Ufgs 01 33 16.00 10 Design Data (Design After Award)
Ufgs 01 33 16.00 10 Design Data (Design After Award)
Ufgs 01 33 16.00 10 Design Data (Design After Award)
SECTION 01 33 16.00 10
1.3.1 Designer of Record (DOR)
1.3.2 Government Furnished Material (GFM)
1.3.3 Advanced Modeling
1.3.4 Model Element
1.3.5 USACE Minimum Modeling Matrix (M3)
1.3.6 Facility Data
1.3.7 Industry Foundation Class (IFC)
1.3.8 Model Uses
1.3.9 USACE BIM/CIM Platform Configuration Standards - Templates,
Workspaces, Catalogs, and Environments Bentley AECOsim and InRoads Workspace USACE Revit Templates
1.3.10 USACE CAD/BIM Technology Center
1.5.1 Design Quality Control Plan
1.5.2 Meetings and Conferences Post Award Conference Initial Design Conference Advanced Modeling Kick-Off Meeting Advanced Modeling PxP Demonstration Meeting Pre-Construction Conference
1.7.1 Design And Code Checklists
1.7.2 Advanced Modeling Project Execution Plan (PxP) M3 Template Model Uses
1.8.1 Electronic Design Submittal Malicious Content
distribution list
SECTION 01 33 16.00 10
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for a design/build project, including
design development and design submittals. Use this
section in a design/build project executed by the
Army only.
NOTE: This guide specification supplements UFGS
01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES, tailored for
Design/Build projects. Section 01 33 00 covers
general procedures primarily with respect to
construction submittals. This section provides
requirements for design submittals and design
quality procedures.
After award, develop the accepted proposal into the completed design, as
described herein. Use a collaborative, integrated design process for all
stages of project delivery with comprehensive performance goals for site
development, energy, water, material selection, indoor environmental
quality, and waste diversion. Ensure incorporation of these goals in
project delivery. Consider all stages of the building lifecycle,
including deconstruction, rehabilitation, re-purposing, or demolition.
NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.
The DOR's stamp, sign, and date each design drawing and other design
deliverables under their responsible discipline at each design submittal
stage. The DOR(s) are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the
design and for compliance with the contract requirements through
construction and documentation of the as-built condition by coordination,
The USACE Minimum Modeling Matrix (M3) describes the minimum modeling and
data requirements by defining the level of development (LOD) and element
NOTE: If there are no BIM or CIM deliverables for
this project then delete this definition.
IFC are a standard and file format used for the exchange of model elements
and data; see http://www.iai-tech.org. In the context of this section,
IFC does not mean "Issued For Construction."
NOTE: If there are no BIM or CIM deliverables for
this project then delete this definition.
NOTE: If there are no BIM or CIM deliverables for
this project then delete this definition.
NOTE: If there are no Bentley AECOsim or InRoads
deliverables for this project then delete this
NOTE: If there are no Revit deliverables for this
project then delete this definition.
The USACE Revit templates are discipline specific and include family
content pertinent to that discipline. The templates share standard
symbology such as annotation families, line styles, and text styles. The
templates include pre-defined shared parameters.
The USACE CAD/BIM Technology Center hosts all standard content for USACE.
This content can be accessed through the CAD/BIM Technology Center
website, .
NOTE: The information in this paragraph is covered
by UAI Clause 52.236-5000. Confirm that the clause
will be included in the contract to remove this
The Government will conduct a post award conference [at the project site]
[_____], as soon as possible after Contract award, coordinated with
issuance of the notice to proceed (NTP). Participation by the Contractor
and major subcontractor representatives is mandatory. All designers need
not attend this first meeting. The government will provide an agenda,
meeting goals, meeting place, and meeting time to participants prior to
the meeting.
After Contract award, conduct the initial design conference, and provide a
Within 30 days after the acceptance of the Advanced Modeling PxP and M3,
conduct a demonstration to review the Plan for clarification, and to
verify the functionality of planned Model technology workflow and
processes. If modifications are required, complete the modifications and
resubmit the Advanced Modeling PxP performing a subsequent demonstration
for Government acceptance.
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.
Preconstruction Conference
Building Rendering
Conference Documentation
NOTE: The Project Execution Plan (PxP) submittal is
mandatory for every project regardless of
BIM/CIM/GIS/CAD deliverable type. DO NOT remove the
requirement for a PxP submittal.
located at the USACE CAD/BIM Technology Center website to develop an
acceptable Plan and update to include platforms and processes to meet the
requirements of the project. M3 Template
Use the M3 Template located at the USACE CAD/BIM Technology Center website
and submit as part of the Advanced Modeling PxP.
Mandatory Model Uses are predefined in the Project Execution Plan (PxP)
and cannot be modified. Identify additional elected Model Uses in the PxP.
c. When browsed on any computer, the disc displays the following folders
(3) Readme containing one TXT, PDF, or HTML file with general use
information, organizational instructions, and basic preparer
contact information.
Execute the following actions for all design drawing and modeling files:
a. Purge unused
b. Audit
c. Compress
Utilize PDF file format in accordance with ISO 32000-1 and ISO 19005-3.
Provide files from original sources, text-searchable, and saved in
"Standard" (uncompressed) resolution whenever possible. Bookmarking
a. Bookmark drawing submittal PDF sets to include one Parent Bookmark per
Discipline and one Child Bookmark per sheet within each Discipline.
Format Parent Bookmarks as "Discipline" (e.g. Architectural). Format
Child Bookmarks as "Sheet ID Sheet Title" (e.g. A-101 First Floor
[ Hyperlinking
NOTE: Hyperlinking is not required, but may be
valuable depending upon the needs of the project.
Include this paragraph if hyperlinking is desired.
][1.8.4 Encryption
NOTE: Encryption is not required for all projects,
but may be required for specific projects. Include
this paragraph if encryption is required.
NOTE: One of the bracketed options in this
paragraph requires the Government to develop a
distribution list of submittals. The option also
requires that the distribution list be attached at
the end of this section.
Print hard copy submittals directly from the electronically packaged PDF
files.[ Provide quantities and sizes as indicated in [Section 01 33 00
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS] [the distribution list at the end of this
specification section] [____].]
The Designer(s) of Record stamps and signs the original full size hard
copy sheets as Released For Construction. Provide distribution from this
NOTE: Edit this paragraph to reflect the systems,
platforms, and timing under which the Government
intends to provide data. Remove the paragraph if
none will be provided.
[ The Government will provide Advanced Modeling files as GFM for use in
design development. Develop and maintain the information and level of
detail contained in the GFM in the Project design, as required by this
The Contractor has the option of preparing their own Advanced Modeling
files in the formats prescribed as a basis for design, design drawings,
and interim design submittals. If so, maintain the same level of detail,
properties, and functionality in the models that is prescribed in this
GIS source data and product data remain the property of the US Government.
Be prepared to explain and demonstrate the company's process for
protecting all geospatial data, including but not limited to geometry,
attributes, metadata, topologies, and relational database schemas and
operations used in association with this contract. Signing a
non-disclosure agreement attesting to the same before source data are
released may be required. Obtain further information about security and
nondisclosure requirements from the Contracting Officer.
The Government makes no guarantee that the BIM/CIM models, GIS data, CAD
files and Facility Data provide the level of completeness or quality
required for a submittal. Develop or update files and data to completely
and correctly represent the as-built conditions of the facility and the
Use of GFM files is at the Contractor's risk. Verify data integrity upon
receipt and request a replacement if necessary.
Include all Advanced Modeling files associated with the contract scope of
NOTE: Use the 2x3 Coordination View V2.0 schema
unless the customer specifically requests a
different schema.
From advanced model files, produce design drawings that describe the scope
of the Contract for all required submittals including all interim and
final deliverables.
Provide electronic drawing files in PDF format for each project drawing in
the design set.
Indicate which shop drawings are being submitted as design drawings in the
transmittal letter.
NOTE: If the contracting agency has a design
guidance document that the design/build contractor
is required to follow rather than the requirements
detailed in this section, select the first set of
NOTE: Select the first bracketed option and delete
the second bracketed option if the design prepared
under this project will be used again as a site
adapt project in the future.
b. Note that the UFGS are based on design-bid-build contracting and will
require editing to apply to a design-build project. For instance,
they assume that the Government will approve most submittals, whereas
in design-build, the DOR has that action, unless this solicitation
requires Government approval for specific submittals.
NOTE: If the contracting agency has a design
guidance document that the design/build contractor
is required to follow rather than the requirements
detailed in this section, select the first set of
Include subparts for each major design discipline and basic project design
requirements for each discipline that justify and validate design
decisions to include, but not limited to: life cycle cost effectiveness,
[_____] Civil
Include soil analysis and survey data, site design, site improvements,
planting and landscaping, paving, grading and drainage, water, waste-water
and soil treatment, contaminant containment, utilities systems analysis
and design, and provisions for airfields, ports and railroads, if required. Environmental Architectural Structural Mechanical Electrical Cybersecurity
2.5.4 Calculations
Place the signature and seal of the designer of record responsible for the
work on the cover page of the calculations for the respective design
NOTE: If the option to fast-track is selected,
include and edit paragraph FAST-TRACKING below.
[ Fast-Tracking
NOTE: Define project elements that the Government
will allow to be fast-tracked.
The Government may agree to shorten or waive the formal interim design
development review period for design package(s) if an effective, mutually
agreeable partnering procedure is established and implemented for regular
(e.g., weekly) over-the shoulder review. During the course of the
procedure, keep the Government reviewers fully informed of the progress,
contents, design intent, design documentation, and other pertinent factors
of the design package.
After acceptance of the interim design package, revise the design package
to incorporate the comments generated and resolved, perform and document a
back-check review and submit the final design package.
After the final design submission and review conference for a design
package, revise the design package to incorporate the comments generated
and resolved in the final review conferences, perform and document a
back-check review and submit the final, design complete documents, which
represents released for construction documents.
NOTE: Edit this paragraph to include only the
required platforms and formats required for this
Design the project using the systems and platforms defined below:
[3.3.1 BIM
][3.3.2 CIM
][3.3.3 GIS
][3.3.4 CAD
Provide editable CAD sheet files extracted from the BIM or CIM files. CAD
content exported from a BIM or CIM modeling platform must comply with
ERDC/ITL TR-12-1 and [NCS BIM Implementation section, part "2.0
Clarifications."][ERDC/ITL TR-12-6.]
NOTE: Edit this paragraph to include only the
required platforms and formats required for this
a. All content produced with object/element based BIM and CIM authoring
software platforms must be compliant with ERDC/ITL TR-12-1. Classification
In the model, include spatial data defining actual net square footage and
data to develop the room finish schedule, including room names and
numbers. Include program information to verify design space against
programmed space, using this information to validate area quantities.
NOTE: The Horizontal datum and Vertical datum are
those currently defined in the National Spatial
Reference System (NSRS) (currently NAD 83/2011 for
Horizontal and NAVD 88 for Vertical). Delete this
paragraph if this project does not have BIM
NOTE: Other NSRS Vertical Datums for OCONUS:
NOTE: The Horizontal datum and Vertical datum are
those currently defined in the National Spatial
Reference System (NSRS) (currently NAD 83/2011 for
Horizontal and NAVD 88 for Vertical). Delete this
paragraph if this project does not have CIM
NOTE: Other NSRS Vertical Datums for OCONUS:
Comply with the NCS BIM Implementation section, part "2.4 Schedules."
Produce schedules from, and link to, the Facility/Site Data within the
Model. Document any exceptions in the PxP and submit for review.
Comply with the NCS BIM Implementation section, part "3.2 Model
Coordination and Delivery." Derive all details and enlarged sections
necessary for construction from the Model when possible. For those
details and enlarged sections not derived directly from the Model, verify
that geometry and data depicting the details and enlarged sections are
consistent with Model elements. Details with significant drafted content
such as 'standard' and 'typical' details cannot contradict the model and
must utilize the model as an underlay when possible for the purposes of
verification and coordination. Three dimensional, isometric, and section
isometric details derived from the model are preferred. [Create details
and enlarged sections that are not derived from the Model using native
authoring tools within the Model or be embedded within the Model.]
Comply with the NCS BIM Implementation section, part "2.3 Sheet
Organization." Where BIM authoring platform supports it, derive drawing
indices from a model-driven schedule.
][3.4.2 GIS
NOTE: The Horizontal datum and Vertical datum are
those currently defined in National Spatial
Reference System (NSRS) (currently NAD 83/2011 for
Horizontal and NAVD 88 for Vertical).
NOTE: Other NSRS Vertical Datums for OCONUS:
][3.4.3 CAD
3.5.1 Procedures
Develop and maintain effective, DCM procedures to control and track all
revisions to the design documents subsequent to the Interim Design
Submission and continuing through submission of the As-Built documents.
After the final design is accepted, this process provides control of and
documents revisions to the accepted design (See Special Contract
Requirement: Deviating From the Accepted Design). Submit the DCM
procedures within the Design Quality Control Plan.
c. Make the DCM data available to the Government reviewers at all times.
The Government will set up the project in DrChecks. Throughout the design
process parties enter, track, and back-check comments using the DrChecks
system. Designers of Record annotate comments timely and specifically to
indicate exactly the action to be taken or why the action is not
required. After the design review conference and prior to the next design
submittal for the package, the DORs annotate those comments that require
PROJNET contains an introductory file and other tutorial material that can
be accessed once user accounts have been established. Upon log in, select
Portals/User Documentation.
Annotate and resolve all comments prior to the next submittal. Include
the DrChecks comments and responses in the design analysis for record in
the next design submittal for the package.
NOTE: This article specifies data to be included in
Design Packages. If an agency or local design
manual is available, the requirements of that
criteria may be specified by selecting the first
bracketed option and deleting the second bracketed
item, the remainder of this paragraph, and all of
already addressed in the design manual.
(1) [Two][Three] A2 size (420 x 594) C size (17 x 22) color prints,
framed and matted behind glass with project title underneath the
(2) One image file in JPG format [on optical disk] for those in the
submittal distribution list.
NOTE: Include the first text paragraph if
geotechnical investigations are not required
elsewhere in the solicitation.
************************************************************************** Certification
Include the following in the interim design for the site and utilities.
This list is not intended to limit the contractor from providing different
or additional information as needed to support the design presented.
e. Layout plan
[ k. Concrete Joint Plan: Provide a joint layout plan for each concrete
apron, hardstands, road, pavement, etc] General
c. Calculations for all principal roof, floor, and foundation members and
bracing and secondary members.
d. Drawings showing principal members for roof and floor framing plans as
h. Identify the program name, source, and version used for computer
generated calculations. Provide input data, including loads, loading
diagrams, node diagrams, and documentation to illustrate the design.
On the schematic models used for input,t show, as a minimum,
nodes/joints, element/members, materials/properties, and all loadings;
induced settlements/deflections; and a list of load combinations.
Include an output listing for maximum and minimum stresses, forces,
and deflections for each element, and the reactions for each loading
case and combination.
3.6.4 Architectural
d. Life safety analysis and life safety plans showing the location of all
fire rated partitions, fire rated doors, egress pathways and exits.
e. Air Barrier System: air barrier system plans and details (i.e. window
flashing details, penetration in air barrier details, door flashing
details, roofing /ceiling barrier interface details).
c. Submit the SID information and samples in letter size format using
three ring binders with pockets on the inside of the cover. When
there are numerous pages with thick samples, use more than one
binder. Large D ring binders are preferred to O-ring binders. Use
page protectors that are strong enough to keep pages from tearing out.
Anchor large or heavy samples with mechanical fasteners, Velcro, or
double-faced foam tape rather than rubber cement or glue. Maximum
spread for fold out items is 650 mm 25-1/2 inches. Provide cover and
spine inserts sheets identifying the document as "Structural Interior
Design" package. Include the project title and location, project
number, Contractor/A/E name and phone number(s), submittal stage and
(a) Identify and key each item item on the color boards to the
contract documents to provide a clear indication of how and where
each item will be used. Arrange finish samples to the maximum
extent possible by room type in order to illustrate room color
coordination. Label all samples on the color boards with the
manufacturer's name, patterns and colors name and number. Key or
code samples to match key code system used on contract drawings.
(b) Material and finish samples indicating true pattern, color and
texture. Provide photographs or colored photocopies of materials
or fabrics to show large overall patterns in conjunction with
actual samples to show the actual colors. Provide finish samples
large enough to show a complete pattern or design where practical.
(c) Color boards include, but are not limited to, original color
samples of
(b) Identify each item on the exterior finishes color boards and
key to the building elevations to provide a clear indication of
how and where each item will be used.
Indicate wall and floor patterns and color placement, material transitions
and extents of interior finishes. Include a finish material/color board,
presenting a physical representation of material selections
Furniture Systems
Design the FF&E package concurrently with the facility design. Limit the
use of manufacturer representatives or dealers to providing specification
and cost information only. Coordinate the FF&E package with the following:
d. Locate furniture in front of windows only if the top of the item falls
below the window and unless otherwise noted, do not attach furniture
including furniture systems to the building.
f. Base executive wood casegoods on the facility type and rank of end
user. Typically this is limited to command suites or to those areas
NOTE: This paragraph requires attaching a document
to this section. Delete the paragraph if the
requirement does not apply to the project.
Identify locations on the FF&E drawings of known MUE items for space
planning purposes. Clearly identify any FF&E items required by the User
that cannot be procured by HNC and are; therefore MUE, on FF&E drawings as
Not in Contract (NIC), unless otherwise directed. MUE includes, but is
not limited to, items such as:
Fitness equipment
Clocks Sources
Provide the design package in letter size format using three-ring binders
with pockets on the inside of the cover. Provide project binder cover and
spine inserts sheets identifying the document as "Furniture, Fixtures &
Equipment" package and include the project name and location,
Contractor/AE name and phone number(s), submittal phase and date. Include
a footer on all text documents that lists the project name, location, date
and submittal phase. See paragraph SUBMITTAL COMPONENTS on Color Boards
for additional requirements. Use more than one binder when there are
numerous pages with thick samples. Large D-ring binders are preferred to
O-ring binders. Use color board material that is strong enough to keep
pages from tearing out. Anchor large or heavy samples with mechanical
fasteners, Velcro, or double-faced foam tape rather than rubber cement or
glue. Fold out items may have a maximum spread of 650 mm 25-1/2 inches.
Produce drawings in an A3 11 x 17 inch format size. See paragraph DESIGN
SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE for the number of copies required. [Provide copies of
each design submittal as outlined in the attached SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION
QUANTITIES schedule.]
a. Design Narrative
d. Color Boards
e. Cost Estimate
Provide a final FF&E that includes any changes made as a result of interim
review comments. Include the following:
d. Color Boards
e. Cost Estimate
a. Design Narrative
d. Color Boards
e. Cost Estimate
(1) Disc 1: CAD drawings in the same format as the facility design.
Provide all files, including any reference files, needed to view
complete drawings.
(2) Disc 2
(3) Binder with paper copies of all FF&E components. Include binder
cover and spine inserts with project information. Color boards
are not required.
Individually code all FF&E items. Use this code and cross-reference to
all components of the FF&E.
Prepare one Product Data Sheet for each item specified in the design
including typical workstations. This form identifies all information
required to order each individual item. Include the following on the
order form:
c. Manufacturer
d. Design Series
e. Model Number
g. Overall Dimensions
h. Finishes:
(1) Paint color, wood species and finish, and plastic laminate. In
addition to the manufacturer's furniture wood finish information
that is provided, provide the manufacturer name, pattern name and
manufacturer's identification number of a wood-patterned plastic
laminate which can be used as a reference control sample for
bidding purposes on all items that require wood components or
(2) Fabric name and number, minimum Wyzenbeek Abrasion Test double
rubs. Code to fabric samples on color boards. Use upholstery
that is not proprietary to one furniture manufacturer, but
accessible by multiple furniture manufacturers. Non-proprietary
fabric includes, but is not limited to, textile manufacturer's
fabrics that have been graded into furniture manufacturers fabric
grades and are available through a manufacturer's GSA Schedule.
i. Quantity:
m. For projects with furniture systems also provide the following minimum
requirements information in the Product Description:
(6) Panel widths and heights and their locations (this may be done on
the drawings)
(7) Worksurface types and sizes (this may be done on the drawings)
(19) Type of cable (examples: Cat. 6 (UTP and STP), fiber optic)
system needs to support (provided and installed by others) Drawings
(a) Identify all FF&E items by code on the area plan. Include a
legend on each sheet listing all item codes and names.
(c) Identify all mission unique equipment by item code and/or name
and as not in contract (NIC). In addition, identify construction
Accurately reflect the furniture fabric and finish patterns, textures and
colors selected for the project. Provide samples of all finishes and
fabrics indicated on the Product Data Sheet for each FF&E item.
Base the cost estimate on GSA Schedules and organize by item code and
name. Include separate line items for general contingency, installation,
freight charges and any other related costs. Use installation and freight
quotes from vendors in lieu of a percentage allowance when available. An
estimate developed by a furniture dealership may be provided as support
information for the estimate, but has to be separate from the DOR
developed spreadsheet estimate.
Individually code all FF&E items. Use and cross-reference this code to
all components of the FF&E. Construction Sustainability
For all designs provided regardless of facility type, make every effort to
implement all aspects of sustainability, including sustainable materials
and products acquisition, to the greatest extent possible, where life
cycle cost effective, for all the selections made in the FF&E package in
accordance with UFC 1-200-02 requirements. Seating
a. Specify appropriate chair casters and glides for the floor finish
where the seating is located.
d. In heavy use lounge, waiting and reception areas provide seating with
arms that are non-upholstered or upholstered with wood arm caps.
e. Plan and isometric riser diagrams of all areas including hot water,
cold water, waste and vent piping. Include natural gas (and meter as
required), LP gas, fuel oil and other specialty systems as applicable.
Room designations
Thermostat location
Electrical characteristics
Manufacturer's name
Physical sizes Details Controls
Provide plan for each floor of each building that presents a compendium of
the total fire protection features being incorporated into the design.
Working plans and all other materials submittal must meet NFPA 13
requirements, with respect to required minimum level of detail. Include
the following types of information:
a. Include building code analysis and basis of design for sprinkler and
other suppression systems.
b. An FPE must perform all fire protection analyses. Provide the fire
protection engineer's qualifications.
f. Plan for each floor of each building that presents a compendium of the
total fire protection features being incorporated into the design.
Include the following types of information:
(3) The location and coverage of any fire suppression systems (e.g.
sprinkler risers, standpipes)
Use the information outlined in the document associated with this section
to provide the minimum requirement for development of Fire Protection and
Life Safety Code submittals for all building projects. Additional and
supplemental information may be used to further develop the code review. Details
[_____] ATFP
[_____] Cybersecurity
[ Elevators
a. For each interim design review submittal, the Contracting Officer will
furnish a single consolidated, validated set of comments from the
various design sections and from other concerned agencies involved in
the review process using the DrChecks Design Review and Checking
System. The review will be for conformance with the technical
requirements of the Contract.
Hold an Interim Review conference for each design submittal at either the
installation or as agreed upon as part of the partnering process.
Attendees include, at a minimum, the DOR(s) involved in development of the
design submittal. Schedule the conference to take place the week after
the receipt of the comments. Notify the Contracting Officer of any
comments that with concurrence would require further design development.
For smaller fast-track packages that involve only a few reviewers, the
parties may agree to alternative conferencing methods, such as
teleconferencing, or televideo, where available, as determined through
Provide meeting minutes within [two] [_____] work days after the
conference adjourns, and enter final resolution of all comments into
DrChecks. Include copies of comments, annotated with comment action
agreed on, with the minutes. Availability
NOTE: This article specifies data to be included in
Final Design Packages. If that level of
specification is required, select the second
bracketed option. However, if an agency or local
design manual is available, the requirements of that
criteria may be specified by selecting the first
bracketed option and deleting the remaining
subparagraphs of FINAL DESIGN REQUIRMENTS already
addressed in the design manual.
3.8.3 Specifications
Provide the final original color rendering, one full size photographic
reproduction(s) of the original rendering, and the photographic negative.
Mount original and reproductions on acid free board, matted with metal
frames, and utilizing non-glare glass. Print the project name, location,
and Architect/Engineer/Contractor firm's name on the matting.
Ship the rendering, the photographic copies, and the negative in resilient
packaging to ensure damage-free delivery. Deliver to the party identified
by the Contracting Officer.
This form itemizes the types, quantities and costs of various equipment
and systems that comprise the project, for the purpose of transferring the
new construction project from the Corps Construction Division to the
Installation's inventory of real property. The Government will furnish
the Contractor's design manager a DD Form 1354 checklist to use to produce
a draft Form 1354. Submit the completed checklist and prepared draft Form
DD 1354 with the 100 percent design. The Government will use these
documents to complete interim and final DD 1354s for turnover of a portion
or all of the construction project.
After the Final Design Submission and Review Conference, revise the design
documents for the design package to incorporate the comments generated and
resolved in the final review conference. Perform and document a
back-check review and submit the final, design complete documents. The
deliverable includes all documentation and supporting design analysis in
final form, as well as the final review comments, disposition and the
back-check. As part of the quality assurance process, the Government may
perform a review of the released for construction documentation. Promptly
correct any errors or omissions found during the Government review.
-- End of Section --