Chapter 9 Structural Concept For Light G
Chapter 9 Structural Concept For Light G
Chapter 9 Structural Concept For Light G
Over the years, various improved systems have been developed for use in landed
properties. An economical light gauge steel frame system is increasingly being used in
America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. This light gauge steel frame is developed
through a cold-formed process without the use of heat. This process enables steel
manufacturers to produce light-weight but high tensile steel sheets. The sheet surface is
coated with a zinc alloy that completely covers the steel surface and seals it from the
corrosive action of its environment. This results in buildings that are more solid, rigid,
stronger, durable and easier to build.
As such, the light gauge steel frame system is an attractive alternative for use in landed
properties. This is particularly in view of concerns on the depletion of timber resources and
low productivities associated with reinforced concrete construction.
Completed house at Upper Changi Road East
Quality: A better quality finished house that is durable and low in maintenance.
Design Flexibility: Because of its strength, steel can span longer lengths,
offering larger open spaces and increased design flexibility without requiring
intermediate columns or load bearing walls.
Gauge: A unit of measurement coatings. Thickness is expressed in
traditionally used to describe the mils (traditionally expressed in
nominal thickness of steel. The lower gauge).
the gauge, the greater the thickness.
Mil: A unit of measurement typically
Header: A horizontal built-up used in measuring the thickness of
structural framing member used over thin elements. One mil equals
wall or roof openings to carry loads 1/1000 of an inch.
across the opening (See Figure 9.1).
Multiple Span: The span made by a
In-Line Framing: Frame systems continuous member having
where all vertical and horizontal load intermediate supports.
carrying members are aligned (See
Figure 9.1). Non-Load Bearing Wall: Walls
which do not support any loads.
Jack Stud: A vertical structural
member that does not span the full Punch-out: A hole in the web of a
height of the wall and supports steel framing member allowing for
vertical loads and/or transfers lateral the installation of plumbing,
loads. Jack studs are used to electrical, and other trade
support headers (See Figure 9.1). installation.
Stud: Vertical structural element of a Web: The part of a C-section or
wall assembly that supports vertical track that connects the two flanges
loads and/or transfers lateral loads (See Figure 9.2)
(See Figure 9.1).
Web Stiffener: Additional material
Top Plate: A plate used to carry that is attached to the web to
truss loads from the roof to the strengthen the member against web
studs, where the studs are not crippling. Also called bearing
located directly under the truss load stiffener.
points. The top plate has a web and
flanges but no lips. Yield Strength: A characteristic of
the basic strength of the steel
Track: Used for applications such as material. It is the highest unit stress
top and bottom plate for walls and that the material can endure before
band joists for flooring systems. The permanent deformation occurs.
track has a web and flanges, but no
lips. Track web depth measurements
are taken to the inside of the flanges
(See Figure 9.2).
In a steel framed house, the loading path of the house structure is used to
determine the design requirement (See Figure 9.3). The roof loads, wind loads,
wall loads and floor loads will be transferred all the way down to the ground floor.
The sizes and spacing of the structural members would depend on the design
loads. Generally, BHP Steel Lysaght recommends the following:
• Lysaght C75 and Lysaght C100 sections would be used as the wall studs.
• As for the floor joists, they can be chosen from a range of sections ranging
from Lysaght C100 to Lysaght C250 sections depending on design loads and
floor configuration.
Connections for steel framing can consist of self-drilling screws, bolts and
anchors. Welding is usually not required and mechanical fasteners would suffice
in most cases.
A load bearing wall is one which carries vertical loads from the construction
above or lateral loads resulting from the wind. These loads may act separately
or in combination. Both internal and external walls may be load bearing.
BHP Steel Lysaght recommends the following for the load bearing walls:
• All load bearing studs shall be minimum Lysaght C75 G550 cold formed
• A structural top plate is used to carry truss loads from the roof to the studs,
where the studs are not located directly under the truss load points. Top
plates shall be Lysaght G550 cold formed section (Structural plate). The top
plate shall be secured transversely at a maximum of 1800mm centres by
incoming trusses or rafters with approved wall support brackets.
• The bottom plate shall be minimum G550 cold-formed section. The bottom
plate must be fully supported under every load-bearing stud. This is critical
with studs beside openings, or studs carrying major loads for the roof, ceiling
or upper floor construction. The support can be provided by a floor joist,
blocking piece or concrete slab located directly under the stud.
• Lintels are needed for openings greater than 1200mm of load bearing walls.
Lintels under sheet metal roofs are principally designed for uplift from wind
loading on the roof structure while lintels under tile roofs are designed
principally to support downward loads from the roof trusses.
• Noggings in the form of a notched plate may be used in load bearing walls to
provide lateral restraint to the wall studs.
• The studs, joists and trusses must be properly aligned in order to transfer the
loads to the member below.
Internal walls which do not support truss loads are considered non-load bearing.
BHP Steel Lysaght recommends the following for non-load bearing walls:
• Studs for internal non-load bearing walls shall be minimum Lysaght G550
C75 cold formed section.
• Top plate should be minimum G550 cold formed section and shall be fixed to
trusses at 1800 mm maximum centres to provide lateral stability for the wall.
The connection shall not transmit vertical loads to the wall.
• Angle lintels are not required for openings in non-load bearing wall frames.
Steel framing is fastened to the floor structure through the bottom plate after all
panels have been correctly aligned and plumbed. For concrete floor slabs the
frame is fixed in place by using masonry anchors, which are generally hammer-
driven nails, expanding shell anchors or chemical anchors. Exact
recommendations for the type and frequency of anchors would be available from
steel suppliers or the engineer. The wall panels are usually connected together
by mechanical fasteners such as self-drilling screws.
Figure 9.4 Load Bearing Wall Details & Installation
Bottom Plate
Figure 9.6 Stud to Plate Connection
Details recommended by BHP Steel Lysaght
9.5d Wall Openings
Figure 9.9 Window sill details Figure 9.10 Window jamb details
9.5e Wall Cladding & Partitions
If required in the external walls, reflective foil sarking may be attached to the
external flange of the steel studs with self-drilling screws fitted with 25mm flat
fibre washers. Alternatively wafer head screws may be used. Wire brick ties
which simply clip on to steel studs are available for brick veneer construction.
For single wall construction, fibre cement sheeting can be fixed to steel frames
with self-drilling, self-embedding head screws. Timber weatherboards can be
fastened to steel studs with extended point countersunk head self-drilling
screws. Steel sheet cladding is also fixed with self-drilling screws.
Lattice Beam Flooring (see Figure 9.14) gives a stronger and stiffer base for the
floor-board to be fitted onto. This will eliminate squeaky sounds made when floor-
boards are not properly fastened onto the beams. It also gives better sound
insulation between the ground and upper floor. This flooring can be used on
platform support or where the ground is split-leveled.
Figure 9.12 Steel frame wall & flooring using C-sections
Figure 9.14 Lattice Beam Flooring
Details recommended by QWik Built-Tech International Pte Ltd
The following shows some suggested details of floor finishes on the floor board:
Figure 9.15 Floor finishes with timber Figure 9.16 Alternative floor finishes
flooring with granite flooring
The roof structure is generally a steel truss system which can be designed for
metal sheets or tiles. This is a roof truss system which typically consists of C75
and C100 sections as the chord and web members of the truss. The steel roof
framing system can suit all types of roof design – hip, gable, dutch dable, steel
roof sheeting or tile and would be screwed directly onto the wall frame.
When using tiles, wooden-styled roof trusses are used with purlins running
across them for the tiles to be fitted.
Pre-punched service holes in the web of the steel frame allows electrical, gas
and plumbing services to be installed within the wall framing system. Plastic
grommets and silicone seals are used to fasten and protect wiring and pipes from
corrosion and damage arising from vibrations.
Pre-punched holes for services Services can be suspended from
steel frames