Manila Bay Clean Up, Rehabilitation and Preservation Program
Manila Bay Clean Up, Rehabilitation and Preservation Program
Manila Bay Clean Up, Rehabilitation and Preservation Program
2 Barangay DCF)
1 Does the barangay have a Barangay Solid Waste Management Committee, and was created
through an Executive Order (E.O)?
x Yes No
1.2 If the answer is “Yes” to Item 1.1, indicate E.O No. and Date of Approval. Write
“N/A” if the answer to Item 1.1 is “No”
2. Determine the functionality of the Committee based on its Composition. (Put a check mark
(✓) on the appropriate box)
Punong Barangay X
SK Chairman X
4. Based on the computed average, are the households covered by the barangay compliant?
x Yes No
5. Types of waste collected by the Barangay at the household level (Put a check mark (✓) on the
appropriate box)
x Recyclables
x Compost/Biodegradable
Others (please specify)
6. Barangay Collection Scheme (Put a check mark (✓) on the appropriate box)
x Yes No 50
TOTAL 100%
* Centralized MRF must show that it has the capacity to process wastes coming from covered barangay
x Yes No
10. 1 Did the barangay conduct clean-up (coastal, rivers and other water bodies) activities in
the last quarter?
x Yes No
10.2 If yes, what is the total number of sacks of marine debris/solid waste collected during
clean-up activities (Barangay-led/coordinated/participated)?
Total number of sacks of
solid waste collected
x Yes No
14. Does the City/Municipality have a No-Littering Ordinance which the Barangay
x Yes No
15. If “Yes”, does the barangay apprehend violators of R.A.? (Check for apprehension tickets, record of
violators, etc.)
x Yes No
Segregation at
Disinformed in segregation Conduct meeting and
Source Administrative Information
sanctions, fines dissemination
Functional MRFs and/or penalties Manpower capacity Memorandum
under R.A. 9003
Waste Generation and Twice a week Brgy. Ordinance
Waste Diversion (Sections 49 and 50)
No Littering Ordinances
Accomplished by:
16 December 2020
Hon. Ricardo P. Lucena Date
Committee Chair on Environment or authorized
Certified Correct:
16 December 2020
Hon. Emiliano B. Ramos
Punong Barangay
(Manila Bayanihan Form 2.2 Barangay DCF)
31,316 7,626
No. of compliant
Households X 100
Total no. of Households
X Yes No
X Yes No
X Yes No
X Yes No
>FOOD/WASTE 51,192 50,615 50,790 132,597
Noted by:
M. Alvarez Ave., Jan. 4, 2020 M. Alvarez Ave., Creek 250M 425 Kgms. City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Jan. 11, 2020 M. Alvarez Ave Creek 360 Kgms. City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Jan. 18, 2020 M. Alvarez Ave Creek 405 Kgms City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Jan. 25, 2020 M. Alvarez Creek 300M 390 Kgms City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Feb. 1, 2020 M. Alvarez Ave., Creek 350M 430Kgms City Solid Waste dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Feb. 8, M. Alvarez Ave., Creek 200M 520Kmgs City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Feb. 15, M. Alvarez Ave., Creek 250M 350Kgms City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Feb. 22, M. Alvarez Creek 200M 400Kgms. City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Feb. 29, M. Alvarez Ave Creek 200M 350Kgms City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave., Mar. 7, 2020 M. Alvarez Ave., Creek 200M 400Kgms City Solid Waste Dump Site
M. Alvarez Ave Mar. 14, M. Alvarez Ave., Creek 200M 380Kgms. City Solid Waste Dump Site
B. Dialogues
2nd Barangay Assembly Main Barangay Brgy. Officials with Functionality of Republic Act 9003
guest and more than
700 participants of the
said assembly
C. Information Materials
c. Apprehension of violator/s.
B. Dialogues
Activity Venue Target Participants Commitment
Flag Raising Main Barangay Brgy. Official, Execution of
Employees, Staffs, Republic Act 9003
Senior Citizens, Solo mandate on Clean
Parent, PWD’s, Kalipi and Green Program
Officers & Member,
Association Officers
and Member and other
1st Barangay General Golden Acres Covered Brgy. Officials with Functionality of
Assembly Court guest and more than Republic Act 9003
500 participants of
the said assembly
Conduct of school- Talon Elementary Teachers, parents Implementation of
based meeting School and student City Ordinance and
participated mostly RA 9003
Golden Acres national of GPTA and HPTA
High School
Golden Acres
Elementary School
Community Day Care
C. Information Materials
Activity Venue Target Participants Commitment
Barangay Assembly Golden Acres 500 participants on Continue
Covered Court the assembly enhancement in
imp[lamentation of
RA 9003
School-based Talon Elementary Teachers, parent Enforcement the
Meeting School and students mandatory rule of
Golden Acres RA 9003
National High
Golden Acres
Elementary School
>FOOD/WASTE 32,500 49,780 53,585 135,865
Noted by:
Hon. Emiliano B. Ramos
Barangay Chairman