Cortical Visual Impairment: Pediatrics in Review November 2009
Cortical Visual Impairment: Pediatrics in Review November 2009
Cortical Visual Impairment: Pediatrics in Review November 2009
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1 author:
Luis H Ospina
CHU Sainte-Justine
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Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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Vision loss caused by central nervous system damage often is referred to as CVI but also
may be referred to as cerebral visual impairment or neurologic visual impairment. These
terms refer to the fact that the primary defect may not necessarily be limited to the striate
(primary visual) cortex and may affect other areas subserving vision, such as the visual
associative cortex, optic radiations, and visual attention pathways. Although it is not yet
certain which of these three terms best describes the visual deficit, it is clear that use of the
label cortical blindness must be abandoned. That term not only evokes negative connota-
tions for the child and the family but is inaccurate because in almost every instance, some
degree of residual vision remains, and visual improvement can occur.
CVI has become the greatest cause of pediatric visual impairment in developed countries
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and is becoming increasingly prevalent in developing nations. CVI is a
problem of increasing frequency for two primary reasons. First, the progress in neonatal
care has resulted in improved survival of children who have brain damage from hypoxia. As
a result, these children may suffer from CVI. (6)(7)(8) Second, the better outcomes
associated with improved treatment of other causes of pediatric vision loss such as
retinopathy of prematurity and congenital cataracts have diminished their roles as causes of
pediatric blindness. (9)
Various studies from the developed world illustrate the
preeminent place of CVI among the causes of pediatric visual
damage. Comparing current findings with previous preva-
Abbreviations lence studies, a population-based prospective study in five
Nordic countries identified an increase from 11% to 23% in
CT: computed tomography
the relative frequency of CVI as a cause of pediatric blind-
CVI: cortical visual impairment
ness. (7) Along with optic atrophy, CVI accounted for 45%
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
of cases of pediatric blindness in this study. In a recent survey
PVL: periventricular leukomalacia
of blind children in Ireland, the most common morphologic
VEP: visual evoked potentials
diagnoses were optic atrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia, and
*Assistant Professor, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Neuro-ophthalmology, Ste-Justine Hospital, University de Montreal,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
is greater delay in visual development than in other areas who are unable to gaze directly because of eye or head
and when the degree of vision loss is unexplained by movement problems, which are not uncommon in CVI.
ocular findings. (48) Such a situation, paired with a (55) It is possible to attempt to determine whether
characteristic clinical history such as hypoxia, should alert fixation or following capacity exists, but the inherent
the clinician to the presence of CVI. In a typical case of fluctuation of vision cannot be ignored in children whose
CVI, results of the eye examination are normal, although vision can be influenced by fatigue, light conditions, or
this is not always the case. Concomitant ophthalmologic an unfamiliar environment. Therefore, obtaining an idea
problems such as optic atrophy, nystagmus, and other of a child’s daily visual behavior is more important than
conditions very frequently accompany CVI. This situa- assigning a numeric value to the visual acuity. Comments
tion is exemplified by the preterm baby who is treated from the family as to how the child functions in his or her
successfully for retinopathy of prematurity, but whose environment can be very useful.
vision remains deficient and insufficiently explained by
the ocular findings. In such a case, coexistence of some
degree of CVI, often from PVL, should be considered. Associated Neurologic and Ophthalmologic
Habits that represent adaptations to the disease fre- Abnormalities
quently are present in patients who have CVI. Most patients who have CVI have associated neurologic
(1)(49)(50) Such habits are appropriately termed “neu- deficits. Khetpal and Donahue (12) found that 65.3% of
robehavioral” signs and may aid in the diagnosis. To a children who had CVI had neurologic deficits. Whiting
large extent, many of these signs were identified and and associates (48) found that all of the patients in their
study had some degree of neurologic deficit, and Wong
described by James Jan, a pediatric neurologist who has
(56) found deficits present in all congenital cases in her
contributed enormously to the understanding of CVI in
series. Epilepsy, cerebral palsy, hemiparesis, microceph-
children. Light-gazing, a tendency to stare at bright light
aly, hydrocephalus, hearing problems, abnormal mental
(eg, the sun or fluorescent lights), is frequent even in
development, behavioral problems, myelomeningocele,
children who do not otherwise fixate. (51) Flicking the
progressive degenerative disorders, and hypotonia are
fingers in front of the eyes against the light for self-
among the reported anomalies, indicating that the dam-
stimulation sometimes is seen. (52) Enigmatically, pho-
age may not be limited to the visual pathways.
tophobia can be prominent and sometimes even coexist
with light-gazing. (53) The explanation for this phe-
Associated ocular findings, such as optic atrophy,
nomenon is unknown, but thalamic or cortical damage
nystagmus, strabismus, gaze palsy, and retinal disease,
may be responsible. also are common. (2)(5)(11)(12)(48)(56) Although the
A highly variable visual performance also is character- absence of nystagmus in a case of congenital visual inat-
istic, with such variation even seen from hour to hour. tention suggests a cerebral cause, it is now known that
(48) Children who have very limited vision may appear the presence of nystagmus should not dissuade the clini-
unexpectedly very responsive to color stimulation. (52) cian from diagnosing CVI in the appropriate setting.
Such a response possibly is due to the bilateral cerebral Nystagmus may result from concomitant anterior path-
representation of color, which is less likely to be elimi- way disease, such as optic nerve or retinal disease, or it
nated unless the lesions are very extensive. Head shaking may indicate subcortical rather than cortical damage.
often is present, (54) as is pronounced head turns to (57) In fact, nystagmus is common in PVL. (58) When
search for objects, conceivably to make use of residual optic atrophy coexists with CVI, clinical judgment is
peripheral vision. (52) Visual function also appears to be needed to define the relative contribution of each factor
better in more familiar environments. (48) to the visual limitation.
Obtaining a measurement of visual acuity can be Consideration of both the clinical presentation and
challenging in a child who suffers from accompanying neuroimaging findings often is sufficient to diagnose
neurologic deficits. If optotypes (standardized tables to CVI. Nonetheless, certain entities should be included in
test visual acuity) prove useless, preferential looking can the differential diagnosis for this disorder. The lack of
be attempted (ie, Teller Acuity Cards, in which high- interest characteristic of autism, the inability to generate
contrast gratings of different spatial frequencies are saccades (fast eye movements) in a child who has oculo-
shown beside blank areas on the same card). The child motor apraxia, or simply a delay in visual maturation may
usually prefers to fixate on the pattern of such cards, if simulate CVI, but in these cases, the diagnosis of CVI is
seen. Even this method has limitations in testing patients inappropriate.
Visual Improvement
Some improvement of vision virtually always occurs in
children who have CVI. The mechanism by which im-
provement occurs continues to be a topic of interesting
debate. In many cases, the likely explanation may be the
Figure 4. Head computed tomography scan for an 11-month- presence of residual visual potential, which gradually
old child who had prior cardiac arrest shows diffuse severe improves over time. (78) Improvement also may result
bifrontal and temporal cortical atrophy as well as lacunar from the sparing of some areas rather than total destruc-
infarcts in the basal ganglia (arrows). The occipital lobes are tion of visual cortical function at the time of injury. (48)
spared. Nonetheless, the fascinating changes observed in an-
imals make it difficult to ignore the possibility that more
sion tomography in patients who had CVI in whom MRI sophisticated responses to early damage of central vision
had revealed no abnormalities. may occur in humans. Some studies strongly support this
hypothesis. Research in cats whose visual cortex (areas
Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) 17, 18, 19) is ablated is particularly worthy of mention.
The role of VEP in confirming the diagnosis of CVI in The results could be summarized as anatomic and phys-
children and predicting visual outcome has been ad- iologic. After cortical lesions are produced, anterograde
dressed in many studies, and the subject is not free of and retrograde tracing methods reveal a response that
controversy. Different technical methods, such as “flash” consists of increased anatomic projections from the ret-
and “sweep,” are used to record potentials. Frank and
ina through the thalamus to the posteromedial lateral
Torres (71) did not find VEP valuable in diagnosing CVI
suprasylvian extrastriate visual area in neonatal but not in
because they were unable to identify differences in re-
adult cats. Also, the young cats, unlike the adult ones,
sponse between 30 children who had cortical loss of
demonstrate a functional compensation after cortical
vision and 31 who had neurologic lesions and no visual
ablation. Single-cell neurophysiologic responses mea-
involvement. Clarke and associates (72) found a low
positive predictive value (45.1%) for flash VEP because sured at least 6 months later in the posteromedial lateral
14 of 31 children who had abnormal responses remained suprasylvian cortex achieve normality. (79)(80) Al-
impaired and low specificity (39.3%) because only 11 of though the cells in the latter area do not acquire the
28 infants who showed improvement had had normal properties of the superior striate cortex, they do develop
results on VEP. Other authors have demonstrated that a receptive field properties. (81) Similarly, young monkeys
bad VEP result does not necessarily mean a poor future whose striate cortex is damaged, unlike older ones, dem-
visual outcome. (73)(74) onstrate a capacity to respond to stimuli in the hemifield
Nevertheless, other investigators have reported better opposite the ablation as well as the ability to localize
utility of VEP in the evaluation of pediatric CVI. Taylor those stimuli with eye movements 2 to 5 years after the
and McCulloch (75) reported that abnormal flash VEP injury. (82)
Beyond the Striate Cortex optic radiation correlated with a poor visual prognosis.
As mentioned, children afflicted with CVI seldom Other causes of CVI such as bacterial meningitis and
present with isolated lesions of the striate cortex. The epilepsy have been associated in the past with a poorer
associative areas of the occipital cortex or temporal or outcome. (44)(56) However, factors other than cause
parietal cortices frequently are affected, sometimes pre- (eg, timing of the insult, severity) must be considered for
dominantly. (69) Aside from abnormal visual acuity, each case. For example, Huo and associates (2) did not
many children who have CVI exhibit particular higher find a correlation between cause and prognosis.
visual deficits (cognitive visual disorders), and these def- More than 90% of children who have CVI remain
icits can occur in conjunction with preserved visual acu- visually handicapped despite some improvement of vi-
ity. (17)(83)(84)(85) Such deficits might result from sion. Their neurodevelopmental outcomes other than
lesions to the dorsal (parietal lobe, impaired ability to vision also remain poor. (11)
handle complex scenes) or the ventral (temporal lobe,
impaired recognition) stream systems. (8) Saidkasimova Rehabilitation and Management
and associates (86) published a series involving seven Early diagnosis and intervention are important in man-
children who had impaired perception of movement, aging pediatric CVI. (3)(90) Groups who have substan-
simultagnosia (one or some isolated elements of a visual tial experience in caring for affected patients have made
scene can be recognized, but not the whole complex specific suggestions concerning rehabilitation. Reducing
scene), visuomotor dysfunction, and impaired orienta- the amount of visual stimulation by presenting simple
tion. All exhibited some degree of periventricular white rather than crowded visual environments is believed to
matter anomaly. It is important to recognize that CVI enhance vision in children who have CVI. Cueing by
can involve much more than reduced visual acuity. (87) language, touch, and using contrasting colors are among
It has been suggested that evaluating the damage seen the many useful strategies for optimizing residual vision.
on neuroimaging to structures involved with mecha- A multidisciplinary approach for each child is essential.
nisms of visual attention may be of interest. A child who (3)
has poor vision potentially could have difficulties “choos- Because CVI almost is never an isolated problem, it is
ing” among multiple presented images because of lesions important to diagnose and treat any accompanying neu-
involving visual spatial attention (frontal lobe, globus rologic conditions. Pediatric neurologists, developmen-
pallidus, caudate, putamen, and thalamus) or selection of tal pediatricians, and occupational therapists can be of
stimulus for attention (inferior parietal cortex, superior help. Providing the best possible control of associated
colliculus, pulvinar) structures. This possibility has been seizures that may interfere with visual function by opti-
discussed in detail by Hoyt, (69) and it may apply not mizing their pharmacologic treatment also may alter
only to cases of CVI in which the imaging findings of the visual behavior. Facilitating access to special services for
striate and parastriate cortices and periventricular regions concomitant cerebral palsy may help. (2)
appear preserved, but also to more typical cases such as Sleep disorders affect children who have visual impair-
CVI from PVL. Recent evidence confirms that thalamic ment, resulting not only from deregulation of the effect
damage, for example, is frequent in PVL. (88)(89) that vision is known to have on the sleep-wake cycle, but
also from concomitant neurodevelopmental abnormali-
Prognosis ties. Detailed descriptions of the effects of melatonin and
Almost all children afflicted with CVI show some degree other treatment interventions are discussed elsewhere,
of visual improvement with time. Using different criteria, (91)(92)(93)(94)(95) but we can testify to the benefits
Matsuba and Jan (11) found overall improvement of of enrollment in a pediatric sleep clinic.
visual acuity in 46% of patients, and Huo and associates Only in limited circumstances is a treatment directed
(2) noted improvement in 60%. The level of vision at the specific cause of CVI. Two examples are hydro-
achieved depends on many factors, including the cause, cephalus or shunt blockage, in which the appropriate
age of onset, and severity and type of injury. (1) Children surgical intervention is therapeutic.
who have subcortical damage seem to have a worse The pediatric ophthalmologist or neuroophthalmolo-
prognosis. In a retrospective study, Hoyt (5) found some gist is expected to play a role not only in assisting with the
recovery of vision in 78% of children who had striate diagnosis of CVI but also in identifying associated ocular
cortex injury compared with 42% of children who had abnormalities and treating them when possible. For ex-
periventricular white matter involvement. Lambert and ample, a child who has CVI and significant myopia may
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