Geode Ultra-Light Exploration Seismograph: 3-Year Warranty

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Geode Ultra-Light Exploration Seismograph

Multi-purpose seismic recorder: refraction, reflection,

earthquake monitoring, VSP, blast and vibration
measurements, marine surveys, sub-bottom profiling and
continuous recording

Light-weight (8 lb/3.6 kg), in-field modules connect to the

Ethernet port on your laptop for easy, instant interfacing

Available with 3 to 24 channels per box; connect more

boxes to build low cost distributed systems up to 1000

Data transmitted from Geode to host computer digitally, 3-YEAR WARRANTY

reducing long, expensive analog cables
The new 24-bit Geode seismic recorder is the most
24-bit dynamic range, low distortion and built-in versatile and flexible seismograph available today.
geophone2 and line testing2, noise monitor
Small and lightweight enough to throw in your suitcase
20 kHz bandwidth provides ultra-high resolution or low for an evaluation survey. Expands instantly for full-
frequencies for earthquake monitoring scale 2-D and 3-D surveys at a cost your accountant
Standby low-power means light batteries, long life will love. And when you are not using the Geode for
reflection, refraction downhole or tomography surveys,
Powerful built-in no-charge applications software gives use it for monitoring earthquakes, quarry blasts or
quick answers:
Model problems before going to the field vibration from heavy equipment. The Geode will even
Pick breaks on site and view travel-time curves on site do sub-bottom profiling or record data continuously.
for optimum shot positioning
Display an in-field preliminary cross section to see For light-duty applications, you can use your laptop to
what you might have missed view, record and process your data. In harsh
Undertake a comprehensive analysis back at the office
conditions, control your Geodes with Geometrics’
and easily compare results with several interpretation
methods StrataVisorTM NZ/C series computers and
seismographs. You can connect Geodes together to
build systems over 1000 channels on multiple lines.
Geodes operate from Geodes are shock-proof, dust-proof, submersible and
either your laptop or withstand extreme temperatures.
from Geometrics
StrataVisor NZ field
computer Geode modules deploy right in the field close to your
geophones to improve signal quality and reduce cable
costs. Data are transmitted digitally using industry-
standard Ethernet eliminating expensive, hard to
configure interface cards. Geodes can even be
installed on your office network.

The StrataVisor NZ The Geode comes with a 3-year warranty backed by

with daylight visible Geometrics, now in our 36th year of prompt,
color screen and
built-in plotter is knowledgeable customer support. Geodes are
weather and shock available for rent to quickly expand your system.
Geode Specifications:
Continuous Recording: Available for vibration monitoring.
Configurations: 3, 6, 8, 12, 16 or 24 channels in weatherproof field
deployable Geode module. Geode is operated from either Windows
Auxiliary Channels: All Geode channels can be programmed as either AUX
98/NT4/ME/W2K/XP based laptop1 or by Geometrics’ ruggedized
or DATA. Fixed data and aux channels available in StrataVisor NZ.
StrataVisor NZ field computer/seismograph. Basic operating software
controls one Geode and can be optionally expanded to control multiple
Roll Along: Built-in, no external roll box required2
Geodes, do marine surveying, continuous recording, repeaters, sub-bottom
profiling, VSP, GPS synchronization, blast and vibration monitoring and
Line Testing: Real time noise monitor displays real-time output from
geophones. Optional geophone pulse test helps identify bad
Optional Built-In geophones and shorted or broken cables2.
A/D Conversion: 24 bit result using Crystal Semiconductor
sigma-delta converters and Geometrics proprietary over Test Functions
Digital: Instrument Tests: Optional built-in daily, weekly and monthly
• CPU diagnostics testing available2. External laboratory quality test system available to
• Internal network test measure noise, crosstalk, dynamic range, gain similarity and trigger
Dynamic Range: 144 dB (system), 110 dB (instantaneous,
• Digital functions accuracy to factory specification.
measured) at 2 ms, 24 dB.
• Battery Warning
Data Formats: SEG-2 standard. SEG-D and SEG-Y available2.
Distortion: 0.0005% @ 2 ms, 1.75 to 208 Hz. Instrument:
• Noise
System Software:
Bandwidth: 1.75 Hz to 20 kHz. 0.6 and DC low frequency • DC Offset Basic operating software includes full compliment of acquisition,
option available. • Gain Accuracy display, plotting, filtering and storage features.
• Gain and Phase Other functions available as options to control multiple Geodes, add
Common Mode Rejection: > 100dB at <= 100 Hz, 36 dB. Similarity additional preamp gains, high-speed correlation, expanded record
• Distortion length, tape writing, geophone pulse test, expanded test and
Crosstalk: -125 dB at 23.5 Hz, 24 dB, 2 ms. • Crossfeed diagnostics, roll along capability, marine surveying, sub-bottom
• Bandwidth profiling, blast and vibration monitoring, continuous recording and
Noise Floor: 0.20 uV, RFI at 2 ms, 36 dB, 1.75 to 208 Hz.
• Timing Accuracy surveillance.
Stacking Trigger Accuracy: 1/32 of sample interval.
• Noise Bundled Applications Software:
Maximum Input Signal: 2.8V PP, 0 dB. • Geophone similarity SIPQC delay time refraction software from Rimrock Geophysics
• Disconnected phones SeisImager/2D Lite refraction analysis software from OYO
WinSeis Lite reflection processing software from Kansas GS.
Input Impedance: 20 kOhm, 0.02 uf.
Upgrades of SeisImager/2D are available; please contact the factory with your
Preamplifier Gains: Standard factory configuration is 24 and 36 db,
selectable in software. Optionally, can be jumpered for software selectable
Data Storage: Stores data locally in SEG2 on laptop/PC media. Drivers
12 and 24 dB or can be jumpered in four channel blocks as a single fixed
available for tape/disk storage in SEG2/D/Y2.
gain of 0 dB for high-voltage devices.
Plotters: Drives a variety of WindowsTM compatible printers including
Anti-alias Filters: -3 dB at 83% of Nyquist frequency, down 90 dB.
Printrex 4, 8 and 12 inch plotters. Consult factory.
Acquisition and Display Filters:
Triggering: Positive, negative or contact closure, software adjustable
Low Cut: OUT, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 70, 100, 140, 200, 280, 400 Hz, 24
threshold. Will self-trigger on continuous data using threshold detecting
or 48 dB/octave, Butterworth.
STA/LTA-like algorithm.
Notch: 50, 60, 150, 180 Hz and OUT, with the 50 dB rejection
bandwidth 2% of center frequency.
Power: Requires 12V external battery. Uses 0.65 W/channel during
High Cut: OUT, 32, 64, 125, 250, 500 or 1000 Hz, 24 or 48 dB/octave.
acquisition, sleep mode reduces power consumption by 70% while in standby.
Sample Interval: 0.02, 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0,
Environmental: -30 to 70 degrees C. Waterproof and submersible. Withstands
16.0 ms.
a 1 m drop onto concrete on 6 sides and 8 corners. Passes MIL810E/F
Correlation: Optional high-speed hardware correlator available in each
Geode for fast cycle time with vibrators and pseudo-random (MiniSosie)
Physical: 10"L x 12"W x 7"D (25.4cm L x 30.5cmW x 17.75cmD). Weighs 8
sources2. Correlates 16K record, unlimited channels in under 1 sec.
lb. (3.6 kg). Uses waterproof Bendix 61 pin connector for geophone input.
Record Length: 16,384 samples standard, 65,536 samples optional2.
Operating System: Windows 98/ME/NT4/W2K/XP.
Pre-trigger Data: Up to full record length.
Warranty: Three year standard, extended warranty available.
Delay: 0 to 100 sec in steps of 1 sample interval.
1- Most laptop computers are NOT field devices. They are easily damaged
Data Transmission: Uses Ethernet transmission standard over CAT 5 by harsh treatment or exposure to extreme environments Geometrics
copper or multimode fiber-optic cable. Distance between boxes: CAT 5 StrataVisor NZ/Cs designed to operate in harsh conditions for extended periods
cable up to 0.25 km; fiber-optic cable up to 1.5 km. and should be used with the Geode for surveys where reliability is important.

Intelligent Self-Trigger: Earthquake, blasting and vibration monitoring

2 2 - Available as an option. Geode_v10_ds.doc 102705

GEOMETRICS INC. 2190 Fortune Drive, San Jose, California 95131, USA
Tel: 408-954-0522 – Fax: 408-954-0902 – Email:
GEOMETRICS EUROPE 20 Eden Way, Pages Industrial Park, Leighton Buzzard LU7 4TZ, UK
Tel: 44-1525-383438 – Fax: 44-1525-382200 – Email:
GEOMETRICS CHINA Laurel Technologies, Ste 1807-1810, Kun Tai Int’l Mansion, #12B, Chaowai St., Beijing 100020, China
Tel: 86-10-5879-0099 – Fax: 86-10-5879-0989 – Email:

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