CISA Domain 4
CISA Domain 4
CISA Domain 4
Domain 4 now
includes Disaster Recovery from the old Domain 6. This section has six areas that you need
to understand for the CISA exam.
• One of the management control functions is to ensure that IS processing can recover
in a timely manner from minor or major disruptions of operations.
• Know what console logs are and why they are important.
• Why is documentation important? See note #1 above.
• Why is change management important? See note #1 above.
• What is the major objective of library software? You got it. See note #1 above.
• Why do you review the software control features or parameters? To determine how it
is functioning.
• Know the difference between the supervisory/administrator state and the general user
• What does a PC need for communication with bisync data comm on a mainframe?
• What is metadata?
• How do you audit a tape library?
• How do you audit software licensing and why is that important?
4) IS Network Infrastructure
• RPO (Recovery Point Objective) or what is the acceptable data loss – the question
might be, “If you have an RPO of 1 hour what is your backup strategy?” In which
case you would look for Mirroring or Real-time replication in the answer set.
• RTO (Recovery Time Objective) or what is the acceptable downtime – the question
might be, “If your RTO is 1 hour what clustering capability would you
recommend?” And for this one, look for “Active-Active” in the answer set.
• Know the difference between cold site, warm site, hot site, mobile site, mirrored site
and reciprocal agreements.
• Also know why reciprocal agreements really aren’t the solution for DRP.
• Know the difference between “active-active” and “active-passive” clustering and
which one would be used in DRP.
• Know the difference between alternative routing and diverse routing when talking
about network recovery and also be able to define last-mile circuit protection.
• Know the roles and responsibilities of the 22 different teams which comprise the
makeup of the DRP, particularly the incident response team, the damage assesment
team and the emergency operations team.
• When it comes to backups there are three different concepts you need to memorize:
Full, Incremental, Differential. Which are more costly and why? Which one is most
efficient and why — and HOW? Which one represents the middle of the road
• What is Grandfather, Father, Son rotation and how does it work?