Vi. Course Sullabus Carpentry Institutional Outcomes School Outcomes Curriculum Outcomes

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The key takeaways are that the course aims to teach carpentry skills and safety practices using various materials and tools.

The course will cover topics such as work site safety, solid wood products, hand tools, power tools, drafting basics, and basic math concepts relevant to carpentry.

Assessment methods will include quizzes, practical exams, self-assessments, reflections, midterms, and finals.


Institutional School outcomes Curriculum Outcomes

Critical To produce graduates who: To produce graduates who:

-learners who understand -learners who knew and be
the materials and tools able to do and value in
applicable to specific order to achieve the
construction job, request specific curriculum
appropriate materials and outcome. And to
tools, receive and inspect understand the materials
materials. and tools that are
applicable to specific
construction job and
inspect materials whether
how and where to use it.
Effective To produce graduates who: To produce graduates who:
-good in communication, -a learner that is enable to
types and uses of identify materials and tools
construction materials and applicable to specific job in
tools, lines, measurement, carpentry like lumber, nails,
and even the uniqueness of screw and ect.
the finish product.

Driver To produce graduates who: To produce graduates who:

-carpenter in a productive -that is competent to the
and progressive manner in following:
order to stimulate and
a. materials and tools are
promote a unique product,
set aside to appropriate
safety and responsible
location nearest to the
behavior on the sites.
b. received are handled
with appropriate safety
c. materials are checked for
damage and manufacturing
d. substituted and provided
unavailable without
sacrificing cost and quality
of work.

Course Title Learning Carpentry Training
Value-Laden To produce graduates who: To produce graduates who:
Course Credit 6 units
Prerequisites NONE
Course This is 6-units course which is to teach the learners skills,
Description and knowledge on appropriate way of using all the
materials and tools that are going to use in carpentry.
-the unit cover is the students will be able to apply
Work Site
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and safe
work practices in the workplace.

- Students will be able to describe and identify solid

Solid Wood wood products and joinery. acquire and -require --

-students will be able to identify common hand tools and

Hand Tools describe their proper uses.
-students will be able to identify and describe the safe
operation and maintenance of portable power tools.
Power Tools
-students will be able to identify and describe the safe
operation maintenance of stationary power tools and
Stationary demonstrate power tools proficiency through selected
Power Tools shop projects.
-students will be able to identify and demonstrate the use
Drafting of basic drawing instruments.
Basic Math -students will be able to use a calculator and apply basic
Concept math concept to solve trade related problems using both
metric and imperial systems of measurements.
Course Course Content No. of Hours
Outline and
I. Module 1: Work Site Safety 3
II. Module 2: Solid Wood Products 3
III. Module 3: Hand Tools 4
V. Module 4: Portable Power Tools 2
V. Module 5: Stationary Power Tools 2
VI. Module 6: Drafting Basics 4
VII. Module 7: Basic Math Concept 4
Course Quizzes
Practical Exam
Actual presentation

Grading Quizzes 10%

Practical Exam 30%
Self-assessment 10%
Midterm 25%
Finals 25%
References Learners Carpentry Training Module:
Career and Technical Education Curriculum
Introduction to Carpentry (CAR701A)
Website: eecd_CAR701A
K_ to_12 Carpentry_ Learning
Course Credit: 6 Units

Course Description: This is 6-units course which is to teach the learners

skills, and knowledge on appropriate way of using all the materials and tools
that are going to use in carpentry. Students will be introduced to the tools,
equipment, and practices common to the trade, with the constant emphasis
on safe work habits. Students will develop their knowledge of solid wood
products and be able to describe their characteristics and applications in
industry. They will identify, explore, and apply various methods of wood
joinery while developing technical skills with various hand and power tools
common to the carpentry trade. They will also develop communication skills
through drafting and apply basic math concepts to solve trade-related

Course Objectives: The course objective is to describe the training, learning

and assessments that will help to produce safe and socially responsible
carpenter for the future. To reduce accidents or significantly the risk created
by inexperience carpenter to develop a competent carpenter who is fully
engaged and to have a unique finished product.

Course Outlines/Planner:
Work Site Safety
Occupation Health and Self-reflection
Personal Protective Equipment Reflection
and Safety Measures
Procedures for dealing with Actual demonstration
Injured Workers
Potential Health Hazards Relection
Module 2:
Solid Wood Products
Common types and Daily log
characteristics of solid wood
How wood is milled, seasoned, Daily log
stored, and ordered
Application of commonly used Daily log
Application of wood joints for Daily log
fabrication installation
Module 3:
Hand Tools
Use of measuring marking, Actual demonstration
layout, alignment, and squaring
Use of cutting Tools, boring Actual demonstration
tools, and drilling tools
Use of assembling, clamping, Actual demonstration
and dismantling tools
Use of hand tools to construct Reflection
projects using wood materials
Module 4:
Portable Power Tools
Safe operation of portable saws Situation analysis
Safe operation of portable Reflection
planning and shaping equipment
Safe operation of portable Practical demonstration
drilling and fastening equipment
Portable abrasive tools Reflection
Tool proficiency through Situation analysis
selected shop projects using a
variety of building materials
Module 5:
Stationary Power Tools
Safe operation and regular debate
maintenance of stationary saws
Stationary planning tools Reflection
Stationary drilling, grinding, and Reflection
sanding tools
Module 6:
Drafting Basics
Basic drawing equipment Reflection
Drafting equipment to complete Reflection
geometric exercises
Application of geometry in trade Situational analysis
Producing shapes and angles Demonstration
and drawing to scale with basic
drafting instruments
Module 7:
Basic Math Concepts
Math concepts and operations Reflections
Calculator functions and Reflections
Metric measurement system Daily log
Imperial measurement system Daily log
Calculation involving functions
Measurements between metric Daily log
and imperial system
Work with equations Reflections
Calculation using the Demonstrations
pythagorean theorym

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