Rice and Water

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Fact Sheet

Rice and Water

Water is vital resource used in farming
The production of food and fibre is dependent on water and rice growers know better than most the
real value of water. Without it, Australian rice growers can’t plant a crop, make a living or continue to
grow the rice which feeds up to 40 million people around the world everyday.

The Australian rice industry is one of the most efficient users of water
in the world
Australian rice growers use 50% less water to grow one kilo of rice than the world average and are
recognised worldwide for growing high quality rice varieties suited to Australia’s climate known as
temperate rice. Contrary to popular belief, in terms of bulk use, rice uses much less water than many
other agricultural products. Dairy, cotton, livestock and pasture grains all use more water in Australia
than rice grains1.

Rice grown in Australia has been developed to especially for our climate
The type of rice grown in Australia is different to that which is grown in monsoonal wetland countries
such as Thailand and Indonesia. Rice varieties grown in Australia have been specially developed to
suit the hot, dry conditions of southern NSW.

Rice growing is Australia’s most regulated agricultural industry in terms of

land and water use and environmental impacts
Much of this regulation has been industry-initiated. Rice can only be grown on soils that are deemed
suitable by the irrigation corporations and/or the New South Wales Department of Natural Resources
based on soil textural classification, electromagnetic induction to determine clay depths and sodicity.
Overall water availability for irrigated agriculture in the region is determined by Water Sharing
Plans with announcements made by the NSW Government of actual water allocations for each
irrigation area.

Careful water management of rice farms is needed to ensure both

environmental sustainability and rice productivity
Land and Water Management Plans set by state governments and rice growers are the cornerstone
of environmental initiatives in the irrigation areas of the Riverina. Each plan is an integrated natural
resource management strategy prepared by landholders and local communities with technical and
financial assistance in partnership with the NSW and Federal governments.
Plans set out the best practices for managing irrigation farming and improving water and soil
management within the landscape. They also provide for long-term biodiversity restoration and better
farm management techniques, so the land is preserved for future generations.

UNESCO-IHE, Chapagain, A.K and Hoekstra, A.Y. Water footprints of nations. November 2004.

Fact Sheet

Rice and Water Continued

The amount of rice able to be grown directly relates to the amount of
water available to irrigators
Like all farmers, rice growers are not immune to drought conditions. Each year State
governments assess the water resource available in the dams and determine allocations for different
users based on a hierarchy. Most rice is grown by general security irrigators who receive their water
last in this hierarchy of allocations. They are also the first to have allocations reduced in times of
water shortages.

A rice crop forms one part of a farming system

Australian farmers make decisions about which crops they will plant each season taking into
consideration variable conditions such as water allocations and the weather. A rice crop forms one
part of a farming system, and is only planted when the conditions are suitable.
In Australia, rice is grown from October until March and in rotation with other crops such as wheat,
barley and maize. Many of these crops grown in rotation with rice utilise the existing soil moisture
from the harvested rice crops, meaning they don’t require further irrigation. This allows for further
water savings and more efficient water usage, and effectively provides growers with two crops from
the one application of water.
“One year I’ll grow rice in a paddock and after harvest I’ll directly sow in a wheat crop. I am getting
two crops from the same water because I utilise the moisture remaining in the soil from the rice”
Les Gordon, rice grower of 22 years

Australian rice is not the same as that grown in Asia

Most rice varieties grown in Australia have been specifically developed for our climate and have been
bred to suit the environmental conditions of south-eastern Australia.
A common perception is that rice is a tropical crop, but almost all of the rice produced in Australia is
Japonica, a variety which is perfectly suited to the dry temperate micro-climate of the Australian rice
growing region.
Rice can be divided into two types – Japonica and Indica. Japonica rice is usually grown in
temperate climates, like Australia, California, Egypt, China and Japan. The grains are round and
when cooked, this rice is sticky and moist.
Indica rice is grown in hot, tropical climates. The grains are long and when cooked, the rice is fluffy
and does not stick together. Most of the rice produced in Southern Asia, including India, Thailand,
Vietnam and Southern China is Indica rice.

Fact Sheet

Rice and Water Continued

Internationally, Australian rice production uses less water per
hectare than other countries and is consistently in the top 4 of water
efficient producers
If we imported all our rice, particularly from developing countries, we would consume food that is
produced by countries with natural resources including water that are under considerable pressure.
The Australian rice industry has a record of continuous improvement in product quality, productivity,
land and water use, and environmental management.
Figure 6 (below) compares the global average embedded water content for some selected
agricultural goods, but as Figure 7 shows, embedded water can vary significantly depending on
country of origin. There are a number of factors which influence how much water is embedded in
a product: Climate, yield, crop requirements, technology and irrigation efficiency are a few of the
variables that have an effect.

Source: “Hidden Waters” A Waterwise Briefing,

February 2007 by Joanne Zygmunt

Fig &. Embedded water differs depending on Country

of production.

Data from: Chapagain ans Hoestra 2004. Nations with

no bar either do not produce the good or do not trade
it internationally.

Source: “Hidden Waters” A Waterwise Briefing,

February 2007 by Joanne Zygmunt


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