HSE Assurance Checklist

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HSE Assurance for Subcontractors

Project: Retubing of Cracker Furnace Date:

Inspection Criteria Yes No Comments

A. Scaffolds
1. All scaffold parts and hardware used as required?

2. All scaffold hardware and parts in good condition?

3. Scaffolds fully planked?

4. All scaffold planks cleaned?

5. Scaffolds have guardrails, midrail and toe boards?

B. Power Tools

1. Power tools have guards in place?

2. Power tools either grounded or double insulated?

3. Power tool cords and plugs in good condition?

4. Impact tools with mushroomed heads dressed as needed?

5. Broken tools repaired or replaced as needed?

C. Housekeeping
1. Walkways kept clear of material and debris?

2. Cords and hoses strung to prevent trip and fall hazard?

3. Are liquid spills cleaned up immediately?

4. Restrooms and eating areas clean?

5. Fabrication and work areas clean and orderly?

6. Trash, scrap, and debris picked up and disposed of?

D. General
1. Emergency phone numbers and procedures posted?

2. First aid supplies readily available?

3. First aid supplies adequate for job manpower?

4. Required posters and signs posted and readable?

5. Valid Health Insurance Card for all employees?

E. Machineries / Equipment / Vehicles

1. Area around machineries/equipment clean

HSE Assurance for Subcontractors

Project: Retubing of Cracker Furnace Date:

2. Machineries/equipment maintained and in good condition

3. Machineries/equipment cannot be operated/accessed when left unattended

4. Emergency stops are working

5. Machine guarding in place

6. Warning labels/procedures on Machines / equipment

7. Power leads in good condition

8. Third Party agency certified machineries/equipment?

9. Vehicles Inspected regularly?

10. Vehicle Insurance, Registration Card, Driver License Available?

11. First Aid Kit, Safety Triangle & Fire Extinguisher Provided in all vehicles?

F. Employee Communications

1. Do foremen communicate with their crews on job methods? (TBT)

2. Do foremen react to employee safety recommendations?

3. Do foremen address unsafe actions and conditions?

4. Are safety meetings held weekly with all employees?

5. Job Specific training given to all employees?

G. Personal Protective Equipment

1. Hard hats worn by all personnel in work areas?

2. Eye and face protection worn as required?

3. Hearing protection worn as required?

4. Respiratory protection worn as required?

5. Safety harnesses and lanyards worn for fall protection?

6. Safety harnesses Inspected?

7. Workers dressed properly for the job?

8. Personal protective equipment in good condition?

9. Safety supplies adequate for job manpower?

I. Accommodation

1. Camp/accommodation buildings are in good condition.

HSE Assurance for Subcontractors

Project: Retubing of Cracker Furnace Date:

2. The electrical supply network and infrastructure has adequate capacity to

safely meet the lighting, power and cooling load, including all reasonable
communal living in the camp/accommodation facilities and services within it.
3. Air conditioning is provided and is fully functional in all accommodation and
recreation areas.
4. Bedrooms are clean, tidy & pest free

5. Appropriate sanitary facilities/appliances provided

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