Content Framework
Content Framework
Content Framework
Week 1 What is an SDS and how can I Student will determine how to Create a weekly risk
use it to stay informed? identify hazardous substances and assessment of current
Safety What is Lockout/Tag out and use the appropriate industry operations.
how does this keep me safe? documentation to mitigate Demonstrate the safe
Build into every In an automotive setting, what hazards associated with the operation of hand and
lesson and general safety procedure(s) substance. machine tools.
activity. keep all employees safe? Student will wear appropriate PPE Demonstrate safe work
What do I need to know about for operations conducted in a procedures.
the safety of specific machine manufacturing and automotive Wear appropriate PPE for
and hand tools? setting. shop and job specific
Student will utilized safe operating operations and applications.
procedures for tools and
equipment in an automotive
Week 2 What are measuring tools used Use semi precision and precision Student will demonstrate the
in the auto industry? measuring tools to determine the ability to use a ruler to
Measurement How do I use measuring tools size of a part. measure parts to the nearest
found in the auto industry? Use semi precision and precision 1/16 of an inch.
Measurement How is math used in measuring tools to layout the Student will demonstrate the
will be utilized measuring? location of a part. ability to use a ruler to
throughout the How do I use prints and Use precision measuring tools to measure parts to the nearest
course. This is specifications to inform my determine the sizes of parts. 1 millimeter.
an measurements? Student will use micrometers
introduction. and Vernier’s to measure
parts and projects to the
nearest .0001 inch.
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
Week 3 How do I determine if I have all Identify a packing slip. Student identify read and
Inventory the parts that are on the Identify and organize boxes as per understand the organization
control packing list? packing slip criteria. of a packing slip.
How do I determine if the part I Make a checklist of missing or Use a packing slip to
Built into every am looking at is the correct questionable parts. determine if the parts located
build activity in part? Use the packing list and build in a box are the parts listed on
the course. How do I know what tools and manual to determine if the part the packing slip.
equipment I need for a meets specific build criteria. Use other source documents
particular operation? Identify the location of the tools including the build manual to
How are the tools organized? and machines needed for the car determine if the part is what
build. it is labeled.
Identify the relationship between Make a list of parts that are
the parts list, backorder list and missing from the packing list.
build manual. Student will be able to find
and replace tools used in a
pre-established tool box or
other organizational system.
Week 3 What is a build manual? Identify the build manual. Student will explain and
What is a task sheet and how Identify a setup sheet and use utilize the build manual and
Process does it apply to the car build? methodology to create a setup understand its organization.
Planning and What is a phase and how do I sheet both with and without Student will demonstrate and
verification use it to build a car? software. utilize a task sheet to inspect
What tool(s) should I use for a Identify a phase sheet and utilize it assembled parts.
This unit is particular operation(s)? to assemble parts on the car. Student will demonstrate the
ongoing and How do I determine the parts Find the materials and parts safe use hand and power
will be utilized needed for a phase? needed for a specific build phase tools to compete the
throughout the Where do I find the tools Identify and use hand and power assembly process.
build. needed for the build phase? tools. Student will demonstrate the
How do I complete a second Locate use and return tools effective organization of hand
party verification of a needed for the car build to ensure and power tools to ensure
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
assemblies phase? number that contain the parts for determine what parts and
based on Where do I find the tools the phase I am working on. tools are needed to complete
phasing. needed for the phase Identify and locate the parts I need the outlined task.
Why is it important to put my for the phase I am working on. Student will acquire the parts
tools away at the end of the Identify and locate the tools and tools needed to complete
period? needed for the phase I am working the task.
What is a torque wrench and on. Student will utilize the task
how do I use it? Identify the location of the phase sheet to document what parts
on the car. and inspections are needed
Identify missing information and for the phase being worked
determine other sources to fill in on.
the missing information. Student will use resources
Realize and apply organizational beyond the build manual and
techniques for the organization phasing to work through
and inventory of tools and questions that arise during
machines needed for the build. assembly and inspection.
Use a torque wrench to torque a Student will demonstrate safe
fastener. usage of tools and machines
related to the task(s)
Student will understand and
demonstrate the effective
organization of tools and
machines needed throughout
the build.
Student will demonstrate the
use of a torque wrench to
tighten a fastener.
Week 5 What is a tap and how is it Identify taper, plug and bottoming Student will demonstrate the
used? taps and their use. use of a tap to create threads
Threading and What is a die and how is it Identify a die and its use. in a hole.
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
Thread fits used? Use a tap drill chart to determine Student will demonstrate the
How do I use a tap drill chart to the correct size of a tap drill for a use of a die to cut threads on
This unit will be determine the drill bit size of a specified internal thread. the exterior of a part.
revisited tapped hole? Student will demonstrate the
throughout the use of a tap chart to
course. determine the size of a drill
needed to create a specific
threaded hole.
Week 6 – 40 How do I identify the proper Use a schematic of sheet metal Student will demonstrate the
As needed sheet metal component for components to determine location correct method for drilling a
throughout the installation? of component on car. hole.
build process. How do I align a body panel so Use tools including rulers, tape Student will properly align a
that it can be attached? measures, drills, Cleco Fasteners body panel meeting
Sheet metal How do I safely use a drill? and rivet guns to properly attach manufactures specification.
installation What is a Cleco Fastener and sheet metal components to a car. Student will demonstrate the
how do I use it? correct method of attaching
How do I use a rivet gun? and removing a Cleco
Fastener to align a panel prior
to final assembly.
Student will safely use a rivet
gun to attach a body panel to
the car.
Week 7-8 What is a pedal box and what Identify the parts of a pedal box. Student will demonstrate the
Drivers and components go into the Use assembly manual and other technically correct method of
passenger foot assembly? reference materials to determine assembling a gas, brake and
boxes proper fit of pedal box clutch pedal along with
components. related components of a
Balance master cylinders as pedal box.
needed. Student will use the build
manual and other OEM
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
manufacturer documentation
to calibrate and balance
master cylinders in a car.
Week 9-10 What are the components of a Install a fuel pump. Student will demonstrate the
Fuel systems fuel system? Install a fuel tank. proper and safe techniques of
How do I install a fuel pump? Install fuel lines. installing fuel system
How do I install a fuel tank? Install charcoal canister. components.
What is, and how to I install a
charcoal canister as it relates to
a fuel system?
How do I secure fuel lines to
the underside of the car?
Week 11-13 What is a master cylinder and Identify and install a master Students will be able to
Brake systems how do I install it? cylinder. demonstrate the installation
What are flexible brake lines Identify and install flexible and of brake components.
and how do I install them? ridged brake lines. Student will demonstrate the
What is a brake reservoir and Identify and install a brake proper and effective use of a
how do I install it? reservoir and related plumbing. brake line bending tool.
What is bleeding a brake Use an appropriate procedure to Student will demonstrate the
system? bleed a brake system. proper and effective use of a
Understand reason why a bled flaring tool to flare brake
brake system needs to be re-bled lines.
once it has had a chance to rest for Student will be able to discuss
several days. why brakes need to be bled as
well as demonstrate proper
procedures for bleeding
Week 14-18 What is a wire harness? Identify a wire harness. Student will demonstrate and
Chassis and What is an engine harness? Be able to explain the difference explain the use of a wiring
dash wire What is a chassis harness? between an engine and chassis schematic.
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
seats and seat How is a five point harness and anchor points. Student will demonstrate the
belts. how do I install it? proper installation of a five
point harness.
Week 25 How do I attach a steering Center a rack so that steering Student will calculate and
Steering wheel wheel? wheel has proper alignment. calibrate a steering rack prior
and roll bar How to I install a roll bar? Drill holes in a cylinder and deburr to steering wheel installation.
installation. as needed. Student will demonstrate
Week will layout techniques and drill
include adding holes in chassis and roll bar
and checking all for proper installation.
fluids except
Week 26 How do I inspect and verify the Use a checklist to verify that all Student groups will break up
Check all correct installation of installed components are ready for the car and will check and sign
components in components? first engine start. off on all installed
preparation for Group communication and components prior to first
engine startup. willingness to challenge a poor or startup.
out of spec component.
Week 27 What should I do before staring Identify and measure oil level. Student will recognize and
Start engine an engine for the first time? Identify oil pressure. evaluate the proper oil
and check all What should I look for when Identify rpm. pressure for an engine at idle.
operating the engine starts for the first Identify and measure coolant Student will recognize and
components. time? level. evaluate the proper coolant
Troubleshoot Identify water temperature. temperature once reached.
and fix as Identify voltage. Student will recognize and
needed. Troubleshoot issues encountered. evaluate the proper charging
voltage for an engine at idle.
Student will demonstrate
troubleshooting techniques
and suggest solutions to
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
encountered issues.
Week 28 How do I determine tire and Identify how tires are sized. Student will complete a
Wheel and tire rim size? How tires mount. written assignment that
installation. How do I install tires onto rims outlines their understanding
of a car? of tire sizes.
How do I install and torque lug Student will install and torque
nuts? lug nuts.
Week 29-32 How do I do bodywork? Types of sand paper. Student will demonstrate the
Body work and How do I prep a body for paint? Types of blocks. proper use of sandpaper of
paint prep How do I mount doors? Door mount hardware. varying grits and blocks to
How do I mount a hood? Hood and trunk mounting prep a car body for paint.
How do I mount a trunk deck? hardware. Student will use tools and
measuring devices to properly
align body panels to a finished
Week 33 How is a car painted? Car gets painted. As this will be completed by a
Paint the car professional, student will
identify the tools and
procedures for the painting of
a car.
Week 34-37 What do I look for in regards to Understand and use measuring Student will install body
Final assembly fit and gaps of body panels? tools to establish and adjust gaps components based on
of body and car How do I install lights on a car? in body panels and components. manufacturer’s gap and
and verification How do I install bumpers on a Understand and implement the clearance specifications.
of proper car? use of body fasteners to attach
component How do I install the windshield components including lights and
operation. and mirrors on a car? body panels.
Week 38 What are the skills needed to Identify cross disciplinary skills Use skills, terminology and
be successful in this business? that would lead to success in the behaviors that would lead to
Time Frame Key Questions Key Learning Targets Evidence of Learning
Unit of Study
Workplace What training is needed to automotive field. and keep a job on the
skills. achieve an entry level position Identify and seek training to automotive field.
Introduced and in this field? achieve a job in the automotive Student will continually
revisited What documents need to be field. document learned skills in a
throughout the generated to apply for a job? Identify how a cover letter and journal that will lead to entry
course How do I conduct myself in an resume can be used to sell your level positions in the
interview? skill set to a business to achieve an automotive field.
entry level job. Student will create a cover
Classroom and shop conduct in letter that may be used in
line with industry expectations. conjunction with a resume.
Student will create a resume
outlining their skill set and
desire to acquire an entry
level position in the
automotive career field.
Weeks 39- 40 What are career opportunities Identify career opportunities in Using the skills in this course
in the automotive field? automotive field. students will select and
Careers in the What path can I take to get into Identify paths to acquiring a job in research opportunities in the
automotive the automotive field? the automotive field. automotive field. Once
field complete students will
present a paper describing
the paths to the career they
are seeking.