SW5e The Deck of Destiny - GM Binder

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The Deck of Destiny is a modified version of the Deck of Many Things designed specifically for the Star Wars 5e system. It contains 14 cards with balanced good and bad effects, removing overly game-breaking mechanics.

The document describes 14 cards in the Deck, separating them into 7 good cards and 7 bad cards. The good cards provide benefits like credits, experience, or ability score increases, while the bad cards can have negative effects like damage, skill loss, or alignment change.

Drawing from the Deck carries serious risks, as the bad cards can have severe consequences like ruining a character's equipment, reputation, or skills. However, the risks are meant to be worthwhile compared to the potential benefits.


Special thanks to Kris and That Lore Guy for
proofreading this, and giving me the green
light to present this to you guys!
Many of you are familiar with the most dreadful item in
5e for players and DMs alike: The Deck of Many Things.
Taking considerable time, I have built one for Star Wars
5e. Now, before you dismiss the idea outright, let me
explain what I have done:
I have, from the ground up, built this deck to be used with
our system. It contains 14 cards (7 Good, 7 Bad) and
almost all game breaking cards have been changed or
removed entirely. Also, the Good cards have been
signi cantly bu ed, while the Bad cards have been nerfed
somewhat to prevent them from ruining a campaign.
There is still serious risk to be considered when pulling
from the Deck, but the bene ts are actually worth it, so
already, this is an item worth having.

Before you say no to the idea of adding this to your

campaigns, give this a once over, and let me know what
you think.

A Lore check of 20 or higher will reveal that this device
is of Rakatan make, the same race responsible for the
creation of the Star Forge.
The player in possession of the Deck must declare
the number of times they'd like to activate the Deck,
and must activate it that many times unless stated by a

Credits - An image of a bag appears on the
Deck, and an identical bag appears on your
belt. The bag quickly begins to get heavier,
and soon, the bag is the size of your head. It
clinks with the sound of metal.
The player gains a pouch containing fty gold credit
chips, worth 1,000 Credits each (50,000 Credits).

Wisdom - An image of an ancient-looking

book appears. You feel stronger, as if you've
experienced much in a short span of time.
The knowledge of the ages passes through
you, and you are prepared for the road
The player gains enough XP to level up once.
Alternatively, the player may gain Expertise in two skills
of their choice, regardless of their current Pro ciency
with those skills.
It Binds All Things - The Deck shuts off, and
your mind is flooded with the power of the
Force as you are forcefully withdrawn from
reality, and left drifting in nothingness.
For one hour of time that only passes in your mind,
your soul is wrenched out of your body and sent to the
nether realm of the Force. You may experience one
event or speak with one person of your choice (past,
present, or future). The only limit is what continuity
your game is in, and the mythos of Star Wars.

Power - A symbol of Lightning appears on the

Deck. You feel as if the galaxy has chosen
you as a being of great importance. You feel
more confident, as well as stronger overall.
Increase all Ability Scores by 1. The player may activate
the Deck twice beyond their declared activations.

Follower - The Deck shuts down, and a

figure appears before you. They introduce
themselves and swear loyalty to you. They
may prove their usefulness in the future.
A 5th level Fighter appears before the player. The
Fighter is the same race as the player, and the gender
may be determined by the player. This Fighter will
serve the player until the player dies, or they die,
believing that they are destined to protect this great
hero. This Fighter cannot level up.

Comet - Your weapon glows with an ethereal

energy. Something seems different about it,
but you feel a sense of giddiness knowing
that your weapon is strengthened.
The player chooses one weapon in their possession.
When the player misses an attack with this weapon, the
enemy immediately takes 1d8 damage. This e ect
stacks with multiple attacks. This e ect doubles the
weapon's value. This weapon is immune to the e ects
of the Ruin card.

Bacta - An image of a blue bacta tank appears.

You stand up straight, feeling more healthy
than ever. You feel ready to take on the
The player's Constitution Score increases by 2. This
number can exceed 20, but not 24. In addition to the
health gained from the increased Constitution, the
player gains 20 Maximum Hit Points.

Dark Lord - An image of a dark helmet
appears. The air around you becomes cold,
and a growing sense of terror and dread
begins to fill you. Suddenly, you feel that
you and your friends are not alone.
A Force Apparition of Darth Vader appears behind the
players and attacks the one who activated the card,
regardless of alignment or timeline. The party ghts
Vader for 10 combat rounds.
If Vader is defeated or held o without knocking a player
unconscious, he gains respect for the party and returns to
his time after a short dialogue with the players. The
players may ask Vader any questions they want.
Anyone who is knocked unconscious during this ght
must make Death Saving Throws, and is immune to all
healing e ects for 24 hours. If any players are knocked
unconscious, Vader returns to his time without speaking
to the players. DM determines Vader Stats.
Note: This is meant to be a scaled challenge for your
party. Make this a particularly strong story moment for
your party. Flex those homebrew muscles! For an o cial
stat block, refer to the Sith Cyborg on page 91 of Kit Fisto’s
Expanded Villains Guide, pinned in the Scum and Villainy

Supernova - A brilliant image of the galaxy

appears. Nothing happens. Then, suddenly,
the card begins to vibrate violently and the
image of the galaxy disintegrates. A massive
explosion emanates from the card.
All players make a Dex saving throw (DC 18). On failure,
take 6d6 Energy damage. On success, the damage is
halved. This attack ignores armor and resistance. The
Deck is destroyed, and reappears at a random point in
the Galaxy.

Ruin - The Deck shuts off and drops from

your hand. Something is wrong. You feel as
if everything you've ever known is a lie, and
you have no idea if anyone even knows who
you are anymore.
Anything the player is carrying immediately
disintegrates. All property or holdings they own are
lost, their name is wiped from all records, and everyone
outside of the party forgets that they ever existed,
including family members. The Deck cannot be
activated for one day, and all remaining draws are lost.
The player is informed of the full e ects of the card

Youngling - A Jedi in training appears. You

feel the weapon in your hands grow clumsy,
and you feel as if you've never held it before
in your life. The muscle memory you had
with extended use of the weapon seems
completely gone.
The player has Disadvantage with all weapons (Damage
and Hit Rolls). Only a level 5 or higher healing power
(Tech or Force) can reverse this e ect. The player must
be at full health when healed, or the e ect is not

Balance - A sphere appears, half black, half

white. A strange energy surrounds you.
Energy pulls at your body, draining you of
all vitality. Then, more energy is forced into
your body. The field dissipates, and you are
forever changed.
The player's alignment is reversed. Good becomes evil,
lawful becomes chaotic, etc. If the player was True
Neutral or Unaligned, the card has no e ect.

Wrath - Red tendrils appear out of the Deck

and latch onto your head, draining energy
from you. After a moment, the tendrils
retract, and the Deck deactivates.
The player loses Pro ciency in all skills that they were
Pro cient in. If the player has Expertise in any skills,
they are only Pro cient in them.

Dunce - An image of a Rancor head appears.

You feel your senses dull slightly.
Something has changed, but you can't figure
out what. You feel a strange sort of
confidence, as if you have lost your fear of
what may happen. Whatever you were afraid
of, it probably won't end as badly as you
The player's Intelligence Score is reduced by 2 (to a
minimum of 1). The player may activate the Deck once
beyond their declared activations.
  This document was lovingly created using
GM Binder.

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