BECA 3rd Quarter 2022
BECA 3rd Quarter 2022
BECA 3rd Quarter 2022
2 Barangay DCF)
1. 1 Does the barangay have a Barangay Solid Waste Management Committee, and was
created through an Executive Order (E.O)?
Yes No
1.2 If the answer is “Yes” to Item 1.1, indicate E.O No. and Date of Approval. Write
“N/A” if the answer to Item 1.1 is “No”
2. Determine the functionality of the Committee based on its Composition. (Put a check mark (✓) on the
appropriate box)
4. Based on the computed average, are the households covered by the barangay
Yes No
*The Barangay must reach a minimum rate of 70% to be considered as compliant.
5. Types of waste collected by the Barangay at the household level (Put a check mark (✓) on
the appropriate box)
Others (please specify) Facemask/Faceshield
6. Barangay Collection Scheme (Put a check mark (✓) on the appropriate box)
A.) The Barangay has a Materials Recovery Facility
If yes, Ye No
what type s
of facility?
(If the barangay has any of following, automatic 50%) 50%
_ Established MRF operated by the barangay
___ MRS cum MRF/ covered by MOA w/ junkshops
___ Clustered with a barangay owning an MRF
___ Centralized MRF*
___ Others (please indicate)
Does the existing MRF have an operational solid waste transfer station/sorting
station, drop-off center, composting facility, and a recycling facility? Or does the 50%
MRS effectively address all types of waste? (50%) YES
TOTAL 100%
* Centralized MRF must show that it has the capacity to process wastes coming from covered barangay
Yes No
10. 1 Did the barangay conduct clean-up (coastal, rivers and other water bodies) activities
in the last quarter?
Yes No
10.2 If yes, what is the total number of sacks of marine debris/solid waste collected
during clean-up activities?
Yes No
14. Does the City/Municipality have a No-Littering Ordinance which the Barangay
Yes No
15. If “Yes”, does the barangay apprehend violators of R.A.? (Check for apprehension
tickets, record of violators, etc.)
Yes No
Accomplished by:
NORMITA C. ANGOB October 04, 2022
_________________________________________ _____________________
Committee Chair on Environment or authorized
Certified Correct: