5s Housekeeping Observations Checklist: Sort Distinguished Between What Is Needed and What Is Not Needed
5s Housekeeping Observations Checklist: Sort Distinguished Between What Is Needed and What Is Not Needed
5s Housekeeping Observations Checklist: Sort Distinguished Between What Is Needed and What Is Not Needed
its palace
Correct places for items are obvious
Items are in there correct places
Aisle ways ,workplaces, equipment locations ,tools are
Items are put away immediately after use.
PPEs/Tools/Equipment are clearly marked
Working conditions are Ergonomically Friendly-Tools,
valves and other items needed for daily work are stored
at proper palace
Shine Cleaning and looking for ways to keep
e categories
Necessary information is visible
All standards are known and visible
Checklists exist for all operational and maintenance
The work Environment satisfies the requirement of work
being performed Lighting brightness, temperature,
Isolation ,Combustible and toxic gases, Lube oil vapors,
Coal , etc.
Result of the previous audit are posted and clearly visible
for entire team
Areas for improvement identified during previous audit
have been addressed and completed.
Sustain Stick to the rules
A member of Management including all departments
(Operation, Electrical, Instrument, Mechanical, Admin,
Performance) have participated in a 5s activity.
Recognition is given to teams who get involved in 5s
5s inspection performed once in a day/week/month.
Time and Resources are allocated to 5s Activities