Redjak'S Automated Overlord Variant V2.3: Priority Actions

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RedJak's Automated Overlord Variant v2.

Introduction The Open Group Randomizer can be used for determining open
This variant is designed to fully automate the Overlord actions for groups, Overlord decks, and Plot decks.
co-op and solo play within a campaign or single quest. The
concept is based on Nerdook's d6 variant, expanded into a more The 10-sided dice are used for rolling percentages on the Open
detailed card-based format. The card format allows for a large Group Randomizer.
amount of variety in the Overlord's decisions. One card can
determine a figure's target, actions, how surges are spent, and if With the help of BGG users Maartend and Ezekiel000, there are
an ability is used (and if so, which ability is used). The cards can hi-res card images on my Google drive for printing at Printer's
also decide between multiple choice options for the Overlord. Studio or ArtsCow. The 'official' hi-res images are an exact copy
of the original cards with a bleed border. Ezekiel000 has
The decisions for the Overlord use a system called Priorities to recreated the cards using a different font and alignment.
determine actions. These Priorities give direction for each figure,
and will vary depending on the encounter or which Automated BGG user BibloAtBagEnd has created an on-line version of the
Overlord card is drawn. Open Group Randomizer, and a virtual AO deck. You can find it
Rules exist for how the Overlord and Plot cards are played, how
the Overlord spends XP, chooses new quests, places monsters,
and more. The rules are designed to be as consistent and
straightforward as possible, so the players can focus on enjoying BGG user Percepter has a variant that brings First Edition style
the game. dungeon delving to the Second Edition game. Percepter's
Legendary Play Variant rules incorporate RedJak's Automated
This rulebook is large, but the basics of how the Overlord works Overlord Variant for solo and co-op play. You can find Percepter's
are quite simple. The rules attempt to cover every contingency, variant at:
with enough detail that the players should not have to guess as
to what the Overlord will do in a given situation.
Unless otherwise stated, normal Descent Second Edition rules
apply. BGG user Meyberg has created a conversion of these rules.
Meyberg's version has a new deck of cards, and makes the
Necessary components to play this variant are this rulebook, and Overlord a bit more challenging. You can find Meyberg's variant
a printed copy of the 52 cards (6 card sheets, plus a sheet for at:
card backs). Other optional components are detailed below. All
files can be found in the BGG Descent Second Edition files
section, or on my Google drive at: descent-new-ao-cards-redjaks-automated
5sN2wASlZIQk9iclFYSGc&usp=drive_web Automated Overlord Card Anatomy
There is also a copy of the rules on my Google drive that show
the changes from the previous version marked in red. This file is
titled Marked Edits v2.x.
Actions Priority
In this document 'Overlord card' refers to the standard Overlord
cards. 'Automated Overlord card' refers to the special Overlord
cards in this variant, and will be abbreviated as 'AO card'.

Recommended Additional Components

In order to make full use of this variant, the following additional
components are recommended:
Surge Number
• Numbered monster figures Order
• RedJak's Damage Tracker (in the Descent Second Edition
Files section on BGG) Ability
• RedJak's Open Group Randomizer (in the Descent Order
Second Edition Files section on BGG)
• Two 10-sided dice
• Professionally printed cards Priority: The main target for the activated figure's actions. See
the Priority section for more details.
The numbered monster figures will aid in handling some of the
random choices during play. Painting small dots on the figure Actions: The actions that the activated figure will use. See the
bases is one method for numbering them. Automated Overlord Card Actions section for more details.

If you have numbered figures, the Damage Tracker is useful for Random Number: A number used to make random decisions.
keeping track of monster damage.

Surge Order: The order that surges are checked for activation. For Act II, count the number of available Act II quests, starting
See the Surges section for more details. from the top of the list. Draw an AO card. The Random Number
on the AO card will be the number of the Act II quest to play
Ability Order: The order that abilities are checked for activation. next. This does mean that the Overlord will never choose The
See the Automated Overlord Card Actions section for more Wyrms Turns or The Wyrm Rises after winning the Interlude.
Labyrinth of Ruin
If you prefer to work with a smaller AO deck, then remove the For Act I, the winner only has two quests available to choose
Damaged and Fatigue priority cards. This will result in the Blitz from. When the Overlord chooses which quest to play next, draw
cards appearing more often. an AO card. If the Random Number is a 1 or a 2, then the left-
hand quest in the list is chosen. If the Random Number is a 3 or
a 4, then the right-hand quest in the list is chosen.
Campaign Setup For Act II, count the quests available from left to right in the top
Overlord row, then left to right in the bottom row. When the Overlord
Choose one Basic deck by drawing an AO card. If the Random chooses which quest to play next, draw an AO card. The Random
Number on the card is odd, choose the Basic I deck. If the Number on the card will be the next Act II quest to play. This
Random Number is even, choose the Basic II deck. does mean that the Overlord will never choose Fire and
Brimstone or Tipping the Scales after winning the Interlude.
There are two options for choosing Overlord class decks. Pick one
option or draw an AO card and use the Random Number to Shadow of Nerekhall
determine which is to use. For Act I, draw an AO card. If the Random Number is a 1 or a 2,
then the next quest will be chosen from the top row. If the
Single-Class (odd Random Number): Choose one Overlord Random Number is a 3 or a 4, then the next quest will be chosen
Class deck by rolling a percentage on the Open Group from the bottom row. Count the number of available quests in the
Randomizer chart. This Class deck, and the Universal deck, will chosen row and draw another AO card. The Random Number on
be used when spending Overlord XP. the card will be the next Act I quest to play.

Dual-Class (even Random Number): Choose two Overlord For Act II, the winner only has two quests available to choose
class decks by rolling percentages on the Open Group from. When the Overlord chooses which quest to play next, draw
Randomizer chart. These two Class decks will be used when an AO card. If the Random Number is a 1 or a 2, then the left-
spending Overlord XP. Keep track of which Class deck is the first hand quest in the list is chosen. If the Random Number is a 3 or
one chosen, and which is the second one chosen. a 4, then the right-hand quest in the list is chosen.

Choose one Plot deck by rolling a percentage on the Open Group

Randomizer chart. Remove the base Plot card from the Plot deck Encounter Setup
and place it face up in the Overlord's play area. Choosing Open Groups
When choosing an open group for an encounter, you will first
Draw three cards from the Rumor deck and place them in a stack need to determine which trait the group will come from. Count
face up. the number of monster traits indicated for the encounter and
draw an AO card. The Random Number on the card will be the
Choosing decks using the Open Group Randomizer is optional. trait for choosing the open group.
There is nothing wrong with just picking whichever decks you
want to play against. Roll a percentage for that trait on RedJak's Open Group
Randomizer to pick the open group to be used.
If playing co-op, designate one player to run the Overlord. If you
can't decide on one player, then the last player to activate their Another method you could use is to shuffle the monster deck and
hero during the hero turn will run the Overlord for the Overlord draw cards until a monster with a matching trait comes up.
Placing Monster Groups
Heroes Follow any encounter-specific rules for placing monster figures
Assign each hero a number. This Hero Number will be used for first.
making some Overlord decisions and assigning Priority. If there
are four heroes, then each hero is assigned a separate number Monsters are placed in the corners of their designated map tile,
from 1-4. For three heroes, assign numbers 1-3. For two heroes, starting with the numbered corner. If there is already a figure or
one hero will be assigned numbers 1 and 2, the other hero will be token in the corner, then place the monster in the nearest
assigned numbers 3 and 4. You can draw AO cards to assign available space. After the first monster is placed on the
numbers randomly. numbered corner, the next monster is placed in the corner
clockwise from the first, and so on.

Choosing Quests In the case where there is no numbered corner on the tile, then
If the Overlord wins a quest, use the following rules to choose choose the nearest corner to the heroes and continue as above.
the next quest.

The Shadow Rune Drawing Automated Overlord Cards

For Act I, count the number of available Act I quests, starting An AO card is drawn whenever the Overlord activates a figure.
from the top of the list. Draw an AO card. The Random Number That figure then uses the card to determine its actions for that
on the AO card will be the number of the Act I quest to play next. turn.
This does mean that the Overlord will never choose Death on the
Wing after winning First Blood.

An AO card can also be drawn whenever the Overlord needs to For example: A hero does a move action and gains 6 movement
make a decision outside of figure activation. The card's Priority points. The hero then begins to move in order to position himself
can be used to decide the outcome. For example: The Shadow of next to a monster figure. When the hero moves into the first
Doubt card is activated at the end of the Overlord turn and empty space, a check is made to see if the trap card triggers. If
requires choosing 1 hero to play it on. To determine which hero the trap doesn't trigger, then the hero finishes his movement
to give the card to, draw an AO card and use the card's Priority phase. The hero moves 4 spaces to move adjacent to the
as the target. monster figure. The hero then interrupts his movement to attack
the monster figure. After attacking, the hero continues moving.
Once an AO card is resolved, it is placed in the discard pile. Since this second movement is a new movement phase, then a
Reshuffle the discard pile when the AO deck runs out of cards. check is made when the hero moves into the first empty space to
see if the trap card triggers.

Overlord Cards If, at the start of the Overlord turn, the revealed Overlord card in
At the start of a quest, the Overlord draws Overlord cards equal the hand would trigger at the start of the Overlord turn, then it is
to the number of heroes. These cards are placed in a stack, face played.
down, in the order drawn. This is the Overlord hand. Any new
cards drawn are placed on the bottom of this stack. Like the Overlord hand, the hero stack remains in play in its
current state when moving to encounter 2 of a quest.
At the start of an encounter, the Overlord reveals the top card in
the Overlord hand.
To reveal an Overlord card, place the top card in the hand face The title of an AO card indicates the top Priority when choosing a
up. If there is an existing revealed card on the hand, it is placed target. If the Priority on the card doesn't exist (such as Scout
face down at the bottom of the hand before revealing another priority when there is no scout hero), then use the Random
card. Number on the card as the Priority. The hero with that number
will take Priority. If there is still no eligible target, then the
At any time, if a revealed card is one that can only logically be closest target takes Priority.
played on the hero turn (a trap, monster rolling defense die,
etc.), then the card is removed from the Overlord hand. The card Priority can be Healer, Mage, Scout, Warrior, Damaged, Fatigued,
is placed face up in a new pile called the hero stack. Any new Blitz, or Objective. The Damaged priority targets the figure with
cards added to the hero stack are placed face up at the bottom of the most damage tokens. The Fatigued priority targets the figure
this stack. A new card is not revealed in the Overlord hand unless with the most fatigue tokens. Objective priority is not listed on
it is the end of the Overlord's turn, or a new monster group the AO cards. The Blitz card is a special card described in the
activates. Blitz section.

When a monster group activates (lieutenants and any other If a figure has a particular objective as indicated by the
Overlord-controlled figures are considered a monster group), encounter rules, then that figure will always have Objective as a
reveal the top card in the Overlord hand. If the card can be top priority. Priorities indicated on an AO card will be secondary
played immediately, do so. If the card can't be immediately for that figure. Objective priority means that the figure will take
played, and the card is not moved to the hero stack, then it action as indicated in the encounter rules to complete its
remains revealed for that monster group's turn. If the trigger for objective. See Appendix C for Objective Priority suggestions. If
the revealed Overlord card occurs during the current monster the objective is not in range for an attack action, then the Priority
group's turn, then play the Overlord card. If a card is played on the AO card will apply for that action.
during a monster group's turn, no new card is revealed for the
rest of that group's turn. Heroes carrying an objective will become an Objective Priority
At the end of the Overlord turn, if the revealed card in the
Overlord hand triggers at the end of the Overlord turn, then it is In general, Overlord figures check for Priority in this order:
played and a new card is revealed. Objective – AO Card Priority – Random Number – Closest.

During the hero turn, the Overlord hand is not used. Instead,
Overlord cards will be played from the hero stack. If the trigger Hero-Controlled Figures
for the top card in the hero stack occurs, then the card is played. For purposes of target Priority, the ally Raythen is a Scout, and
At the end of the hero turn, move the top card in the hero stack the ally Serena is a Healer. In a 4-hero game, Raythen and
to the bottom of the stack. This is to prevent the hero stack from Serena are not assigned hero numbers. In a 2- or 3-hero game,
getting stuck on a card that can't be played. Raythen and Serena will be assigned the next available hero
When the trigger for a Trap card occurs, draw an AO card. If the
Priority or Random Number matches the hero triggering the card, Guards and other encounter-specific tokens or figures controlled
or a Blitz card is drawn, then the Trap card is played. Otherwise, by the heroes are not considered priority targets unless specified
the card is not played and remains revealed. This is to prevent otherwise in the encounter rules or Appendix C. They are treated
players from predicting when they will trigger Traps. If the Trap as possible closest available targets if no priority targets are
triggers on movement, then the AO card is drawn when the hero available.
moves into the first empty space during each uninterrupted
movement phase. Trap cards are only checked for activation once
per trigger action.

Automated Overlord Card Actions Activate Ability
A figure will follow the actions listed on the drawn AO card, in The figure will activate an ability, provided it makes sense to do
order, during its activation. Figures follow standard rules for so. For example: If a figure has an ability that damages all
number of actions allowed. If an action cannot be completed or heroes adjacent to it, there is no point in activating it if there are
doesn't currently apply, then it is skipped. If, somehow, you no adjacent heroes.
reach the end of the action list and have actions remaining for
that figure, then start again at the top. If the figure has only one valid ability, then that ability is
activated. If the figure has more than one ability, then use the
Attack ability order section of the AO card to determine which ability
If there is a Priority target in attack range, then it is attacked. If gets activated. On the monster card, count the abilities from left
the Priority target is not in range, then use the Random Number to right, starting with the top row, then the bottom row. Activate
as the target. If there is still no matching target, then attack the whichever ability matches the first number in the ability order
closest figure if possible. section on the AO card. If there is no match, or the ability is not
valid, then use the next number in the list. Continue until an
Max attack range is as follows: ability is activated.

Melee: Adjacent space

Reach: Two spaces Monster Activation
Ranged: Six spaces During encounter setup, Place Lieutenant and monster cards in
the Overlord's play area, arranged in the order of activation.

For a figure with Objective Priority, the attack action can mean Lieutenants will always activate first, unless the rules state
two things. If the objective is meant to be attacked, then a otherwise. Agents are activated after Lieutenants, followed by the
regular attack action applies. Otherwise, the attack action other monster groups. Unless otherwise stated in the encounter
becomes an interact action with max range as needed to interact rules, monster groups are activated in the order listed in the
with the objective (usually adjacent or on top of). Monsters section of the encounter text. Open groups are
activated in the order they were placed during setup.
For example: If a figure with Objective Priority is supposed to flip
a switch while standing adjacent to it, then the figure will flip the Within a monster group, master monsters will always activate
switch if standing adjacent to it when the attack action comes up before minions. With multiple minions, they will activate in the
on the AO card. order they are numbered. If your monsters are not numbered,
then activate the closest figure to the heroes, followed by the
Engage next closest, and so on.
The figure will use a move action to gain movement points equal
to its speed. The figure will then attempt to move within engage When activating a figure, draw an AO card to determine its
range of the Priority target, following the shortest route. Engage Priority and action order. Remember that a figure with a specific
range for melee and figures with reach are the same as the max objective as written in the encounter rules automatically has
attack range above. Engage range for ranged figures is four Objective priority.

A figure already at engage range with its Priority target will skip Blitz
the engage actions listed on the AO card. The Blitz card is a special card that simulates a beat down. When
the Blitz card is drawn, draw another AO card. Each figure
A figure with Objective Priority will always move to engage its remaining in the monster group (including the current figure) will
objective, regardless of all other targets or how far away the activate using that card only. This means that the efforts of that
Objective Priority target is. monster group will likely be focused on one target.

For figures without Objective Priority, engage whichever target For each figure that activates during a Blitz, reveal the next
can be reached in one engage action using the standard Priority Overlord card in the hand.
rules of:
If a second Blitz card is drawn after the first (a very rare
1. AO card Priority occurrence), then draw another AO card. The current monster
2. AO card Random Number group AND the next monster group that gets activated will all
3. Closest with most damage receive the Blitz effect using the drawn card.

If there are no targets at all within engage range, then move to

engage the Priority target.
Surges are spent logically. If a figure has a surge to give +1
A figure with Objective Priority also has two options for the
range, it makes no sense to use it if the figure has already rolled
engage action. If the objective is meant to be attacked, then use
enough range. If a figure has only one valid surge option, then
the engage rules as above for engaging a target. Otherwise,
that surge is used.
engage range for the objective becomes whatever range is
necessary to interact with the objective.
If a figure has multiple surge options, use the surge order section
on the AO card to determine which to use. Count surges from left
For example: If the objective for the figure is to exit off the map,
to right in the top row, then left to right in the bottom row.
then the engage range will be whatever movement is necessary
Surges will be activated in the order indicated on the AO card.
to move off the map through the exit.
Any numbers that do not match, or would activate an invalid
surge, are skipped.

Familiars Threat Tokens
Familiars, Conjurer Images, and other attackable hero “pets” are The Overlord gains threat tokens as follows:
given priority per their master's archetype. For example: If the
Mage card is drawn, then a Necromancer and his familiar will • One token each time a hero is knocked out, with no limit
both be Priority targets. Otherwise, familiars are ignored unless • One token at the end of each encounter. Two tokens if
they are the closest available target. the Overlord won the encounter.
• One token when a Rumor quest card is played

Plot Decks The Overlord keeps all threat tokens between encounters and
These are universal rules that should cover the use of all Plot quests.
decks. If you are uncertain about how a card should work, do
what seems logical. See Appendix B for guidelines concerning Note that the Overlord also draws an Overlord card when a hero
specific cards. is knocked out.

At the start of the campaign, remove the base Plot card from the
deck. The base Plot card will remain revealed in the Overlord's Fortune Tokens
play area during each encounter. If the trigger for the base Plot When the Overlord spends threat tokens to activate a Plot card,
card occurs, and the Overlord can pay the activation cost, then the heroes receive the spent threat tokens as fortune tokens.
the card is played. The base plot card will take priority over any
revealed card in the Plot hand. Fortune tokens are distributed evenly, one at a time, to the
heroes that currently have the least amount of fortune tokens. If
At the beginning of each encounter, the Plot hand is shuffled and there is a tie, draw an AO card and use the Priority or Random
the top card revealed. Number to determine who gets the extra token.
At any time during the encounter, if the trigger for the top Plot
card occurs, and the Overlord has enough threat tokens For example: Heroes 1 and 4 each have one fortune token.
available, then the activation cost is paid and the card is played. Heroes 2 and 3 have none. The Overlord spends three threat
Do not reveal the next Plot card in the hand. tokens to activate a Plot card. Heroes 2 and 3 each get one
fortune token, so that all heroes have one fortune token. An AO
If the Overlord does not have any threat tokens, there is no need card is then drawn to determine who gets the last token.
to reveal new cards in the Plot hand.
Heroes discard all fortune tokens during the shopping step of the
At the start of each Overlord turn, the next Plot card in the hand campaign phase.
is revealed. If there is an existing revealed Plot card on the hand,
then it is placed face down on the bottom of the Plot hand.

All Plot cards exhaust when played, and refresh at the start of the
At any time, the top Rumor card is activated per its instructions.
Overlord turn unless otherwise specified on the card. When a
Only one Rumor card should be played at a time.
card refreshes, it is put on the bottom of the Plot hand. When the
base card refreshes, it remains in the Overlord's play area.

Cards that trigger after setup or at the start of an encounter can Secret Rooms
be played at any time during the encounter. They do not refresh At the start of the Overlord turn, if there is a hero in the secret
until the end of the encounter. room, remove one monster from the room. If there are no
monsters, then remove the first challenge token clockwise from
A summon agent card can be played at any time during the the entrance.
encounter. The summon agent card does not refresh. If the agent
is defeated, then the summon agent card is returned to the deck, Monsters in a secret room will only have the option of engaging
and will need to be purchased again. If the agent is still in play at and attacking heroes within the secret room. Multiple monsters in
the end of the encounter, then the summon agent card is a secret room are considered to be one monster group for
returned to the Plot hand. purposes of activation.

For cards that require choosing a monster or monster group,

draw an AO card and use the Random Number to determine the Reinforcements
monster group. Draw another AO card to choose a monster When placing reinforcements, unless otherwise stated in the
within that group, if necessary. encounter rules, the Overlord will place available master
monsters first. Monsters will spawn on the tile number, or the
For Plot cards that heal, choose the monster with the most closest adjacent space. If the tile does not have a number, then
damage. the monster will be placed on a space closest to the heroes.

At the end of each quest, the Overlord discards one threat token If given a choice between multiple locations to place a figure
to purchase a Plot card from the deck. Shuffle the Plot deck and when reinforcing, the Overlord will choose whichever location is
draw the top card. Purchased Plot cards are placed face down at closest to an objective. Otherwise, draw an AO card and use the
the bottom of the Overlord's Plot hand. Random Number to decide.

Spending Overlord XP Appendix A: Rules Examples
At the end of each quest, the Overlord will spend all available XP Objective Priority
to purchase new cards for the Overlord hand. Encounter 1 of A Fat Goblin will be used for this example. There
will be a couple heroes at the far end of tile 20A.
Single-Class: Spend 1 XP to purchase one card from either the
Class or Universal deck. Determine which deck to draw from by The open group has no specific objective, so will use the Priorities
drawing an AO card. If the Random Number is a 1, 2, or 3, then on the AO cards.
the Class deck is drawn from. If the Random Number is a 4, then
the Universal deck is drawn from. This simulates the Overlord At the start of the encounter, the goblin archers will have an
building a Class-focused deck. When choosing a card, shuffle the initial Objective Priority to engage a bundle of crops.
chosen deck and draw the top card. If there are no more Class The goblin archers activate first, since they are listed first in the
cards available to purchase, then default to purchasing cards Monsters section of the encounter and there are no lieutenants.
from the Universal deck. The master in the group activates, and an AO card is drawn. The
card drawn has a Warrior Priority.
Dual-Class: Spend 1 XP to purchase one card from either of the
two Class decks. Determine which deck to draw from by drawing The first action on the card is Attack Target. Currently the goblin
an AO card. If the Random Number is odd, then the first Class is not in attack range (6 spaces for a ranged unit) of any targets,
deck is drawn from. If the Random Number is even, then the so this action is ignored.
second Class deck is drawn from. When choosing a card, shuffle
the chosen deck and draw the top card. The second action on the card is Engage Target. Since the goblin
has Objective Priority, its target is the closest bundle of crops on
For each new card added to the Overlord deck, draw an AO card. the map. The goblin will need to get adjacent to this bundle of
If the Random Number on the card is a 3 or a 4, then remove a crops in order to interact with it. So, the goblin moves up to its
Basic card from the deck and return it to the box. Shuffle the speed towards the closest bundle of crops. This uses one of the
Overlord deck and draw cards until a Basic card appears to goblins actions.
determine which to remove.
The third action on the card is Attack Target. The goblin is not
close enough to its objective to interact with it. However, there
Other Bits are two heroes (a Necromancer and a Knight) now in attack
Unless otherwise specified by the card, if an Overlord card would range. Since the AO card has a Warrior Priority, and the goblins
heal a monster, choose the monster with the most damage. If Objective Priority is not in range, the goblin will attack the
there is a tie, choose the monster from whichever group would Knight. This will end the goblin's turn.
activate first. If still a tie, draw an AO card and use the Random
Number to determine the target. Fast forward a bit, and now our master goblin has engaged its
objective (a bundle of crops) and is adjacent to it. Our Knight is
In encounters where the Lieutenant is treated as a hero when also adjacent to the goblin. The master goblin activates and an
knocked out, the lieutenant will use its first action to stand up. AO card is drawn. This is a Damaged Priority card. But again, our
Once the lieutenant stands up, follow the actions on the drawn goblin has Objective Priority, so the card's Priority is ignored for
AO card for its second action. now.

If a monster ability would result in the Overlord moving a hero The first action on the card is Engage Target. The goblin is
(such as Knockback or Whisper), then the hero is moved in as already within interaction range of its objective, so this action is
straight a line as possible away from the monster. skipped. The second action on the card is Attack Target. Since
the goblin has an Objective Priority in interaction range, the
If an Overlord card or other effect results in the Overlord gaining Knight is ignored, even though the Knight has the most damage
control of a hero, draw an AO card when the Overlord activates and would otherwise take priority. The goblin uses its Attack
the hero. The actions on the card are followed as if the hero were Target action to interact with its objective and picks up the
a monster figure. bundle of crops.

If an Overlord card would allow the Overlord to choose a card Now that the goblin is carrying a bundle of crops, its objective
from the Overlord deck or discard pile, draw the top card from changes. The goblin now has an Objective Priority to move off the
the deck instead. map through the exit with the crops. The third action on the card
is Engage Target. The goblin will move up to its speed towards
If a figure's movement is blocked by a door, then the figure will the exit and end its turn.
use an attack action to open the door if possible.
If the Overlord is given the choice to remove or deny the heroes Our master goblin archer is at it again.
a Search Item or Shop Item card, then the Overlord will choose
the highest gold value card. The Treasure Chest and Secret Room The goblin is facing two heroes, a Necromancer and a Treasure
cards will always be chosen over other cards. Hunter, the Necromancer's familiar is also in play.

In the rare case that the Overlord has to make a choice between The goblin starts his turn and an AO card is drawn. The card has
5 or 6 options, roll the blue attack die. The X represents the Mage priority, and for this example, the goblin has no Objective
number 1. Priority. This means that the Necromancer and her familiar are
Priority targets. The familiar is the closest target, at 6 spaces

The first action on the card is Activate An Ability. The goblin has
no abilities, so this step is skipped.

The next action is Attack Target. The familiar is in max attack The sorcerer group activates next. The top Overlord card in the
range for a ranged unit at 6 spaces, so the goblin attacks. The hand is revealed, and it is Word of Pain. Word of Pain only
goblin rolls, getting 3 range and 1 surge. The range is not enough activates at the end of the Overlord turn. So, the sorcerers
to hit the target, but there is a surge to spend. The surge order complete their activations and the Word of Pain card remains
on the card is 1,3,2, and the goblin has two surge options. The revealed.
first surge option is +3 range. This is a valid option, so the surge
is spent on it. The goblin now has enough range to complete the The Overlord turn ends. Since the revealed card in the Overlord
attack, and kills the familiar. hand triggers at the end of the Overlord turn, the Word of Pain is
played. The Overlord always has a card revealed at the end of
The next action on the card is Engage Target. Now that the the Overlord turn, so the next card in the hand is revealed after
familiar is dead, the Necromancer is the goblin's closest Priority the Word of Pain is played. The revealed card is Poison Dart, and
target. The Necromancer is 8 spaces away, outside of a ranged it is placed face up at the bottom of the hero stack (in this case,
unit's engage range. The goblin moves to within 4 spaces of the it is the only card in the hero stack). The next card in the
Necromancer. This uses up both the goblin's actions, so his turn Overlord hand is revealed, and it is a Dark Might. The Dark Might
ends. remains revealed, and the hero turn begins.

Overlord Cards
For this example, there are two monster groups: zombies and Appendix B: Plot Decks
sorcerers. The heroes are a Champion, Conjurer, Thief, and
Apothecary. The heroes are assigned hero numbers in the order
Guidelines for resolving Plot cards. If you feel a card should be
played differently, go ahead and do so.
At the start of the encounter, four Overlord cards are drawn and
Baron Zachareth
placed face down in a stack to form the Overlord hand. The top
Scrying And Plotting – This card can be played at any time
card is revealed by turning it face up. The card revealed is a
during the encounter. The Overlord discards his hand and draws a
Tripwire. Because this is a card that is played on the hero turn, it
new hand equal to the number of heroes. The Overlord deck and
is placed face up in a separate pile to form the hero stack.
discard pile are re-shuffled together.
Sole Purpose – This card is not used. Remove it from the Plot
The heroes start their turn. The Champion begins a move and
moves into an empty space. Since there is a Trap card revealed
Trouble On The Road – This card can be played at any time
in the hero stack, then a check is made to see if it activates. An
during the encounter.
AO card is drawn; it is Healer Priority with a Random Number of
Two-Pronged Gambit – Draw an AO card. If the Random
3. Since the Priority and Random Number do not match the hero
Number is a 1 or 2, then the threat side of the token is face up. If
moving into the empty space (the Champion has a hero number
the Random Number is a 3 or 4, then the fortune side of the
of 1), then the Tripwire is not played and remains revealed. The
token is face up.
Champion completes his move.
Eliza Farrow
The Champion then begins another move, moving into an empty
Bad Dreams – This card can be played at any time during the
space. This is a new movement that can trigger the Tripwire. An
AO card is drawn again; it is Warrior Priority with a Random
Number of 4. Since the Priority on the card matches the
Gargan Mirklace
archetype of the hero, then the Tripwire is played on the
Demon's Bargain – Draw an AO card and use the Random
Champion. The Champion tests against his awareness and fails,
Number to determine the amount of damage and fatigue.
ending his move.
Shifting Earth – The Overlord will choose a space that will affect
the most heroes.
The rest of the heroes finish their actions, and the hero turn
ends. Normally the top card in the hero stack would be moved to
Rylan Olliven
the bottom of the pile. But there was only one card in the hero
Thieves' Guild – Place the highest gold cost item on the bottom
stack, and it was played.
of the search deck. A Treasure Chest or Secret Passage is
considered highest cost.
The Overlord starts his turn and draws an Overlord card from the
deck, placing it face down on the bottom of the Overlord hand.
The zombie group activates. The top Overlord card is revealed,
Guardian Of The Hoard – Draw an AO card. The Overlord will
and is a Dark Might. The master zombie activates, and an AO
put threat tokens onto this card up to the Random Number.
card is drawn. The AO card is Mage priority. The first action on
Mine All Mine – The Overlord will use this card if there are any
the card is Engage Target, so the zombie moves adjacent to the
threat tokens on it at the end of the quest.
The next action on the AO card is Attack Target. The zombie
Always Watching – This card is not used. Remove it from the
attacks the Conjurer and dice are rolled for the attack. This
Plot deck.
triggers the Dark Might card and it is played, giving the zombie
Into The Shadows – After a hero rests, and the second part of
an additional surge on his attack roll. The next Overlord card in
this card is triggered, the card refreshes and is placed on the
the Overlord hand remains face down, because the top card is
bottom of the Plot hand.
only revealed at the start of the current group's activation. The
rest of the zombies complete their activation.

Appendix C: Objective Priority Quick Reference Frozen Spire 1
Ruin: Marked spaces on far side of bridge
This list outlines possible Objective Priorities for each quest. Feel Frozen Spire 2
free to determine different Objective Priorities according to your All monster groups: Marked space on exit – Hero carrying
own interpretation. Frederick

The Shadow Rune Gryvorn Unleashed 1

All monster groups: Ritual components – Entrance or Exit while
Blood Of Heroes 1 carrying ritual components
All monster groups: Hero who has not had blood collected – Lieutenants: Search tokens (if closer than ritual component)
Entrance or Exit while carrying blood Gryvorn Unleashed 2
Blood Of Heroes 2 No Objective Priority
All monster groups: Hero carrying Heinrich
Eliza: Heinrich Man Who Would Be King 1
Splig: Exit
Cardinal's Plight 1 Man Who Would Be King 2
Merick: Gravestone – Raise zombie No Objective Priority
Zombies: Exit
Cardinal's Plight 2 Masquerade Ball 1
Zombies: Cardinal Koth All monster groups: Unmask guest – Exit while escorting guest
Masquerade Ball 2
Castle Daerion 1 Eliza: Exit
All monster groups: Villagers
Castle Daerion 2 Monster's Hoard 1
All monster groups: Sir Palamon All monster groups: Frederick
Monster's Hoard 2
Dawnblade 1 All monster groups: Hero carrying Trueshot
All monster groups: Hero closest to Arcite's Tomb
Dawnblade 2 Ritual Of Shadows 1
All monster groups (except shadow dragons): Hero carrying Flesh moulders: Merick
Dawnblade Ritual of Shadows 2
Alric: Duskblade – Wardstone Merick: Entrance
Shadow dragons: Entrance
Overlord Revealed
Death On The Wing 1 Master monsters, Zachareth: Shadow Key – Exit while carrying
Overlord: Before the heroes enter the canyon, place boulders in Shadow Key
an empty space closest to the heroes. Once the heroes enter the
canyon, place boulders adjacent to a hero closest to the exit. Any Shadow Vault
hero with only one empty adjacent space next to them is given Zachareth: Casket – Exit while carrying casket
Death On The Wing 2 Twin Idols 1
All monster groups: Guards All monster groups: Idol of Skulls – Marked spaces on map while
carrying Idol of Skulls
Desecrated Tomb 1 Twin Idols 2
All monster groups: Hero closest to Entrance All monster groups: Skull Totem – Exit while carrying Skull Totem
Desecrated Tomb 2 – Hero carrying Sun Totem
Alric: Duskblade – Khorayt
All monster groups: Hero carrying Dawnblade Wyrm Rises 1
No Objective Priority
Enduring The Elements 1 Wyrm Rises 2
All monster groups: Unlocked stone – Entrance or Exit while Belthir – Entrance
carrying stone
Enduring The Elements 2 Wyrm Turns 1
All monster groups: Hero not in Laboratory All monster groups: Belthir – Hero standing on green or blue
objective tokens
Fat Goblin 1 Wyrm Turns 2
Goblin archers: Bundle of crops – Exit while carrying crops All monster groups: Dragon Skull – Entrance while carrying
All monster groups: Hero carrying bundle of crops Dragon Skull
Fat Goblin 2
Goblin archers: Pick up prisoner – Drop prisoner adjacent to Splig
in Torture Chamber Labyrinth of Ruin
Splig: Interrogate prisoner in Torture Chamber - Exit while
carrying Fredrick Back From The Dead 1
All monster groups: Cabin door – Cabin
First Blood Back From The Dead 2
Goblin archers: Exit Hulldyr: Exit

Barrow Of Barris 1 Reclamation 1
Ettins: Rock quarry Goblin witcher and goblin archer: Talisman of Protection – Exit
Goblin witcher: Knocked out hero – Lock of hair – Goblin Camp while while carrying Talisman of Protection
while carrying lock of hair Reclamation 2
Barrow Of Barris 2 All monster groups: Hero carrying Sun Standard
Merick: Sacred artifact – Hero belonging to hero token from Master carrion drake: Search token
encounter 1
Ruinous Whispers
Endless Night All monster groups: Captive woman – Goblin carrying captve
Lieutenant: Knocked out hero woman – Exit while carrying captive woman
All monster groups: Webbed hero – Pit space
Secrets In Stone 1
Fire And Brimstone All monster groups: Unbroken offering shrine – Hero near
Merick: Ritual – Summon zombie or elemental offering shrine
Secrets In Stone 2
Fortune And Glory 1 Ariad: Search token (of Scrying Stone has not been found) –
All monster groups: Prisoner Scrying Stone
Fortune And Glory 2 All monster groups: Hero carrying Scrying Stone
All monster groups: Prisoner – Hero carrying blue objective token
Through The Mist 1
Fountain Of Insight 1 No Objective Priority
All monster groups: Possession stone – Ally Through The Mist 2
Lieutenant: Exit All monster groups: Serena
Fountain Of Insight 2 Splig: Site of Power
All monster groups: Ally – Open wellspring
Tipping The Scales
Fury Of The Tempest 1 Ariad: Hero carrying lowest weight
Splig: Water space – Entrance All monster groups: Hero carrying weight
All monster groups: Hero closest to Exit
Fury Of The Tempest 2 Web Of Power
Splig, Goblin archers: Unrevealed objective token – Blue Ariad (before transformation): X spot
objective token All monster groups (while Ariad is on X spot): Ariad
Splig (not carrying Gauntlets of Spite): Goblin archer carrying Queen Ariad (after transformation): Exit
blue objective token
Goblin archers (carrying blue objective token): Splig
All monster groups: Hero carrying Gauntlets of Power Shadow Of Nerekhall
Splig: Exit while carrying Gauntlets of Spite
Arise My Friends
Gathering Foretold 1 Changeling: Captive – Tristayne
All monster groups: Hero closest to Serena before she is rescued Zombie: Captive
Gathering Foretold 2 Tristayne: X spot
All monster groups: Hero that has not been defeated yet
Black Realm
Glimmer Of Hope Mirklace: Aenlong shard – Chamber of Despair
Lieutenant: Magical ward
All monster groups: Hero closest to X spot City Falls
All monster groups: Iron wards (a figure will not target an iron
Heart Of The Wilds 1 ward if destroying the ward would kill the figure)
Zombies: Vine
All monster groups: Hero near a vine Civil War 1
Heart Of The Wilds 2 Changeling: Guard – Entrance or Exit while luring guardian
All monster groups: Flailing Tendril Civil War 2
Monster with Cursed trait: Wild Garden All monster groups: Guards – Loyal leader

Honor Among Thieves 1 Demonstration

All monster groups: Hero on Exit Tristayne: Possessed citizen
Honor Among Thieves 2 Changelings: Citizen
No Objective Priority Possessed Citizen: Exit

Let The Truth Be Buried 1 Incident

Splig: Chain All monster groups: Celia
Let The Truth Be Buried 2
Splig (Overlord-controlled): Objective Token – Exit Into The Dark 1
All monster groups: Splig (Hero-controlled) All monster groups: Citizen (citizens are placed in a space closest
to the pit on the Dark Cave)
Pilgrimage Into The Dark 2
All monster groups: Objective token – War guardian/Peace All monster groups: Torch – pit, water, or hazard space while
guardian – Hero carrying water carrying torch.
Verminous: Rift crystal

Local Politics 1 At The Forge 1
Ettins: Portcullis Shadow Dragons: Exit
All monster groups: Exit All monster groups: Trail token
Local Politics 2 At The Forge 2
All monster groups: Magistrate Valyndra: Weapon cache
Magistrate: Water space on River's Edge All monster groups: Jorem Tolk (after he is freed)
Master changeling: Entrance
Beneath The Manor
Lost 1 Skarn: Crystal fragment – Entrance (if there are four objective
Beast: Hero that has not been knocked out by the Beast yet tokens in the Overlord's play area)
Lost 2
All monster groups: Hero closest to Beacon Burning Harvest
Mughin: Gem – Exit or Entrance
Nightmares 1
All monster groups: Hero closest to a void idol Crown Of Destiny
Nightmares 2 All monster groups: Destiny – Water space
No Objective Priority
Finders And Keepers
Overdue Demise Wraiths: Loot pile – Exit
Tristayne: Jail wall – Scythe – Rift - Entrance Skarn: Loot pile – Exit (if carrying three objective tokens)

Prey Food For Worms

Master Barghest: Trail Bol'Goreth: Sinking carriage – Villagers
All monster groups: Villager
Price Of Power 1 Master Plague Worm: Entrance
Tristayne: Captive scholar
Price Of Power 2 Ghost Town
All monster groups: Hero that has not been defeated yet Master monsters: Slain villager
Master Flesh Moulder: Revealed slain villager
Rat-Thing King 1 All monster groups: Survivor
Rat swarms: Exit
Rat-Thing King 2 Gold Digger
All monster groups: Ixzhod – Hero carrying Shadow Plotter All monster groups: Knocked out hero – Jorem's Discovery - Exit
Valyndra/Shadow: Miner
Respected Citizen 1
Bertram: X spot My House, My Rules
Respected Citizen 2 Skarn: Spell scar – Entrance
Thaakiel: Captive thief Oath Of The Outcast
All monster groups: Urn – Entrance
Traitors Among Us
No Objective Priority Prison Of Ice And Lies
Flesh Moulders: Sacrificial pyre
True Enemy Guardian: Sacrificial pyre
Rylan Olliven: Monster figure on Town Square All monster groups (except flesh moulders): Hero carrying silver
All monster groups (after Mirklace is placed): Hero with one hero urn
token in Overlord's play area
Rude Awakening
Widespread Panic 1 All monster groups: Survivor that is not wounded – Innkeeper
Corrupt civilian: Rioter Fire Imps: Inn
All monster groups: Vera Source Of Sickness
Widespread Panic 2 Bol'Goreth: Search token (if mending talisman hasn't been
All monster groups: Wounded civilian found) Mending Talisman – Infested villager – Plague cask – X
Without Mercy Master monsters: Infested villager – Plague cask – X space
Master changeling: Prisoner – Executioner Plague worms: X space
All monster groups (if executioner is not corrupt): Executioner All monster groups: Hero carrying mending talisman.
Executioner (if executioner is corrupt): Entrance
Spread Your Wings
Skarn: Exit
Rumor and Mini-Campaign Quests
Spreading Affliction
Armed To The Teeth 1 Bol'Goreth: Chained infected monster – Exit (if no infected
All monster groups: Signal Fire monsters remain)
Splig: Exit Infected monsters: Exit
Armed To The Teeth 2
Hybrid Sentinels: Aurium Wargear – Exit Three Heads, One Mind
All monster groups: Hero closest to Exit

What's Yours Is Mine
Ettins: Jorem Tolk (if he is not under Overlord control)
Jorem Tolk: Vein
Du'Lak: Ore – Exit

Where The Heart Is

Master monsters: Basement
Skarn: Basement

Wrong Man For The Job

All monster groups: Hero carrying Manor's Heart


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