Contemporary Rachel Gesmundo

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CHAPTER 1: McDonaldization

History of McDonaldization

McDonaldization is the term invented by George Ritzer to describe a sociological

phenomenon that is happening in our society. You may think it started with Ray Kroc in the
1950's when he bought his first hamburger restaurant, but its origins were actually much
earlier than that. In fact, Henry Ford was the first McDonaldization pioneer with his vision of
an assembly line for improving the production of automobiles. His revolutionary idea
dramatically changed how many automobiles could be produced and was very efficient.

What is McDonaldization according to the Theory?

McDonaldization was developed by sociologist George Ritzer in his book The

McDonaldization of Society. It is the process of rationalization of production and work.
Ritzer considers a fast food restaurant like McDonald’s to be a representative of the
contemporary global paradigm. He uses the example of McDonald’s to show how the
principles of the fast food industry have come to dominate other sectors of the society as

Dimensions of McDonaldization

Ritzer’s theory consists of four dimensions that are typical for fast food restaurants:

1. Efficiency:
Efficiency means choosing the optimum means to a given end. It is one of important
elements of McDonald’s success. The workers develop the optimal method for accomplishing
a task

2. Calculability:
Calculability is focus on quantity rather than the quality of product, the widespread
effort to create the illusion of quantity, and the tendency to reduce production and services
processes to numbers.

3. Predictability:
Predictability has the tendency to turn everything consumption, work, management
into mind numbing routines.

4. Control:
Control is wielded by the management to ensure that workers appear and act the same
on a moment-to-moment and daily basis. It also refers to the use of robots and technology to
reduce or replace human employees wherever possible.
There are other dimensions of McDonaldization that Ritzer didn't include with the
main four, but are worthy enough for prime attention. They are:
 Irrationality - A side effect of over-rationalized systems. Ritzer himself hints that
this is the fifth dimension of McDonaldization. This may be a very efficient method of
operating a business, an irrationality that is spawned can be worker burnout.

 Deskilling - A work force with the minimum abilities possible to complete simple
focused tasks. This means that they can be quickly and cheaply trained and are easily

 Consumer Workers - One of the sneakiest things about McDonaldization is how

consumers get tricked into becoming unpaid employees. They do the work that was
traditionally performed by the company.

McDonaldization effect on Globalization

McDonaldization is the product of Americanization and Westernization which is part

of the wider phenomenon of Globalization. It influences the USA all over the world and the
American mania of rationalization of life. The ideas and values of America are spread all
over the world because of the help of technology and internet. American owned brands
dominate the international market, especially the fast food market, with chains like
McDonald’s, KFC and Starbucks having outlets in almost every country in the world. These
chains follow the same principles and practices in respect to their business and it is these
practices that have inspired “McDonaldization”.

Globalization help the growth and spread of McDonaldization. It changed into a belief
that controls the working of society from being an American phenomenon. It has seeped into
all sectors of the society, be it business or education. Rationalization has become a mania, an
obsession, a communicable disease that has spread through the world like wildfire.

McDonaldization and Rationalization

The rationalization process involves four key systemic processes that maintain and
promote productivity, output, and control in a rationalized system. According to Ritzer the
rationalized process needs to be efficient, calculable, predictable, and have control over both
the people involved and the system itself. Weber pointed to formal rationality as the best
descriptor of a Western, capitalistic society as it involves rules, regulations, and social
structures. A formally rationalized system gives people little choice and only offers the best
and optimum outcomes as related to the eventual goal, namely profit. Weber warned about a
system becoming overly rationalized to the point that it could in turn become irrational.

CHAPTER II: McDonaldization relate on Accounting or Business



It is the responsibility of an employees to do their task or duties correctly for the goals
of the organization. If the employees didn’t do their job properly, they will responsible for
dealing the consequence of its action. Accountability is important for the success of an
organization or business. In order to achieve the goals of the company, it is important that all
people within the company work together and share accountability. Employees who work
together towards the same overall goal help their workplace to become more accountable, in
turn make the business more productive and efficient.


It is the state of being accountable to do something or something you should do like a

task or duties that you required to performed because it is morally right, and legally required.
Responsibility can be thought of as the way you respond to a certain situation. The
accountability aspect of responsibility means you take ownership of the outcome of those
choices good or bad. When you conduct yourself with personal responsibility and
accountability, you build integrity, and with integrity comes trust and respect both internally
and externally because strong character breeds strong results.


Transparency has always been a critical component of leadership. When you’re

transparent, you invite trust by revealing that you have nothing to hide. You establish
yourself as an honest, credible person in the eyes of others.

The prospect of being open and vulnerable may make you nervous, but the digital
revolution has made transparency a matter of survival. We live in an age where everyone
demands access to everyone else’s private lives. If you’re not genuine, you’re risking


Food Industry

Food is an essential part of our lives, which is why the way it is grown, processed and
transported is worth understanding and improving. The food industry comprises a complex
network of activities pertaining to the supply, consumption, and catering of food products and
services across the world. The food industry employs a massive number of skilled and
unskilled workers. In 2006 alone, the food industry accounted for over 1.5 million jobs in the
US and 4 million jobs in Europe. However, the food industry excludes subsistence farmers
who use their produce for self-consumption.

Why do we have to throw the left overs?

The fast food or restaurant throw the leftover foods because it’s the easiest thing to
do. They don’t have enough time to donate or give the foods to the children in the street
because they are tired for their work and they think that is hassle to do. On the other hand,
fast food or other food business are have a policy or rules that their employees are not
allowed to take home the extra foods because it against to their policy and it will become
unfair to those employees who do not have an extra food to take in home. So that, fast food is
no choice but to throw the food into a garbage.

CHAPTER IV: Other Sector Related to McDonaldization

Government Agency

A government agency is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the

machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific
functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of agency types.
Although usage differs, a government agency is normally distinct both from a department or
ministry, and other types of public body established by government. The functions of an

agency are normally executive in character, since different types of organization are normally
used for advisory functions, but this distinction is often blurred in practice. A government
agency may be established by either a national government or a state government within a
federal system. Agencies can be established by legislation or by executive powers. The
autonomy, independence and accountability of government agencies also vary widely.

Government Budget

Government Budget is an itemized accounting of the payments received by the taxes

and the payments made by purchasing and transfer. A budget deficit occurs when a
government spends more money than it takes in. The opposite of a budget deficit is a budget
surplus. Budgets are normally reviewed annually and set for a 12- to 24-month period.
Budgets are normally set on the basis of the previous year’s expenditures, plus or minus
any changes in spending, such as the recruitment of new staff or adjustments in staff
salaries. A budget aims to take into account all expenditures, including staff salaries, the
cost of buying resources as well as miscellaneous expenses for any unforeseen needs


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