Cover Sheet: Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) Conference 2006, Pages Pp. 21-30
Cover Sheet: Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) Conference 2006, Pages Pp. 21-30
Cover Sheet: Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) Conference 2006, Pages Pp. 21-30
Opportunities and challenges are emerging for learners, teachers and institutions
from the increasing availability of low-cost mobile and wireless devices and
associated infrastructure. In order to ascertain the current state of knowledge and
research, an extensive review and synthesis of the literature in mobile learning has
been undertaken to identify and harness potential factors and gaps in
This paper presents the findings of this review. It seeks to facilitate the inquiry into
‘What is possible in m-learning?’ and ‘Why is it necessary to pursue these
possibilities?’ A central theme is identified as the need to develop overarching
principles and realistic visions for m-learning approaches, moving beyond specific
implementations and branded technologies to examine global trends. This paper
advocates the development of a best-practice framework to guide future action and
best practice; collaboration; creativity; literacy; mobile learning; social
constructivism; student engagement
Rapid developments in information and communications technologies (ICT) and evolving learner
behaviours require learning institutions to continuously revaluate their approaches to pedagogy,
both in the physical and virtual ‘classroom’ spaces. The increasing availability of low-cost mobile
and wireless devices and associated infrastructure heralds both opportunities and challenges for
educational institutions and their teachers and learners. This paper considers these trends to ask:
‘What is possible in m-learning?’ and ‘Which imperatives do higher education institutions face in
pursuing these possibilities?’.
The rationale to undertake a review into mobile devices was to understand and embrace the
changes in learners, teachers and institutions in concert with associated ICT advances, whilst
acknowledging the risks. Research into, and application of, mobile learning potentially brings the
rewards of placing institutions at the forefront of pedagogical practice and addresses student
requirements for flexibility and ubiquity, that is, ‘anywhere, anytime, and any device’ learner
engagement. Furthermore, the review offers insights into whether mobile learning was ‘… highly
situated, personal, collaborative, and long-term; in other words, truly learner-centred learning’ as
envisaged by Naismith, Lonsdale, Vavoula and Sharples (2004, p. 36). The paper outlines themes
and trends emerging in the literature and highlights the current status of practice and theorising
beyond simple descriptive case studies.
Review of existing literature
An extensive review and synthesis of the literature in mobile learning was undertaken to ascertain
the current state of knowledge and research including identifying potential factors and gaps in
implementation (Cobcroft, 2006). Our goal was to move beyond specific implementations and
branded technologies to examine global trends, in order to present a ‘what to’ approach to guide
future action and thinking for learners, teachers, and institutions. Over 400 recent publications
were reviewed, encompassing conference papers, reports, reviews, and research projects. The
review examined the preparedness of the higher education sector to comprehend, and take
advantage of, the differences between the ‘physical vs. the digital, the sedentary vs. the nomadic’
(Alexander, 2004). It sought to provide a pathway to what Salmon (2004) refers to as the ‘fourth
generation’ of electronic learning environments, which in our view would incorporate the physical
and the digital, the sedentary and the nomadic, and the online, the offline, and the wireless.
Rather than presenting a series of isolated case studies that may or may not be transferable from
specific institutional settings to other learning and teaching contexts, the synthesis of the literature
focuses on presenting a collection of visions for the development of m-learning approaches.
Similarly, instead of offering generic perspectives for learning in a highly technological future
environment, it seeks to synthesise the literature to identify a realistic vision for the application
and implementation of embedded m-learning technologies as they become available.
Learner changes
A constant exposure to digital technologies, gadgets, games, and mobile devices has arguably
evolved a new breed of student, the ‘natives’: those learners who think and process information
fundamentally differently from their predecessors, the ‘immigrants’, whose interaction with these
tools is not innate. Prensky (2001) and several other authors have sought to describe the changes in
learners in terms of generational differences, measuring such differences by the ease with which
they adopt and adapt to new technologies. Oblinger (2003; 2004) considers the key traits of
today’s learners as being digitally literate, ‘always on’, mobile, experimental and community
oriented. Characteristics of the ‘millennial student’ — those born from 1982 (Oblinger, 2003;
Oblinger, 2004; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; McMahon & Pospisil, 2005; Jonas-Dwyer & Pospisil,
2004; Howe & Strauss, 2000; Poindexter, 2003; Raines, 2002) — are described as being focused
on ‘connectedness’ and social interaction, and as having preference for group-based activities in
study and social occasions. Being in possession of an information technology mindset and a highly
developed skill in multitasking (McMahon & Pospisil, 2005, p. 421), the millennial generation
stays in contact through SMS, mobile phones, chatrooms, and email, whilst simultaneously
playing computer games, listening to music, and watching television (Frand, 2000, p. 18;
Oblinger, 2003; Rickard & Oblinger, 2003). In their desire to be creative, to collaborate, and with
this, to gain celebrity, today’s learners are also seen to belong to ‘Generation C’
(, 2005). This trend indicates a movement towards the do-it-yourself (DIY)
user-led creation of content. A new focus therefore forms on developing these capacities in the
form of creative, collaborative, critical, and communicative responses. Thomas (2005) described
the potential for institutions as ‘pervasive learning’, where a learner ‘authors himself, in a location
that the learner finds meaningful and relevant’ (p. 1). The development of such pervasive learning
models cannot be an end in itself, but is itself a response to learners’ new ways of being.
Technological changes
The changes in mobile and wireless ICTs for learning and teaching are extensive. The literature
review considered the following options for m-learning: tablet PCs (Corlett & Sharples, 2004),
iPods (Duke University, 2004; Perlman, 2005), palmtop computers (Savill-Smith & Kent, 2003),
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) (Singh, Denoue, & Das, 2004; Squire, Johnson, Holland,
Nataf, & Klopfer, 2002; Cochrane, 2005), mobile phones and SMS (Wagner, 2005; Cheung, 2004;
Faulkner, 2004; Gonzales, Ittelson, & Krebs, 2004; Geddes, 2004; Mellow, 2005), and wireless
infrastructure (Sotillo, 2003; Falk, 2003; Lu, Chun-Sheng, Chang, & Yao, 2003). Some devices
(for example, mobile phones) have enjoyed extensive diffusion, whereas devices such as laptop
computers have only recently reached the price point where they can reach critical mass for
learners. The widespread availability of the technology is fundamental but by itself it is
insufficient for effective learning environments. As suggested by Wagner (2005), ‘The success of
mobile learning will ultimately revolve around a mosaic of rich converged experiences’ (p. 52). As
we will show, this is also inextricably linked to changes in learners and their institutions.
In considering the implementation of mobile learning, Attewell (2005) suggests five broad
categories of technology that should be considered, namely transport, platform, delivery, media
technologies, and development languages, as seen in Figure 1.
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Copyright © 2006 Rachel Cobcroft, Stephen Towers, Judith Smith, Axel Bruns.
The author(s) assign to QUT and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this
document for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright
statement is reproduced. The author(s) also grant a non-exclusive licence to QUT to publish this document in
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2006 conference proceedings. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the author(s).