TQM Question Bank
TQM Question Bank
TQM Question Bank
Objective :
To understand the Total Quality Management concept, tools available to achieve quality in every process of operations.
Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality - Dimensions of manufacturing and service
quality - Basic concepts of TQM - Definition of TQM – TQM implementation steps – Quality council-Importance of
leadership and motivation in TQM - Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby – Barriers to TQM.
Quality statements - Customer perception of quality – Customer complaints, Customer retention. Employee involvement ,
Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward - Continuous process improvement – Juran trilogy,
PDSA cycle, 5s, Kaizen - Supplier partnership – Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating.
The seven traditional tools of quality – Measurement of central tendency and dispersion, population and sample, normal
curve, control chart (X,R,p) for variable and attributes, process capability - Seven new management tools – Six-sigma
Bench marking – reason , process – Quality circles concepts - FMEA – stages, types– Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) – Taguchi quality loss function –TPM – concepts, improvement needs –Performance measures-criteria – Quality
Need for ISO 9000 – ISO 9001-2008, ISO 14000 Quality System – elements, implementation, Documentation. Quality
auditing – concepts, requirements and benefits, non conformance report – Case studies of TQM implementation in
manufacturing and service sectors.
Total = 45 Periods
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to
C01: Explore TQM framework to improve the quality of the products and services.
C02: Apply TQM principles for continuous process improvement.
C03: Interpret statistical tools to control and improve the quality of the products and services.
C04: Implement the tools and techniques to improve the quality concept.
C05: Understand the quality system in manufacturing and service sectors.
Text Book :
1. Dale H.Besterfiled, et at., “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education Asia,Third Edition, Indian Reprint (2006).
Reference Books :
1. Janakiraman,B and Gopal, R.K, “Total Quality Management – Text and Cases”,Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
2. Suganthi,L and Anand Samuel, “Total Quality Management”, Prentice Hall (India)Pvt. Ltd.,2006.
3. James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, “The Management and Control of Quality”,6th Edition, South-Western
(Thomson Learning), 2005.
4. Subburaj R, Total Quality Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2005.
R1- Janakiraman B and Gopal, R.K, “Total Quality Management - Text and Cases”, Prentice Hall
(India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006
R2- Suganthi L and Anand Samuel, “Total Quality Management”, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
R3- James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, “The Management and Control of Quality”, 6th Edition,
South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2005.
R4- Subburaj R, Total Quality Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2005.
L - Lecture PPT - Power Point
T - Tutorial BB - Black Board
OHP - Over Head Projector pp - Pages
TX - Reference Ex - Extra
1. What is TQM? (Remembering, CO1)
Snewhart Benchmarking
Deming Information Technology
Juran Quality Management
Feigenbaum Environmental Management
Ishikawa system
Crosby Quality Function deployment
Taguchi Quality by design
Failure Mode and Effects
Product and services liability
Gurus Tools &
Techniques Total Productive Maintenance
Management tools
Statistical Process Control
Experimental design
Taguchi‟s Quality Engineering
Training Focus on
Total employee
involvement /
TQM methods
Leadership process
Vision statement is defined as the one which contains the brief declaration on the expectations of an
organization. It is the ideal state which an organization strives continually to achieve.
Visions are eternal, inspirational and shared fully with in the organization.
Ex: Disney theme Park‟s Vision
“Happiest Place on Earth”
12. Define Mission Statement. (Remembering, CO1)
Mission statement describes the activities of the organization. It provides a clear statement of the
aim for the employees, projected customers and suppliers as well.
Ex: To meet customers transport and distribution needs and by being the best at moving their goods on
time safely and damage free => Railway Company.
13. What is the contribution of Gurus for TQM? (OR) List the areas of TQM that are
concentrated by quality gurus. (Remembering, CO1)
Areas of TQM Gurus
Statistical Gauss, Pareto, Shewhart, Fisher
Management Juran, Crosby, Feigenbaum
Execution Deming, Taguchi
14. List out the basic concepts of total quality management. (AU Nov/Dec 2006) (Understanding,
The basic concepts required for TQM are
Committed and involved management to provide long term and top-to-bottom
organizational support.
Focus on consumer.
Effective involvement and utilization of entire work force.
Continuous improvement of the business and production process. Treating suppliers as
Establish performance measures for the processes.
Customer is the king
Right first time
Synergy in team work
Value addition
Continuous improvement
Education and Training
Prevention is better than detection
Management commitment
15. List the steps given by Juran for Quality improvement. (AU Apr/May ’05)
(Understanding, CO1)
1. Build awareness of opportunities to improve
2. Set goals for improvement
3. Organize to reach goals
4. Provide Training
5. Carryout projects to solve problems
Specification limits are permissible variation in the size of the part. In other words, specification
limits are for individual values. These specification limits (tolerance) are provided by design
engineers to meet a particular function.
14. What are the purposes of process capability analysis? (Remembering, CO2)
The purposes of process capability are:
To find out whether the process inherently capable of meeting the specified tolerance limits.
To identify why a process „capable‟ is falling to meet specifications.
15. What is the use of control charts for attributes? (Remembering, CO2)
Control charts for attributes monitor the number of defects or fraction defect rate present in the
1. How is Process Decision Program Chart(PDPC) used? Give an example. (A.U May/June 2007)
(Applying, CO2)
2. Briefly explain six sigma process models or stages. (A.U May/June 2006,2009) (Remembering,
3. Explain the concept of six sigma with an example. (A.U Apr/May 2005) (Remembering, CO2)
4. Explain briefly about six sigma implementation. (A.U Nov/Dec 2005) (Remembering, CO2)
5. What are the New Seven Management tools? Explain their applications.(A.UNov06)( Remembering,
6. Explain the tree diagram and Arrow diagram. (A.U May/June 2009) (Remembering, CO2)
7. Differentiate between control charts for variables and control charts for attributes.(A.U May2009)
(Creating, CO2)
8. Discuss about the need, construction and applications of control charts for variables.
(A.U Nov/Dec 2008) (Creating, CO2)
9. Explain in detail i) process capability ii) six sigma (A.U Nov/Dec 2008) (Remembering, CO2)
10. What are the Ishikawa‟s Seven Management tools? Explain their construction & applications.
(Remembering, CO2)
10. State the concept of quality loss function. (AU Nov/Dec 2010) (Evaluating, CO4)
The essence of the quality loss function (QLF) concept is that whenever a product deviates from
its target performance, it generates a loss to society. This loss is minimal when performance is right on
target, but it grows gradually as one deviates from the target.
11. Define maintenance. (Remembering, CO4)
Maintenance is defined as the management, control, execution and quality assurance of activities
which ensure the achievement of optimum availability and performance of a plant in order to meet
business objectives.
12. What are the types of maintenance? (Remembering, CO4)
Corrective or Break down maintenance
Scheduled or Routine maintenance
Preventive maintenance
Predictive maintenance
13. What is Corrective or Break down maintenance? (Remembering, CO4)
Corrective maintenance implies that repairs are made after the failure of machine or equipment.
14. What do you mean by scheduled or routine maintenance? (Remembering, CO4)
Scheduled maintenance is a stitch-in-time procedure aimed at avoiding breakdowns. This
includes all work undertaken to keep the production equipment in efficient condition. It may
cover periodic inspection, cleaning, lubrication, overhaul, repair, replacement etc.
15. What do you mean by preventive maintenance? (Remembering, CO4)
Preventive maintenance is carried out before the failure arises or prior to the equipment actually
breaks down. It is a safety measure designed to minimize the possibility of unanticipated
breakdowns and interruptions in production.
(1) What are the steps that contain the core Bench marking? (A.U.NOV/DEC 06) (Remembering,
(2) How is the house of quality constructed? Explain with an example. (A.U.NOV 06) (Creating,
(3) Explain briefly about Taguchi‟s Quality Loss Function. (A.U.NOV/DEC 09) (Remembering, CO4)
(4) Explain the stages of FMEA (A.U.MAY/JUNE05&NOV/DEC 07) (Remembering, CO4)
(5) a. Write short notes on TPM. (A.U.MAY/JUNE05) (Understanding, CO4)
b. What are the six major loss areas need to be measured for implementing TPM?
(A.U.NOV/DEC06, 07) (Remembering, CO4)
6. Explain the different types of benchmarking. (Remembering, CO4)
7. Define Quality Function Deployment. Explain the benefits of QFD. (Remembering, CO4)
8. What is meant by house of quality? Sketch the basic structure of house of quality and explain each
section. (A.U.NOV/DEC 07) (Remembering, CO4)
9.What do you mean QFD Process? Describe the four phases of QFD process. (A.U.NOV/DEC07,
08) (Remembering, CO4)
10.Write the reasons why benchmarking effort fails. (Understanding, CO4)
11. Briefly explain the Taguchi‟s quality loss function with an illustration. (Applying, CO4)
12. What do you infer from the term “total productive maintenance”?
Explain the different types of maintenance techniques. (A.U.NOV/DEC 07) (Remembering, CO4)
13. Explain the eight pillars of TPM. (A.U.APR/MAY 08) (Remembering, CO4)
14. Explain learning the New Philosophy of TPM. (Remembering, CO4)
15. Define FMEA. Explain the purposes, benefits and types of FMEA. (Remembering, CO4)
7. What are the reasons that the organizations are implementing ISO 14001 certifications?
(Remembering, CO5)
The organizations are implementing ISO 14001 certifications due to variety of reasons.
Some of them are:
Establishing a uniform approach to meet the company‟s environmental policy.
Ensuring that the minimum regulatory requirements are consistently met.
Increasing operational efficiency and minimizing wastages.
Requirement to demonstrate the organization‟s commitment to the environment to stakeholders.
Enhancing relationship building with the local community.
8. How do you integrate ISO 14000 with ISO 9000? (Remembering, CO5)
EMS implementation can seem like a time consuming and costly undertaking. The
organizations that have implemented ISO 9000 have a distinct advantage over those that are unfamiliar
with process. Depending on the company 25% to 50% of the requirements may already be in place.
Most registrars encourage organizations to integrate their EMS with their other management system
such as ISO 9000. By integrating two systems there will be less documentation and lower
implementation cost.
9. What do you mean by the term quality system? (Remembering, CO5)
The quality system is the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and
resources for implementing quality management.
10. What are ISO 9000 and ISO 14000? (Remembering, CO5)
ISO 9000 has become an international reference for quality management requirements in business-to-
business dealings.
15. Where we can apply the ISO 9000 series of standards? (Remembering, CO5)
The ISO 9000 series of standards are applied to any organization, large or small, whether its
product, and whether it is a business enterprise, a public administration or a government department.
1. What are the common elements of quality management systems (QMS) and Environmental
management systems (EMS)? Explain them. (Remembering, CO5)
2. Enumerate briefly all the requirements of environmental management Systems (EMS) or ISO 14000?
(AU.MAY/JUN2006 &09) (Applying, CO5)
3. Discuss in detail the environmental management systems model with a block diagram?
(AU.NOV/DEC2007) (Understanding, CO5)
4. Explain briefly about EMS documentations and EMS records.(or) With the aid of a pyramidal
diagram describe the documentation hierarchy stipulated in ISO 14001 standard (AU.NOV/DEC2007)
(Remembering, CO5)
6. Enumerate the basic approach to EMS .showing an EMS model. (Applying, CO5)
6. Explain the fourteen steps of Deming‟s philosophy for improving quality, productivity and
competitiveness. (Understanding) (CO 1) (7)
7. Explain the principles of TQM in detail. (Understanding) (CO 1) (8)