GSM 19T v.7.0
GSM 19T v.7.0
GSM 19T v.7.0
Picket and line marking / Designed From the Ground Up Immediate start. This mode is the
annotation for capturing related traditional mode of starting a base
surveying information on-the-go Leading the list of advances is GEM’s station unit and leaving it until the
rover unit which features a 25% increase operator can return to turn off the unit.
And all of these technologies in sensitivity - reflecting new processing
come complete with the most algorithms and implementation of the Survey Planning and Efficiency
attractive savings and warranty latest RISC microprocessors.
in the business! One of the traditional challenges in gro-
In addition, v7.0 standard memory is 32 und surveys is ensuring that surveys are
Mbytes (expandable in 32 Mb increme- designed and implemented effectively.
nts), which translates into 1,465,623 rea-
dings of line / station data or more than With the v7.0 proton precession system,
5,373,951 readings for base station units. GEM addresses this challenge through
Fast Data Transfer
Another traditional area in which time is
lost in surveys is in data transfer. In v7.0, Performance
GEM addressed this in several ways: Sensitivity: 0.15 nT @ 1 er ading per sec.
0.05 nT @ 1 reading every 4 sec.
Data download is tripled to 115 KBaud Resolution: 0.01 nT
(fastest rate possible with RS-232). Absolute Accuracy: +/- 0.2 nT @ 1 Hz
Dynamic Range: 20,000 to 120,000 nT
PC-based data reduction is possible using Gradient Tolerance: over 7000 nT/m
an upgraded version of GEMLinkW, Samples at: 60+, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5 sec
GEM’s proprietary data transfer software. Operating Temperature: -40C to +50C
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