Introduction of Compensation Management
Introduction of Compensation Management
Introduction of Compensation Management
B. To Employers
1. They can systematically plan for and control the turnover in the organization.
2. A sound compensation structure reduces the likelihood of friction and grievances
over remuneration
3. It enhances an employees morale and motivation because adequate and fairly
administered incentives are basic to his wants and needs.
4. It attracts qualified employees by ensuring and adequate payment for all the jobs.
Job Descriptions:
A critical component of both compensation and selection systems, job descriptions define in
writing the responsibilities, requirements, functions, duties, location, environment, conditions,
and other aspects of jobs. Descriptions may be developed for jobs individually or for entire job
Job Analysis:
The process of analyzing jobs from which job descriptions are developed. Job analysis
techniques include the use of interviews, questionnaires, and observation.
Job Evaluation:
A system for comparing jobs for the purpose of determining appropriate compensation levels
for individual jobs or job elements. There are four main techniques: Ranking, Classification,
Factor Comparison, and Point Method.
Pay Structures:
Useful for standardizing compensation practices. Most pay structures include several grades
with each grade containing a minimum salary/wage and either step increments or grade range.
Step increments are common with union positions where the pay for each job is pre-
determined through collective bargaining.
Salary Surveys:
Collections of salary and market data. May include average salaries, inflation indicators, cost of
living indicators, salary budget averages. Companies may purchase results of surveys conducted
by survey vendors or may conduct their own salary surveys. When purchasing the results of
salary surveys conducted by other vendors, note that surveys may be conducted within a
specific industry or across industries as well as within one geographical region or across
different geographical regions. Know which industry or geographic location the salary results
pertain to before comparing the results to your company.
Q1.a. What is the role of compensation and rewards in modern organization? What are the
advantages of a fair compensation system?
Compensation and Reward system plays vital role in a business organization. Since, among four
Ms, i.e Men, Material, Machine and Money, Men has been most important factor, it is
impossible to imagine a business process without Men.
Land, Labor, Capital and Organization are four major factors of production. Every factor
contributes to the process of production/business. It expects return from the business process
such as Rent is the return expected by the Landlord. Similarly Capitalist expects Interest and
Organizers i.e Entrepreneur expects profits. The labour expects wages from the process. It is
evident that other factors are in-human factors and as such labour plays vital role in bringing
about the process of production/business in motion. The other factors being human, has
expectations, emotions, ambitions and egos. Labour therefore expects to have fair share in the
business/production process.
Advantages of Fair Compensation System:
Therefore a fair compensation system is a must for every business organization. The fair
compensation system will help in the following:
1. If an ideal compensation system is designed, it will have positive impact on the efficiency and
results produced by workmen.
2. Such system will encourage the normal worker to perform better and achieve the standards
3. this system will encourage the process of job evaluation. It will also help in setting up an ideal
job evaluation, which will have transparency, and the standards fixing would be more realistic
and achievable.
4. Such a system would be well defined and uniform. It will be apply to all the levels of the
organization as a general system.
5. The system would be simple and flexible so that every worker/recipient would be able to
compute his own compensation receivable.
6. Such system would be easy to implement, so that it would not penalizethe workers for the
reasons beyond their control and would not result in exploitation of workers.
7. It will raise the morale, efficiency and cooperation among the workers. It, being just and fair
would provide satisfaction to the workers.
8. Such system would help management in complying with the various labor acts.
9. Such system would also bring about amicable settlement of disputes between the workmen
union and management.
10. The system would embody itself the principle of equal work equal wages. Encouragement
for those who perform better and opportunities for those who wish to excel.
Q-1b. Explain the need for designing of compensation Policy. What is the importance of
compensation system in business organizations?
After going through the role and essentials of a sound compensation system, it becomes
imperative that every business organization should be set up for itself a proper Compensation
Policy. The Management of the organization must have w well-designed Compensation Policy.
The policy calls for deciding the criteria for promotions, up-gradations etc. It would also be
necessary to fix up the standard expectations from each and every workmen/employee.
The policy should determine the norms to be followed for Performance Appraisal or Job
Evaluation. It should also chalk out the need for training, provisions for fringe benefits, welfare
schemes etc. It must prescribe the manner in which such benefits would be extended and levels
within the organization to whom such benefits are extendable.
The incentive schemes and its details, Pay package structure, Tax implications etc. are matters
of concern while designing the compensation Policy.