Change
S No. c 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 shall be of turnover should be 3 times the estimated value of the Project,
Page No. 17 Rs.2 crores. i.e., 45 Cr.
Therefore we would request to kindly revise the clause as under;
3 Section 5.1 Bidder should have positive net worth of As per the standard bid document followed by MCGM, Bidder No Change
S No. d INR 50 lacs as on 31st March 2017. should have positive net worth of atleast 33% of the Estimated
Page No. 17 Value of the Project. Therefore we request you to kindly revise
the clause as under.
ii. Similar work: The SBD has given examples of similar work for
RCC , CC Asphalt Road, Asphalt Road, Pipeline work etc. Same
principle is used while deciding similar work. Eg Similar work for
Building construction of building of 5 to 10 stories requires
experience of construction of min 5 stories. Or for basement min
5 General Addition of Technical Evaluation Criteria There is no technical evaluation criteria in the RFP to shortlist Please refer 21.3 of Page No. 27
bidders based on their technical capabilities.
We understand approach is all vendors who qualify, their
commercial bids will be opened and L1 would be awarded the
bid. This method would have been okay had there been a fixed
scope and single option to deliver that scope. However, RFP
allows 3 different approaches (existing software, new custom
based software or SAP). All approaches will have distinct cost
structure. Comparison of bids with such multiple options
without technical evaluation would not be a fair method. Hence
we request MCGM to kindly include the technical evaluation
criteria pertaining to criterias like turnover, similar experiences,
no. of implementations, technical knowhow, bidders approach &
methodology to successfully implement the project, demo of the
proposed software, etc.
8 Secton 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 List of documents - Envelope A, B and C RFP has given list of documents to be attached in Envelope A, B No Change
Page 22, 23 and C. If we miss to attach some of documents re experience or
any such non-commercial criteria, is it ok if we submit such
documents later
9 Section 32.1.2 Successful bidder is required to deploy In case 14 resources for operations and support neesd to travel As per MCGM Direction within
Point 1.2.3 minimum 14 resources for operation and between different MCGM Locations - please inform no. of MCGM Limit
Page No. 43 maintenance and 14 resources for Locations each person will need to support. Also mention total
development but if needed sufficient no of locations to be supported.
number of resources to be deployed to
meet the timelines specified in the tender.
10 Section 36 In both of the cases above, the detailed & The commercial format don’t have any columns to provide these Commercial format is all inclusive
Page No. 70 point wise elaboration of costs are details. Please elaborate where and how these details are to be
expected, e.g. cost for licenses, cost for provided in the bid response.
development, training, etc.
11 Section 38.1.3 The Bidder shall make changes in the If change requests are given after 3 months. How the bidder is to please refer 34.2 of page No. 44
Page No. 72 software within a period of three months be paid for the additional efforts.
from the date of implementation as and
when required by the department; such
changes will be done without any
additional charges.
12 Section 38.1.3 Operations of help desk and refresher We understand that this Helpdesk Support and training would 08.00 am to 08.00 pm
Point 6 c training (12*7) post implementation be for the Department Staff. If so, please specify the officials
Page No. 73 hours/days in during which the support is to be provided. 12*7
support may not be requied
13 Section 38.1.3 Operations of help desk and refresher We understand that this Helpdesk Support and training would Help desk 08.00 am to 08.00 pm
Point 6 c training (12*7) post implementation be for the Department Staff. If so, please specify the officials
Page No. 73 hours/days in during which the support is to be provided. 12*7
support may not be requied Please refer 38.1.3 (5) of page No.
What is the frequency of refresher training programs. On an 73
average, how may persons will attend the refresher training.
14 Section 40.4.2 Data migration may involve Extract, We understand that the ETL tool required would be provided by It is bidder's responsibility.
Page No. 93 Transform, and Load (ETL) procedures to MCGM.
move data from the system of origin into Please Clarify
the new system or it may involve
integration links to make the data
transparently available to the user.
15 Section 40.9 Maintenance and Support Is there any scope of onsite and on premise support at the Ward As and when required
Page No. 98 Offices or only remote support is to be provided from the base
If on premise support is to be provided, what is frequency of
support request.
16 General General There may be huge price difference between option 1 & Option Please refer 21.5.1 of page no. 29
How will MCGM standardise the evaluation process.
17 Section 13.2 CVs of resources as per the format in Annexure
The Annexure for the CV format is missing in the RFP. Can the Format attached
Page No. 23 bidder use the formats specified in the previous tender Property
Also please specify, the details of resources required along with
no. of resources required, designation, experience and
qualification for which CVs would be submitted.
18 Section 35.6 F GCC 28.1.3 - ….. 2 The successful bidder Reqest relook at this clause. Points like Installation of Hardware Whatever is applicable as per
Page 49 has to comply with following Seven (7) & Networking Equipment for data entry, Security Management tender.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure and Network Availailibilty would not be applicable under this
adherence to project timelines, quality and project
availability of services:
a. Timely Delivery
b. Correctness of Delivery
c. Installation of Hardware & Networking
Equipment for
data entry
d. Resolution Time
e. Security Management
f. Application Availability
g. Network Availaility
19 Section 35.6 F 5 The maximum penalty at any point of We request that upper limit for penalty should be 5% of the No Change
Page 50 time and for any period should not exceed project cost
25% of outstanding project cost as per the
Commercial Bid submitted by the
successful bidder.
20 Section 35.6 F Security incidents could consist of any of Hardware and other IT infrastrucure in not within the scope of No Change
Page 58 the following but not limited to : this project. Hence these SLAs would not be applicable. Request
(a) Virus Attack – This shall include you to relook and remove the same. Bidder should be
Malicious code infection of any of the responsible only if there is very clear and undoubtful proof of
servers in the network. the security breach due to issue in application software.
(b) Denial of Servce…..
…… (d) Intrusion – Successful /
unsuccessful unauthorized access to
MCGM Application/network resulting in
loss of confidentiality/Integrity/availability
of data
21 Section 35.6 F Database Server Uptime These factors depend on hardware setup, DC and DR setup. No Change
Page 64 Since this is not within the scope of this project, please relook at
these and remove the same from SLA
Infrastructure Architecture
Disaster Recovery
RTO, RPO, Mock Drill
22 Section 35.6 F Severity 3 Issue (Low) - Resolution Time <= We request that this should be changed as "Resolution Time <= No Change
Page 66 4 days from the time the complaint/query 4 days from the time the complaint/query is allocated for
is allocated for resolution by the helpdesk. resolution by the helpdesk for 80% of the call logs"
23 Section 35.6 F Severity 2 Issue (Medium)- Resolution We request that this should be changed as "Resolution Time <= 2 No Change
Page 65 Time <= 2 day from the time the day from the time the complaint/query is allocated for
complaint/query is allocated for resolution resolution by the helpdesk for 80% of the call logs.
by the helpdesk.
24 Section 38.2 Page 76 53 points and 2085 call logs Compared to last RFP, We can see that scope is increased, Will No Change
MCGM revise the budget?
Assessor & Collector
Name of the Organization Vidarbha Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Sr. No. BID DOCUMENT Content of BID DOCUMENT requiring Clarification Sought /Query MCGM Final Decision
reference (Section and clarification
Page No)
1 Section 35.6 f - Pages from 54 to 58 of the bid document are blank, request you Page no 55 to 58 are blank
Guarrantees and to reproduce the same pages.
Page no. 54 to 58
Assessor & Collector
Name of the Organization Cyber Tech
Sr. No. BID DOCUMENT Content of BID DOCUMENT requiring Clarification Sought /Query MCGM Final Decision
reference (Section and clarification
Page No)
1 Clause No:5.1 Sr. No (F) Work order & project Why the time frame has specifically mentioned till March 2017? Within last three years upto the
of Eligibilty Criteria completion certificate should be Request to allow bidders to submit the completion certificate till last date of Bid Submission.
between 01-04-2014 to 31-03- date of submission of the bid as per the standard bidding
2017. Process
2 34.2 Terms of Payment Option 2 For what item breakdown of option 2 (b) given? It is for Option 2
(GCC Clause 12) (a ) No invoicing for running existing
software for 6 months
(i) On submission of SRS - 10%
(ii) On Implementation - 30%
(iii) After operational acceptance - 20%
(iv) After stabilization period - 10%
(v)Quarterly invoicing for post
implementation period of 3rd, 4th, and 5th
4 46. Pricing Estimated man days in respect of Does 2376 2376 Man days are only for
uncompleted tasks and development Man days include support hours ? uncompleted task and changes
cost during operational acceptance and during 5 years of maintainance for
O&M period Option 1.
Only for new changes during 5
years for Option 2.
5 38.2.1 Functional Scope List of uncompleted tasks Does the items listed uncompleted tasks has to be the part of Applicable for Option 1
for the bidders who the solution if the bidder is going for Option 2 ?
intend to bid for
existing software as per
option 1 at sr no 36(A)
6 41. Integration Services 41.3 Document Management System (DMS) Which data/services from Property Tax system needs to SAP system or any DMS opted by
integrated with DMS ? MCGM
7 22. Law Module – Law Module – Integration with Law What type of services needs to be integrated with current In respect of pending Court cases.
Integration with Law department system?
department i) Small Causes Court
ii) City Civil Court
iii) High Court
iv) Supreme Court
Note : As per AMC(P) Santion AMC/Project/2505 dt.04.09.2017, Circular No.CA/Project/City/16 dt.31.08.2017 will be applicable for GST Implimentation. (Copy enclosed)
Assessor & Collector