Ds SNC - TrackLite RV M7 UHF
Ds SNC - TrackLite RV M7 UHF
Ds SNC - TrackLite RV M7 UHF
The RavTrack™ Transponder lets you quickly locate: your co-workers, your trucks that break-down, your
rented-boats, your stolen vehicle, a drowsy driver, nearest help, lost people, and slow-moving golfers.
It is the fastest real-time GPS tracking transponder available. It uses commercial UHF radio channels
with no service fees, no monthly charges, and it works virtually anywhere.
Construction: Know where all your equipment is, and how it is being used. Quickly locate anyone, as soon
as you drive onto the site.
Public Safety: Know where your officers and first-responders are, ad who’s closest to the scene. See the
tactical situation in real-time, so you can respond instead of reacting.
Mining: Watch your machinery at work, monitoring for improper speed, location, and usage.
Vehicle Monitor: Track vehicles in real-time, monitor speed, door sensors, voltage, and operator behavior. Use
the M7 GX for tracking, emergency location, and theft recovery.
Off-road Racing: Quickly know where your chase truck and race-car are. Find them fast if it breaks or is stolen.
Parks and Golf: Easily locate all other vehicles in the park or golf-course. The location display may be in any
vehicle, at the ranger-station, or even with a hand-held GPS.
Marine: Track all the vessels in your rental fleet, and ensure they are not abused, stolen, or misplaced.
RADAR display can be used to display M7 position AND status.
powered by
Technical Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Long-Range Operation Over-The-Air Diagnostics
Operating in the UHF 450-470MHz frequency The configuration and operation of a M7 GX may be
band, the M7 GX Transponder can communicate as remotely tested using over-the-air commands from any
far as 50 miles (depending upon terrain). All M7 other M7 in the system.
GX Transponders also can store-and-forward repeat
for wide-area coverage. Secure
All position reports are 128-bit AES encrypted for secure
Real-time. communications. No other radio modem, Raveon’s or
Position and status updates are a v a i l a b l e as otherwise, will be able to listen in or monitor positions
quickly as every second. No other tracking system without knowing the security key.
has as fast an update rate as RavTrack.
Very Low Power Consumption
Complete. The M7 GX Transponder has some of the lowest power-
Everything needed to track a vehicle or asset is consumption numbers in the industry. A remotely
provided. No secondary services like Internet, cell- controlled sleep mode allows it to be active and consume
service, GPRS, Edge, SMS, or satellite service is almost no power at all and an external “Ignition Sense”
needed. Raveon is your one-stop-shop for a input is provided to remotely turn on/off the product and
complete Tracking system. not loose GPS ephemeral data.
Jl. Ruhui Rahayu I RT 75 #3, Kel. Gn. Bahagia info@satnetcom.com
Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia 76114 www.satnetcom.com
P: +62-542-875570 | F: +62-542-876302
Technical Specifications are subject to change without notice.
How It Works
Fastest real-time location updates in the industry.
The M7 GX Transponder has many technological advantages over conventional tracking
radios. These include:
Advanced modulation: Most tracking radios operate at 1200 or 2400 baud over the air.
The M7 series operate at 4-8X that speed using CPFSK2/4
modulation for data rates as high as 19.2K over the air.
TDMA Channel Access: TDMA (Tim-Division Multiplexing) is built in every M7 GX radio
modem. With TDMA, 100 vehicles may be tracked with 10-
second updates, and no RF interference. Even when using a
Data Compression: All location transmissions are compressed, allowing not only
location to be sent, but also voltage, temperature, input status,
speed, direction, and time to be sent – and still take less air- time
than most radios use to transmit their position.
Easy to use, and the M7 GX does it all.
The M7 GX Transponder may be user-configured for a variety of applications. One simple
command is used to program it to work in any of these configurations:
Transponder: The M7 GX will periodically transmit its location, along with voltage, temperature,
input status, speed, direction, and UTC time. It powers-down he radio and GPS
when not in use, reducing its average current draw to less than 30mA.
GPS Display: The M7 GX will periodically transmit its location, along with voltage, temperature,
input status, speed, direction, and UTC time. It will also receive the location of other
M7 GX radios in its radio range for display on a GPS plotter or hand-held GPS
connected to the M7 GX’s NMEA RS-232 interface.
RavTrack PC: The RV-M7 will periodically transmit its location. It will also output the location of
other RV-M7 radios in its radio range for display on the RavTrack PC software
Plotter Display: If you already have a GPS plotter, you may connect it to the RV-M7 with the –LX
option. This gives the unit all the features of the –GX version with the GPS, but uses
your GPS NMEA data feed as the source for its GPS signal. It will output the location
of other M7 GX radios in its radio range for display on a GPS plotter or hand-held
GPS connected to the RV-M7’s NMEA RS-232 interface.
Repeater: Any M7 GX may also be a store-and-forward repeater. With a 3mS attack time, the
repeated signal has only milliseconds of latency, and coverage can be 10s of miles.
Jl. Ruhui Rahayu I RT 75 #3, Kel. Gn. Bahagia info@satnetcom.com
Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia 76114 www.satnetcom.com
P: +62-542-875570 | F: +62-542-876302
Technical Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Jl. Ruhui Rahayu I RT 75 #3, Kel. Gn. Bahagia info@satnetcom.com
Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur – Indonesia 76114 www.satnetcom.com
P: +62-542-875570 | F: +62-542-876302