Agencies Engaged in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance For Manufactured Building
Agencies Engaged in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance For Manufactured Building
Agencies Engaged in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance For Manufactured Building
Designation: E 541 – 08
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E36 on
Laboratory and Inspection Agency Accreditation and is the direct responsibility of For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Subcommittee E36.70 on Construction and Building Testing/Inspection Agencies. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Dec. 15, 2008. Published January 2009. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1975. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as E 541 – 01. the ASTM website.
E 541 – 08
3.1.5 closed construction—any building, building assembly, requirements. The agency shall be capable of performing the
or system manufactured in such a manner that concealed parts following steps, where applicable, in the system analysis
or processes of manufacture cannot be inspected at the building function:
site without disassembly, damage, or destruction. 4.1.1 Project management.
3.1.6 compliance assurance—the process of appraising the 4.1.2 Preliminary meeting.
manufacturer’s compliance control program in conjunction
4.1.3 Submission of documents.
with monitoring or auditing and inspection of production,
implemented to provide objective evidence that the manufac- 4.1.4 Staffing.
tured building conforms to the approved documents. 4.1.5 Evaluation of prescribed systems. Discussion—In conventional construction the com- 4.1.6 Evaluation of performance specifications.
pliance assurance function roughly corresponds to field inspec- 4.1.7 Evaluation of innovative systems.
tion of construction to ensure that the building is constructed in 4.1.8 Evaluation of compliance assurance manuals.
accordance with the approved plans. 4.1.9 Evaluation of installation documents.
3.1.7 compliance assurance manuals—a document em-
4.1.10 Factory visit (this may be included in compliance
ployed by the compliance assurance agency for the purpose of
assurance function).
periodic monitoring, surveillance, or audit of the manufactur-
er’s production and product compliance programs.
5. Documents of the System Analysis Function
3.1.8 compliance control manual—a document prepared by
the manufacturer detailing the methods, procedures, and sys- 5.1 The criteria herein are based on the following basic
tems employed in the compliance control program. documents:
3.1.9 compliance control program—the manufacturer’s sys- 5.1.1 Product description document.
tem, including directly related quality and process controls, for 5.1.2 Compliance assurance manual.
assuring compliance with applicable codes and standards and 5.1.3 Installation document.
approved documents.
5.2 The first and third documents are prepared by the
3.1.10 criteria—the minimum standards or limits on which
manufacturer and submitted for processing through the system
judgments may be based.
analysis agency.
3.1.11 manufactured buildinga—any building or mobile
home that is of closed construction and that is made or 5.3 The manufacturer’s compliance control program is sub-
assembled in manufacturing facilities, on or off the building mitted for review by the compliance assurance agency. This
site, for installation, or assembly and installation, on the program forms the basis for preparation of, and is incorporated
building site. Manufactured building also means any building into, a compliance assurance manual containing a description
of open construction for which certification is sought by the of the building, required production tests, compliance proce-
manufacturer and that is made or assembled in manufacturing dures, and any other information that is needed to guide and
facilities away from the building site, for installation, or assist the compliance assurance agency in determining that
assembly and installation, on the building site. production units continue to comply with requirements.
3.1.12 open construction—any building, building assembly,
or system manufactured in such a manner that all portions can 6. General Procedure for System Analysis
be readily inspected at the building site without disassembly, 6.1 Task—To provide a description of the general proce-
damage, or destruction. dures for system analysis, which includes as a minimum the
3.1.13 service equivalent—the experience that an individual activities described in 6.2.
has accumulated in the engineering or arthitectural disci- 6.2 Requirements:
pline(s) involved that serves as a substitute for academic 6.2.1 Drawings, calculations, test reports and specifications
requirements. In general, 8 years of experience in engineering of manufactured building shall be reviewed by the agency’s
or architectural practice indicative of growth in engineering or engineering staff and details compared with provisions of
architectural competency and responsibility are considered an applicable requirements. The construction of assemblies or
alternative to the engineering or architectural education re- components, or both, including material identification, shall be
quirements. compared with published descriptions of listed, approved, or
3.1.14 system analysis—the process employed to determine recognized designs where applicable.
whether a proposed manufactured building conforms to appli-
6.2.2 Where production has been instituted, and subsequent
cable requirements.
to the review of drawings and specifications, qualified person- Discussion—In conventional construction the sys-
nel from the system analysis agency (or compliance assurance
tem analysis function roughly corresponds to plan review and
agency) shall visit the factory of the producer of manufactured
approval by the authority having jurisdiction.
building to:
4. Requirements and Criteria for System Analysis Compare the actual construction with the drawings
Agencies and specifications.
4.1 The system analysis agency is responsible for determin- Examine and record all features required by the
ing whether a building system, including the design, materials, codes and standards if not included in the drawings and
and fabrication process, is in conformance with applicable specifications.
E 541 – 08 Evaluate all required production test methods to 7.2.5 Practical Knowledge of Building— An understanding
ascertain that the correct equipment, instruments, and proce- of the practical aspects of the manufactured building process
dures are followed and to determine that the building, assem- from several points of view (that is, owner, builder, design
bly, or subassembly is capable of meeting the test require- professional, etc.).
ments. 7.2.6 Management Ability—The capability of managing an Discuss items of noncompliance with the manufac- interdisciplinary team of professionals, including work assign-
turer’s representative, identify the source of the requirement, ment and scheduling.
and explain the requirement. 7.3 Criteria:
6.2.3 The system analysis agency shall issue a written report 7.3.1 Education—Bachelor’s degree in engineering or ar-
to the manufacturer confirming all items of noncompliance chitecture, or service equivalent.
from the applicable requirements and summarizing the steps 7.3.2 Experience—Four years of plan examination, design,
needed to proceed with the system analysis. construction, manufacturing building component evaluation, or
6.2.4 The system analysis agency shall verify that all items manufacturing experience in the building industry. A master’s
of noncompliance are corrected by the manufacturer. degree in a related field of study may be substituted for one
6.2.5 The system analysis agency shall prepare a final report year of the required four years’ experience. It is not a substitute
describing the manufactured building, confirming the tests for any of the types of experience listed above.
performed, stating the basis for judgment of acceptability of 7.3.3 Professional Competence—Registration as a profes-
assemblies and components, and itemizing the edition of the sional engineer or architect.
codes or standards against which the building was evaluated. 8. Technical Staff Evaluating Building Systems
6.3 Criteria—The system analysis agency shall be prepared 8.1 General—Paragraphs 8.1.1- to apply to all dis-
to provide sample documentation to establish that its proce- ciplines listed in Section 8. Technical staff members may
dures accomplish the intent of the requirements of 6.2. Such qualify for more than one discipline. The agency need not have
documentation shall include examples of data sheets or other individual technical staff members for each discipline.
forms used to analyze construction and equipment, preliminary 8.1.1 Task—To assess the submission against the applicable
reports, final reports, and compliance assurance manuals pre- requirements for compliance using the following:
pared for producers of manufactured building. Drawings and building specifications, including
plans, elevation, sections, and details.
7. System Analysis Project Manager Engineering calculations.
7.1 Task—To provide the services of a project manager in Test reports, which may relate to particular sub-
the system analysis function, including the following: system or subassembly within the structure.
7.1.1 Convening and Conducting the Preliminary Materials and product specifications.
Meeting—For the purpose of familiarizing the manufacturer Site and climate-related load data.
with the system analysis function, and with the submittal. 8.1.2 Requirements:
7.1.2 Assisting in Preparation of a Plan for Submittal—To Knowledge of Codes and Standards— Knowledge
establish the scope of the submission and evaluation effort. of the applicable codes and standards, including geographic
7.1.3 Determining the Need for Submission of Performance requirements for various load conditions.
Data—Assessing the extent of innovation involved in the Knowledge of Engineering—Understanding of con-
submission in terms of identifying any part of the proposed ventional engineering principles and practices.
product that is beyond the scope of ordinary systems. Ability to Interpret Drawings— Ability to read and
7.1.4 Staffıng the System Analysis Function—Selecting the interpret drawings for code compliance, completeness, and
appropriate team to undertake the system analysis, consisting coordination with calculations.
of in-house staff and consultants. Analytical Ability—Ability to evaluate calculations
for compliance with applicable codes and standards.
7.1.5 Monitoring Progress of System Analysis Ability to Evaluate Reports—Ability to evaluate test
Activities—To keep it on schedule and performing effectively.
reports for validity and compliance with applicable require-
7.2 Requirements: ments.
7.2.1 General Expertise in Building Systems—Experience Knowledge of the System Analysis Process—
and familiarity with the state-of-the-art of new developments in Understanding and appreciation of the system analysis func-
building products and in the building process. tion.
7.2.2 Knowledge of the System Analysis Function— 8.2 . Structural:
Thorough understanding of the system analysis agency (of 8.2.1 Task—To assess the structural aspects of the submis-
which he is a part) as well as all details of the system analysis sion against the applicable requirements for compliance.
function procedure. 8.2.2 Criteria:
7.2.3 Knowledge of Performance Specifications— Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or
Familiarity with performance-based evaluation of building architecture with specialized course work in structures, or
systems. service equivalent.
7.2.4 Analytical Ability—The ability to analyze a problem Experience—One year of structural engineering ex-
and determine all the resources necessary for its solution. perience related to buildings.
E 541 – 08
8.3 Mechanical: Reference Materials—Applicable reference materi-
8.3.1 Task—To assess the mechanical aspects of the sub- als such as other codes and standards, similar specifications,
mission against the applicable requirements for sufficiency. technical books, and journals.
8.3.2 Criteria: Interface with Conventional Materials—A review of Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or conventional materials and their environment.
architecture with specialized course work in HVAC systems, or 9.1.2 Subtask 2—To assess the proposed tests for adequacy
service equivalent. in demonstrating compliance with the proposed criteria, using Experience—One year of mechanical engineering the following:
experience related to buildings. Detailed test method write-ups of each proposed
8.4 Electrical: test.
8.4.1 Task—To assess the electrical aspects of the submis- Proposed theoretical method of calculation.
sion against the applicable requirements for compliance.
8.4.2 Criteria: Texts on the rationale and history of simulation Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or methods.
architecture with specialized course work in electrical engi- 9.2 Requirements:
neering, or service equivalent. 9.2.1 Subtask 1: Experience—One year of electrical engineering ex- Knowledge of Codes—Knowledge of the intent of
perience related to buildings. the applicable codes. Thorough understanding of the intent of
8.5 Plumbing: the particular provisions of the applicable codes, as well as an
8.5.1 Task—To assess the plumbing aspects of the submis- understanding of the general concepts of health and safety
sion against the applicable requirements for compliance. requirements.
8.5.2 Criteria: Knowledge of Research Methods— Access to related Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or reference material and understanding of reference research
architecture with specialized course work in hydraulics, or methods.
service equivalent. Advanced Concepts—Knowledge of state-of-the-art Experience—One year of plumbing experience re- advanced concepts in the particular discipline(s) involved.
lated to buildings. Awareness of current research relative to the material and
8.6 Building Planning: process.
8.6.1 Task—To assess the building planning aspects of the Design Perception—Sufficient design perception to
submission against the applicable requirements for compli- anticipate potential areas of incompatibility and areas of
ance. potential failure relative to the structure, other systems, and the
8.6.2 Criteria: occupants. Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or Building Process—Understanding of how various
architecture, or service equivalent.
constraints of sequential assembly operations influence the Experience—One year of experience related to
design selection of components and their interface connections.
building planning.
8.7 Fire Safety: 9.2.2 Subtask 2:
8.7.1 Task—To assess the fire safety aspects of the submis- Proposals for Performance Testing— Knowledge of
sion against the applicable requirements for compliance. testing, equipment, and methods, and evaluation of testing to
8.7.2 Criteria: performance specifications. An understanding of test methods Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or and their applicability to different materials is essential.
architecture, or service equivalent. Accepted Engineering Procedures— Knowledge of Experience—One year of experience in fire protec- accepted engineering procedures and their applicability to
tion engineering related to buildings. innovative materials. The appropriateness of analysis by cal-
culations versus physical testing for these materials is a critical
9. Project Manager Evaluating Innovative Building determination.
Systems 9.3 Criteria:
9.1 Task ( All Disciplines)—To assess the adequacy of the 9.3.1 Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering with
innovative design specifications to carry out the intent of the specialization in the particular discipline(s) involved.
applicable requirements. 9.3.2 Experience—Three years of building plan evaluation
9.1.1 Subtask 1—To assess the applicable requirements for or building design experience with an additional one year in
adequacy, using the following: evaluating or designing innovative materials and systems. A Code Intent Statement—An explicit statement of the master’s degree may be substituted for one year of the required
intent of the applicable requirements with regard to safety and experience.
serviceability. 9.4 In addition to the above, the requirements and criteria Performance Specifications—Comparison with ex- for the technical staff evaluating innovative building systems
isting performance specifications. shall be identical to those detailed in Section 8.
E 541 – 08
10. Technical Staff Evaluating Compliance Assurance 10.3.2 Experience—One year of experience in quality con-
Manuals trol or inspection relating to buildings.
10.1 Task—To assess the following aspects of the compli-
ance assurance manual relative to the applicable requirements 11. Requirements and Criteria for Compliance Assurance
for the product being produced and to assess the manufactur- Agencies
er’s capabilities to implement and to manage the proposed 11.1 The compliance assurance agency is responsible for the
processes: development and implementation of a compliance assurance
10.1.1 Integrity of Raw Material Supply— Procedures for program with the objective of ascertaining that the manufac-
acceptance or rejection of incoming materials for damage and turer’s product complies with the applicable requirements. An
compliance with purchase documents. understanding of the elements of the manufacturer’s compli-
10.1.2 Integrity of Raw Materials Storage and Handling— ance control program is essential for identifying the activities
Availability of equipment and facilities for storage and han- of the compliance assurance agency. It is necessary to identify
dling of raw materials, including weatherproof space for them at this point as a basis for establishing an acceptable level
materials susceptible to damage by weather or whose moisture of criteria for the compliance assurance agency.
content must be controlled. 11.2 The compliance assurance agency shall be capable of
10.1.3 Assembly/Fabrication—Appropriateness of inspec- evaluating the following elements:
tion locations for monitoring fabrication or assembly sequence 11.2.1 An organization identifying the person(s) responsible
and availability of systems for tests and inspections. for the overall administration and functioning of the program.
10.1.4 Replacement and Repair—Ability to replace or re- 11.2.2 A method of identifying the units produced and the
pair unacceptable materials to limit damage of previously inspections made on each unit.
accepted portions. 11.2.3 The fabrication task descriptions identifying the
10.1.5 Unit Storage and Handling—Adequacy of storage items to be checked at the various stages of manufacture.
and handling of accepted units prior to shipment, including 11.2.4 Methods for verifying that only approved materials
weatherproofing of units to be stored outside, the means of and equipment are purchased and used.
transporting the units from the assembly area to the storage 11.2.5 A method for the control and storage of materials and
area, and the means of rechecking the units’ integrity during equipment to be incorporated in the manufacture of each unit.
storage. 11.2.6 A method for controlling the use of approved docu-
10.2 Requirements: ments.
10.2.1 Understanding of Materials in Proposed System— 11.2.7 Methods for making product verification measure-
Experience with the specific materials proposed, including ments.
understanding of their characteristics and attributes. 11.2.8 Procedures for corrective actions for deficient con-
10.2.2 Understanding of Production Techniques Applicable struction and materials.
to Specific Submission—Knowledge of construction assembly 11.2.9 Procedures for determining the sources of noncon-
and fabrication. formances and implementing corrective actions.
10.2.3 Ability to Read and Interpret Drawings and Other 11.3 The compliance assurance agency shall demonstrate
Documents—Understanding of engineering design drawings, specific procedures as follows:
specifications, and other documents (inspection manual, etc.). 11.3.1 The agency shall have a definite program for training
Ability to evaluate such manuals and drawings for sufficiency. of new agency inspectors and supervision of all inspectors.
10.2.4 Applicability of Production Verification Inspections 11.3.2 The agency shall arrange and conduct training pro-
or Tests—Review of proposed production verification inspec- grams for all inspectors to ensure uniform interpretation and
tions or tests for appropriateness as well as frequency, type of application of requirements in all factories where certified
sampling, and test parameters. products are made.
10.2.5 Understanding of Compliance Assurance Theory— 11.3.3 The agency shall maintain records to control its
General appreciation and understanding of compliance assur- certification marks or State insignia when requested by the
ance methods and concepts and an understanding of their State.
application to the specific compliance assurance process pro- 11.3.4 The agency shall maintain records on performance of
posed. individual manufacturers in order to establish appropriate
10.2.6 Ability to Anticipate Modes of Failure—The under- inspection frequency.
standing of process design, enabling identification of likely 11.3.5 The agency shall conduct field surveys to determine
failure locations and appropriate monitoring and inspection that certification marks are properly applied.
measures. 11.3.6 The agency shall be capable of performing field
10.2.7 Understanding of Process Management—The ability inspections of installed products to assist regulatory authori-
to evaluate an organization’s capability to perform, based on its ties, when requested.
management and administrative structure. 11.3.7 The agency shall establish methods for investigating
10.3 Criteria: field failures reported to it.
10.3.1 Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or 11.3.8 Where applicable, the agency shall employ a regis-
architecture, with course work in quality control and manufac- tered certification mark, and some means of maintaining record
turing processes, or service equivalent. of usage.
E 541 – 08
11.4 Criteria:—The compliance assurance agency shall 12.3.3 Professional Competence—Registration as a profes-
provide documentation to establish that its procedures accom- sional engineer or architect.
plish the intent of the requirements in 11.3. Such documenta-
13. Technical Staff Preparing Compliance Assurance
tion shall include a formal description of its supervision and
training program for inspectors, control records for its own or
State insignia, or both, performance records of manufacturers, 13.1 Task:
examples of field inspections, label or insignia samples, 13.1.1 In addition to the tasks specified in Section 11, the
agreements or contracts with manufacturers, etc. compliance assurance agency’s engineering staff shall prepare
at least the technical portion of the compliance assurance
12. Compliance Assurance Agency Project Manager program. This entails the following subtasks:
12.1 Task—To provide the services of an agency project Inspection Check List—Developing check lists for
manager in the compliance assurance function, including the the compliance assurance agency inspectors, flagging items of
following: particular importance.
12.1.1 Project Liaison—Representing the compliance as- Label Control—Specifying procedures to be em-
surance agency in project coordination meetings with other ployed in application, control, and accounting of product
building evaluation agencies and the building system manu- certification labels or marks.
facturer. Familiarizing the manufacturer with the compliance Compliance Assurance—Preparing specific pro-
assurance function and the agency staff with the new project. gram and procedures to be followed by compliance assurance
Submitting proposed compliance assurance manual for ap- agency inspectors regarding frequency and format of plant
proval by the system analysis agency. visits, preparation and interpretation of sampling frequency
12.1.2 Assisting in Preparation of the Compliance Assur- plans, and resolution of various categories of discrepancies.
ance Manual—Establishing the scope of the project and the 13.1.2 To provide the technical expertise necessary to re-
compliance assurance effort. Reviewing technical input and solve compliance assurance problems referred by the agency’s
preparing management portion of the proposed compliance inspection staff and assist the manager in identifying those
assurance program. problems which should be referred to the system analysis
12.1.3 Scheduling of the Compliance Assurance Activities— agency due to the involvement of design or process changes.
Preparing and monitoring the complete management plan for 13.2 The basic requirements and criteria for compliance
compliance assurance activities to keep it on schedule and assurance agency technical staff and consultants preparing
performing effectively. compliance assurance manuals are the same as those for the
12.1.4 Training—Establishing and evaluating training pro- system analysis agency staff responsible for approving the
grams appropriate to performance of specific job tasks of the manuals (see Section 10). Engineering personnel qualified
compliance assurance inspection staff and to maintaining the under this standard may be either on the agency staff or under
technical competency of the engineering staff. contract to provide the specified technical services.
12.1.5 Administrative Support—Providing for effective 13.3 Requirements—See Section 10.
clerical and administrative support of all agency activities. 13.4 Criteria:
12.2 Requirements: 13.4.1 Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering or
12.2.1 General Expertise in Systems Building—General architecture, or service equivalent.
knowledge of the control of manufacturing processes and 13.4.2 Experience:
assurance of code compliance as related to manufactured One year of experience in factory quality control
building. and manufacturing processes.
12.2.2 General Knowledge of Applicable Requirements. (a) One year in building code enforcement, or in
12.2.3 Knowledge of the Compliance Assurance Function— compliance control or compliance assurance of building sys-
Thorough understanding of the compliance assurance agency tems manufactured for human occupancy; or (b) one year of
function and relationship to other building-evaluation and experience, and understanding of inspection, or testing and test
governmental agencies. methods, or both, relative to building systems manufactured for
12.2.4 Logical Approach to Problem Resolution and Deci- human occupancy.
sion Making—Ability to define problems and organize re- NOTE 1—Qualifying experience shall relate to the types of building
sources to obtain a solution. codes and standards and the construction materials and processes for
12.3 Criteria: which the engineer is to provide technical services.
12.3.1 Education—A bachelor’s degree in engineering, ar-
chitecture, or closely related physical science, with course 14. Compliance Assurance Supervisor of Inspection
work in quality control and manufacturing processes. 14.1 Task:
12.3.2 Experience: 14.1.1 Monitoring of Field Inspection— To provide peri- Two years in building code enforcement, or quality odic first-hand review of the performance of compliance
control or compliance assurance of building systems manufac- assurance agency inspectors in the field.
tured for human occupancy. 14.1.2 Resolution of Problems—To resolve non-routine in- One year in responsible technical project planning spection referred by field inspectors. Refer the technical
and management. May be related to experience requirements in problems to the technical staff. 14.2 Requirements:
E 541 – 08
14.2.1 Detailed Knowledge of the Applicable Requirements. 15.2 Requirements:
14.2.2 Supervisory Ability—Ability to select and motivate 15.2.1 Personal Characteristics—Possession of the per-
inspectors who perform as required, and to provide a proper sonal characteristics of tact, integrity, and a sense of authority.
balance between efficient utilization of personnel and assur- 15.2.2 Technical Characteristics—Ability to follow de-
ance of compliance. tailed instructions and checklists that provide the criteria for
14.2.3 Personnel Evaluation—Ability to perform periodic construction, including both material and fabrication require-
unscheduled in-plant inspections using the approved compli- ments.
ance assurance manual for the purpose of providing an ongoing 15.2.3 Orientation and Training—Completion of a period
evaluation of the performance of the compliance assurance of orientation and training for which he performs the inspection
inspectors and the adequacy of the program. function. This training shall be under the continuous direction
14.3 Criteria: of a supervisor fully qualified under this criteria.
14.3.1 Education—Mathematical and communicative skills 15.2.4 Production Inspections or Tests— Ability to evaluate
equivalent to those acquired through a high school education. the results of well-defined or routine measurements or tests by
14.3.2 Experience—Three years as an inspector in manu- reason of experience or familiarity with such measurements or
factured building or related quality control, or building expe- tests.
rience. 15.3 Criteria:
15.3.1 Education—Mathematical and communicative skills
15. Compliance Assurance Inspectors equivalent to those acquired through a high school education.
15.1 Task: 15.3.2 Experience—Two years in building construction,
15.1.1 To perform the in-plant monitoring of the manufac- building code enforcement, or quality control inspection.
turer’s compliance control program using the inspection check-
list developed by the technical staff. 16. Keywords
15.1.2 To perform production inspections or tests for the 16.1 building codes; building evaluation agencies; compli-
purpose of monitoring the effectiveness of the compliance ance assurance agency; manufactured building; system
assurance program, or witness such tests performed by others. analysis
Committee E36 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue
(E541–01) that may impact the use of this specification.
(1) Section was corrected. (3) Sections 3.1.6 and 3.1.7 were corrected.
(2) Section 3.1.1 was changed.
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