Membrane Filtration: Daniel J. Brose, Michael Dosmar, and Maik W. Jornitz

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Membrane Filtration

Daniel J. Brose, Michael Dosmar,

and Maik W. Jornitz


The filtration of protein solutions, especially in the manufacture of

biologically derived proteins, is a large and increasingly important step in
the production of protein pharmaceuticals. The focus of this chapter is on
the use of membrane filters for purification and sterilization of protein
pharmaceuticals. However, we also review other important uses of mem-
branes and nonmembrane filters in the production of protein pharmaceu-
ticals. The reader is directed to several useful reference books that describe
in more detail both the theory and the practice of filtration in the
biopharmaceutical industry (Cheryan, 1986; Ho and Sirkar, 1992;
Johnston, 1992a; Meltzer, 1987; Meltzer and Jornitz, 1998). Additional
discussion of interactions between filters and protein formulations can be
found in Chapters 2 and 3. The appendix to this chapter contains
definitions of terms for those readers unfamiliar with terminology of
membrane filtration.

Daniel J. Brose • Chemica Technologies, Inc., Bend, Oregon 97701. Michael

Dosmar • Separations Division, Sartorius Corp., Edgewood, New York 11717. Maik
W. Jornitz • Product Management, Sartorius AG, D-37075 Goettingen, Germany.
Development and Manufacture oj Protein Pharmaceuticals, edited by Nail and Akers. Kluwer Academic!
Plenum Publishers, New York, 2002.

214 Daniel J. Brose et al.

1.1. Applications of Membrane Filters in the Production of Protein


Protein biopharmaceuticals are typically produced by fermentation, cell

culture, or extraction from tissue. Regardless of the origin of the biopharma-
ceutical protein, many steps are involved in purification of the protein
before it is ready for pharmaceutical sale and use. The physical processes
used to purify biopharmaceutical proteins may include filtration, adsorp-
tion, centrifugation, and chromatography. These processing methods are
typically used to take a protein through the following sequence of steps in
the purification scheme:

• Clarification: removal of cell mass from supernatant liquid

• Fractionation: isolation of desired protein from other solutes
• Concentration: concentration of desired protein in solution
• Diafiltration: removal or exhange of small solutes by sequential
dilution and concentration steps
• Sterilization: removal of bacterial cells

Microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane processes can

be used to perform the above processing steps. Microporous filtration is
sometimes used for clarification; UF is used for fractionation, concentra-
tion, and diafiltration; and MF is used for sterilization. In the sterilization of
protein pharmaceuticals, MF is the method of choice, because proteins are
denatured by thermal sterilization processes.
Membrane filtration processes can be divided into two distinct modes
of operation. The first is a single-pass dead-end or static mode and the
second is a multiple-pass crossflow or tangential-flow mode. Crossflow
filtration is distinguished from dead-end filtration in that the flow path
of the fluid being filtered is parallel to the membrane surface rather than
perpendicular to the membrane surface, as shown in Fig. 1. In crossflow
filtration, the flow parallel to the membrane surface generates shear, which
limits the thickness of the filter cake or gel layer. In dead-end filtration, the
filter-cake thickness increases with time, resulting in the eventual cessation
of flow.


Dead-end filtration is used primarily in micro filtration applications

where the goal of the filtration is to remove particles greater than 0.1 11m,
where the feed solution is relatively "clean," and where the filtrate (or solute

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