Web Application Technologies: Surveying The Landscape
Web Application Technologies: Surveying The Landscape
Web Application Technologies: Surveying The Landscape
Web Application
Surveying The Landscape
Gunther Birznieks
• Open Discussion
• Feel Free to Ask Questions Anytime…
• Covers dynamic application technologies
• Perl, Java, PHP
• ColdFusion, ASP (if we have time)
• Features and Pros/Issues
• Free sites
• Emphasis – “Open Source” solutions. This NOT
a Vendor/Language-specific Talk!
• Technology Disclaimer: eXtropia is a free
software firm (Perl & Java)
• The Stereotypes
• You may not agree – But they exist
– Perl hackers
– Java corporate
– PHP for small, easy web sites
• Obviously, Stereotypes are wrong…
• But there is a grain of truth
• Languages are designed for certain tasks
that they excel at which involves tradeoffs
Language Dissection
• We’re not here to deride any languages, just to
explain them.
• The slides here are meant to present a fairly
even way of presenting the technologies based
on our real-world experiences
• Opinion Alert: I do believe in using the right
tool for the right job and to suit the
• eg The right tool for the right job may not be the right
tool if your environment uses another tool for everything
Language Dissection
• Guidelines of why some languages may be
better suited for some environments than
• Rather than focusing on the cons, we’ll try our
best to focus on the pros of each language
• Purpose: to give you a guideline to aid your own decision
making and to help raise questions in your mind to ask
those speakers about their various solutions when you
attend language-specific talks here.
Technology vs Languages
• Technology – based on a language but not
necessarily equivalent
• Java
• JSPs and Servlets
• Perl
• Traditionally known for CGI
• But also consider mod_perl, FastCGI, AxKit,
EmbPerl, CGI::Speedy, Apache::ASP, etc.
• For the most part, the language is the
Java Technology
• Origin: Sun
• JSPs and Servlets
• Java Hype (aka Powerful Marketing)
• For some good reasons, some not
• Definitions - some of which you may disagree…
• Java – A language designed to run on any
platform a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) exists
• Servlets – A technology allowing Java to run
inside a web server dynamically
• JSPs (Java Server Pages) – A technology to
allow Java to be embedded in HTML pages
Java Technology
• As a rule of thumb, the pros of Java Servlet
technology include:
• The applications are cached on the web
server and may run many times (unlike CGI)
• The data for the app may also be cached (eg
database connection pooling)
• Live Objects may be shared across sessions
and application contexts (not just requests)
• The JDK is a rich standardized set of
• After years of Sun funding, the JDK has
many classes to do just about every major
Model View
Model View
(Data Beans)
MVC Example
• Request comes in for adding a record
• Controller Servlet determines from user state
(ie gesture pattern) what the user wanted to
do (add a record)
• For example, perhaps submit button
named action_addRecord was clicked.
MVC Example
• Controller then calls Model bean called
DatabaseBean and tells it to add the record.
• Eg databaseBean.addRecord();
• If the record add worked, then the main DB
view JSP file is called.
• If the record add failed (eg bad data input),
then the add form JSP file is called again to
redisplay the form.
On success display new page Main.jsp
Add Record
On failure go back to add page Add.jsp
Java Issues
• Class reloading
• Java is object-oriented, so class loading is a
natural extension of setting up a web
• Unfortunately, the way JVMs were
implemented, it is a non-trivial problem to re-
load a class in an active servlet without
restarting the entire engine.
Java Issues
• Debugging Support
• Still in its infancy
• To be fair, debugging on the web is an oft-
overlooked feature for languages
• The problem is that JSPs are supposed to be
easy but when things are all wrapped inside
of JSP exceptions you can lose valuable
debug data (especially if using servlet->JSP
• Usually easier with a commercial IDE (eg
Internet Edition of Forte)
Java Issues
• Verbosity
• Java, being strongly typed, is a verbose
language. Downcasting is quite common.
• eg String name =
•versus Perl ’s
•$name = $map{“name”}
Java Issues
• Verbosity
• Some argue that the verbosity increases the
number of lines of code which can increase
• Others would argue that the verbosity is
mostly strong typing which catches errors at
compile time (and thus are easier bugs to fix)
Java Issues
• Lack of a Large Open Source Community
• OK, there is clearly a community with
Jakarta-Tomcat, Cocoon, Xerces, SOAP and
many other projects BUT…
• Try and find a free web application written in
Java Servlets? At most you usually find about
1-2 of the flavor you are looking for.
• Perl and PHP literally have at least a hundred
or more easy to download and free web apps
to do just about everything as a template.
• Few people in Java community open source
their apps. It’s common for a company whose
employee develops a Java app to see $
signs and start to sell the app.
Perl Technology
• Origins: Sysadmin Language (by Larry Wall)
• Grew quickly in its feature set esp. text parsing
• Popularly synonymous with CGI
• Common Gateway Interface
• Perl was one of the first Web languages
• We started Selena Sol’s Scripts Archive on
Perl 7 years ago
• Many free resources (although varying
• Also includes mod_perl, CGI::Speedy, other
Perl acceleration solutions
Perl Pros
• It’s been around since the beginning of the Web
• Ubiquitous at ISPs
• Almost can’t go wrong writing a CGI for
cross-ISP compatibility
• CGI is slow though (but may be fast enough
for many website needs)
• Can enhance power of CGI by using an
accelerator (eg mod_perl, CGI::Speedy, Binary
Evolution’s Velocigen, ActiveState’s PerlEx)
Perl Pros
• Note: mod_perl is more than a Perl accelerator
• It also interfaces with Apache internals
• This is VERY powerful and allows you to do
many things you cannot do with Java
• Java Servlet/JSP is a standard that works
across web servers
• Mod_perl is for Apache
• Another pro is that Perl has a strong open
source community in terms of quantity of
solutions available – partially due to its age and
being so open from the beginning
Perl Pros
• CPAN – Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
• A rich set of open source Perl libraries
• Compare JavaSoft’s JDK
• Similar in the number of classes
• Dissimilar in that
• CPAN is fully open source and a
cooperation of many developers adding
onto it
• This is it’s strength because there are
so many swiss army knives on CPAN
Perl Pros
• Template Engine Choice
• There are at least 10 different very powerful
HTML template engines for Perl
• Each written for different purposes
• Some for managing large sites (content
• Some for just self-contained web
application HTML templating
• Java by contrast has JSPs as a defacto
standard (even if there are alternatives).
While it’s nice to have a standard, choice is
also a Pro
Perl Pros
• Free Application Choices
• Perl apps have been so ubiquitous for over
the last seven years on the Web, that there
are many many open source solutions
solving the same problem in slightly different
• Many different BBSes, web stores, form
processors, web db front-ends etc.
• Just pick and choose from simple to complex
Perl Pros
• Power App Case Study: AxKit
• AxKit is an XML Template/Portal processing
engine written for mod_perl
• Cocoon is the similar project for Java
• For serving previously cached pages, AxKit,
because it hooks into Apache internals can
hand control back into Apache and tell it to
serve the file
• A cross-platform servlet such as Cocoon can
run on platforms other than Apache but lack
the integration with the internals for eeking
out more speed/power
Perl Pros
• Security
• Perl having been written for sysadmins
originally has a special mode called
• Puts Perl in a sort of paranoid secure
watchdog mode
• Essentially allows you to have the Perl
believe that all user input is “tainted” and
therefore cannot be used to perform
operations such as file manipulation
unless the programmer has specifically
“untainted” the data manually.
Perl Issues
• CGI is slow
• Mod_perl and other persistent engines can
solve this problem
• Yet Mod_perl is not as easy to code
• You have to be more disciplined because
of cached data and packages
• Few solutions exist between these extremes
and offered at ISPs on a wide-scale basis
• Projects to improve this include:
• CGI::Speedy – A very easy way to speed
up CGI scripts
• Mod_perl 2.0 (has many improvements to
make user and ISP life easier)
Perl Issues
• Perl is not multi-threaded
• This means that data structures that need to
be shared among sessions need to be
persisted to disk or an IPC/shared memory
• A Perl based application communicating with
a back-end cannot also operate using call-
backs because the back-end won’t know
which Perl process initiated the request
• Note, this is not an issue for most web apps.
PHP Technology
• Origin: Designed for the Web
• This makes PHP very different from Java and
• Essentially a powerful template language
• From the PHP FAQ on the php.net site:
• “The biggest advantage of PHP over Perl is that PHP was
designed for scripting for the web where Perl was designed
to do a lot more and can because of this get very
complicated. “
• This is also somewhat true of Java.
• However, I think the statement “very
complicated” is not so accurate. More later…
PHP Pros
• Designed as a scripting language
• Like Perl, this makes it easy to change a
page and test changes immediately
• Designed to be easy
• PHP 4 comes with a bit more of a framework
than other languages for doing things natively
such as session handling
PHP Pros
• PHP, like Perl, also has a large open source
• Although I think Perl is stronger in this
respect. Perl’s age and capability to be used
for more than the web has given it a larger
community that is not just web-related.
• eg A survey of meta indexes indicates more
Perl/CGI applications than PHP applications
• Scriptsearch.com (144 Perl, 17 PHP, 2
• Resourceindex.com (2317 Perl, 481 PHP)
PHP Pros
• 95% of what you want to do with the web is
basically built-in.
• Although I mention the framework features, I
am also talking about useful web external
• At most Perl has CGI.pm built into the
standard distribution
• Likewise Java requires J2EE libraries to use
Servlets and code JSPs
• Of course for both Perl and Java, it is
relatively easy to download extra libraries
but it does take time to figure out what you
need and want.
PHP Pros
• For the speed that PHP offers (in-process script
handling in Apache), PHP is suprisingly easy to
set up for an ISP
• Servlets and Mod_perl both rely on a shared
memory model
• This makes it extraordinarily hard to
support an open shared environment
• By default the model in PHP is to rerun the
script from scratch each time
• Of course this is also a drawback because it
means that speed enhancements using data
caching are limited compared with mod_perl
and Servlets
PHP Issues
• OK, PHP is a great language for the previous
issues… but here’s where it starts to fray a bit.
• The advantage of PHP is that the language is
simple. But it is also it’s architectural
• Note: by now you should be seeing in this
talk that most features of every technology
discussed here are both their advantage and
their disadvantage depending on how you
look at it.
PHP Issues
• First, the database access commands as taught
to new programmers in the manual are very
easy to access a specific database
• But make it annoying to switch
• MySQL commands are prefixed with mysql_
and PostGres commands are prefixed with
pg_. Changing mysql_connect() to
pg_connect() in pages that use the database
is very annoying.
• Contrast with Perl DBI or Java JDBC
• Note: PHPLIB is a project that supports DB
independence but it isn’t part of the core
PHP Issues
• Lack of Model-View-Controller architecture
• To be fair this is a problem with all templates
including Java JSPs
• Also, it is possible to write an app to this
architecture using templates – it just
becomes less obvious.
• Template languages generally teach
beginners to think that every HTML page is a
• Bad because HTML pages aren’t
programs. They are user interfaces.
PHP Issues
• Lack of Model-View-Controller (Continued)
• This is not important in simple apps like a
search query/search results app.
• It is important in more complex workflow apps
such as groupware.
• <FORM> tags that control where the pages
go allow the developer to control the
workflow. But it breaks down when you have
a page with something like an edit and delete
button – Do they POST to the same page?
PHP Issues
• Lack of Model-View-Controller (Continued)
• It’s better to have a controlling program that
is always getting POSTed to and determines
based on logic which VIEW (or PHP page) to
• Java Servlets and JSPs support this straight
out of the box using servlet dispatching. App
frameworks such as ours and struts support
Technology Summary
• Points to consider based on what has been
• Is my project small or large?
• Am I part of a larger group using another
• Am I new to programming?
• Will my project/product need to be sold?
• Is there a free open source version of what
I am trying to accomplish?
Technology Summary
• All the technologies are “good” and “useful”.
• But in different ways
• The ones you use, and which talks you
attend at ApacheCon will probably guide you
towards your solution.
• Acknowledgements to Ho Ming Shun, Eric
Tachibana, ChinWan Lim
Open Discussion