Aquqculture Powerpoint Presentation

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Rafael Amor R. Rivera
Maverick Joaquin H. Rosete
Ruben A. Dagala
Mae Kyla A. Arranguez

This presentation aims to
5 PRODUCTION, DESIGNS, AND educate and inspire
people to engage in
REQUIREMENTS aquaculture!
By 2030, 62 percent of all seafood produced for
human consumption will come from aquaculture.
Today, it’s about 50 percent.
What is aquaculture?
The term aquaculture broadly refers to the cultivation of aquatic organisms in controlled aquatic
environments for any commercial, recreational or public purpose. The breeding, rearing and
harvesting of plants and animals takes place in all types of water environments including ponds,
rivers, lakes, the ocean and man-made “closed” systems on land.

Aquaculture serves many purposes, including:

• Food production for human consumption;
• Rebuilding of populations of threatened and endangered
• Habitat restoration;
• Wild stock enhancement;
• Production of baitfish; and
• Fish culture for zoos and aquariums
How does it work?

Photo credits: Global Seafood

Given that overfishing of our oceans and other natural
resources is continuously increasing year over year, humans
need alternate sources for seafood to feed the planet’s ever-
Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some estimate

growing population. “Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s

hat the annual catch of edible “Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited
for generations. Some estimate that the annual catch of edible marine protein has already passed its peak. “Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s
natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some estimate that the annual catch of edible marine
natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish
protein has already passed its peak. protein has already passed its peak“Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the
planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some estimate that the annual catch of edible marine protein has already passed its
peak“Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some
have been exploited for generations. Some estimate that
estimate that the annual catch of marine protein has already passed its peak

the annual catch of edible marine protein has already

passed its peak.
Why is it important?
• Fill the gap of seafood supply
• Responsible and sustainable fish farming
• healthy and environmentally friendly
protein options
• lower greenhouse gas emissions than
other types of farming.
With an anticipated 10 billion people expected to inhabit the planet by 2050, the demand
for animal protein will increase by 52 percent. Sustainable and healthy approaches to
feeding the world are more critical than ever before. In order to sustainably feed the
world’s growing population with a healthy, lean protein, aquaculture’s role is of the utmost
importance. The primary responsibility of aquaculture is to efficiently complement wild-
caught fish options to increase the amount of seafood available worldwide.
Not only is aquaculture necessary, it is also a sustainable option for consumers,
especially in comparison to other farmed proteins. Seafood is highly resource efficient — it has the highest
protein retention compared to chicken, pork and beef. It also has the lowest feed conversion ratio among
the same forms of protein. Aquaculture has lower greenhouse gas emissions than other types of farming.

Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some estimate
hat the annual catch of edible “Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited
for generations. Some estimate that the annual catch of edible marine protein has already passed its peak. “Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s
natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some estimate that the annual catch of edible marine
protein has already passed its peak. protein has already passed its peak“Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the
planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some estimate that the annual catch of edible marine protein has already passed its
peak“Unfortunately, the days of the ocean’s natural productivity providing for the planet is over. Wild fish have been exploited for generations. Some
estimate that the annual catch of marine protein has already passed its peak
Important biological characteristics of
aquaculture species:
A major characteristic that determines the suitability of a species for
aquaculture is the rate of growth and production under culture
• Can be bred easily under captive conditions
• Herbivorous or omnivorous species
• Species that are hardy and can tolerate favourable
• Size and age at first maturity
• High fecundity
Aquaculture Production
Aquaculture production systems are diverse and
therefore difficult to classify. One of the
classification schemes is based on production and
value of the major categories of the systems. The
primary criterion used in the classification schema is
salinity i.e., inland and coastal systems.

i. Extensive
ii. Semi-intensive
iii. Intensive
a. Characterized by very limited input by the culturist
b. Often done in open water
c. Most of the artisanal aquaculture practiced in developing countries around the world
would be considered extensive
d. Characteristics
i. Farmer has little control of the environment
ii. Farmer does not provide food to the animals
iii. Since food is limited to natural production, stocking densities are much lower than in
more intensive systems and must be adjusted to food production
iv. Growth, production, and harvest yields are typically lower than with more intensive
v. Due to the limitation of inputs (particularly food), the cost of production is much lower
II. Semi Extensive
a. Characterized by higher stocking density
b. Limited degree of environmental control
c. Involves supplemental feeding
d. Examples include pond culture of fish and shrimp
e. Characteristics
i. Farmer has some control of the environment, usually in the form of water exchange (pumping
water through ponds or raceways) and aeration
ii. Farmer provides supplemental feed but as in ponds (often fertilized to promote natural
productivity) much of the animal’s nutrition comes from natural production
iii. Better environmental control and supplemental feeding allow for higher stocking density
iv. Improved environmental conditions and adding feeds usually improve growth rate rates,
survival, and harvest yields
v. Environmental control (i.e. pumping water and aeration), use of formulated feeds, or pond
fertilization all will increase capital and production costs, but if done properly, production yields will
III. Intensive
a. Characterized by extremely high stocking density
b. Substantial environmental control
c. Usually exclusively fed prepared formulated feeds
d. RAS, utilizing a series of tanks, and water treatment processes is an example
e. Characteristics
i. Farmer has virtually complete control over environmental conditions within the system
ii. In most cases, intensive systems are indoors so that climate control does not have to be
maintained for each individual system
iii. Due to the high degree of control required, aeration and water retreatment systems are
sophisticated and expensive
iv. In order to avoid disease-causing pathogens that are inherent in high density culture,
intensive aquaculture systems require clean water and holding facilities
v. Stocking densities are very high in intensive aquaculture systems, producing the highest
yield per square foot of production area
vi. Intensive aquaculture systems, if correctly managed, provide optimum environmental
conditions that will ensure fast growth, high survival, and optimum production yield.
Figure 3. A classification of major Asian aquaculture systems to indicate their diversity.
(Source: Edwards, 2000).
Importance of Site

Selection of a suitable site for an aquaculture venture will

influence construction costs and affect the ultimate success of
the aquaculture enterprise. A number of factors must be
considered when selecting a site.
Site selection for land
based culture systems.
(Factors to


Ecological factors
• Location
Choice of location includes inland or coastal sites depending on the
species of choice. Protection against tides etc should be considered for
coastal farming. The sites should be near service components such as
access to roads, electricity, and other communication networks.
• Topography
For smaller and flat areas eye estimation is enough, but for a big area
proposed for farm construction with a number of ponds for different
purposes and of different sizes, it is essential to conduct contour survey
for determining the topography and land configuration. The land slope
should be suitable; too steep slopes require more excavation and higher
construction costs. The recommended slope should not be greater than
• Soil Suitability
Pond soil must retain water. Soils with a low infiltration rate are most
• Water supply
A dependable source of water supply must be available within
or near the site. Water of proper quality and quantity should be
available in accordance with cycles of the aquaculture venture.
The most common sources are groundwater and surface water

• Hydrological and Meteorological information

Climatological data obtained over the longest period is required
and should include mean monthly temperature, rainfall,
evaporation, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and
direction, and flood records.
Biological Factors
The biological factors to be
Choice of fish species should
considered includes:
consider both biological and
economic criteria such as • Control of reproduction and
production costs, service seed supply
providers and related costs, • Feed requirements and
consumption patterns and supplies
affordability, value adding Disease risk and management
potential, competitors, and • Processing potential and
export potential. requirements
• Conservation and regulations
and Social

Type of culture facility
An important decision involve the choice of production system i.e.
ponds, raceways, tanks etc. The choice will be influenced by economic
factors such as;
1. Availability of working capital
2. Availability of land
3. Operator skills levels
4. Labor requirements and costs
5. Operating costs
and Social
• Marketing
A market study should be an essential component of site analysis before any
land is purchased or construction commences. The aquaculturist must
understand the marketing strategies and be able to interpret the marketing
1.Market oriented approach: Market analysis is done before establishment
of the enterprise
2.Production oriented approach: This approach often lead to high levels of
completion amongst producers and conditions of oversupply.
3.Environmental oriented approach: Focus is on selection of a species that
will adapt to environmental conditions in a particular geographical
and Social
• Safety and Security
Aspects of public health and work safety must be taken into consideration
during site selection. Environmental Impact Assessment has become a
prerequisite in most cases of aquaculture development. Poaching and
vandalism should also be considered at the onset.
• Social considerations
Aspects of job creation etc for local residents should be presented as part of
the process for establishing new projects such as large scale aquaculture
• Legal Matters
During site selection for aquaculture, analysis of local, or national legislation
Thank you!

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