Gamma Terra Campaign House Rules

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Gamma World House Rules Option 2: Using the table above, first select your primary origin

and then select your secondary origin. You may select Engineered
The Gamma World rules produce very random characters. Some Human as your primary origin if you wish. Your character will look
players may enjoy this, some will not. Presented in this document are more like a human if you do so.
house rules that are meant to allow for player choice. For this campaign,
you may generate your character randomly, per the rules, or you may Option 3: Pure-Strain Human. You are a Pure-Strain Human,
select your character’s abilities, origins, and other aspects. The house untainted by the radiation and mutagenic properties of this new world.
rules presented here that will apply to either character creation style You declare yourself a Pure-Strain Human by taking Engineered Human
and will be identified when the time comes. Each character creation for both of your origins. However, you do not gain double the traits of
step will have the options for both creation methods. You may choose the Engineered Human. Instead, you gain the Pure-Strain Human origin
either method you wish during each step. as your primary origin and Engineered Human as your secondary origin
(see Appendix A: New Origin: Pure-Strain Human).
Step 1: Character Origins
Step 2: Abilities
Regardless of the option you choose, select the Origin cards for
your Primary and Secondary origins afterwards. You will record the Regardless of the method chosen to select your origins, your
traits and powers on your character sheet. primary origin receives an 18 in the ability that matches the primary
origin’s Mutant Type. Your secondary origin receives a 16 in the ability
Option 1 (default): You may roll 2d20 to select your primary that matches the secondary origin’s Mutant Type. If both Mutant Types
origin and secondary origin. If you are rolling 1d20 at a time, your first are the same, then that ability is set at 20. Following this, you have a
roll is your primary and your second roll is your secondary. If you’re few options available to you in order to fill in the rest of your abilities:
rolling 2d20, indicate which die is the primary which is the secondary
die before you roll. Option 1 (default): You roll 3d6 in order, starting from the first
ability to the last ability, and enter the sum of the dice as the score for
d20 Origin d20 Origin d20 Origin
1 Android 8 Gravity Controller 15 Radioactive Option 2: You roll 3d6 a number of times equal to the number
2 Cockroach 9 Hawkoid 16 Rat Swarm
3 Doppelganger 10 Hypercognitive 17 Seismic
of your remaining abilities (4 or 5). Record the result of each roll on a
4 Electrokinetic 11 Mind Breaker 18 Speedster piece of scrap paper. You may then assign these scores any way you
5 Empath 12 Mind Coercer 19 Telekinetic choose amongst the abilities which need a score assigned.
6 Felinoid 13 Plant 20 Yeti
7 Giant 14 Pyrokinetic * Engineered Human Option 3: You may point buy your ability scores. If your Mutant
*If your first and second rolls are the same, your second origin is Engineered Human. Types are different, your starting array is 18, 16, 10, 10, 10 and 8. If
your Mutant Types are the same, your starting array is 20, 10, 10, 10,
10, and 8. In either case, you have 4 points to spend on your abilities.
Use the chart below to determine the costs to increase your abilities to SKILL BONUSES
the desired levels. You may buy down abilities to gain more points. d10 Skill Key Ability d10 Skill Key Ability
1 Acrobatics Dexterity 6 Mechanics Intelligence
ABILITY POINT COSTS 2 Athletics Strength 7 Nature Wisdom
Score Cost Score Cost Score Cost Score Cost 3 Conspiracy Intelligence 8 Perception Wisdom
20 27 15 9 10 2 5 -6 4 Insight Wisdom 9 Science Intelligence
19 22 14 7 9 1 4 -9 5 Interaction Charisma 10 Stealth Dexterity
18 18 13 5 8 0 3 -12
17 14 12 4 7 -2
16 11 11 3 6 -4 Option 2: You may choose the skill you wish to apply your +4
After you have determined your abilities, use the following table bonus.
to record your character’s ability modifiers.
Step 4: Gear
Score Modifier Score Modifier Score Modifier You do not start your adventuring career empty-handed
1 -5 14-15 +2 28-29 +9
(usually). To determine what you start with, roll 1d4+1 and choose one
2-3 -4 16-17 +3 30-31 +10
4-5 -3 18-19 +4 32-33 +11
of the options below:
6-7 -2 20-21 +5 34-35 +12
8-9 -1 22-23 +6 36-37 +13
Option 1 (default): Roll a d20 and consult the Starting Gear
10-11 +0 24-25 +7 38-39 +14 table. You automatically start with an Explorer’s kit but may trade it in
12-13 +1 26-27 +8 Etc. (Score - 10)÷2 for a total of 1d4+2 rolls on the Starting Gear table.

Step 3: Character Skills d20 Item d20 Item
1 Roll 2x Ancient Junk 11 Laptop
It is now time to determine your character’s skills. Each origin 2 Climber’s Kit 12 Duct tape
grants a skill bonus of some type. Choose one of the options below: 3 Canoe 13 Heavy flashlight
4 Keelboat 14 Fuel, 5 gallons
Option 1 (default): Roll 1d10 and consult the Skill Bonuses table. 5 Lantern (8 hours oil) 15 Generator (8 hours fuel)
6 Draft horse 16 Night-vision goggles
You receive a +4 bonus to that skill. All skill bonuses stack! Therefore if 7 Riding horse 17 Radio cell phone
you have the same skill from both of your origins and you roll the same 8 Tent 18 Pickup truck
skill again on the d10 roll, you will have a +12 bonus to that skill! All of 9 Wagon 19 Water purifier
10 Binoculars 20 Roll twice
your skill modifiers are calculated as Key Ability Modifier + Your Level +
ANCIENT JUNK (Roll d% and add a passive Science check) If your result is less than 1, change it to 1. If your result is greater
d% Item d% Item d% Item than 127, it is 127. A passive Science check is 10 + your Science skill.
1 Parking meter 44 Webcam 87 Electric fan
2 Smoke detector 45 Wireless keyboard 88 Inflatable life vest
3 8GB RAM stick 46 Bottle of nail polish 89 Nail clippers
Option 2: Select 1d4 items from Starting Gear except for items 1
4 Air compressor 47 Swim goggles 90 Digital photo frame and 20. You may also roll 2 times on Ancient Junk. If you trade in your
5 Camcorder 48 Deck of cards 91 Tweezers & nail file Explorer’s kit, you may either choose another item from Starting Gear
6 Car stereo 49 LED light bulb 92 Windshield wiper
7 Ceiling fan 50 Pogo stick 93 Cordless mouse
(except for items 1 and 20) or you may roll once more on Ancient Junk.
8 Ammo 51 Electric toothbrush 94 Digital camera
9 Stocking cap 52 Garage-door opener 95 Clock radio Weapons and Armor: In addition to the starting gear above, select a
10 Hearing aid 53 Bottle of hand lotion 96 Subwoofer melee weapon, a ranged weapon, and armor. You may also optionally
11 15” Computer Monitor 54 Butane lighter 97 Tire-pressure gauge take a shield.
12 20 lb Dumbbell 55 Bike lock 98 Exercise bike
13 Punching bag 56 Golf club 99 Construction hazard light
14 Bike helmet 57 Foosball table 100 Weed whacker
Armor Benefit
15 Day-glow vest 58 Interface cable 101 1d6 grenades
16 Treadmill 59 Digital thermometer 102 Ballpoint pen
Light armor +3 armor bonus to AC, Add Dex/Int bonus to AC
17 Cell phone 60 Sci-fi serial on DVD 103 Wind-up alarm clock Heavy armor +7 armor bonus to AC, -1 Speed, no Dex/Int bonus to AC
18 Ashtray 61 Stapler 104 Pencil sharpener Shield +1 shield bonus to AC
19 Blender 62 Tennis racket 105 Stamp machine WEAPONS TABLE
20 Electric razor 63 Plastic water bottle 106 Pocket color TV Unarmed Attacks Ability Accuracy [W]
21 Coloring book 64 Camera lens 107 Automobile battery Quick attack Dex/Int +3 1d4
22 Camera flash cube 65 Cordless drill 108 Bicycle pump Powerful attack Str/Con +2 1d8
23 Portable table saw 66 Cell-phone earpiece 109 Microwave oven Light Melee Ability Accuracy [W]
24 Toy gun 67 String of holiday lights 110 Geiger counter
One-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d8
25 Vacuum cleaner 68 Water-bubble level 111 Pack of crayons
Two-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d12
26 Remote control 69 Croquet set 112 Draw 1 Omega Tech
27 Tin of sardines 70 Gas grill 113 Fishing rod and reel
Heavy Melee Ability Accuracy [W]
28 Inflatable kiddie pool 71 Radar detector 114 Ammo One-handed weapon Str/Con +2 1d10
29 Nose-hair clipper 72 Wristwatch 115 Samurai sword Two-handed weapon Str/Con +2 2d8
30 Mini fridge 73 Wireless router 116 Locket (no pictures) Light Ranged Ability Accuracy [W] Range
31 Green plastic soldiers 74 Saxophone 117 Cuckoo clock One-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d8 5
32 Board game 75 Violin 118 Unknown key (plastic) One-handed gun* Dex/Int +4 1d8 10
33 Bag of hard candy 76 White glue 119 Draw 2 Omega Tech Two-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d12 10
34 Kaleidoscope 77 DVD player 120 Riding lawn mower Two-handed gun* Dex/Int +4 1d12 20
35 Slide projector 78 Box of cake mix 121 Soda machine
Heavy Ranged Ability Accuracy [W] Range
36 Toy dump truck 79 Eyeglasses 122 Leather bag with 7 dice
One-handed weapon Str/Con +2 1d10 5
37 Corporate logo T-shirt 80 Baby car seat 123 Dog whistle
38 Jug of maple syrup 81 Printer/scanner 124 Magnetic compass
One-handed gun* Str/Con +2 2d6 10
39 Earphones 82 Skateboard 125 Diamond ring Two-handed weapon Str/Con +2 2d8 10
40 Laptop 83 Socket wrench set 126 Typewriter Two-handed gun* Str/Con +2 2d10 20
41 Pack of antacid tablets 84 Twinkies 127 Draw 3 Omega Tech *This weapon requires ammunition.
42 Taxi mileage meter 85 Cellophane tape
43 Umbrella 86 Electric blanket
Step 5: Filling In the Numbers should have a minimum of 2 booster packs or 16 total cards and you
must have a minimum of 7 Alpha Mutations.
Fill in the rest of your character’s information:
There will be different options available if you cannot acquire
✇ Hit Points: 12 + your Constitution Score. your own booster packs and the options will be presented further in the
✇ Bloodied Value: ½ your hit point total rounded down. rules.
✇ Fortitude Defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Strength or
Constitution modifiers. Option 1 (default): Creating your Alpha Mutation deck. As per the
✇ Reflex Defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Dexterity or standard rules, you may create your own deck of Alpha Mutations using
Intelligence modifiers.
booster pack cards that you own. You must have a minimum of 7 cards
✇ Will Defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Wisdom or
in your deck. The card distribution must include 2 commons for each
Charisma modifiers.
✇ Armor Class (AC): 10 + your level + armor bonus + shield bonus, if uncommon and 2 uncommons for each rare. You can tell the rarity of
any; if you’re wearing no armor or light armor, add the better of the card by the symbol next to the card’s number in the upper right.
your Dexterity or Intelligence modifiers. Circles are common, diamonds are uncommon, and stars are rare.
✇ Speed: 6 + origin modifiers.
✇ Initiative Modifier: Your Dexterity modifier + your level + other These house rules diverge from the standard rules at this point.
modifiers. Your first draw is your permanent mutation. You will always have it
✇ Attack Bonus (Weapon): Best modifier from the weapon’s key available and will always enjoy its benefits. You may overcharge your
ability pair + your level + weapon accuracy bonus. mutation only once per encounter unless the power stipulates
✇ Attack Bonus (Power): The power’s key ability modifier + your level otherwise. Once you overcharge your mutation, tap it to indicate that
+ the power’s accuracy modifier (or weapon accuracy bonus if you’ve used the overcharge however the benefits remain in effect even
the power works with a weapon).
while tapped. If the overcharge overrides the basic benefits of the
✇ Basic Attack Damage: 1[W] + weapon’s key ability modifier + your
mutation, follow the overcharge effects for that duration. After this
✇ Skill Bonus: The key ability score modifier + your level + all bonuses duration, your mutation returns to normal. After an encounter, your
you have for that skill. mutation becomes untapped and can be overcharged again during the
✇ Overcharge Bonus: Your overcharge bonus comes from your next encounter.
primary origin’s traits.
When an Alpha Flux occurs, your mutation will be replaced until
Step 6: Alpha Mutations and Omega Tech you experience another Alpha Flux or until the end of the encounter.
After this time, your stable mutation reasserts itself and you return to
This section is going to be different from the main rules in order “normal.” Discard any Alpha Flux mutations and reinstate your stable
to bring some stability to the game while still allowing for mutation.
unexpectedness. You are encouraged to purchase your own booster cards!
It is not strictly required, but is highly encouraged that you do so. You When you gain a level, you may select a new mutation if you
choose to do so. See Gaining a Level.
Option 2: Random Mutation Roll. If you do not have the ability to Creating your Omega Tech deck. You do not start with an Omega
purchase your own booster packs or want to try something different, Tech readied. Your DM will have you draw from your deck or his deck
you may instead roll d% and consult the Alpha Mutations table. The when you find something. Pure-Strain Humans are an exception to this
result of your roll is your permanent mutation. When an Alpha Flux rule (see Appendix A for more information).
occurs, you draw your mutation from either the DM’s deck or your deck
(if you have one). Appendix A: Pure-Strain Humans
ALPHA MUTATIONS Pure-strain humans are a hardy lot, having survived the myriad
d% Item d% Item d% Item mutagenic energies that came into being when Reality Zero happened.
1 Wings 35 Sympathetic Link 69 Devolution
2 Tentacles 36 All a Dream 70 Confusion Of all the peoples in all the realities that collided, they were the only
3 Mind Switch 37 Ultrashriek 71 Light Generation ones to have gained no mutations at all! As such, Pure-Strain Humans
4 Radio Head 38 Polar Aura 72 Empathic Healing
cannot have an Alpha Mutation deck, they do not experience Alpha
5 Narcolepsy 39 Multiattack 73 Fast Healing
6 Hyper-Balance 40 Plaything 74 Feelers Flux, and they do not have the ability to overcharge.
7 Liquid Bones 41 Redundant Organs 75 Force Field Generation
8 Adrenal Rage 42 Invisibility 76 Sound Imitation To create a Pure-Strain Human, you select the Engineered
9 Dart Cough 43 Density 77 Footus Ginormicus Human origin twice during character creation. Upon doing so, you gain
10 Proboscis 44 Fire Wings 78 Extra Arm
11 Metal Body 45 Explosive Pods 79 Shaggy Pelt
Pure-Strain Human as your primary origin and Engineered Human as
12 Sensitive Nose 46 Center Cannot Hold 80 Infravision your secondary origin.
13 Hands of Time 47 Mind Trick 81 Time Slide
14 Hands of Power 48 Download Ego 82 Kinetic Absorption PURE-STRAIN HUMAN TRAITS
15 Molecular Instability 49 Shadow Person 83 Levitation
16 Huge Arms 50 Static Field 84 Life Leech Mutant Type: Constitution; no power source; no overcharge bonus.
17 Death Reading 51 White Dwarf 85 Reflexive Teleport
18 Machine Command 52 Pants on Fire 86 Gravity Well
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a +4 bonus to any two different skills of your
19 Psychic Illusion 53 Das Gamma Auge 87 LMAO
20 Object Reading 54 My Name is Mud 88 Phasing choice. They may be Interaction and Science.
21 Mandibles 55 Inhabit Corpse 89 Phobia Projection
22 Accelerated Claw 56 Know-It-All 90 Quills Tough Survivor (Level 1): Gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and
23 Gigantism 57 Explode! 91 Redirection Will.
24 Sonic Screech 58 Mind Killer 92 Rubbery Skeleton
25 Healing Roots 59 Hyperactive 93 Amnesia Field
Privileged Society (Level 1): You start the game with an Omega Tech
26 Flurry of Bodies 60 Disintegrating Touch 94 Stink Glands
27 Duality 61 Accelerated Reflexes 95 Super Genius card readied. It may come from your own deck or your DM’s deck.
28 I, Battery 62 Adaptive Resistance 96 Teleportation
29 Phase Strike 63 Psychic Reversal 97 Vampiric Healing Pure-Strain Human Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a critical
30 Shimmershield 64 Aquatic Adaptation 98 Venomous Spurs
hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you are able to use one of
31 Crushing Gravity 65 Anti-Life Leech 99 Stoke Resentment
32 Body of Light 66 Carapace 100 Hostility your Omega Tech cards a second time and you do not have to make an
33 Neutron Emission 67 Cloud the Mind Omega Charge check at the end of the encounter.
34 Strong as Stone 68 Beguiling
PURE-STRAIN HUMAN POWERS and gaining +2 on your defenses, you may refresh an Alpha Mutation. If
you possess more than one Alpha Mutation either due to your level or a
game effect, you may choose one of those mutations to refresh. Unlike
You move around the battlefield, making it difficult for enemies to land an attack.
At-Will ✇ Physical, Weapon the healing effect of a Second Wind, the mutation refresh cannot be
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon triggered by another character. The standard Second Wind takes effect
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity + Your level + weapon accuracy vs. Reflex in this case.
Hit: 1[W] + weapon accuracy physical damage, and you may shift your Wisdom modifier as a
free action upon a successful hit. Wound system

Any time you take damage that takes you below your bloodied
value for the first time, each time you are reduced to 0 or less hit points,
You pull a gun from nowhere, taunt your enemies and shoot everything that’s not a friend.
Encounter ✇ Gear or each time you fail a death save, or any time you receive a critical hit
Free Action Personal (but not from a minion), you gain a wound token. As long as you have
Effect: You may fire your gun a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier without
running out of ammo at the end of the encounter. If you fire your gun more than that, you are wound tokens, you take a -2 penalty to all checks and saves (though a
out of ammo at the end of the encounter. If your Charisma modifier is negative or zero, you are natural 20 is an automatic success, it is not a critical success) as well as -
able to fire your gun twice without losing ammo at the end of the encounter.
1 to all attack rolls. Additionally, if you have 3 or more wound tokens
your Speed is reduced by 2. At the end of an encounter, during a short
YOU MANIACS! PURE-STRAIN HUMAN EXPERT rest, you may make a save against each wound token in order to
Your disbelief of the actions of your ancestors and subsequent shout takes your enemies by surprise! remove it. If you still have 2 or more wounds after the short rest, you
Encounter ✇ Physical, Weapon: Gun
Standard Action Close Blast 5 are Weakened.
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Dexterity + Your level + weapon accuracy vs. Reflex Any other character can attempt a Hard Science or Nature check
Hit: 3[W] + weapon accuracy physical damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your
next turn. to remove a wound token from an ally. There is only time for one such
Miss: ½ damage and the target is not dazed. check during a short rest but multiple characters may attempt the

Appendix B: Additional Rules An extended rest removes all wound tokens, the Weakened
condition, and any penalties.
Second Wind

Using your Second Wind is handled as normal if the character is

using it to regain hit points. Instead of regaining hit points, you may use
your Second Wind to refresh your Alpha Mutations. As per the rules,
using your Second Wind is an encounter power and is a minor action.
However, instead of regaining hit points equal to your bloodied value

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