Duty Cycle / Dwell / Voltage Conversions: Feed Controlled Circuit Ground Controlled Circuit
Duty Cycle / Dwell / Voltage Conversions: Feed Controlled Circuit Ground Controlled Circuit
Duty Cycle / Dwell / Voltage Conversions: Feed Controlled Circuit Ground Controlled Circuit
Voltage Conversions
T hese charts make it easy to convert
between duty cycle, dwell and voltage
will be higher; if system voltage is lower, your
measurement will also be lower.
Make sure youʼre using the right chart for
To use these measurements, always con- the circuit youʼre checking. The feed controlled
nect your meterʼs red wire to the control circuit, chart is for circuits that pulse the feed wire, and
and the black wire to a good ground. use a common chassis ground. Ground con-
The voltage measurements shown are trolled circuits use system voltage and pulse
based on a system voltage of 14.5 volts. If the the ground wire.
system voltage is higher, your measurement