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Health Teaching Plan - Practice On Breastfeeding

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Teaching Plan

Topic: Essential practice on breastfeeding

Objectives Learning Content Teaching Learning Time Allotment Evaluation

After 1 hour and Within 1 hour nd 30
30minutes of teaching the minutes of health
client will be able to: teaching the client will be
Breastfeeding Discussion (language 5 minutes able to answer the
1. Define  the feeding of depends on what the following:
breastfeeding and babies and young mother is using)
breastmilk. children with 1. What is
breastmilk from breastfeeding and
a woman's what is
breast. breastmilk?
 helps baby's 2. What are the
development correct
and mother/baby positioning when
attachment breastfeeding the
Breastmilk baby?
 Milk from the 3. How to attach the
breast baby to you?
 contains exactly 4. When and how
the nutrients a often you need to
baby needs breastfeed your
 is easily digested baby?
and efficiently 5. What things
used by the should you avoid
baby's body when
 protects a baby breastfeeding the
against infection baby?
6. What are the
benefits of
2. To acquire How to properly hold the 20 minutes
knowledge about baby:
the correct  ensure that the Demonstation
positioning and baby's head and
attachment for its body are align
breastfeeding. straight
 make certain that
the baby faced
the breast, take
note that the
baby's nose
should be in the
opposite of her
 hold the baby's
body close to her
 Ensure that she
support the
baby's whole
body, not only
the neck and

Teaching the mother

how to help her child to
attach. She must:
 allow her nipple
to touch the
baby’s lips
 she must wait for
the baby to open
her mouth wide
 after that, move
the child quickly
to her breast,
aiming the baby’s
lower lip well
below the nipple.

Signs of good
 the baby’s mouth
is wide open
 the lower lip of
the child must be
turned outwards
 the baby’s chin
must be touching
the breast
 the areola is more
visible above the
baby’s mouth

Signs of effective
 slow
 deep sucks
 pausing

If the attachment is not

good try again or reasses.

Help the mother:

3. Gain knowledge  Initiate 30 minutes
and skills on how breastfeeding
to initiate within 1 hour of Discussion and assisting
breastfeeding and birth the mother for support
to observe  The baby must be
swallowing fed every 2-3
hours. When
feeding wake the
baby, even if
she/he does not
wake up alone, 2
hours after the
last feed.
 Always start the
feed with
before offering a
cup. If necessary,
improve the milk
flow (let the
mother express a
little breast milk
before attaching
the baby to the
 Keep the baby
longer at the
breast. Allow long
pauses or long,
slow feed. Do not
interrupt feed if
the baby is still
 If the baby is not
yet suckling well
and long enough,
do whatever
works better in
your setting:
a. Let the
breast milk
into baby's
 Teach the mother
to observe
swallowing if
giving expressed
breast milk.

4. To identify that to  force the baby to 15minutes
avoid when take the breast
breastfeeding the  interrupt feed Discussion
baby. before baby
 give any other
feeds or water
 use artificial teats
or pacifiers

Benefits for breastdfed

5. To acquire babies: 20 minutes
knowledge about  Stronger immune
the benefits of systems Discussion
breastfeeding the  Protect against
baby. allergies and
 Cause less
stomach upsetm
diarrhea and
 Reduces the risk
of viruses, urinary
tract infections,
bowel disease,
ear infections,
and respiratory
 Makes vaccines
more effective.
 Could help
prevent obesity.

Benefits for the mother:

 Lowers your risk
of breast and
ovarian cancer
 Helps to lose
pregnancy weight
 Triggers your
uterus to shrink
back to
prepregnancy size
 May lower your
risk of
 Heals your body
after delivery
 Gives closeness
with the baby.

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