CV0054 Design of Structures: Structural Steel Part 2: Glossary
CV0054 Design of Structures: Structural Steel Part 2: Glossary
CV0054 Design of Structures: Structural Steel Part 2: Glossary
Part 2: Glossary
UNDERPIN ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE To provide a new support under an existing structure without removal of the superstructure. See Limit State.
UNIVERSAL SECTION A range of hot rolled sections of I and H section with parallel flanges.
VECTOR QUANTITY VIBRATION A quantity that has both magnitude and direction. A series of oscillations of a member or structure initiated by impact of a load on the member.
VIERENDEEL FRAME A rectangular framed girder with parallel top and bottom chords divided into panels by verticals with fixed joints.
WALKWAY WARREN GIRDER WASHER WEB WIND LOAD A narrow footway supported by the main structure to provide access to a maintenance platform. A parallel chord triangulated frame with diagonal internal members. A flat steel ring placed under a bolt head or nut to distribute pressure and avoid damage on tightening the connection. Central section of a H, I or J section, central vertical plate of a plate girder. The force on a structure due to wind pressure effects. (See British Standard CP3 Chapter 5).
X-X AXIS The horizontal axis passing through the centroid of a cross section.
Y-Y AXIS YIELD STRESS YOUNGS MODULUS The vertical axis through the centroid of a cross section. The tensile stress beyond which the steel behaves In a non elastic manner. The ratio of stress to strain within the linear elastic range.
ZINC COATING See Galvanising.
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A component fitted to a main member to strengthen It locally against buckling or crushing. Component designed to transmit load and prevent local instability at flange web junction of a beam or column. See column. Resistance to failure by yielding or buckling. Force per unit area on cross section. Narrow thin sheet steel produced by a continuous rolling process. See British Standard. A non-cyclic load that produces no dynamic effects. A light structural member between two other members providing positional restraint. Reinforced concrete casing to a structural steel member to enhance its load carrying capacity (See BS5050: Part 1). General term applied to hot rolled circular rectangular and square structural sections. A member carrying predominantly compressive loads. Any applied load other than dead load. Process of cleaning steelwork to a suitable standard prior to the applications of a first protective coating. A beam spanning between two other beams. Sideways movement induced in a structural frame by an applied systems of forces.
TEE, HOT ROLLED Structural shape comprising a horizontal member (table) and a central vertical web (stalk, stem) which may be formed by cutting along the longitudinal axis of I or H Section. Changes of geometry and state of stress in a member induced by differences of ambient temperature. An axial force, which when applied to a member tends to increase its length. The ability of a web to carry additional shear loads in the post budding range.
TENSION STRUCTURE A structural framework with principal support system comprising of tension members. TIE TORQUE TORQUE WRENCH TRUSS TUBE CHS Tension member. Moment causing twisting of the cross section. A wrench calibrated to tighten a nut to a specified torque before slipping. A plane triangulated frame commonly used to support a roof structure. Hot rolled hollow circular section with welded seam.
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SAG SAGGING MOMENT SCAFFOLDING SCREW SECTION MODULUS SEMI COMPACT SECTION SEMI-RIGID DESIGN SERVICEABILITY SHEAR FORCE SHAFT SHAPE SHED SHEET STEEL SHEET PILE SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAM SHOP BOLTED SHOP WELDED SLAB BASE SLENDER SECTION SHRINKAGE DUE TO WELD SLIP RESISTANCE SNOW LOAD SPACE FRAME SPECIFICATION Vertical deflection of a beam below the datum level. An applied bending moment causing a sagging deflection in the beam. Temporary framework providing access and working platforms for construction purposes. Round base with a forged head, the shank being threaded to its full length. See Modulus (for Elastic Modulus and Plastic Modulus). A cross section in which the stress at the extreme fibres should be limited to yield as local buckling would prevent the development of full plastic moment capacity in the section. A design in which some degree of connection stiffness structure being unfit for its intended use. The limit state which when exceed can lead to the structure being unfit for its intended use. An internal force acting normal to the longitudinal axis, and is given by the algebraic sum of all forces to one side of the section chosen. Large vertical duct used for housing services or lifts. Profile of a section. Single storey pitched roof building normally used for industrial or warehouse. Thin steel plate produced by a continuous rolling process. An interlocking pile driven side by side to form a wall to retain water or restrain strata. A single beam with ends free to rotate at the supports. A bolted connection completed in a fabricators works. A welded connection completed in a fabricators works. A square or rectangular base plate for the spread of axial load over an area of concrete at a safe working pressure. A section which can not be loaded to cause yield at the extreme fibres because of premature budding. The amount by which a welded joint or member reduces in length on cooling.
SLENDERNESS RATIO The effective length of a member divided by the appropriate radius of gyration. The limit of shear that can be applied before slip occurs in a friction grip connection. Imposed load due to snow fall. (An allowance for maintenance is set out in BS6399). A three dimensional structure. A comprehensive written description of a structure, which details all aspects including, materials, equipment, plant structure, quantities, finishes and workmanship. Edge beam. Resistance of the structure or part of the structure to overturning or overall failure.
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Drawing of building or component (e.g. 3rd angle projection isometric projection). Temporary member used to support framework or permanent members at the construction stage. If as a result of accidental loading, the failure of one member would trigger failure of the entire building or substantial parts of it then the building is subject to progressive collapse. A beam or girder that is rigidly held In position at one end and simply supported at the other. A steelwork coating system for preventing deterioration of the environment. See BS5493. A secondary member in the plane of the roof and held in position by main roof members.
QUALITY QUALITY ASSURANCE Grade of sub-grade of structural steel. (See BS4360 for hot rolled sections). Process by which all functions, workmanship and materials are monitored to insure a particular standard is maintained. (See BS5750).
RADIUS OF GYRATION RAFTER RAIL Geometrical property of cross section, (given by the square root of the second moment of area divided by the area of the section). Structural member forming the slop of a pitched roof. (Portal frame rafter, truss ratter). Cladding rail is a secondary member forming part of the side wall framing supporting the vertical cladding. A crane rail is the track for running a travelling crane. Steel bars or welded mash placed to reinforce concrete. Stresses that are generated and exist in a section due to a manufacturing process. The capacity of members to resist an action. (See also, Moment of Resistance). Junction of roof slopes at the apex of a pitched roof. Increase in height per unit length of a roof. Lateral restraint of a beam is that which prevents the lateral movement of the compression flange of a beam. Torsional restraint is that which prevents rotations of a section about its longitudinal axis. Lateral restraint of a column is that which prevents movement of the compression member In a particular plane. A length of solid round steel of small diameter. An indeterminate plane frame consisting of members with fixed end connections. The cladding envelope and structure above eaves level of a building. Mechanical process for producing finished shapes by passing steel billets through a system of rolls. Rolled steel joists.
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The distance from the centre line of web or back of angle to the edge of the unstiffened flange or leg. Travelling crane mounted on crane beams supported above ground by a structural framework or gantry structure. The result of the action of applied forces, tending to produce a rotation about a point on the base.
PACKING PARENT METAL PARTITION PATENT GLAZING PATTERN LOADING PILE A steel plate placed between two members at a connection to ensure a tight fit The steel members to be joined by welding (base metal). Non-loading bearing wall within a building. A system of fixed panes of glass supported at regular intervals by special bars fixed to a purlin or side rail system. Loading arranged in such a manner as to give the most severe effect on the member. A steel section driven to the ground to form part of a foundation system for a structure. (Sheet piling, a series of interlocking steel sections driven into the ground to retain material or water). Vertical compression member usually constructed from masonry. Distance between consecutive fastens on line. A series of members joined together in one plane to form a framework (Pin joined, rigid, triangulated). Machinery used by the contractor for working on site. Design method assuming redistribution of moments within the structure in a continuous construction. Position at which a member has developed its plastic moment of resistance: any additional loading causes rotation and redistribution of stresses or final collapse. Moment capacity allowing for redistribution of stress within a cross section. A cross section which can develop a plastic hinge with sufficient rotational capacity to allow redistribution of bending moments within the section. A fabricated girder made from plates comprising a web and flanges. Deviation from vertical in two points on a column. Secondary vertical member In a structural frame carrying light loads (e.g. gable post, sheeting post). Load transmitting part of a bolted connection. A concrete foundation with a pocket cast In to receive a stanchion shaft which is finally grouted up to form the connection between the structure and foundation. A single storey continuous plane frame deriving its strength from bending resistance and arch action. A roof truss with vertical struts separating the panels. Timbers frames or subassemblies that have been fabricated at works. Thin steel plates shaped by mechanical means such as brake pressing. A bolt assembly that is tightened to a predetermined tension in the unloaded condition (HSFG Bolt). Cross section shape. (The term is commonly used for cladding sheets and
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MACHINED END MANSARD ROOF MASONRY MASS PRODUCTION MATERIAL FACTOR End of section that has been prepared to transmit Its load by bearing. (BS5950:Part 2). A flat roof having sloping edges to eaves level. Blocks of stone or bricks forming load bearing walls or cladding features to a building. Assembly line fabrication of frame or sub-frame component to form a perpendicular type of building frame. A factor to take account of the variability of materials strength from limit state design. Material factor times yield strength gives design strength (See BS5950: Part 1) Any individual component of a structural frame.
MODULUS (ELASTIC) The Elastic Modulus is a geometric property and is given by the first moment of area of a section about the elastic neutral axis. MODULUS (PLASTIC) The Plastic Modulus is obtained as the first moment of area of a section about the plastic neutral axis (equal area axis). MOMENT (BENDING) MOMENT OF A FORCE MOMENT OF RESISTANCE MONORAIL MULTISTOREY See Bending Moment. The force times the distance. The capacity of a section to resist applied bending moment.
MOMENT OF INERTIA The second moment of area of a section about the elastic neutral axis. A track hung from the underside of a roof, usually an I section along which a lifting appliance travels (Run way beam). A building having more than one storey.
NET AREA NEUTRAL AXIS (ELASTIC) NORTH LIGHT ROOF TRUSS NOTCH The net area of a section is the gross area less deductions for holes. An axis passing through the centroid of the section normal to the plane of bending. Asymmetrical pitched roof truss, with glazing on the steeper slope. A fabrication process to cut away a small section of one member to ensure a connection to be made to another member of the same size or to maintain level flanges. Parallel chord lattice frame with internal panels formed with verticals and single diagonal tension members in each panel. Hexagonal part of a fastener assembly which has been tapped to screw on to the shank of the fastener.
OPEN TREAD, STAIR TREAD OPEN WEB GIRDER A standard staircase tread manufactured from a form of expanded metal or welded wide mesh. (Open mesh walk way). Triangulated girder similar to a N or warren girder.
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Material with low thermal conductivity used to reduce the temperature difference between the internal and external environment Dynamic loads. (other man wind loads) imparted in the structure by shock or collision.
JIB JOINT JOIST Lifting arm of a crane. Intersection of framing members at a point. (Bolted joint fixed joint, welded joint). I Section.
KEY ELEMENT KNEE A structural member whose removal would cause more than limited collapse of the building. Portal frame haunch connection, between the stanchion and rafter.
LACED STANCHION A compound section comprising of two main components connected together by a system of triangulated lacing bars. See BS5950:Part l. LATERAL RESTRAINT Beam restraint that prevents lateral movement of the compression flange. Compression member restraint that prevents lateral movement or twisting of the member. LATTICE FRAME LAYER LAYOUT LEAN-TO LEVEL LIMIT STATES A triangulated structural frame fabricated from structural sections (also, lattice girder, lattice rafter). Members in a perpendicular plane (double layer space frame). Plan of structural framing (e.g. floor layout, stanchion layout). Small extension added to a building and partially supported by the building. See Datum. The state at which a structure would become unfit its intended use is termed Serviceability Limit State and is checked using unfactored loads. The state which if exceeded can cause collapse of part or whole of the structure using factored loads is termed Ultimate Limit State (see BS5950 Part 1). Steel beam spanning door or window openings. See imposed load. See BS6399. A wall supporting applied loads in addition to its own weight Axis along the length of the member passing through the centroid. Short length of angle fastened to the end of the member and its connection to distribute the member force to the connection.
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A mixture of Portland cement and water. (Grouts are used to fill the space between the underside of a base plate and the top of a concrete foundation). Fabricated plates used to make joints between members forming a truss or lattice frame. (Bolted gusset, welded gusset)
HAUNCH RAFTER H SECTION A tapered increase in depth of a rafter near the ends in order to increase the section properties. H shaped hot rolled section having one central web, two equal parallel flanges perpendicular to the web, and the overall depth does not exceed 1.2 times the width of the flange. (See BS4: Part 1 Universal beam universal column joist). Part of parent metal which is metallurgically affected by welding but not melted. (Weld zone, fusion zone).
HIGH STRENGTH Bolts of tensile steel with high strength nuts hardened washers, pre-tensioned to FRICTION GRIP BOLT transfer load by friction between fraying surfaces. (See BS4604: Parts 1,2 and 3 (HSFG) BS:4395). HIP ROOF HOGGING HOGGING MOMENT HOLDING DOWN BOLTS (HD BOLTS) HOIST HOT ROLLED SECTION HORIZONTAL LOAD HOT DIP GALVANISING HYBRID Junction of two roof slopes whose eaves are perpendicular. Vertical deflection of a beam above the datum level. Bending moment causing upward deflection in a beam. Bolts connecting a stanchion base to a concrete foundation for anchorage. Mechanical lifting device. A structural shape (universal beam, universal column, channel, angle etc.) made by hot-rolling process. An applied load acting at right angles to a gravity load. (Crane surge, side wind). Method of coating steel members by dipping in a barn of molten zinc. A fabricated section composed of elements of more than one grade of steel.
I SECTION IMPACT IMPOSED LOAD Section with central web, two equal parallel flanges perpendicular and the overall depth exceeds 1.2 times the width of the flange. Dynamic loads, (other than wind loads) imparted to the structure by shock or collision. Externally applied load on a structure or member, (other than wind load). produced by me external environment and/or intended occupancy or use. (See BS6399). A structural frame or member that cannot be analysed by statics (e.g. continuous beam, portal frame, rigid frame). A building specifically built to house an industrial process or for storage. (e.g. factory buildings, warehouse). Inability of the structure to move of itself. (The second moment of area of section about the elastic neutral axis is sometimes referred to as moment of inertia). Non load bearing section of cladding built between load bearing columns. Inability to carry further load due to loss of stiffness (Instability Is largely
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FITTINGS FLAME CLEANING FLANGE PLATE FLAT FLOOR FORCE FORMWORK FOUNDATION FRAMEWORK FACTORED LOAD FAILURE FALL ROOF FAYING SURFACE FALSEWORK FASTENERS FATIGUE FILLET WELD FINISH FINISHED LEVEL FIRE RESISTANCE Fabricated items, angles, plates, attached to the structural members of the frame. (Cleats, end plates gusset). Method of removing rust and scale from a steel surface by the application of a flame torch. Plate fastened to a plate of a H section either to from a compound section or part of a space connection. Steel plate. Horizontal load bearing construction spanning between supports. A vector quantity which tends to change the condition of rest of a rigid body. Temporary construction to constrain wet concrete until set. That part of the structure that transmits building loads below ground level (concrete block, pile strip foundation). Fabricated members connected together to form a structure. A specified load multiplied by the relevant partial factor. The inability of a member to carry its designated load by reason of excessive deformation or collapse. Vertical dimension per unit length across a roof to provide natural drainage. A common interface between parts in a high strength friction grip bolted joint. Temporary framework to assist the erection of permanent structure. General term for bolts, nuts and washers used in connections. Damage to a member caused by repeated application of stresses that are insufficient to cause failure by a single application. Fusion weld other than a bun weld which is approximately triangular in cross section (See BS499). Procedure or decorative material applied to steel members. Final level specified for parts of the structure. The ability of a member or frame to withstand exposure to fire up to collapse, measured against time.
GALVANISE GANTRY GANTRY GIRDER GRADIENT GRID GRILLAGE GRIP LENGTH BOLT Process for coating steel sections with zinc in order to provide corrosion protection from aggressive environments. (Hot dipped, spun galvanising). A steel structure for supporting an overhead crane assembly. Beam supporting an overhead travelling crane. (Crane beam). The fall or rise per unit length of land, railway, road. A rectangular layout of straight lines used for locating points on a plan. (Grid lines for stanchion layout). A layer of parallel steel beams set on a concrete foundation in order to spread heavy concentrated loads over a wide area. (Grillage beam, two tier grillage). The total thickness of steel parts, excluding washers, to be held together. (Long grip).
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DATUM DEAD LOAD DECK DECKING DEFLECTION (ELASTIC) DISTORTION DEFORMATION DOME DURBAR PLATE DUCT DOUBLE ANGLE DOWN PIPE Any level taken as a reference level. All loads of constant magnitude and position that act permanently, including self weight Floor slab comprising a steel sheet profile and concrete topping. Steel profile used for floor construction to support wet concrete topping. The decking may function as tensile reinforcement after the concrete has cured. Elastic movement of a structure or parts of a structure under applied loads. (e.g. beam deflection, frame deflection) Deformation produced by fabrication and rolling processes. (Impact, welding, lack of fit). Movement Permanent deflection, non-elastic. Hemispherical shaped roof or building (ribbed dome cupola). Steel flooring plate, with non-slip embossments on one surface. (Chequer plate). Prefabricated sheet steel trunking to provide heating and ventilating service to building. A compound structural member comprising two hot rolled angles connected together. A pipe to carry rainwater from a gutter to the drainage system below. (Half round gutter valley gutter).
EAVES EDGE DISTANCE ELEMENT EFFECTIVE LENGTH ELASTIC DESIGN Junction of wall and roof. Distance from centre of fastener hole to the nearest edge of an element. Part of a cross section forming a distinct pan of the whole. (Compression element tension element outstand). Distance between points of effective restraint on a member multiplied by a factor to tale account of the end conditions. A design that assumes that no permanent deformation remains after removal of the loads; no redistribution of moments would occur due to plastic rotation of the section. Support fixings to beams that prevent end rotations under load (built-in fixed end). Distance from the centre of a fastener hole to the edge of an element parallel to the direction in which the fastener bears. Plate welded to the end of a beam perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the beam, the of plate parallel to the width of flange. The placing in position and fixing of fabricated members on site to form the building framework. Increase in unit length per degree of rise in temperature. Unclad steel framework, subjected to atmospheric conditions.
EMPIRICAL METHOD Simplified method of design justified by experience or testing. ENCASTR END DISTANCE END PLATE ERECTION EXPANSION EXPOSED
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L shaped hot rolled or cold rolled section (H R channels see BS4:Part 1. Hot rolled flooring plate with non slip embossments on one surface. Main member in a framed structure (top chord, bottom chord, boom). Circular Hollow Section hot finished tube. See BS4848: Part 2. Document issued by British Standards Institution for guidance outlining current practice. External weatherproof envelope to a building either loadbearing or nonloadbearing. (Brick cladding, curtain walling). Short length of a angle forming part of a connection drilled for fasteners (FITTINGS). Section produced by pressing thin steel into shapes (BRAKE PRESS). Section produced by continuous rolling process from thin steel. A vertical member carrying axial compression load and possibly bending moment and shear. A section which can develop the plastic moment capacity but in which local buckling prevents rotation at constant moment. Prefabricated member forming part of a framing system. A combination of a concrete floor slab and steel beam with a mechanical bond between in order to produce a single member of enhanced strength. Beam formed by connecting two or more sections or placed together to form a single beam. (BUILT-UP). Axial force tending to shorten the member. Structural material Comprising a mixture of fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement and water. Two or more members fastened together by mechanical means or welding. General term applied to buildings or site work Moulded projection at top of a building. (CORNICE STONE). Beam spanning more than one bay without a break Gradual breakdown of surface of metal by electrolytic action caused by chemical attack Plate sealing a joint either load bearing or non-load bearing (splice plate). Power operated lifting machine. Stationary or mobile. (Derrick. Overhead, tower, travelling). A standard dimension, centre to centre of fasteners in a H, I or J section flange measured normal to and about the centre line of the web. Dome shaped roof structure (hemispherical ribbed). Stopping short of strengthening places along a main member (cut-off). Proprietary side wall cladding system comprising light non-structural framing and glass/plastic infill panels.
CORRUGATED SHEET Roof covering sheet sinusoidal in profile made from galvanised steel sheet.
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ANCHORAGE ANGLE ARCH ASSEMBLY AXIAL APEX Provision of resistance to overturning. Resistance provided by foundations. (Anchor bolt mechanical link between structural frame and foundation). L shaped hot rolled or cold rolled section having equal or unequal legs (H R Angles, see BMMS: Part 4). Principal load carrying member curved In elevation. Resistance to applied loading, developed by axial thrust and bending. (Two pinned, three pinned, fixed). Prefabricated frame forming a part, or the whole, of a Structural frame system. Relating to the longitudinal axis of a member - (axial load, axial tension. axial compression). Highest point on a pitched roof (crown, ridge).
BACK TO BACK BACKMARK BENDING MOMENT BRITISH STANDARD BUCKLING BUILT-IN BUILT UP BRITTLE FRACTURE BILLET BUTT WELD Description of a compound member composed of two angles or channels, adjacent legs or webs fixed together with or without spacers. Standard dimensions for drilling holes in angle legs and channel flanges measured from the corner of the angle across the leg to the hole centre. See standard tables. The bending moment due to a force (or system of forces) at a cross section is given by the algebraic sum of all moments to one side of the section. Document issued by British Standards institution. Deformation of element or structure under compressive or shear loading; the deformation is usually normal to the direction of applied load. Support fixings to beams that prevent end rotations under load (fixed and encastr). Compound member fabricated from hot rolled sections and plate. Loss of ductility and strength associated with low temperatures and imperfections. Small steel ingot produced for passing through a sections rolling mill. Fusion weld between two parts edge to edge, or edge to surface to develop full strength of parent material (see BS499).
CAMBER CANTILEVER CAPACITY CASING CASTELLATED The amount by which beams are fabricated out of true to partially counteract the effects of movement under load. (Pre-camber) Beam, fixed at one end and free to deflect at the other end. Limit of force or moment which may be applied to a member without causing yielding or rupture. Material used to surround partially or completely a structural member for fire resistance or decorative purposes. (Concrete casing, spray casing, board casing). Fabrication process for beam and column sections, zig zag flame cut along web, cut sections welded together to produce a section 50% deeper than the original section. (CASTELLA). Steel casing shapes produced by pouring molten steel into a mould.