Fawwaz Muhammad X-Ipa 1: 1. Who Is The Main Character of The Story? 2. When Did It Happen?

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Fawwaz Muhammad




KD : 3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan

beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
Materi : Narrative

Read the text, and answer the questions

Long ago, there live an old couple by the sea. The old man was a fisherman and his
wife was a weaver. Once, the old man caught a goldfish which could talk. Promising that it
will repay him, the goldfish egged for its release. Without any condition, the fisherman let it
When he reached home, he told his wife about the goldfish. She furious on learning
that her husband had been so silly. She showed him a broken wooden pail and told him to
ask the gold fish for a new one. The sea was calm when the fisherman reached there. When
the goldfish learnt of his wife’s request, it asked him return and promised that a new pail
would be given to him.
Sure enough, when he arrived home, his wife was using a new pail. However she was
not contented and wanted a new house. The fisherman hurried back to the sea. Again, the
gold fish the goldfish granted his request and told him to return home. Again the fisherman’s
wife was not satisfied. She then wanted to be a wealthy lady. The fisherman returned to the
sea for the third time and again his wife’s wish was granted .She wore beautiful clothes and
expensive jewellery.
The fisherman thought that his wife should be satisfied now that she had become rich.
However, he was mistaken. A few days later, his wife commanded him to ask the goldfish to
make her a queen. Moreover, she wanted the goldfish to serve her as well.
Before the trembling fisherman could speak to the gold fish, it asked him to return
home to tell his wife that greed does not pay.
When the fisherman went home, all the riches had disappeared. He saw his wife
sitting outside their hut, holding the broken wooden pail and looking very unhappy.
(Taken from : English Practice: Primary 6.)

The questions of the text:

1. Who is the main character of the story?
Fisherman and his wife
2. When did it happen?
Long ago.
3. Where did the story take place?
4. What is the generic structure of the text?
Long ago, there live an old couple by the sea. The old man was a fisherman
and his wife was a weaver.
When he reached home, he told his wife about the goldfish. She furious on
learning that her husband had been so silly. She showed him a broken wooden pail
and told him to ask the gold fish for a new one. The sea was calm when the fisherman
reached there. When the goldfish learnt of his wife’s request, it asked him return and
promised that a new pail would be given to him.
Before the trembling fisherman could speak to the gold fish, it asked him to
return home to tell his wife that greed does not pay.
5. What is the complication of the text?
The fisherman's wife asked her husband to give a wish to the goldfish for her to
become rich, after a few days she asked to be made queen and her goldfish to serve
6. What does the story tell us?
Be thankful for what you give, don’t be greedy for something, because greed won’t
pay for everything
7. What is the coda of the text?
The coda is part of the cover. This fisherman was told by the golden fish that greed
cannot be paid for, after the fisherman returned he saw that his treasure had
disappeared and they were very unhappy.
8. Translate the text into Indonesian

Dahulu kala, hiduplah pasangan tua di tepi laut. Pria tua itu seorang nelayan
dan istrinya seorang penenun. Suatu hari, lelaki tua itu menangkap seekor ikan mas
yang bisa berbicara. Menjanjikan bahwa itu akan membayarnya kembali, ikan mas
itu akan dibebaskan. Tanpa syarat, nelayan itu melepaskannya.

Ketika dia sampai di rumah, dia memberi tahu istrinya tentang ikan mas. Dia
geram mengetahui bahwa suaminya sangat konyol. Dia menunjukkan padanya
sebuah ember kayu yang rusak dan menyuruhnya meminta ikan emas untuk yang
baru. Laut tenang ketika nelayan sampai di sana. Ketika ikan mas mengetahui
permintaan istrinya, ia meminta dia kembali dan berjanji bahwa ember baru akan
diberikan kepadanya.

Benar saja, ketika dia tiba di rumah, istrinya menggunakan ember baru.
Namun dia tidak puas dan menginginkan rumah baru. Nelayan itu bergegas kembali
ke laut. Sekali lagi, ikan emas, ikan mas, mengabulkan permintaannya dan
menyuruhnya pulang. Lagi-lagi istri nelayan itu tidak puas. Dia kemudian ingin
menjadi wanita kaya. Nelayan kembali ke laut untuk ketiga kalinya dan sekali lagi
keinginan istrinya dikabulkan. Dia mengenakan pakaian yang indah dan perhiasan

Nelayan itu berpikir bahwa istrinya harus puas sekarang karena dia telah
menjadi kaya. Namun, dia salah. Beberapa hari kemudian, istrinya
memerintahkannya untuk meminta ikan mas untuk menjadikannya seorang ratu.
Selain itu, dia ingin ikan mas melayaninya juga.

Sebelum nelayan yang gemetaran itu dapat berbicara dengan ikan emas, ia
memintanya untuk pulang untuk memberi tahu istrinya bahwa keserakahan tidak

Ketika nelayan itu pulang, semua kekayaan telah lenyap. Dia melihat istrinya
duduk di luar gubuk mereka, memegang ember kayu yang rusak dan tampak sangat
tidak bahagia.

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