The Problems Associated With Enzyme Purification
The Problems Associated With Enzyme Purification
The Problems Associated With Enzyme Purification
1. Introduction
This chapter aims to highlight the difficulties encountered during the purification of native
cellular and membrane-bound enzymes from whole cell extracts. There are many reasons
for wanting to purify enzymes, such as to fully characterize them or to mass produce them
for commercial purposes. Regardless of the reason for wanting to purify an enzyme, the
general extraction and purification procedures are essentially the same. However,
depending on the properties of the enzyme, certain modifications of the methods must be
considered regarding specific problems that can be encountered throughout the process,
such as enzyme insolubility and loss of enzyme activity. Although several classic and more
modern methods are available to solve these kinds of challenges, the enzyme purification
step remains a major challenge for any method of extraction used.
We will present the general aspects of enzyme purification, followed by a specific example of
the problems we encountered and attempted to resolve in the purification of the autolysin
PA49.5 from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris. Autolysins are bacteriolytic enzymes that digest
the peptidoglycans of bacterial cell walls (Dako et al, 2008). In several studies it was found that
autolysins are linked to lipids or other membranous components during the extraction process
and especially during the purification. Since they are very closely linked to the cell walls, their
purification presents major challenges associated with their low concentration, their
insolubility and the retention of their biological activity (Marshak et al., 1996; Brown et al.,
1970). Among these difficulties, their insolubility during purification remains by far the most
serious and examples of how we tried to resolve this problem will be presented.
We can look at the process of enzyme purification as a series of steps, each one sequentially
enhancing the level of purification from a crude extract. It is essential to minimize protein
losses throughout the process; therefore the use of fewer steps during the purification is
important since losses can occur in every step due, for example, to linking to separation
matrices, insolubilities, or losses into the fringe fractions during separation procedures. We
will look at the general steps in the extraction of proteins from the cells, the clarification of
the homogenate, the concentration or enrichment of the extract, and finally various steps in
20 Chemical Biology
the final purification of the enzyme. A purification strategy can be made more efficient if
certain physical or chemical properties such as molecular weight, optimal pH, isoelectric
point, of the enzyme are known.
To follow the efficacy of the purification of the target enzyme from a whole cell extract there
must be a method of measuring its presence throughout the process to ensure the maximum
yield. These assays can be an assessment of biological activity or assays based on reactions
with antibodies. The antibody assays however do not necessarily indicate if the enzyme is in
an active conformation. The assays based on catalytic activity do however require that the
enzyme retain its active conformation, which can be problematic since many components of
the extractions buffers contain compounds such as detergents that denature the
tridimensional structure of the enzyme. Compounds compatible with enzyme assays must
therefore be used to minimize losses of activity. The isolation of certain types of enzymes
may present problems specific to those enzymes. For example, some problems most often
associated with the purification of membrane proteins are that they require organic solvents
or detergents for their solubilization. Also, insoluble enzymes may require the use of
stronger chaotropic compounds such as lithium chloride or guanidine HCL that can in turn
inactivate the enzyme. In order to be able to fully characterize the biochemical properties of
a purified enzyme, it must be completely free of contaminants such as cell wall or cell
membrane components, nucleic acids or other proteins. The complete removal of
contaminants is, therefore, the primary objective of the purification. These contaminants can
interfere with subsequent purification steps or with enzyme activity assays. The purity of an
enzyme extraction can be confirmed, for example, by the presence of a single band on an
electrophoretic gel (SDS-PAGE or isoelectric focusing), a single peak in an HPLC analysis or
by N-terminal amino acid sequencing.
The initial step in all protein purification protocols is the release of the enzyme from the
cell or tissue material, or cell extract preparation. This is a critical step in the process as it
affects protein yield and biological activity of the target enzyme. This naturally requires
either a mechanical or chemical lysis of the cells. Methods for homogenizing cells or
tissues vary from gentle methods such as osmotic shock, detergent lysis or enzymatic
digestion to more vigorous methods such as homogenization in a blender, grinding with
an abrasive substance or ultrasonication. The lysis procedure selected must not damage
the target enzyme and therefore the conditions must be optimized for each cell type and
target enzyme in terms of the pH of the extraction buffer, the temperature and the
concentration of certain components of the buffer such as detergents, salts or reducing
agents for example. Reducing agents such a dithiothreitol or 2-mercaptoethanol can be
used to prevent the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups that could damage the active
conformation of the enzyme resulting in a loss of activity (Ward & Swiatek, 2009; Chen et
al., 2010). Detergents or organic solvents, generally used to isolate hydrophobic or
membrane bound enzymes, can be problematic in subsequent purification steps as well as
interfere with the native conformation of the enzyme. It is essential also to consider
subsequent purification steps when choosing a detergent. Certain downstream
applications such as optical spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and crystallization, can be
negatively affected by the presence of some detergents (Linke, 2009). There are various
detergents available and these will be discussed further in the section of enzyme
purification. The most important criteria for the selection of a detergent for the
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 21
solubilization of a protein is its ability to not only solubilize but to maintain biological
activity. In general, the detergents with higher critical micelle concentrations (CMC) can
more easily denature proteins than those with lower CMC (Linke, 2009; Lever et al. 1994;
Garavito, 1991; Hjelmeland & Chrambach, 1984), and it must be used at concentrations
above its CMC in order to effectively solubilize the proteins (Privé, 2007).
Once the cell or tissue homogenate is produced, the cell debris and other insoluble
compounds must be removed by centrifugation. The optimal situation is that following a
high speed centrifugation, the solubilized proteins will be in the supernatant along with
other soluble compounds, and that all insoluble material will be in precipitate. Sequential or
differential precipitations can be performed to progressively remove cell debris in order to
rehomogenize it to enhance protein yield or to isolate specific cell organelles if the starting
material is eukaryotic. Following this clarification, the cell extract is then ready to be
purified in an enrichment or concentration procedure.
A process that can be considered after the clarification is the concentration of the enzyme
preparation. Dialysis can be performed prior to the concentration procedure in order to
remove salts from the cell extract. The clarified cell extract can therefore be dialyzed against
a large volume of buffer to remove salts and the dialysate can then be lyophilized to
concentrate the extract. Lyophilisation, or freeze-drying, has the advantage of protecting the
protein from the chemical reactions that can damage the proteins in an aqueous solution,
such as aggregation, precipitation and protease degradation (O’Fagain 2004). The protein
extract can then be stored in the lyophilized state and aliquots resuspended as needed.
The most common concentration procedures are ammonium sulfate precipitation,
ultrafiltration and ion exchange chromatography (Ward & Swiatek, 2009).
There are two applications of ammonium sulfate precipitation. The first one is a complete
precipitation in which all proteins are precipitated by the addition of the salt. The proteins
are recovered by centrifugation and resuspended in a minimal volume of water and are
therefore concentrated. The residual salt must be removed by dialysis as it can interfere with
protein activity or subsequent purification steps. One of the problems encountered with the
dialysis of a protein extract is that the protein can precipitate onto the walls of the dialysis
tubing thereby impairing the passage of particles across the membrane. This would be
particularly problematic in the dialysis of a crude cell extract (Doonan, 2004a). The salts
cause the precipitation of proteins by removing water from the hydrophobic patches on the
protein’s surface, thus rendering them insoluble (Doonan, 2004b). Another approach to the
concentration of a cell extract is a fractional precipitation using a salt. Again ammonium
sulfate is the most frequently used salt, because of its high solubility and the fact that the
density of saturated solutions is less that of the protein. This allows the collection of proteins
by centrifugation (Doonan, 2004b). The fractional precipitation is done by incrementally
adding amounts of ammonium sulfate and collecting the fractions precipitated by various
salt concentrations by centrifugation. Fractions can, for example, be collected at each
increment of 20% concentration of salt. Each fraction can be analyzed for the enzyme in
question. This will therefore concentrate the cell extract and also begin the process of
purification. Depending on the solubility of the protein it may however be found in more
than one fraction. The combination of these fractions will increase the yield of the enzyme
however this will also reduce the level of purification.
22 Chemical Biology
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 23
According to Brown (1972), the problem of the solubility of enzymes during purification
is linked to the presence of material other than autolysins, which absorb strongly at 260 to
280 nm. According to Shockman et al. (1967), the treatment of the cell wall by sodium
dodecyl sulfate (SDS) would resolve the problem of the insolubility of the autolysins of
lactic bacteria during purification. SDS is the most widely used detergent to solubilize
most otherwise insoluble proteins such as autolysins (Dolinger et al., 1989), its presence
may affect the tertiary structure of proteins because it is one of the most strongly
denaturing detergents. It is also one of the most difficult to remove with dialysis. The
renaturing of SDS extracted proteins after electrophoresis in denaturing conditions does
not totally eliminate the SDS, even if it allows the activity of lytic proteins (Lortal et al.,
1997) to be measured. Thus, we propose that the use of other non ionic (Triton X-100) or
zwitterion (CHAPS) non-denaturing detergents will have the advantage of resolving the
problem of the insolubility of autolysins whilst protecting their structure. In general, the
detergents such as CHAPS and those that possess a cholanoic group such as cholate all
produce very small micelles and have a critical value of micellar concentration (CMC)
below 2mM. The CMC is the value above which there is the formation of micelles
(Hjelmeland et Chrambach, 1984; Helenius et al., 1979). These detergents can be
eliminated by dialysis without affecting the protein activity (Hjelmeland et Chrambach,
1984). The main aim of this study was to find a non-denaturing method to solubilize the
main autolysin (PA49.5) of L. lactis subsp. cremoris ATCC 9596 (Mc5) so as to ensure its
purification from the supernatant of cellular remnants and whole cells.
In several studies it was found that autolysins are linked to lipids or other membranous
components during the extraction process and especially during the purification. They are
therefore considered to be hydrophobic enzymes; however, it is often unclear whether or
not the enzyme of interest is in fact hydrophobic. Although several classic and more modern
methods are available to solve these kinds of challenges, there is still much uncertainty, and
further studies are still needed to clearly resolve the purification of cell membrane
hydrophobic enzymes.
An important observation, reported by Brown et al (1970), is that autolysins are associated
to teichoic acid in the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis. These authors propose that this acid can be
eliminated by ethanol precipitation and by gel filtration on an agarose column. Their finding
did not confirm this hypothesis, in fact, they found that only 5% of the techoic acid was
eliminated using this method. This acid also persisted after multiple washes with ethanol or
ether, and it persisted after separation in a polyacrylamide gradient density gel
electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration using 7M urea.
After many attempts, certain autolysins were purified by electrophoresis using SDS as the
detergent (N-acétylglucosaminidase, ac-N-acetylmuramidase and ac-N-acetylmuramyl-L-
alanine amidase) (Motoyuki et al. 1995). Brown (1972) suggests that the purification of
autolysines from lactic bacteria is only possible in the presence of SDS. While SDS is an
excellent approach to the purification of this type of enzyme, we propose that another
method must be found in order to eliminate the compounds that bind to the autolysin
thereby rendering it insoluble. CHAPS, a zwiterrionic detergent, used at high
temperatures was evaluated as a potentially more efficient detergent in the purification of
this enzyme.
24 Chemical Biology
We will present our attempts to purify the enzymes using these various strategies and the
problems encountered during certain steps. Some approaches were more problematic that
others while some hold more promise in the purification of the enzyme in question.
Before looking at the specific details of how we attempted to purify this autolysin, we will
present the assay we used throughout these experiments to verify the presence and purity
of our enzyme. For all extractions, a protein profile was examined by SDS-PAGE stained
with Coomassie blue. Molecular weight markers were included in all gels. In order to
identify autolysins in the preparations, a sample was analyzed by a denaturing SDS-
PAGE containing intact cell walls from Lactococcus lactis sp cremoris MC5 as the substrate
for the autolysin according to the method of Potvin et al. (1988). The gel was renatured in
buffer containing Triton X100, and enzyme activity was noted by the presence of a clear
zone surrounding the enzyme band after staining with Coomassie blue. Proteins were
quantified using the method of Lowry. It is also possible to test for general autolysin
activity by agarose gel diffusion in a Petri plate. The gel contains cell wall fragments and
the fractions containing the autolysin are introduced into wells perforated into the
agarose. The gel is incubated and the presence of autolysins is then observed by the
presence of a clear zone surrounding the well.
Three different methods of preparing cell extracts were tried in this work, either using
autolysis, cell debris or whole cells. We initially started with a crude cell extract prepared
by autolysis and the mechanical breakage of the cell. Washed and precipitated cells were
suspended in a citrate lysis buffer containing 2% NaCl (w/v) and 0,3M LiCl. The cells
were incubated at 30°C for 48 hours to ensure maximum autolysis. The cell debris
precipitated by centrifugation was ground with alumina and the supernatant was
combined to the first supernatant. These combined supernatants were dialyzed to
eliminate the salts, the dialysate was filter sterilized and lyophilized and the extract was
then concentrated 28X. This crude extract (CE) was then separated by preparative HPLC
which separates the proteins by molecular weight. High molecular weight proteins are
found in the first fractions, in the mobile phase. The fractions collected were dialyzed and
lyophilized. Autolytic activity of the HPLC fractions was determined by SDS-PAGE with
the cell wall substrate.
Four peaks were observed in the HPLC separation profile, the first and largest peak had a
retention time of 6 minutes and contained proteins with molecular weights greater than 30
kDa and represented 57,45% of the total estimated area. The autolysin PA49,5 was found in
the first fraction as shown in figure 1. C5 represents the results from Lactococcus lactis subsp.
cremoris ATCC 9596 denoted MC5. A visible clear zone can be seen surrounding the wells.
Figure 2 presents the results of a denaturing polyacrylamide gel containing cell walls as
substrate to identify specific autolysins separated by molecular weight during the
electrophoretic process. We can see on figure 2 that there is one band of activity for a protein
with the molecular weight of 49.5.
In comparing the protein profile of the crude extract with the proteins in fraction 1, we saw
that fraction 1 had approximately 40% less protein than the crude extract indicating that a
certain level of purification had been obtained. While the starting crude extract was
concentrated 28x, we required 30 µg of fraction 1 proteins to observe autolytic activity. This
confirms the limitations of molecular sieving as a method of purifying autolysins.
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 25
The autolysins identified in the peak 1 were evaluated in order to determine whether they
are acidic or basic proteins. The Davis gel electrophoresis, which allows the identification
of acidic proteins, revealed autolytic activity of a band migrating to molecular weight
49.5. The Reisfeld gel that allows the identification of basic proteins revealed no autolytic
activity. We can therefore conclude that autolysin P49.5 is an acidic or neutral protein.
Since the protein was in the upper area of the Davis gel it is more probable that the
protein tends to be more of a neutral pH.
Fig. 1. Gel diffusion assay of HPLC peak 1 on agarose containing cell walls as autolysin
26 Chemical Biology
% =
% = 7.4
Large concentrations of salts are generally used to precipitate proteins from cell extract.
Ammonium sulfate is the salt of choice as it can be used in lower concentration than other
salts and it preserves the biological activity of proteins. In a solid state, the salt can be added
gradually to a mixture with constant mixing and fractions collected at various levels of
saturation. Ammonium sulfate reaches its saturation point at 760 g/l at 4°C.
Peak 1 from the HPLC preparation was lyophilized and then the lyophilisate was
resuspended in buffer, centrifuged to remove insoluble material and the supernatant was
precipitated using ammonium sulfate. In order to ensure an efficient precipitation, a
minimal concentration of 1.0 mg/ml of protein is required. We therefore measured the
protein content of our supernatant or crude extract before proceeding. Four fractions were
collected by sequential precipitations (0-20%, 20-40%, 40-60%, 60-80%). For example the first
precipitation was obtained adding enough ammonium sulfate to obtain 20% saturation. The
mixture was centrifuged, the precipitate was conserved and the supernatant was further
precipitated with another addition of ammonium sulfate up to 40% saturation. This process
was repeated with 20% increments of ammonium sulfate saturations, to 60% and 80%. The
precipitates obtained were dissolved in deionized water, dialyzed and then concentrated by
ultrafiltration with a Microcon-10 filtration system. The quantity of protein was measured in
all precipitates and supernatants collected.
Our results indicate that we recovered only 26.3% of the initial protein during the sequential
precipitations. One of the important steps following the precipitations is the ultrafiltation
using the Microcon-10 whose membrane allows the exclusion of proteins based on
molecular weight, or size exclusion. This step could explain the loss of protein during the
process. This ultrafiltation does however offer the advantage of rapid salt removal and a
rapid concentration of proteins. The membrane used in our experiment removed high
molecular weight proteins.
The diffusion autolytic test in an agarose plate containing cell walls as the enzyme substrate
indicated that all ammonium sulfate fractions except the 0-20% fraction had some autolytic
activity as indicated by a clear zone surrounding the well. The control, which was the crude
non precipitated extract had no autolytic activity, however this is certainly related to the low
concentration of autolysins in this extract. The precipitated fractions were then analyzed for
specific PA49.5 activity using the gel electrophoresis in denaturing conditions. The results
are presented in figure 3. Lane 1 is the control which was the 0% ammonium sulfate. Lanes 2
to 5 are the precipitated fractions (0-20%, 20-40%, 40-60% and 60-80%). We can see that the
40-60% fraction contained the most autolysin 49.5.
The complete protein profile of peak 1 as determined by SDS-PAGE is shown in Figure 4.
Lane T5 is the control unprecipitated extract, lanes 1-4 are 1 mg/ml of protein, lanes 5 to 8
are 1.5 mg/ml protein for each of the fractions 0-20%, 20-40%, 40-60% and 60-80%. The
complete protein profile shows us that there are still many contaminating proteins in our
extracts, and that there is little difference in the profile between the different concentrations.
The crude extract is quite poor in proteins primarily due to a dilution factor. The protein
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 27
content of fraction 0-20% is also quite low and the concentration of proteins increases with
each fraction collected.
The whole cell extract was also precipitated using ammonium sulfate to compare the
autolysin profile with that obtained from the HPLC peak 1. The results are presented in
figure 5 for each of the four collected fractions at two different protein concentrations.
Autolysin PA49.5 is the primary autolysin extracted and it is present in all fractions except
the 40-60% fraction (lanes 3 and 7). The intensity of the band in fraction 60-80% (lanes 4 and
8) is approximately half that of the fractions 0-20% and 20-40% and 40-60%. Once again the
control does not contain the autolysin due to a low concentration of autolysin in the initial
extract. This also demonstrates that ammonium sulfate precipitation not only separates the
proteins but also concentrates them. The fact that we found the autolysin in many fractions
does however indicate the limitation of this method of its purification and the problem
encountered by the difficulty in solubilizing this protein. The ideal situation would be to
find the autolysin in one fraction only.
Fig. 4. The complete protein profile of peak 1 of from the HPLC analysis.
Each ammonium sulfate fraction from the peak 1 precipitation was then separated by ion
exchange chromatography (DEAE Sephadex A-50). There were important losses of protein
content from each fraction after this separation. For example, fraction 20-40% contained
0.510 mg of protein at the start of the chromatography. When the protein content of all the
28 Chemical Biology
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 29
1997). One of the limitations of SDS, as previously mentioned, is the fact that it affects the
tri-dimensional structure of the protein thereby reducing or eliminating its biological
activity. However, we have also shown that LiCl could be efficacious in the extraction
process as well, with the added advantage of having less effect on the biological activity
of the enzyme. A challenge in the use of LiCl is the amount of protein and enzyme
recovered. Our results also indicate that the autolysin is present in the cell wall debris.
This confirms the data presented in the literature that autolysins are linked to bacterial
cell walls (Brown, 1972; Brown, 1973; Lemee et al., 1995)
Fig. 6. The protein profile (a) and autolytic activity (b) of cell debris extracted with LiCl,
NaCl, acetonitrile and SDS.
In order to more thoroughly investigate the use of LiCl and SDS in the extraction process and
to try to increase protein yield, extraction was performed on whole cells rather than the cell
debris. Three types of treatments were compared in this study, the LiCl extract from cell debris
(A), the LiCl extract from whole cells (Awc) and the SDS extract from whole cells (Dwc).
From these results we can see once again that SDS does allow the best protein extraction and
the highest protein recovery. In using it on whole cells the quantity of protein extracted was
increased 2-fold compared to that extracted from cell debris (data not shown). The
extraction using LiCl on whole cells increased the amount of protein extracted by 3 fold
when compared to LiCl used on cell debris. Therefore, the use of whole cells as a starting
30 Chemical Biology
material certainly yields more interesting results in terms or protein recovery. Figure 7
presents the results of the autolysin assay for the whole cell extracts.
Volume of
Optical density [protein] the Protein % protein
750 nm mg/ml suspension (mg) recovery/1g
A- LiCl cell debris 0.31 1.06 3.10 3.30 0.33
Awc – LiCl on
0.55 2.35 4.10 9.63 0.96
whole cells
Dwc – SDS on
0.68 3.04 13.00 39.56 3.96
whole cells
Table 1. presents the results of the levels of protein recovery using these different extraction
Fig. 7. Autolysin activity for three dilutions of protein (1/10, 1/5 and 1) extracted from cell
debris with LiCl (lanes 1-3), from whole cells with SDS (lanes 4-6) and from whole cells with
LiCl (lanes 7-9).
We noticed that when used on whole cells, SDS showed the same autolysin extraction
pattern (3 bands) as when used on cell debris (Fig. 6b lanes 7 and 8). Lanes 7 to 9 illustrate
that the action of LiCl on whole cells allows an increase in autolysin concentration. With this
treatment on whole cells, the 1/10 dilution (3 µg/µl) is sufficient to triple the activity when
compared to that of the SDS whole cell extract. According to Brown et al (1970), the main
approach to the extraction of autolysins, whether soluble or not, requires the use of LiCl.
Our results concure with this proposal.
The LiCl treated whole cell extract was centrifuged and the precipitate (Pwc) was conserved
and resuspended while the supernatant (Swc) was precipitated with ammonium sulfate as
previously described in order to further purify the autolysin in quesiton, PA49.5. The
following saturations fractions were obtained: 0-20, 20-40, 40-100%. Protein concentrations
were determined for all fractions as well as the initial precipitate (Pwc) and are presented in
Table 2. The results demonstrate that protein is still found in the precipitate, representing
approximately 19% of the protein. Precipitation with ammonium sulfate recovers 81.81% of
proteins from the supernatant. This is a relatively good recovery rate and indicates that
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 31
Precipitate of
Pwc 0.850 0.300 0.255 18.92
whole cell extract
Table 2. Protein assays of ammonium sulfate precipitation fractions of the whole cell extract
(Awc) supernatant (Swc) and precipitate (Pwc). Total protein recovered is 1.348 mg.
Since the protein amount was so high in the first whole cell precipitate (Pwc) we decided to
analyse it further to obtain its protein profile and evaluate the presence of autolysin PA49.5
in this precipitate. The results of this analysis proved to be very interesting. PA49.5 was
found to be present and active in the precipitate and in all the ammonium sulfate fractions.
Our evaluation of the intensity of the band in the precipitate lead us to believe that
approximately 80% of the autolysin from the original whole cell extract treated with LiCl
(Awc) is found in the precipitate (Pwc). This confirms our initial tests that indicate that the
autolysin is indeed insoluble in an aqueous solution.
There are three possible explanations to the insolubility observed for our enzyme. Firstly,
we may not be working at the appropriate pH to ensure enzyme activity. A study on the
effects of different pHs would allow us to discover the ideal pH for the maximum
solubilization of the enzyme in question. Secondly, it is possible that the concentrations of
the enzyme during the extraction cause the aggregation of the enzyme in micelles
whereby the hydrophobic regions would be oriented towards the outside or inside, or that
there is still a lot of cell wall debris left that contain the lytic enzymes. In these cases, the
use of organic solvant or detergents or even a natural autolysis would facilitate
solubilisation. Thirdly, it is possible that the autolysin in question is linked to a fatty acid
or to teichoic acide or lipoteichoic acid. This would render the enzyme insoluble if the
complexe is not disrupted.
32 Chemical Biology
Three hypotheses and experimental approaches to resolving the problem were then
Hypothesis 1: A study of the effects of different pH on the Awc extract will allow us to find
the ideal pH for the solubilization of the protein. This supposes that after centrifugation, the
autolysin with then be found in the supernatant, not the precipitate as it is now.
Hypothesis 2: If the autolysins are still linked to the cell wall debris, a natural hydrolysis
will allow the breakage of this bond and therefore enhance solubilization.
Hypothesis 3: If the autolysins of the whole cell extract (Awc) are linked to hydrophobic
compounds such as fatty acids or teichoic acide, the use of detergents, either non ionic or
zwitterionic, will break these bonds and solubilize the enzyme.
Hypothesis 1: The effect of pH on the solubility of PA49.5
Whole cells were extracted as previously described in 5M LiCl. The lyophilisat was
suspended in deionised water and the protein concentration was determined. The
solubilization of the proteins was performed in different buffers at pHs ranging from 4 to 9
for a final concentration of 1 mg/ml of protein in a final volume of 100 µl. These were
incubated overnight and then centrifuged. The supernatant (Swc) was removed and the
precipitate was resuspended in the same volume of water. The amount of protein was
measured in all precipitates and supernatants and autolytic activity was evaluated as
previously presented in a renatured SDS gel containing cell walls as the substrate. The main
results of this experiment was that the amount of protein in the precipitate was found to be
approximately half of that found in the supernatant (Swc) for all the pH values tried except
for that of pH 4.0. If this protein found in the precipitate is the autolysin in question, this
would mean that the pH has no effect on solubilisation of the protein. Figure 8 presents the
results of the autolysis activity assay in a denaturing gel containing the cell walls as
substrates. Gel 1 (Lanes 1 to 9) contain the precipitates (Pwc) and Gel 2 (lanes 1’ to 9’)contain
the supernatants (Swc) at the following pHs: 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9), Lane 10 is the
uncentrifuged whole cell extract Awc as the control.
We can conclude from the results presented in figure 8 that the precipitate contains
approximately 4x more autolysin than does the supernatant and that the pH has little effect
on this results. We can therefore refute our first hypothesis that the working pH was
reducing the solubility of the enzyme.
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 33
Hypothesis 2: The effect of a natural hydrolysis over time on the solubility of PA49.5
The whole cell extract (Awc) is incubated at 37°C for 8 h, and samples removed at hourly
intervals. Autolytic activity was evaluated in an acrylamide gel containing cell walls as the
substrate. Figure 9 presents the results of the autolysis analysis of the aliquots. Lanes 1 to 8
and 1’ to 8’ represents respectively the precipitates of the extract (Pwc) and the supernatants
of the extract (Swc) for each hourly aliquot. Lanes 9 and 9’ are the precipitate and
supernatant of the control at time 0. We can see the main autolysin with the molecular
weight of 49.5 and a smaller minor autolysin. The incubation time did not have an effect on
the extraction of the enzyme. All precipitates are identical to each other. The activity in the
supernatants was much lower than that in the precipitates and did vary somewhat with
time, the most activity being obtained after 6 hours of incubation. It is, however, difficult to
assess if this difference is significant.
The use of an acetate buffer did not improve natural hydrolysis. A simple dilution in water
indicates that the actual dilution is the primary reason for the presence of PA49.5 in the
supernatant and not the pH nor the time of incubation. We already know it is insoluble in
water, however, a dilution of the Awc in water could explain why the PA49.5 is in an
aggregate form thereby inhibiting its solubilization.
Fig. 9. The effect of natural autolysis of the whole cell extract (Awc) over time.
In an assay to study the effects of autolysis in vitro on enzyme solubility, the cell wall
substrate was added to the whole cell extract (Awc) and incubated for 16 h. Autolysis was
determined by measuring the reduction of optical density over time. Autolysis induced in
vitro by the Awc autolysins on the cell wall substrate increased with time. Figure 10 shows
that after 16 h of incubation autolysis reached 52%. At the 8 h point on Figure 9 only 35.55%
autolysis has actually been achieved.
The presence of lytic activity only after extraction in LiCl shows that most of the
autolysines of the Awc are soluble, contrary to the results obtained with the precipitate
and the supernatant (results not shown). Analysed after treatment in 3 M and 5 M LiCl for
5 hours, the enzymes in the precipitate and the lyophilisate of the supernatant showed no
lytic activity in the acrylamide gel containing the cell wall substrate, except for the
untreated control. This suggests that the free autolysines were unstable in the LiCl and
can induce the inhibitory effects of these free enzymes. It has been previously reported
that LiCL can be inhibitory when the extracted product is not immediately suspended in
34 Chemical Biology
water before dialysis (Brown, 1973; Shockman et Höltje, 1994; Lawrence et Glaser, 1972;
Herbold et Glaser, 1975b).
Fig. 10. The effects of autolysis by whole cell extract (Awc) in vitro on suspended cell walls
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 35
complex is solubilized. The concentration of the initial whole cell extract (Awc) can
explain this phenomenon; the lower the concentration of the extract, the greater the
solubilization. Dilution of the extract by 50% is not however sufficient to resolve the
insolubility problem.
We also evaluated the effect of incubation time (2, 4, 8 and 24 hours) in the presence of
CHAPS, lysozyme and LiCl. CHAPS had a positive effect on the solubilization of the
enzyme, however the incubation time did not affect the extraction of the enzyme. For the
samples treated with lysozyme we found that the intensities of the activity in the
supernatants tested was identical to that of the control. Higher concentrations of lysozyme
did however negatively affect the amount of autolysin in the supernatant. We did notice
the presence of a new autolysin in the extracts treated with lysozyme. This was a very
important discovery as we can conclude that there must be trace amounts of cell wall still
present in the extract on which the lysozyme is working. Lysozyme is involved in the
degradation of the cell wall, in particular the cleavage of bonds between specific
peptidoglycans (N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetlyglucosamine) (Cottagnoud &
Tomawsz, 1993). The fact that we did not observe more PA49.5 in the supernatant of
extracts treated with lysozyme indicates that the compounds involved in binding the
PA49.5 into an insoluble complex are not in fact cell wall debris. The time course study of
the LiCl treatment indicates once again that most of the enzyme is present in the
precipitate. This indicates that the dialysis performed during the extraction must be the
determining step in the production of this insoluble complex.
When the original cell extract (Awc) produced in 5M LiCl is diluted and incubated for 2 or
4 hours, we observed interesting results. The incubation time did have an effect on enzyme
activity as compared to the control, and we found that the more dilute extract had more
enzyme activity. At a dilution of 1% the activity in the supernatant was approximately equal
to that of the precipitate. At 10% concentration, the activity was found primarily in the
precipitate. Since there is an effect of extract concentration on the solubility, we treated
several dilutions of cell extract (Acw; 1, 3.5 and 7%) with different concentrations of LiCl (1,
2.5 and 5M) to solubilize the lipid-PA49.5 complexes. These extracts were then incubated
and dialyzed after centrifugation as previously described. The combination of 0.25M LiCl
with the dilution of 7% Awc was the only one to have intense activity in the supernatant,
however most of the activity still remains in the precipitate.
The combined effects of detergents and heat were then evaluated on a dilute sample of the
whole cell extract. Various concentrations of LiCl, SDS (0,1M, 0.5M and 1M), and CHAPS
(0.04, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2% and 0.4%, w/v) were added to a dilution of 3% Awc treated and
incubated at 100oC. After incubation with the various treatments, the extracts were
centrifuged and the precipitation was resuspended in water. The supernatant was once
again dialysed then concentrated using a Speed-Vac and the lyophilisate was resuspended
in a denaturing buffer. Activity was assayed as previously described.
The results show that the combination of temperature and detergents does influence the
solubility of the enzyme. We found that the treatments with LiCl did allow the
solubilization of the enzyme, however some activity still remained in the precipitate. The
LiCl was however less efficient than SDS which completely solubilized the enzyme, with all
the activity being present in the supernatant. We observed that this intensity of the activity
36 Chemical Biology
in the supernatant decreased as the concentration of SDS increased. When analyzed in a non
denaturing native gel electrophoresis, the controls and the SDS treated extracts did not have
any activity, however the LiCl treated extracts did have some weak activity. This suggests
that the presence of LiCl, at least in the short term, does protect the solubilized protein
against effects of the temperature. Also, the absence of activity in the SDS treated extracts
confirms that this detergent in fact inhibits the solubilization of the enzyme.
Contrary to the results obtained with the detergent SDS, the detergent CHAPS completely
solubilized the enzyme under these conditions. A concentration of 0.1% CHAPS is
sufficient for the solubilization. It has been suggested that the presence of CHAPS in a
solubilized protein can interfere with enzyme activity assays (Hjelmeland & Chrambach,
1984). In this case the conditions of the assay may have to be adjusted. The solubilizing
effect of CHAPS does require a heat treatment. Unheated samples have enzyme activity
only in the precipitate, not the supernatant, illustrating the importance of the heat
treatment with CHAPS.
In an attempt to eliminate contaminating proteins from the cell extract, we performed
sequential precipitations in the presence of CHAPS. In this process, the initial extract
(Awc) was centrifuged and the supernatant (S1) removed. The precipitate (P1) was
resuspended in water and centrifuged. The supernatant was removed and the precipitate
(P2) was resuspended in water and the process was repeated 3 more times to produce
ultimately S1 to S5 and P5. The final precipitate (P5) was resuspended in 1% CHAPS and
heated for 2 minutes at 100oC. After cooling, the suspension was centrifuged and the
supernatant was dialysed and lyophilized giving the CHAPS supernatant (Sc). The
precipitate was dissolved in water to give the CHAPS precipitate (Pc). The CHAPS
supernatant was further processed by centrifugation to produce the final supernatant (Sf)
and the final precipitate (Pf). The following samples were then evaluated for PA49.5
activity in a polyacrylamide gel containing the cell wall as the substrate: S1-S5 combined,
Sc, Sf, P1, P5, Pc and Pf. The results of this experiment are presented in figure 10. We
notice that there is more enzyme activity in the last precipitate P5 as compared to the first
precipitate (P1). The absence of activity in the CHAPS precipitate (Pc) indicate the
complete solubilization of the enzyme, as confirmed by the strong level of activity in the
CHAPS supernatant (Sc).The presence of the enzyme in the first five supernatants (S1-S5)
indicate that there is a loss of enzyme throughout the process, representing approximately
one half of the enzyme. We can also observe on figure 10 that when the CHAPS
supernatant (Sc) is dialysed, the PA49.5 once again is unsolubilized and is found in the
final precipitate (Pf). No enzyme activity was found in the final supernatant (Sf).
Therefore, we can conclude that the elimination of the CHAPS detergent by dialysis
stimulates the production of the insoluble PA49.5 complex. We also conclude that the
lipophylic compound that binds the PA49.5 is present in the solubilized extract and that
neither dialysis nor centrifugation can remove it completely. The detergent CHAPS is the
only compound capable of being dialysed that does not compromise the activity of the
autolysin (Hjelmeland & Chrambach, 1984), however, it must not be complexed.
All these results bring us back to our starting point, the difficulty in purifying this autolysin.
We propose that during dialysis three types of insoluble complexes can be formed: PA49.5-
insoluble compound complex, PA49.5-CHAPS complex, or insoluble compound-CHAPS
complex. In the first case, we have the situation where the insoluble complex is present in
The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 37
the actual extraction conditions used. However, in the second case, the PA49.5-CHAPS
complex, there is the high probability that this will be eliminated by dialysis. This bond is
weaker than that between the PA49.5 and the insoluble compound that is probably a
teichoic or fatty acid (Brown et al., 1970). Thus, after dialysis, it would be possible to identify
specific activity if this second complex was formed. The third complex is more difficult to
explain. It could in fact intervene as a contaminant in the second type of complex proposed.
The presence of the insoluble compound-CHAPS complex would greatly impact the
purification of PA49.5. It would therefore be advantageous to find an alternative detergent,
perhaps non-ionic, that could more easily be dialyzed and does not denature the enzyme in
question or facilitate the production of unwanted bonds. CHAPs is a zwitterionic detergent,
having both a positive and negative charge that cancel each other making it an uncharged
detergent. PA49.5 is an acidic autolysin, meaning it has a negative charge. It could therefore
form a complex with the positively charged end of the CHAPS detergent. The insoluble
compound could also be charged or neutral. If it is negatively or positively charged, it could
bind to the autolysine and/or the CHAPS. If this is the case, the problem of solubility would
present itself as we experienced it in our work.
Fig. 11. The effects of sequential precipitations combined with CHAPS on the solubility of
the enzyme PA49.5
Our work allowed us to comprehend more clearly the challenges encountered in the
purification of an autolysin such as PA49.5 from Lactococcus lactis sp cremoris. The extraction
from whole cells rather than cell wall debris was much more effective. Our results from the
ammonium sulfate precipitation indicate the limitations of this procedure for the isolation of
an insoluble protein. Our results were quite interesting regarding the use of LiCl during the
extraction of the enzyme, however, the use of non-ionic detergents should be investigated.
Our study will also allow other researchers to avoid some of the difficulties that might be
encountered during the purification of cytoplasmic or membrane bound enzymes. The
results of our study clearly show that we must absolutely take into account the nature of the
various detergents, the extractions conditions and the specific type of enzyme when
deciding on a purification strategy
38 Chemical Biology
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The Problems Associated with Enzyme Purification 39
40 Chemical Biology
Chemical Biology
Edited by Prof. Deniz Ekinci
ISBN 978-953-51-0049-2
Hard cover, 444 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 17, February, 2012
Published in print edition February, 2012
Chemical biology utilizes chemical principles to modulate systems to either investigate the underlying biology
or create new function. Over recent years, chemical biology has received particular attention of many scientists
in the life sciences from botany to medicine. This book contains an overview focusing on the research area of
protein purification, enzymology, vitamins, antioxidants, biotransformation, gene delivery, signaling, regulation
and organization. Particular emphasis is devoted to both theoretical and experimental aspects. The textbook is
written by international scientists with expertise in synthetic chemistry, protein biochemistry, enzymology,
molecular biology, drug discovery and genetics many of which are active chemical, biochemical and
biomedical research. The textbook is expected to enhance the knowledge of scientists in the complexities of
chemical and biological approaches and stimulate both professionals and students to dedicate part of their
future research in understanding relevant mechanisms and applications of chemical biology.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Etienne Dako, Anne-Marie Bernier, Adjéhi Thomas Dadie and Christopher K. Jankowski (2012). The Problems
Associated with Enzyme Purification, Chemical Biology, Prof. Deniz Ekinci (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0049-2,
InTech, Available from: