Compensation-Chapter 2 Pay Model
Compensation-Chapter 2 Pay Model
Compensation-Chapter 2 Pay Model
QS1: How would you define pay model? What purposes do the objectives of pay model
serve? (2019)
The Pay Model of Compensation and benefits helps managers to structurally design and understand the
compensation system for their employees. The Pay Model of Compensation was developed by G.T.
Milkovich and J.M. Nemwan in 2002. They define compensation as forms of financial gain and tangible
services and benefits that employees receive as part of their employment.
The compensation model that an organisation uses should match the company objectives. This can help
determine which plan is the most beneficial in the long term. This means that elements from different
compensation models are sometimes combined. The remuneration plan also has to be on par with that
of the competition or be better. And it’s important to comply with laws and regulations.
QS2: Briefly discuss the three basic building blocks of pay model. (2019)
The model consists of three main components/ building blocks
Benefits - Allowances
Allowances: often grow out of whatever is in short supply
Total Earnings Opportunities: Present Value of a Stream of Earnings
Compensation decision have temporal effect
A present value perspective shifts the choice from company today’s initial offers to
consideration of future bonuses, merit ↑and promise some employers their relatively low
starting offers will be overcome by larger few pay increases – Few candidates apply -> some
QS4: What are the four policy issues in the pay model? (2012)
1. Internal Alignment
Internal Alignment - refers to pay comparisons between jobs or skill levels inside a single
Jobs and people’s skills are compared in terms of their relative contribution to the organization’s
Determining the appropriate cliff in pay for people performing different work is a key challenge
facing Managers
Internal alignment policies affect all three compensation objectives
Employee’s decision to stay in the organisation
To become more flexible by investing in additional training
Seek greater responsibility
Fairness determined by employees comparisons of their pay to the pay of others in the
Compliance is affected by the basis used to make internal comparisons.
3. Employee Contributions
Refers to the relative emphasis placed on performance
1. Degree of emphasis placed on performance is important because affects employees attitudes
and work behaviours
2. Employers to pay for performance more emphasis on merit incentives
Recognition of contribution affects fairness but employees have to understand the basis for
judging performance to conclude that their pay is fair
Pay Techniques
Techniques tie to the 4 basic policies to the pay objectives
Uncounted variations in pay techniques exist
QS5: Pay Techniques tie to the 4 basic policies to the pay objectives-Explain (2012)