PM/Technical/03 Hid - Safety Report Assessment Guide: LPG
PM/Technical/03 Hid - Safety Report Assessment Guide: LPG
PM/Technical/03 Hid - Safety Report Assessment Guide: LPG
The predictive criteria are designed to help the Assessor make consistent professional
judgements about whether the demonstrations in a safety report are adequate. Such
demonstrations need to be based on a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. The criteria are
necessarily quite general, but sufficiently broad in nature to cover the various types of installation,
the range of hazards to be encountered, and the types of risk assessment that might be
The purpose of this document is to describe how Assessors should test whether the criteria that
applies to the predictive aspects of COMAH safety reports have been met. It provides an
interpretation of the criteria based on useful examples. The information supplements rather than
supplants that in the safety report assessment manual.
The initial sections provide important background information, particularly on ALARP decisions
and the application of the proportionality principle to the assessment of safety reports.
Contents List
1 Introduction
List of Tables
Table 1 Off-site Accident Initiators
1. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to describe how the Competent Authority’s Assessors test
whether COMAH safety reports meet the criteria that apply to the predictive aspects of COMAH.
The information supplements rather than supplants that in the safety report assessment manual.
HSC/E’s enforcement policy, the application of the ALARP principle and associated
The contents of the HID Safety Report Assessment Manual (SRAM), particularly the
guiding principles, and the procedures for handling and assessing safety reports.
The sections below provide important background information, particularly on ALARP decisions
and the application of the proportionality principle to the assessment of safety reports. .
His/her role in the assessment process and what the safety report Assessment Manager
(AM) is expecting from the assessment.
The degree of proportionality that applies, this determines what can justifiably be
expected from the Operator’s risk assessment (RA) - ie the depth of the arguments supporting
the various demonstrations.
HSE’s approach to the application of the ALARP principle to on-site (ie HSW Act Section
2), and off-site (ie Section 3) risks for new and existing establishments.
How the assessment criteria should be applied and factors which influence the depth of
the assessment process; an important consideration is the type of report being assessed eg first
submission, or an update report.
These issues are outlined in the remainder of this Introduction and are revisited as appropriate in
later sections of the guidance.
The predictive assessment is pivotal to the demonstrations required under Section 4, Part 1,
paragraph 2 of the COMAH Regulations; particularly the need to demonstrate that:-
that all necessary measures to prevent and limit the consequences of these MAHs are
identified and implemented.
The Assessor’s role relates solely to the risks to people both on-site and off-site. Risks to the
environment are for the Environment Agencies and are not addressed here.
When the assessment of the predictive aspects of a safety report is complete, the Assessor
should return the completed assessment form to the Assessment Manager giving conclusions
about whether:-
the process of the hazard identification and risk analysis is fit for purpose;
all MAHs have been identified; any gaps must be recorded on the AF;
the consequence assessment is adequate for the purposes of COMAH ie the extent and
severity of representative MAs must be quantified (Schedule 4, Part 2, Paragraph 4).
The assessment form allows Assessors to comment against each criterion and subcriterion.
This guidance is designed to help provide consistent comments and conclusions and is
structured in terms of questions which relate to the criteria and help to identify any weaknesses in
the safety report. These should help Assessors to write succinct ‘deficiency’ statements and
make clear what is required eg further information or analysis or both.
When filling in the assessment form the paragraph number and page number in the report should
be shown for cross referencing purposes. For example:-
The assessor must also provide input to the assessment team conclusions on whether the
prevention and mitigation measures make risks ALARP.
The assessment approach needs to be proportionate and consistent, therefore Assessors should
come to a view on proportionality before starting to assess a report against the predictive criteria.
Consistency does not mean uniformity. It means taking a similar approach in similar
circumstances to achieve similar ends. For some, professional judgement may need to be
exercised in order to come to a decision on whether the demonstrations in the report are fit for
purpose when assessed against the predictive criteria. The criteria and the associated guidance
are designed to help Assessors exercise this judgement in a consistent way. Occasionally they
may need to discuss some issues with HID colleagues who are familiar with the site, the land use
planning situation, or the Operator’s approach to discharging his Section 3 responsibilities, before
reaching a decision.
The assessment team have a key role to play in achieving consistency in the overall assessment
of safety reports and in the drawing of the Competent Authorities (CAs) conclusions. Other ways
of achieving consistency include;
exemplar reports
(a) the scale (inventory, vessel sizes, etc) and nature (hazardous properties, toxicity,
flammability, etc) of the hazards;
(c) the density and types of off-site population (eg dwellings, hospitals, schools, etc);
Proportionality should influence the aspects on which Assessors focus the most attention ie the
issues where the occupier is expected to provide convincing arguments to support the
demonstrations. Information in the safety report should enable Assessors to fully understand site
specific circumstances (on-site and off-site), so that a view on proportionality can be reached.
The report should therefore describe the processes, the hazardous substances involved and their
effects on people, the distribution of people off-site, and the numbers of people on-site and their
distribution in relation to the various installations.
To reach a view on proportionality the Assessor needs to know the potential maximum injury toll.
Schedule 4, Part 2, Paragraph 4(b) requires the Operator to determine the extent and severity of
the consequences of identified major accidents. Schedule 7 defines injury severity that
constitutes a major accident. The threshold is a single death, six persons on the establishment
hospitalised for at least 24 hours; or 1 person off-site hospitalised for at least 24 hrs. Severity
therefore includes fatal and serious injury (ie hospitalisations) as a minimum. Operators must
include the severity of the consequences for the worst case event in terms of expected numbers
of fatalities and serious injuries in their accident consequence analysis. Less severe injuries
should also be considered eg minor injuries.
Proportionality will influence the type and level of analysis detail that Assessors might expect to
underpin the various demonstrations in the safety report . The following RA definitions are
1.Societal risks considerations are implicit in b) and d) above. Although the risks may be ALARP, they could be
towards the top end of the band. Such a site would require more evidence and arguments to support the various
demonstrations and deserve more inspection/assessment resource than a similar plant where the risks to people
were towards the bottom end of the ALARP band.
(b) Semi-quantitative risk assessment is the systematic identification and analysis of hazards
from a specified activity, and their representation by means of qualitative and quantitative
descriptions of the frequency and extent of the consequences, to people or the environment. The
range of possible events may be represented by broad categories, with classification of the
likelihood and consequences for comparison and the identification of priorities.
It is implicit that as proportionality increases from a low level to the highest level, the form of risk
assessment is likely to change from qualitative, through semi-quantitative to quantitative risk
assessment. It is important for Assessors to realise that QRA does not mean that a detailed and
full numerical analysis resulting in iso-risk contours and F/N societal risk curves is needed.
Rather the extent of the quantification and the form it takes will depend on the site specific
circumstances determining the level of proportionality that applies.
Criterion 3.6 addresses the “all necessary measures” demonstration, which is essentially an
ALARP demonstration. In general, decisions on whether risks are ALARP for major hazard
installations are based on the generalised Tolerability of Risk (TOR) Framework (HSE 1992, HSE
1999 - the latter being referred to as R2P2 below). For nuclear hazards there is considerable
experience in making such ALARP decisions, but the mechanisms for other hazards are still
evolving (see HSE 1999). Nevertheless some companies have adapted the TOR framework to
devise their own major hazard risk criteria. Whatever approach is used, professional judgement
is usually needed; the team approach to assessment should help achieve consistency in such
decisions for top-tier COMAH sites.
The Operator’s ALARP demonstration should be founded on the degree to which good practice,
engineering standards, recognised codes, guidance and standards, etc have been adopted. The
control measures introduced by this process will be usually satisfactory for low hazard sites. In
terms of the TOR framework this amount to using technology-based criteria for making ALARP
decisions, ie qualitative risk assessment. Such criteria will usually be sufficient when inherently
safe design principles have been adopted because then the scale of the hazard should have
been drastically reduced. As the level of proportionality increases, a decision has to be made as
to whether further risk reduction measures are reasonably practicable as required by the HSW
Act. Basically, two questions have to be answered:-
which of these are reasonably practicable to implement, ie to make the risks to people
(on-site and off-site), ALARP?
If no further measures can be identified, the Operator must have all necessary controls in place; it
is then a matter to verify by inspection that this is the case and that the measures are sufficiently
reliable. To answer the second question some quantification and CBA is usually required. The
degree and rigour of this quantification will depend on the level of proportionality and the site
specific circumstances. Such ALARP decisions usually involve the application of the generalised
TOR framework as outlined in R2P2. The ALARP band is defined by levels of individual fatality
risk. For members of the public the corresponding fatality risk levels are 10-4 (upper limit of
tolerability) to 10-6 (broadly acceptable level) per year.
Societal risks should meet the criterion in R2P2 ie the likelihood of a single major industrial
activity producing 50 or more fatalities should be less than 1 in 5000 per year ie less than 2 x 10-4
per year. This is essentially an equity-based criterion for societal risk. If the criterion is met for a
single plant it is still necessary to judge whether the risks are ALARP for the site, which may have
several plants.
To assess whether the societal risks are ALARP utility-based criteria are usually applied. These
are based on the individual risk levels and a cost benefit analysis to estimate what further risk
reduction is costing for each life saved by the introduction of an additional measure. By
comparing this ‘value of preventing a fatality’ to the value society puts on each life (eg £1M) an
indication of the level of disproportion is obtained. Judgement on whether this is gross will
depend on the site specific circumstances, in particular the nature of the hazard and the likely
value of the number of fatalities from the worst case scenario (WCF).
In the case of societal risks, deciding whether the risks are ALARP can be quite onerous,
particularly for complex sites. One of the earliest examples, which underlines the complexity of
making ALARP decisions, is the Canvey Island Studies, which are documented in two Reports
(HSE 1978; HSE 1981). The Canvey studies considered the risks to members of the public from
a number of major hazard sites operated by different companies and a proposed new refinery.
Individual risk (aggregated for all sites), was predicted at a number of locations together with the
Societal risk arising from all operations. The first assessment showed that the risks were
unacceptable and Industry accepted that risk reduction measures were needed, despite the fact
that no agreement had been reached on risk criteria that were appropriate for major hazards. A
second study (about two years later), which took account of the proposed measures and
advances in risk assessment methods showed that the risks were lower by about a factor of 20.
The highest individual risk of fatality was about 3.5 x 10-5 ie close to the limit of tolerability.
However, HSE decided that no further risk reduction was necessary. HSE’s decision attracted
criticism, which is encapsulated in this extract from the report:- “We have been criticised for
seeming to adopt too high a level of acceptable risk in our conclusions. We concede that others
may legitimately question our view of acceptable risk, but we would emphasise that in our opinion
decisions about acceptable risks have to be made in the light of the facts of risk, consequences
and costs in each individual case. We are not tied to a particular numerical level of acceptable
risk, and inferences about what we have judged to be an acceptable risk in particular cases in the
Canvey area should not automatically be applied elsewhere.”
This extract from the second Canvey report underlines the site specific nature of ALARP
decisions - a vital consistency consideration. An important point stemming from the Canvey
studies and the 1992 TOR document is that when several sites contribute to the risk born by an
off-site individual, the aggregated fatality risk must be ALARP and less than 10-4 per year. This
has implications for multi-installation sites and multi-occupier sites, and for the assessment of
safety reports at such sites. This issue is not addressed in R2P2. Should this type of situation
arise in the assessment of COMAH safety reports the team should consult HID CI4 and CI5 on
the way forward.
In the case of new plant, precedents have been set to apply more stringent ALARP criteria (HSE
1992). This precedent recognises that most risk reduction opportunities exist at the design stage,
eg through the application of inherent safety principles and the application of new technology.
The purpose of HSE’s assessment of a safety report against the criteria in the SRAM, is to come
to a conclusion on whether the requirements and demonstrations in Schedule 4, Part 1 have
been met. The extent of the information required for each demonstration to be made will depend
on the level of proportionality considerations and the type of safety report required by COMAH
Regs 7 or 8. The different report types include: the initial report for existing establishments, pre-
construction (PCSR), pre-operation (POSR), modification and updated reports.
Operators will write the safety report in a structure that suits them. Whatever structure is
adopted, the Operator should ensure that the information is linked to the required demonstrations
in a transparent way. The Assessor should bear in mind that the same control measures and
arguments may apply to more than one demonstration. This means that information to support a
demonstration is likely to be found in different parts of a safety report.
The predictive criteria are designed to help you make consistent professional judgements about
whether the demonstrations in a safety report are adequate. Such demonstrations need to be
based on a suitable and sufficient risk assessment (EU 1998). The criteria are necessarily quite
general, but sufficiently broad in nature to cover the various types of installation, the range of
hazards to be encountered, and the types of risk assessment that might be employed. Therefore,
not all the predictive criteria may need to be considered in the same detail by the Assessor, but
all the top level criteria need to be applied. The issues identified in the assessment plan for close
examination should help identify the predictive criteria that are key for a particular assessment.
The extent to which the sub-criteria are applied should be proportionate. At the lowest level of
proportionality a qualitative risk assessment based on recognised codes or guidance will suffice;
no quantification of event probabilities may be needed so that the associated criteria need not be
tested rigorously.
The criteria are provided as a guiding framework with in which professional judgements are
made: they are not provided as a tick list. The assessment form should make clear that the
Assessor has tested all the predictive criteria. The effort put into the assessment should be
proportionate and sufficient to enable valid conclusions to be drawn; the reasons behind these
conclusions need to be transparent ie recorded for auditing purposes.
Assessors should bear in mind that Operators may rely on published guidance or standards in
seeking to demonstrate compliance. However, Operators who demonstrate compliance using
company, or other non-published standards will have to show that they are fit for purpose, ie they
need to be based on a risk assessment. They must also show that they have properly identified
all foreseeable hazards and that they have implemented all necessary measures to prevent major
accidents. This means that the Operator has to demonstrate that HSW Act Section 2 (on-site)
and Section 3 (off-site) risks are ALARP. The report will therefore have to address any risks that
remain after compliance with standards or guidance in order to demonstrate that all the
necessary measures have been taken. For example, standards may only address risks to
workers, in which case the Operator may (depending on the level of proportionality), need to
justify their relevance to making off-site risks ALARP. It is then a matter of judgement whether
the risks to people on and off site are ALARP. {Note that the Enforcement Policy Statement
(HSE 1995), emphasises that neither codes or guidance material are in terms which necessarily
fit every case}.
The SRAM provides guidance on how to assess the various types of safety report. As a general
guide, the Assessor should take a quick overview to gain insight into the sites activities, environs,
the scale and nature of the hazards, the range of MAs, the controls in place, and the maximum
casualty potential (WCF). This will enable a view to be taken on proportionality and the most
important issues. Then the assessment criteria can be used in detail to draw conclusions on the
(a) Above all, an Assessor should ensure that he/she is clear about how the proportionality
principle applies. The type of report will be an influence eg if it is an update report, or a
modification report, the primary focus should be on the new material and how this affects the risk
(b) The Assessor needs to take a view about whether the Operator’s approach to risk
assessment is proportional to the risks presented by the site. This should be done at an early
stage in the whole assessment process because it is key to deciding whether a report contains
grossly insufficient information eg when some quantification (eg of event likelihood), is needed
and only qualitative arguments are used.
(c) All the criteria must be applied in a proportionate and consistent way. For qualitative risk
assessments the main focus is on the top level criteria.
(d) All safety reports need to demonstrate that the risks to occupied buildings have been
assessed, for example, in line with the CIA guidelines.
When the assessment has been completed the HID form should be filled in and the conclusions
summarised for the Assessment Manager
Criterion 3.1 “The safety report should clearly describe how the Operator uses risk
assessment to help make decisions about the measures necessary to prevent
major accidents and to mitigate their consequences.”
The purpose of this criterion is to help the Assessor determine if the Operator’s approach to risk
assessment is proportionate and systematic. To this end the following questions and answers
may prove useful:-
This is an important point because the Operator must demonstrate a risk-based approach to his
activities and to the production of the safety report. Failure to provide adequate evidence on this
point should be viewed as a failure to comply with both the Management and the COMAH
Regulations. The section of the safety report dealing with the major accident prevention policy
(MAPP) will inform the Assessor on this issue.
Companies that manage their business with the aid of risk assessment will probably refer to the
use of risk assessment in areas of safety management such as COSHH, commissioning
(HAZOP) and cost benefit analysis. In these cases there may be reference to one or more
formalised methods of determining risks such as event tree, fault tree and FMEA, and the use of
risk assessment will probably not be confined to major accident analysis, but be detectable
throughout the report. Assessors should not forget that risk does not necessarily involve
quantification and that qualitative risk assessment has its place in the demonstration of safe
Hazard studies.
Safety reviews.
Human error identification.
Q: Does the safety report summarise the methods of risk assessment or quantified risk
assessment that are used in the report?
Since the regulations call for a risk assessment, the safety report should describe the approach
adopted. If a QRA has been undertaken, the information that should be presented includes:-
If a non-quantified approach is adopted, the basis for demonstrating that the residual risks are
both tolerable and ALARP should be given. One or more of the following is acceptable if
supported by well reasoned argument:-
Regulatory guidance.
Historical data.
Q: Does the safety report summarise the criteria for use with the risk assessments or
quantified risk assessments that are used in the report?
Operators should summarise the criteria used to judge when risks are tolerable. Ideally this
should appear near the beginning of the report so that the Assessor can make the following
Does the safety report demonstrate compliance with its own criteria?
Q: Does the safety report state the basis for judging whether all necessary measures
have been taken to prevent major accidents and to limit their consequences?
This question is related to the previous one, but in this case a basis for judging if the safeguards
systems are adequate can be suggested:-
(a) Demonstrating that the risks are negligible (risk of death of an individual < 10-6/year).
(a) Demonstrating that risks are tolerable (risk of death of an individual < 10-4/year).
(b) The risk of an accident causing the death of 50 or more people in a small event is less
than 2 x 10-4/year.
Assessors should not expect to see detailed cost benefit calculations in a COMAH safety report,
but Operators should list possible practical improvements and justify why they are not
Criterion 3.1.1 “It should be clear that human factors have been taken into account
in the risk analysis.”
When making a judgement about compliance of the safety report with this criterion, Assessors
should pose the following questions:-
Q: Has the Operator demonstrated that the risk assessment he has carried out to aid
decision-making on the measures necessary to prevent major accidents and to mitigate their
consequences includes allowance for human factors?
Risk assessment should not focus exclusively on random failures of hardware, but should also
consider all types of operator error that can result in a major accident or a dangerous situation.
The Operator should describe the role, operatives play in controlling hazard and show that their
potential errors are identified. He should also describe measures that have been taken to reduce
their probability and how they are accounted for in the major accident analysis. The safety report
should demonstrate that his systems and procedures are fit for purpose and incorporate
adequate attention to human factors. This should be evident in the management section dealing
with staff training, competence assessment, and the way incidents and near misses are dealt
Accounting for human error in risk assessment is not straightforward because some human
reliability literature data are not universally applicable. Assessors should primarily be concerned
with checking that human reliability is included in the analysis rather than with the accuracy of the
data used.
Inclusion of human factors in risk assessment does not necessarily mean simply accounting for
process plant Operators opening the “wrong” valve or failing to control the process properly. The
following types of event may warrant consideration:-
Bulk tank filling and discharging errors made by the tanker driver.
Deliberate of inadvertent degradation of the safety of a plant (eg switch an alarm off, or
bypass a safety system),
The potential for an Operator to override designed safety features has not been covered.
There should be some mention of ‘violations’ or ‘breaking the rules’ as well as ‘human error’.
The hazard analysis process failed to identify anything more than errors of omission (the
Operator failing to act).
Most safety reports need to consider errors of commission (an Operator making an action but the
wrong one), or decision making errors.
The role of people other than as front-line Operators (eg maintainers, supervisors) is not
Many human failures are the result of actions, omissions and decisions taken by other people
including designers and managers. For example, the potential for a maintenance error on a
safety related system may not be addressed in the RA process.
Some appreciation that when the hardware of a protective system fails the Operator may also not
respond in the intended manner.
The Operator is being asked to do a critical task that would probably be more reliably done
If so, we would need some justification of the human error probability included. This should be
justified in relation to the specific design of the system interface they have on site rather than a
generic value taken from a table.
There is reliance on ‘heroic’ acts by Operatives to recover situations eg going back to the
control room when suffering from effects of toxic gas.
Q: Does the safety report show how human factors are included in the risk assessment?
Data tells us that human failures contribute up to 80% of industrial accidents. Even in oil
refineries, which are highly capitalised and automated, the figure is 50%. The implications of this
run throughout the safety report and through many of the assessment criteria, so they will need to
be considered by several members or all of the assessment team.
The safety report should consider in a rigorous and proportionate way how Operators may
contribute to the initiation of a major accident (see Criterion 3.4.4). It should also describe the
part Operators play in controlling hazards and risks. If an Operative is required to take certain
actions following an alarm, the risk analysis will need to make assumptions about the likelihood
that the correct action is taken. For example, if the economic consequences of emergency
shutdown are great, the Operator may very well hesitate or fail completely to press the button.
If a task is critical to the prevention of a major hazard and an unrealistically high level of human
reliability has to be assumed to make the risks ALARP, this may not be acceptable as it places an
undue burden on the Operator. Instead automatic control and protection systems can be used to
reduce the reliance on the Operator to intervene correctly. To achieve the required reliability it
may be necessary to build redundancy and diversity into the control systems.
Not many safety reports will need to quantify human reliability. The focus should be on
demonstrating the quality of the training and supervision. If a human reliability figure is used in a
fault tree, the Assessor should check that the top event is not sensitive to the value adopted.
Q: Does the safety report describe how the probability of Operator error is reduced?
In the context of Operator error and how the company ensures that it is minimised, the safety
report should:-
Demonstrate that the systems and procedures for selection, training and supervision of
Operators are fit for purpose.
Criterion 3.1.2 “Any criteria for eliminating possible hazardous events from further
consideration should be clearly justified.”
This criterion deals with the Operator’s limitation of accident analysis in the safety report and can
be judged by reference to the following:-
Operators are obliged to demonstrate that low frequency events with severe consequences are
adequately controlled - that all necessary measures have been taken to prevent their occurrence.
However, most safety reports are unlikely to determine the consequences and frequency of all
possible accident scenarios, but it is essential that the risk dominating accidents are dealt with
comprehensively. Very improbable accident initiators such as a meteor strike, simultaneous
multiple failures of reliable systems and terrorist activity can usually be neglected, but cold
catastrophic failure of vessels and guillotine rupture of pipe work should not be discounted.
Assessors should recognise that the COMAH regulations do not call for QRA. Frequency
evaluation for highly improbable accidents does not need to be as detailed as that for risk
dominating sequences and can be based on historical data, industry standards and regulatory
guidance, etc.
It is reasonable for the Operator to reduce the number of release cases by defining a scale of
event that will not lead to a MA. For example, the consequence assessment may show that any
failure resulting in a release smaller than that equivalent to a 10 mm diameter hole does not
produce a hazard to on-site or off-site populations. This provides a basis for defining major
accident hazards. However, Operators may need to take account of smaller flammable releases
into confined spaces, which might ignite and explode and trigger a more severe accident. The
Operator should also consider any known or foreseeable changes to the sensitivity of the
surrounding environment, eg future dwellings which may be built nearer to the site boundary as
these can affect the decision. Such changes should be also considered whenever the risk
assessment is reviewed.
In situations where this ‘protection’ based approach is not sufficiently limiting, ie the hazard
ranges from very small releases extend into population, a risk based approach may be needed.
This requires the contribution to the residual risk of releases of different sizes to be considered so
that a justifiable ‘cut-off’ can be decided. All contributions to release likelihood need to be taken
into account otherwise, the ‘cut-off’ may be overly optimistic.
It is reasonable for Operators to describe in detail the consequences of only a relatively small
number of representative accident sequences, provided all significant accidents are identified and
ranked according to the risk they pose. Thus, for example, if six different accidents resulted in a
similar rate of release of LPG, with smaller duration and dispersion characteristics, the
consequences of only one of them need be described in the safety report. The relative likelihood
of the others should be evaluated in order to demonstrate that the risks are ALARP. Operators
have discretion on the way this is done and Assessors should not insist on a particular approach,
but the arguments presented must be robust.
Q: Is adequate justification provided for dismissing major accidents on the grounds of low
All accidents that the company has taken measures to prevent occurring should be described.
The report should also demonstrate that risks from accidents for which no preventative measures
are taken are tolerable. In general, these will be low probability events initiated by an off-site
event such as aircraft impact.
The safety report should also demonstrate that risks from accidents, for which no preventative
measures are taken are tolerable. In general these will be low probability events initiated by an
off-site event such as aircraft impact or an earthquake.
Incredible accidents are not clearly defined in this context, and Assessors are expected to use
common sense and professional judgement about events that can be neglected. Examples
include meteor strike, terrorist activity and simultaneous failure of several diverse and redundant
safety systems.
Q: Has the Operator determined or ranked the frequency of all major accidents?
Assessors should recognise that the COMAH regulations do not call for a full QRA. Frequency
evaluation for highly improbable accidents does not need to be as detailed as that for risk
dominating sequences and can be based on historical data, industry standards and regulatory
guidance, etc. However, the statement - ‘the probability of this accident is judged to be less than
10-6’ is not acceptable if they are not backed with supporting evidence. A poorly documented or
sparsely detailed frequency analysis that appears somewhat optimistic should be judged as
failing to comply with the assessment criteria.
If precautions have been taken to reduce the probability of an accident, then the consequences
of the event must be assessed so that they can be balanced against the precautions.
Operators are obliged to demonstrate low frequency events with severe consequences are
adequately controlled, i.e. that all measures necessary have been taken to prevent their
occurrence. If precautions have been taken to reduce the probability of an accident, then the
consequences of the event must be assessed so that they can be balanced against the
If the Operator has not attempted to quantify accident frequencies, but builds a case based on
terms such as high, medium and low probability, he should rank the accidents according to their
perceived severity. Without any quantification it is difficult to determine if an accident that kills a
few people with “medium likelihood” is worse than one that kills many people with “very low
likelihood”. In such cases, the Operator should determine that both risks are tolerable.
Criterion 3.2 “The safety report should demonstrate that the Operator has used
information and data that are suitable and sufficient for risk analysis.”
A key requirement of the regulations is that information provided about the site and its hazardous
substances is suitable and sufficient for a risk assessment. In judging this part of the safety
report the assessor should ask if it provides comprehensive answers to the following questions:-
Q: What is the maximum LPG inventory and how and under what conditions is it stored?
The site description must describe the location and type of each storage system and provide
information on the maximum inventories of LPG and the conditions (temperature and pressure)
under which it is stored. It is important that the report adequately addresses the requirements of
Schedule 1 of COMAH and considers all substances qualifying under the aggregation rules. The
hazard from each qualifying substance must be assessed.
Q: Does the safety report give a description and explanation of site operations sufficient to
enable all potential major accident scenarios to be identified?
The safety report should describe plant and plant operations so that failures and errors having
severe consequences can be identified. The detail provided must be sufficient to enable
Assessors to determine if the accident analysis is thorough and complete. In addition to a full
description of the bulk storage vessels, the safety report should describe the cylinder filling plant
(if one is present).
Q: Are there sufficient maps and plans to allow the location of hazard sources and
vulnerable populations/habitats to be identified?
The standard of maps and plans is likely to vary from one report to another, but all the information
needed to determine risk should be present. Maps and plans should clearly show the location of
large methane inventories and populated areas at risk from the installation.
Most accidents at a LPG storage site will not have a significant effect on the natural environment
unless the site is located next to a SSSI or SBI. Explosions can damage monuments and listed
buildings and blow down trees, therefore these items should be identified on the maps and plans
provided. If there are none then this should be stated.
Q: Can the source terms for all accidents be determined from the information provided?
The information in a safety report must be sufficient to enable the Assessor to deduce the
approximate source term for each major accident. In other words, sufficient information should
be given to allow the Assessor to determine ‘how much, for how long and from where?’
Assessors should take the view that any containment system or item of plant can fail and release
its contents, therefore the safety report must provide:-
The pressure and volume of large vessels and other plant containing significant amounts
of LPG.
The diameter and length of pipe to an isolation valve that can be closed (pipeline failures).
A list of equipment such as pumps, vaporisers, cylinder filling equipment, together with the
operator pressures and temperatures.
A safety report that fails to supply all of this information, fails to comply with the assessment
Q: Are the assumptions used in the accident analysis adequately justified and clearly
The assumptions referred to here do not relate to mathematical modelling of an accident, but are
connected with the operation of a site. For example, if the Operator assumes that an alarm will
be seen immediately, or that a hardware failure will be detected immediately, the control room
must be permanently manned and the instruments that would detect the failure in question should
have a status indicator. Even then, the possibility of a delay before remedial or emergency action
is taken should be considered. Of particular concern are failures that would allow a large release
of gas into the atmosphere to go unnoticed.
Q: If a QRA approach has been adopted, are accessible sources provided for base failure
Key documents that the safety report relies on should be available to the Assessor, ideally by
being included as an annex to the main report. Fault tree analysis, for example, should not be
based on failure probabilities given in a confidential report unless the company is prepared to
provide HSE with a copy. The minimum requirements in this respect are references to published
work. An Operator’s failure to provide any supporting evidence should be considered a failure to
comply with the criteria.
Source documents are targets for the follow-up inspection to validate the report, but Assessors
should bear in mind their right to request further information from an Operator to help them
assess his safety report.
Q: Does the safety report provide, or reference accessible sources for, the predictive
models adopted, including the underlying science?
The safety report should provide information on the methods and models used to predict the
consequences of major accidents. If a well known computer program such as PHAST has been
used, then only details of the input data and the version number are required. An in-house
computer program calculates the consequences of accidents, then the physics on which the
predictions are based should be described or reference made to a published article.
Q: Does the safety report describe meteorological conditions, which are appropriate for
the site, and in sufficient detail?
A safety report should present wind rose data (wind speed, wind direction and atmospheric
stability) for the site in order to establish the frequency and direction of adverse atmospheric
conditions. If it presents the consequences of releases under worst conditions identified by wind
rose data, an absence of detailed probability data required for a full risk assessment is not a
reason for rejecting the report.
Operators should demonstrate awareness of the changes in accident consequences with weather
conditions by presenting results for different atmospheric stability and wind speed. They should
recognise that the wind direction can vary over 360oC and that D5 and F2 do not necessarily
encompass the full range of consequences of an accident.
High-pressure releases of LPG tend to form jets in which dilution to below the LFL takes place
unless the jet strikes an object. Dispersion calculations for releases of LPG should be based on
the assumption that the gas is cold and dense. The rate of dispersion increases with wind speed
hence D5 is usually the most appropriate weather condition for daytime accidents involving
dispersion. Wind has the effect of reducing the length of a high pressure jet, therefore a 15 m/s
wind should be considered for vertical jet fire events, but this should be reduced to 2 m/s wind for
horizontal jet fires.
Q: Are the features/systems that may limit the consequences of accidents identified?
Operators should not reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident on the grounds of
the presence of a safety system. For example, the Operator should not claim that a release will
be terminated early by a shutdown system that may fail on demand. Nor should he discount an
initiating event on the grounds that a permit-to-work system precludes the necessary conditions.
Ideally, the safety report should quantify the consequences of events with an without safety
features operating so that their ‘value’ can be assessed and balanced against their reliability.
Q: Does the safety report contain all the chemical and physical properties needed to
assess the risks from the site?
A safety report should present the entire chemical, physical, toxicological and eco-toxicological
information that is needed to calculate risk to people and the environment. Toxicity data should
also be provided for any toxic substances produced by combustion.
J.P. Byrne, “The calculation of aircraft risk in the UK”, prepared by AEA Technology plc for the
Health and Safety Executive
The method of measuring the frequency of accidents caused by off-site events should be fit for
purpose. In other words it should be proportionate to the level of risk. Thus, if a site is located
far away from any airport or flight path (military or civil), then it is acceptable for the safety report
to refer to the background crash rate for the UK. On the other hand, if the site is located close to
a busy airport then a much more detailed assessment of aircraft impact should be carried out.
Criterion 3.3 “The safety report should identify all potential major accidents and
define a representative and sufficient set for the purpose of risk assessment.”
The safety report meets Schedule 4, Part 2, paragraph 4 of the regulations, which
requires identification of all possible major accident scenarios.
If the major accidents are put into groups, the representative accident sequences are
suitable and sufficient for risk assessment purposes.
Ideally, the Operator should summarise, in a proportionate way, the results of hazard studies, the
methods used and the expertise of the team involved. The scope of the studies and the HAZID
process used should also be described. To provide a convincing demonstration that the list of
MAs is complete, the process needs to be systematic, ie each plant and its operational
sequences should be considered in turn, including the possibility of interactions. Assessors
should judge the completeness and adequacy of the way these issues are dealt with by asking
the following questions:-
Q: Is the approach the Operator has adopted to identify all major accidents suitable and fit
for purpose?
The report should explain how major accidents have been identified and demonstrate that no
important scenarios have been overlooked. When the method of identifying accidents is not
systematic or transparent it will be much more difficult to convince the assessor of its
completeness. Simple lists of accidents without evidence to show they are comprehensive may
be appropriate in some cases, depending of the scale of the risk to off-site populations, but
generally Operators will need to demonstrate that no major accident has been overlooked.
Assessors should take into account the scale of the hazards when making a decision on this
issue (proportionality).
Q: The accidents considered should include those initiated by off-site events.
The accident analysis should identify all potential off-site initiators of major accidents and an
indication of their likelihood (see Table 2). On-site accident initiators such as overfill of a storage
vessel or a pipe break require a more detailed frequency assessment in order to demonstrate the
adequacy of installed safeguard systems.
The majority of LPG sites are unlikely to store other hazard substances, but the accident analysis
should not be restricted to the bulk storage vessels. It should include tanker transfers,
vaporisers, cylinder filling plant and stacks of cylinders. Leaks, Operator error and fire
engulfment should all be addressed.
Q: Are the accidents addressed in the safety report representative of the full spectrum of
major hazards presented by the installation?
There is no requirement to repeatedly describe the consequences of accidents that have a similar
impact on employees, local populations and the environment. The safety report does not have to
describe the consequences of all the major accident hazards, but just to identify them. Instead it
may define a representative set of accidents that includes the most severe plant failures and
consider all possible consequence (eg fireball, jet fire, flash fire, etc). In other words, the
consequence analysis can be based on a reduced set of accidents that are representative of the
hazards from the site.
Q: Does the ‘representative sample’ of major accidents include the risk dominating
The Assessor must be satisfied that the accidents considered dominate the risk and encompass
the complete spectrum of severity. Table 2 identifies plant items that contain, or are connected
to, a large inventory of LPG and lists the most obvious potential accidents or failure modes.
While it may not be completely exhaustive for all installations, it can be used as a check list to
assess the completeness of the accident analysis. If there are any unexplained omissions that
would significantly change the predicted risks posed by the site, it should be deemed to fail to
comply with the assessment criteria.
The safety report should determine the consequences of essentially identical accidents in very
similar plant if the consequences are likely to be different. For example, if a pipe failure can
release gas at say 20 kg/s and failure of a cylinder filling machine can also give rise to a 20 kg/s
release, the safety report should consider both failures because they may have different
consequences. The safety report should also consider failures occurring at the ‘worse locations’
which may be on pipelines through a congested area where the possibility of a VCE can not be
ruled out. A safety report that fails to address the ‘worst case’ consequences of representative
accidents does not meet the assessment criteria.
Q: Have all the potential consequences of each of the reduced accident set been
Failures of LPG storage systems can give rise to a variety of thermal radiation/explosion hazards
that must be addressed in the safety report. For example, the consequences of failure of a large
storage tank that should be considered are fireball, jet fire, flash fire and VCE (if possible). Some
of these events are more probable than others, but those contributing little to the total risk should
not be ignored.
Some accidents at an installation can cause other failures in that they may have as severe or
even more severe consequences. The safety report must recognise this possibility and address
it by postulating accidents in ‘worst case’ locations. Of particular concern are:-
The site description should be detailed enough to enable the Assessor to identify the most
hazardous locations for component failures and hence determine if the accidents considered are
‘worst case’.
Criterion 3.3.1 “The safety report should demonstrate that a systematic process
has been used to identify all foreseeable major accidents.”
In order to judge compliance with this requirement of the regulations, Assessors can ask the
following questions:-
Identification of all major accident scenarios is a very important requirement of the regulations
and a safety report that fails in this respect should be considered deficient. Systematic
approaches to accident identification include HAZOP, event tree analysis and failure modes and
effects analysis. However, the regulations do not specifically require their application. An
Operator may be able to demonstrate that all major accidents have been identified without resort
to formalised methods by providing a detailed description of the plant and by systematically
addressing the hazards from each part in turn.
Q: Have all of the hazard phenomenon associated with each major release been
A major release of a flammable gas can result in different types of fire depending on the source
and time to ignition. A safety report must consider all possible types of fire (fireball, jet fire, flash
fire, etc) and the potential for an explosion. If failure of pipework is identified as a major accident
and the report only considers a fireball and jet fire event, the Assessor would be justified in
requesting further information on flash fires and explosion potential.
Hazard studies employing HAZID techniques are widely used in the chemical industry and can be
carried out at various stages during the lifecycle of a plant. They are systematic way of managing
hazard over time, from the business requirement stage through to demolition and disposal.
HAZID techniques seek to identify hazards in an absolute or relative way. Relative methods use
checklists or hazard indices based on experience and lessons from incidents. Absolute methods
are based on deviations from design intent eg HAZOP. Details can be found in Lees (1996),
Kletz (1999) and CCPS (1989).
Safety reviews and studies of the causes of past major accidents and incidents.
Whatever approach is used, it must be documented as part of the safety report, or separately - in
which case the main findings should be summarised in the report. As proportionality increases,
and particularly in the case of new novel plant, some use of absolute methods is normally
required. Both type of method need to consider ‘common cause/mode’ failures such as loss of
power, or other services.
In order to test compliance with this criterion the Assessor can ask the following questions:-
Q: Does the safety report describe a hazard identification process that instils confidence
in its completeness?
The safety report should describe and justify the method used to identify major accident hazards.
Assessors who are not convinced that all accident scenarios have been identified should deem
the report ‘non compliant’. However, use of a formalised accident identification process is not
essential and an approach that is not completely systematic, but is seen as ‘fit for purpose’ is
Q: Is the depth and detail of the accident analysis commensurate with the scale of the
In the main, accidental releases of LPG from high pressure storage systems give rise to fires and
possibly explosions, but the hazard ranges associated with them do not always extend off-site.
The minimum level of detail in the risk assessment depends on the scale of the risks. In general,
the safety report for a site near to a busy shopping centre will need to contain more information
than one in an isolated location.
Criterion 3.4 “The safety report should contain estimates of the probability
(qualitative or quantitative), of each major accident scenario or the conditions
under which they occur, including a summary of the initiating events and event
sequences (internal and external), which may play a role in triggering each
Criterion 3.4 is about the completeness of the accident analysis and the quantification of
probabilities. It focuses on initiators - have all of them been identified and whether the methods
used to determine accident sequence probabilities are appropriate.
The depth of the analysis of the event sequences, which determine the likelihood of realising
each major accident scenario needs to be proportionate. At the lowest level of proportionality -
provided it is demonstrated that a plant is designed, built and operated to current standards - it
will usually suffice for qualitative descriptors of likelihood to be assigned to each MA. For
example, the CIA’s guidance on emergency planning for chlorine installations gives the following
frequency categories:-
In order for Assessors to form a judgement on these issues, they should ask the following
Q: Does the report quantify, albeit with limited accuracy or in qualitative terms, the
frequency of each major accident scenario?
Assessors should expect to see all events producing a major accident hazard identified and the
frequency of each event sequence determined. There is a requirement to demonstrate that the
risk from risk dominating sequences is ALARP. The greater the risk to people off-site, the more
reliable must be the quantification.
For single event initiators such as aircraft impact and earthquake, probabilities based on
historical data are acceptable. But it is not sufficient for the Operator to use data from published
sources for event sequences involving say component failure and Operator error, without
justifying their suitability. The safety report should justify the absence of further redundancy and
diversity and show that all necessary measures have been taken to minimise Operator error.
Fault tree analysis is not essential to determine accident probability and companies are much
more likely to use argument based on the following:-
Prescriptive legislation.
Regulatory guidance.
Historical data.
It is acceptable for the safety report to refer to world-wide failure data on pressure vessels built
and operated to equivalent standards, and deduce that the failure frequency of LPG storage
vessels on the Operator’s site is similar. However, the evidence in the safety report on
construction, maintenance and operation standards would need to be convincing.
Approaches based on well founded argument are acceptable, but a safety report that:-
Base event failure rate data are essential components of risk assessments, but they must be
relevant and applicable to site circumstances. Simply taking a number from the literature without
consideration of whether it applies to the site in question is unlikely to be acceptable. On the
other hand, use of a failure rate that is not consistent with historical or relevant generic industry
data must be justified. The origin of all probabilities quoted in a safety report should be given so
that, where necessary, Assessors can make a judgement on their appropriateness.
Q: Have all the sequences leading up to each major event been identified?
All events/initiators identified in Table 2 should be considered even if some of them are not
applicable to the plant in question.
Some events such as aircraft impact, earthquake, dropped load, etc are capable of damaging any
item of plant, but a safety report need only consider the event once unless a different hazardous
substance can be released, or the severity of the release varies significantly.
The types of fire that may follow a release of LPG are usually obvious and the safety report
should calculate the thermal radiation hazard range in each case. The only area of ambiguity
concerns VCEs and whether there is sufficient containment or flame accelerating structures to
give rise to an explosion. This is a difficult question for the Assessor, particularly as some safety
reports may not adopt worst case assumptions. If gas can be released into a confined or
congested area, the Assessor should consult the topic specialist about the likelihood and severity
of an explosion.
Q: Is the complexity and level of detail of the analysis appropriate to the scale of the
The frequency of accidents that have severe consequences for local populations need to be
determined more precisely than accidents that have only on-site effects and at worst can impact
a small number of plant Operators. Thus the frequency of accidents resulting in a large release
of gas should be determined more reliably than the frequency of flange leaks on low-pressure
pipe work.
Q: Does the accident analysis identify and quantify all event sequences that may result
from a single failure?
Accidents that are the result of multiple failures should not be assigned a frequency unless
details of the analysis of the mode and probability of each of the failures that comprise the
accident sequence are provided. For example, a safety report that simply states that the
frequency of over filling an LPG storage vessel is ‘f’ on the basis of historical data should be
judged as containing insufficient detail.
Since sites storing LPG for cylinder filling tend to have several pressure vessels, a failure of one
of them is likely to affect the others. For example, a jet fire may impinge on a neighbouring
vessel and cause it BLEVE. The overpressure and missiles from the explosion are likely to
damage even more vessels and escalate the accident further. A safety report should consider all
possible consequences of an event, particularly those involving escalation, and determine the
probability of knock-on effects. However, it is acceptable for the frequency of the initiating event
such as rupture of a pipe to be based on historical data.
Q: Where the likelihood of a major accident scenario is not predicted, does the safety
report describe the measures to prevent all conditions and events leading to it?
If a safety report does not predict the frequency of one or more major accidents, it must describe
the conditions under which the accidents can occur. It must then show that the installed
safeguards ensure that those conditions are very unlikely ever to arise. This demonstration is
only possible for certain systems which have been designed to be intrinsically safe. A system
that depends on operators and a mixture of active and passive control systems is always at risk
from human and equipment failures.
Sites storing large quantities of LPG in bulk tanks can never be completely intrinsically safe
because there are a whole range of events that can cause complete loss of containment. While a
major accident would not necessarily follow such an accident, the probability of ignition of the gas
cannot be discounted. However, certain accident sequences may be very improbable on account
of the design or location of the plant.
The sort of systems and safeguards where this approach to risk assessment can be adopted
A vessel unlikely to be pressurised because it is fitted with at least two independent vents
to atmosphere.
A pipe that is unlikely to discharge the contents of a vessel on account of two independent
valves that are designed to prevent reverse flow.
Criterion 3.4.1 “The report should demonstrate that a systematic process has been
used to identify events and event combinations, which could cause MAHs to be
Here reference should be made to Criterion 3.3 and how it was met by the safety report.
Essential for the identification of major accident hazards is a detailed description of the site and
all its components, with particular emphasis on those containing or connected to large volumes or
high-pressure sources of LPG. The safety report should consider each of these in turn,
identifying release scenarios and potential consequences (fireball, jet fire, explosion). It should
also provide an estimate of the frequency of each event. It is not necessary for the safety report
to quantify the consequences of all of these, but a sufficient and representative set must be
identified. Assessors may find the following questions useful when judging the completeness of
the accident scenarios considered.
Q: Has a systematic process been used to identify events that cause the realisation of a
major accident?
It is more important for the Assessor to be satisfied with the completeness of the accidents
considered than for the report to use a formalised methodology to identify accident scenarios. If
the accident analysis deals with each item of plant in turn and identifies all initiators and all types
of fire/explosion, then it can be considered systematic. However, if by reference to Table 6, the
Assessor can identify scenarios that have been overlooked, the report is deficient. The
seriousness of the omission depends on whether the consequences to the public are worse than
those from other accidents that are dealt with and whether the risk from the event in question is
If, for example, a safety report failed to examine the consequences of a confined explosion in a
cylinder filling plant that produces high energy missiles capable of puncturing a storage vessel,
then the safety report should be considered as failing to meet the criteria.
Q: Does the safety report consider the effect of failure of automatic or manually operated
safety systems in the sequence of events leading to a major accident?
The accident sequence identification and analysis in a safety report should consider the failure of
all automatic and manually operated safety systems and evaluate the consequences in each
case. For example it should consider sequences consisting of:-
It may use QRA to demonstrate that the probability of such accidents is very low, but their
consequences must be determined.
Criterion 3.4.2 “All safety critical events and associated initiators should be
Safety critical events are those that dominate the risk at different distances from the plant. For
pressurised storage vessels, the event with the greatest hazard range is usually a fireball
resulting from immediate ignition of an instantaneous release to atmosphere of the whole
contents. The safety critical events for shorter distances are those occurring the most frequently
occurring and rise to that particular hazard range. The questions below will help Assessors
determine if safety critical events are dealt with appropriately.
Q: Does the safety report define a safety critical event and describe an approach to their
Some safety reports may not make use of the term ‘safety critical event’, but all safety reports will
calculate the consequences of only a small fraction of the total accidents a site can suffer. These
must be chosen carefully in order to ensure they dominate the risk at increasing distance from the
The first step in the identification of these risk-dominating events is the quantification of frequency
and approximate consequences of all major accidents. These can be grouped into consequence
bands as indicated below. The accident at the top of each band is the safety critical event for
consequences of that particular level of severity. The non-QRA approach would group accident
according to likelihood and consequences.
The frequency of all accidents in a band can be added together to provide an estimate of the
overall frequency of a particular level of consequences. The safety report should then identify a
set of representative accidents and frequencies for more detailed consequence analysis.
A safety report that fails to analyse accidents in this way is not complying with the assessment
criteria. However, approaches that are not based on quantification, but never the less rank
accidents appropriately, should not be rejected out of hand.
Q: Does the safety report list the safety critical events that have been identified?
The safety report should list the safety critical events for each group of accidents that have similar
consequences. In general these will form the reduced set that are analysed in depth in the report
as indicated above where 5 safety critical accidents are used to represent the risk from the site.
Operators should not base their accident analysis on the assumption that all protective systems
will perform perfectly and Operators are 100% reliable. For example, an excess flow valve may
fail to reduce the flow from a ruptured hose during a vessel filling operation. Similarly, if a pipe is
fitted with a manually operated shut-off valve, the safety report must consider what would happen
if it was not closed in the event of a failure down stream. The following questions are designed to
provide guidance on this criterion:-
Operators should not use failure probabilities taken from standard references in their accident
analysis without showing that they are applicable to the plant and conditions in question. The
Assessor should be particularly concerned about the data used in the determination of the
frequency of safety critical accidents. For example, if the hoses failure is double f, an Operator
can only claim a similar failure rate if hoses on his site are inspected and maintained to the same
standard as the population to which the failure data applies.
If the Operator determines accident likelihood on the basis of historical data or some other
method that does not involve a calculation of accident frequency, the Assessor should be
convinced that the probabilities are applicable to the plant in question. This implies that good
evidence should be presented to show that the plant is designed, operated and maintained to
appropriate standards and that the operators controlling it are adequately trained.
Q: Does the accident analysis make use of optimistically short response times for control/
safety equipment?
A safety report that does not examine the consequences of prolonged releases (20 minutes or
more), on the basis that a valve will be closed and the release terminated within a shorter period
should be deemed to contain an optimistic accident consequence analysis.
The safety report may claim that control room Operators will notice an illuminated alarm indicator
immediately or will respond to an emergency perfectly and close valves in a matter of seconds.
Such assumptions may be optimistic, but their presence does not necessarily signify that the
safety report is deficient if the consequences of much longer response times are determined.
Q: Does the Operator claim that some potentially serious failures will not result in a major
accident because a single safety/control system will recover the situation?
Since all safety/control systems can fail, Operators should take the view that LPG can escape
from its containment system and that releases of 100% of the inventory of storage vessels must
be considered in a safety report irrespective of the complexity of the safeguards.
The conventional methods of determining the frequencies of accidents involving multiple failures
are fault tree and event tree analysis or a combination of the two. They are labour intensive and
require reliable failure probabilities and experience in their application. Many safety reports adopt
a much simpler approach. For example, accident sequences may be broken down into three
components - an initiating event, a control system failure and an Operator failure. The frequency
of the accident is then determined by assigning probabilities to the components and multiplying
them together. While this approach may be acceptable, Assessors should be aware that it can
hide a large number of events/failures that are not being quantified. There may be a dozen ways
the control system can fail and several ways in which the Operator can respond incorrectly.
Since the probabilities of these alternatives are usually additive, the Assessor needs to be
convinced that the analysis is not optimistic. The following questions may help the Assessor to
reach a conclusion on this issue:-
Q: Does the frequency analysis recognise that failures of complex systems and Operators
have many components?
If a dangerous situation can occur following a series of Operator and control equipment failures,
the Operator will need to identify each of these in order to satisfy the Assessor that his calculated
event probability is reasonable. If a break down of the individual events and probabilities is not
provided, the Assessor is justified in requesting further information from the Operator.
Q: Does the safety report consider the full range of conditions for each accident?
Accident consequences should not be reduced on the grounds that the probability of the wind
blowing in a particular direction is low if very similar consequences arise when the wind is blowing
in any direction. Nor should risk be based on the probability of a failure in a particular location
when failures over a whole range of other locations may have similar consequences. The
Assessor must decide the weight attached to such omissions.
Q: Does the analysis take into account uncertainties in the estimation process?
The fact that most failure probabilities are not single valued, but distributed about a mean should
be accounted for in risk analysis. If there is no information on the probability distribution of the
probability, it must be concluded that the upper figure is just as likely as the lower figure.
Q: Does the safety report show that site specific factors have been taken into account in
the methods used to generate event sequences and estimates of the probabilities of potential
major accidents?
Assessors should be careful not to accept accident analysis from an Operator’s ‘core safety
report’ if the safety report in question does not take account of site specific information on
accident initiators and initiator probability. For example, a core safety report may give a
frequency for aircraft impact based on a background crash rate for the whole of the UK. This
would not be applicable to a site located close to a busy airport. Likewise the presence of a
railway line running along a site boundary increases the probability of an accident caused by a
In general, off-site accident initiators tend to be site specific, but differences in site management,
operation and competence (training) of the staff can also significantly affect accident frequency.
Many risk assessments in safety reports make use of industry standard probabilities for events
such as pipe rupture, cold catastrophic failure of vessels, Operator response time etc. The
Assessor should compare these data against those given in the table below and request the
Operator to explain the reasons for any significant difference.
Event Probability/Frequency
Rupture of pipe on a pressurised storage system 1 x 10-5/yr
Lightning strike 1 x 10-7/yr
Severe earthquake capable of rupturing pipework 1 x 10-6/yr - 1 x 10-7/yr
Sudden catastrophic failure of vessels 3 x 10-6/yr [1]
Failure of a ROSOV on demand 3 x 10-2/yr
Failure of an excess flow control valve on demand 1.3 x 10-2/yr
Failure of an automatic shutoff valve to close 1 x 10-2/demand
Failure of a level sensor (sticking) 50 per 10-6 hrs [1]
Failure of a flow sensor 40 per 10-6 hrs
Generic or industry standard failure probabilities for valves, pumps, etc are based on appropriate
operation under an industry standard maintenance regime, which may be different from that
prevailing at a site. Use of such data in risk calculations in a safety report should therefore be
justified. Assessment of the justification can be via the following questions: -
Q: Are the failure data derived from long experience of operation in the same industry and
under the same conditions?
Failure rate data from the Operator's own and long established data base can usually be
accepted, but if data are based on experience in another industry (eg nuclear), the Operator must
justify their use in accident analysis by reference to operating conditions, maintenance regimes,
etc. If this justification is not present, the Assessor may reach the conclusion that the risk
assessment is optimistic.
Q: Is the probability of failure of a particular item of plant based on generic data for an
identical component or one that closely resembles it in design, manufacture and operation?
The mean failure frequency of plant components should be increased when they are used under
conditions that are different from their design operating conditions. Similarly, the mean failure
rate of a component should be increased if it is assumed to apply to another similar, but not
identical, component. The increase depends on whether the new conditions make more or less
demands on failure to recognise such reliability. Changes can result in an optimistic risk
assessment, particularly if the data is used to quantify the frequency of a safety critical sequence.
Accident Comment
Aircraft impact.
Seismic event.
Accident Comment
Extreme environmental conditions:-
abnormal rain fall
abnormal snow fall
very low temperature
high temperature
gale force winds
lightening strike
Vehicle impact.
Land slip.
Pipeline rupture.
System opened.
Filled when not closed.
System overfilled.
Containment degraded.
Excess load.
Failure to respond correctly to an alarm.
Incorrect valve action.
Impact by vehicle.
Impact by missile.
Impact by dropped load.
Temperature or pressure outside design limit.
External temp/pressure outside design limit.
Under pressure.
Valve opened.
Safety system degraded.
Control system degraded.
Containment system degraded.
Cyclic load.
Inadequate materials or specification.
Chemical attack.
Hidden defect in containment system.
Failure to detect dangerous situation.
Failure of process controls.
Build up of static electricity.
Loss of electricity.
Loss of cooling water.
Loss of nitrogen.
Accident Comment
Loss of compressed air.
Loss of steam.
Criterion 3.5 “The safety report should provide details to demonstrate that suitable
and sufficient consequence assessment for each major accident scenario has
been carried out with respect to people and the environment.”
The principal hazards from LPG storage systems are fires and explosions, resulting from leaks in
vessels, pipes and ancillary equipment such as cylinder filling machines. The number of loss of
containment-consequence combinations is large but not every one of them needs to be
addressed in the safety report. Assessors can test compliance with Criterion 3.5 by asking the
following questions:-
A safety report should discuss external events and site incidents that range in severity from
catastrophic failure of a storage vessel to a small leak and should identify the measures and
precautions taken to reduce their probability.
The accident consequence analysis should be a systematic process comprising the following
List the assumptions that will be made about containment failures (size, location).
Describe the essential features of the model that will be used to calculate the rate of
outflow of LPG and the duration of the release.
List the assumptions used in the assessment.
Present the results of the assessment to characterise the LPG release.
Identify the model that will be used to determine the characteristics of the thermal
radiation source for scenarios involving immediate ignition (fireball and jet fire and pool
List the assumptions used to calculate the radiant flux from the burning gas (emissive
power, wind speed, etc).
List the assumptions about the dose received by individuals indoors and outdoors.
Present the results of individual dose calculations.
List the assumptions for LPG gas dispersion (flash fire calculation).
List the assumptions used in the dispersion analysis (stability, wind speed ground
Describe the essential features of the model used to calculate the dispersion of release
Present the results of calculations of the dimensions of a flash fire.
Describe the effect of accidents on local populations and the environment.
Justify why a VCE will not occur.
All of the above steps should be clearly documented in the report. However, omission of one or
more of them is not a significant failing if overall the consequence analysis is satisfactory.
Q: Has the Operator selected a set of accident scenarios for the safety report that
encompass the hazards and risks from the site and that are sufficient to demonstrate that all
necessary measures have been taken to minimise risk?
The number of accidents that a site can suffer depends on the number and type of vessels,
whether cylinder filling takes place and other site specific features, but all safety reports should
determine the consequences of the following minimum set of accidents: -
Catastrophic failure -100% of contents released - fireball and flash fire or pool fire.
Localised failure of a pressure vessel above liquid level - jet flame and flash fire and
possible explosion.
Localised failure of a pressure vessel below liquid level - jet flame and flash fire and
possible explosion. Pool fire or flash fire/explosion for a refrigerated vessel failure.
Pipe failures (rupture, hole diameter equal to pipe radius, flange leak).
The safety report should not discount any scenario unless it can provide good reasons for doing
so. If an unconfined explosion of LPG is discounted in a safety report it must be on the grounds
of experiment and historical data that are summarised appropriately.
High pressure pipe work failures should include the formation of a vertical and horizontal jet and
the potential for jet flame impingement. In addition leaks into an enclosed space that may result
in a confined explosion should not be forgotten.
The number of fatalities and individuals with severe burns from fires and explosions should be
determined. The effect of blast should also be quantified in terms of the number of buildings in
each of several damage categories and the envelope of a flash fire should be superimposed on a
map so that the effect of wind direction on the number of casualties can be assessed. The
accident analysis should address the effect of other variables such as time of year, time of day
and day of the week if they have a significant effect on the off-site consequences. A limited
analysis that neglects variability in accident consequences does not meet the assessment
Q: Does the safety report outline the principal features of the mathematical models used
in the consequence analysis?
A safety report should include a brief description of the essential features and assumptions of the
mathematical models used by the Operator to determine the consequences of major accidents. If
the models are part of a well-known software package, then only the name of the software is
required, but full details of the input should be provided. In-house models and any validation
studies that have been carried out to support them should be described in detail. The main
equations of a model should be given in an appendix if they have not been published elsewhere.
The fact that an Operator has used a well-validated model to determine the consequences of an
accident does not guarantee that the results are reliable. Assessors should recognise that the
predictions of consequence analysis are more important than the means by which they were
obtained. Assessors may feel that a safety report that fails to provide input data details for
predictions, which appear optimistic, fails to meet the criteria.
Q: Does the severity of the predicted consequences influence the amount of information
the Operator should supply on how they were determined?
The level of detail that should be provided on the calculation of the consequences of an accident
that do not extend off-site is less than if the hazard range encompassed a large number of
people. It is not possible to be prescriptive on this issue and Assessors are expected to use
professional judgement when deciding if the Operator has provided sufficient information on his
consequence analysis. However, the following examples may help Assessors make a judgement
on this issue.
If the footprint of a flash fire defined by LFL or a dangerous dose of toxic vapour contour, does
not encompass any off-site populations, then the flash fire hazardous area can be equated to this
area and the flash fire risk dismissed in one or two sentences. On the other hand, if the LFL
footprint encompassed a densely populated area, the Operator should provide a more detailed
analysis with a discussion of the most appropriate concentration for risk assessment based on
ignition probability. If the LFL contour fell a few metres short of a densely populated area, then
again the Operator should consider the probability of a flash fire extending beyond the LFL
If the level of thermal radiation at the site boundary from a jet fire as predicted by a simple 4 point
radiator model is not hazardous, the safety report does not need to describe the modelling in
great detail. However, if a horizontal jet fire is predicted to extend into a densely populated area,
the safety report would need to consider the effect of the ground variation in flux.
Criterion 3.5.1 “Source terms used should be appropriate and need to have been
used correctly for each relevant major accident.”
The source term for an accident sequence expresses ‘how much’, ‘for how long’ and in ‘what
form’. For example, a high pressure release from a pipe or vessel is characterised by the release
rate, the duration of the release and its form (eg liquid or gas and whether as a vertical jet,
horizontal jet or obstructed jet). Assessors can use the following questions to test the adequacy
of the description of accidents given in a safety report:-
Q: Do the source terms for each accident encompass an adequate range of release rate
and include the ‘worst case’?
Since release rate is effectively determined by hole size, the accident consequences described in
a safety report should encompass a range of hole size and include the largest possible failure.
This means guillotine rupture of a pipe and catastrophic failure leading to an instantaneous
release of the whole contents of a vessel.
The ‘worst event’ should be assumed to occur under ‘worst conditions’, which are when storage
vessels are almost full, when a leak of refrigerated LPG clears the bund wall around the storage
vessel, or when a stack of cylinders is at maximum capacity.
Q: Does the safety report show that site specific factors have been taken into account in
the use of source term models?
The source terms for accidents should account for site-specific features. These relate to:-
Tank padding pressure and the maximum value this could rise to in the event of a failure.
The maintenance schedule for key safety features such as ROSOVs.
Criterion 3.5.2 “The material transport models used should be appropriate and
need to have been used correctly for each relevant MAH.”
The transport models used to determine the consequences of accidents at LPG storage sites
need to be capable of dealing with jet and dense gas dispersion. The size of a jet fire is often
based on the physics of gas jets and mixing coefficients, but correlation’s for flame length derived
from experiment may be more reliable. This is particularly the case for grounded jets which,
because of reduced air entrainment, tend to have a longer flame length than a free jet.
Nearly all models to characterise LPG dispersion are complex and make use of several
assumptions and input parameters. Therefore, it is often difficult for an Assessor to reach
conclusions about the adequacy of the consequence analysis. Answers to the following
questions may provide the basis for an assessment:-
Q: Are the predicted jet fire dimensions in accordance with those calculated by HSE
The agreement between hazard range predicted by HSE models and those in a safety report
should be within +-50%. Greater differences are acceptable if the consequences do not include
fatalities, but when they do, and the reason for a significance discrepancy is not obvious or is due
to an inappropriate assumption, Assessors may judge safety report to be deficient.
Q: What sort of dispersion model is used to calculate the dimensions of a flammable cloud
of LPG?
Since the molecular weight of LPG is greater than that of air, a dense gas dispersion model is
required to determine hazard ranges for ambient and below low temperature releases. Such
predictions by passive dispersion models may be optimistic or pessimistic as the diagram below
indicates. A safety report that uses a passive dispersion model will over estimate the down wind
extent of a flash fire but under estimate its width. Assessors should expect to see a sound
justification for the use of a passive dispersion model and a discussion of the inability of the
model to correctly predict the width of the flammable cloud.
Q: Does the dispersion model take account of obstacles such as buildings and changes in
LPG released accidentally at ground level has to disperse around site buildings, and in doing so it
becomes more dilute. This implies that when gas has to move around buildings the
concentration at a particular distance from the release point is lower than that predicted by
dispersion over a smooth flat terrain. On the other hand the concentration will be higher if the
gas is constrained from dispersing sideways by buildings on either side of a street. Both of these
L F L p r e d ic t e d b y L F L p r e d ic t e d b y
p a s s iv e g a s dense gas
d is p e r s io n p r o g r a m d is p e r s io n p r o g r a m
The safety report should present the consequences of accidents under a variety of weather
conditions and for different inventories. In general, high wind speeds produce rapid dispersion
and shorter hazard ranges. D5 weather conditions occur frequently in the UK and should be
used to calculate the hazard range for daytime releases. Under stable atmospheric conditions
dispersion is reduced, hence F2 weather, which characterises night time conditions, generally
produces the greatest hazard range. Increases in wind under any stability speed tend to
decrease the predicted hazard range unless building wake effects are modelled.
Q: What ground roughness values are used for the dispersion calculation?
The rougher the ground over which a flammable gas is dispersing the more rapid is the rate of air
entrainment and the shorter is the flammable hazard range. A ground roughness value of 0.1
corresponding to elements on the ground about 0.5-1 metre high is recommended for dispersion
over agricultural land. A roughness value of 0.3 should be used for dispersion over a suburban
area. Although higher roughness values may be assigned to some industrial sites, their use
results in a reduced hazard range that could, under certain circumstances, be optimistic. An
Operator should make a special case for use of a ground roughness value of more than 0.3.
Due to the variability of atmospheric conditions a dispersing gas plume meanders and the
concentration at a fixed point down wind of a release fluctuates. Most dispersion models account
for this phenomena by introducing an averaging period. The longer this is, the more allowance is
made for the variations in wind direction and the smaller is the predicted concentration.
There is not a consensus on the most appropriate averaging period for dispersion calculations,
but widespread support exists for use of 600 seconds and 10 seconds for continuous and
instantaneous releases. In some passive dispersion models the standard deviations are linked to
specific averaging times.
Since criteria 3.5.2 is concerned with the appropriateness of transport modelling assumptions,
and averaging time can have a significant affect on the predicted hazard range, it is essential that
the Operators state the values used in the dispersion analysis. This requirement is not restricted
to averaging time because Operators are obliged under criterion 3.5 to provide details of all
important modelling assumptions and input.
Criterion 3.5.3 “Other consequence models (eg BLEVE, warehouse fire, etc), used
should be appropriate and need to have been used correctly for each relevant
major accident.”
Aside from transport models, the consequence analysis for an LPG storage site needs to include
models for thermal radiation from different types of fire and for the over pressure produced by
explosions. It is important that these models do not under estimate the hazard range, but it is
difficult for an Assessor to make judgements about the level of pessimism in a calculation if full
details of the model are not supplied. The following questions may help Assessors judge if the
consequence analysis is based on appropriate assumptions:-
Wind has the effect of shortening and tilting vertical vapour jet fires. Thus the higher the wind
speed the greater is the thermal radiation flux falling on down wind targets, and to a lesser extent,
cross wind targets, but the smaller is the flux falling on upwind targets. A safety report should
determine the consequences of a ‘vertical’ jet fire in a 15 m/s wind otherwise its accident analysis
may be deemed optimistic.
A high wind speed tends to shorten the flame length of a horizontal jet fire and may, depending of
the relative orientation of the flame and target, reduce the hazard range. A safety report should
therefore consider the consequences of horizontal jet fires in a range of wind speeds including 2
Q: What is the assumed elevation of fireballs resulting from LPG storage vessels?
Fireball events dominate the risk from pressure vessels storing LPG, but the ground level fluxes
depend on the modelling assumptions and in particular on the assumed height of the fireball.
Increasing its elevation reduces the dose to individuals hence the height of the lower edge is an
important parameter. It is reasonable to assume that accidents involving an instantaneous
release of the whole contents of a vessel produce a fireball that just touches the ground.
Assessors may conclude that hazards based upon greatly elevated fireballs are optimistic.
The thermal radiation emitted by a fire is attenuated by water vapour in the atmosphere, therefore
the flux at a target is inversely proportional to the humidity. In the UK, humidity varies
considerably, but an average value of 60% is often assumed for hazard calculations. This figure
is probably overly pessimistic for F2 weather conditions, but an Operator should justify the use of
significantly higher values that could result in optimistic predictions.
There is general agreement that the surface emissive power of an LPG fireball containing less
than 200 tonnes is 270 kW/m2. The value for a jet fire is around 200 kW/m2, although models
often make use of a correlation derived by Chamberlain to calculate the fraction of the total heat
of combustion that is radiated. Typically this is about 0.2. Any thermal radiation calculations that
use significant lower emissive powers than these are likely to be optimistic - see Table 6.
There are several methods of calculating blast over pressure from flammable gas explosions, but
assessors should be aware that the TNT model is considered over simplistic because natural gas
explosions have different characteristics to TNT explosions. The multi-energy method based on
lines 2 and 7 is preferred, but if a safety report calculates over pressure on the basis of an
equivalent mass of TNT, it is reasonable to set the mass of TNT to twice the mass of gas in the
confined or congested volume. Major deviations from this require a good explanation.
Table 4 summarises the above and should enable Assessors to deduce if the input data to
consequence models has been chosen appropriately.
Q: Does the safety report show that site specific factors have been taken into account in
the use of other models?
The models used to calculate the consequences of BLEVEs, jet fires and explosions should
account for site specific factors such as:-
Pressure relief set point and capacity of pressure relief valves on bulk storage vessels.
Criterion 3.5.4 “The harm criteria or vulnerability models used to assess the impact
of each MAH on people and the environment should be appropriate and have been
used correctly for each relevant major accident.”
A safety report should calculate thermal radiation and explosion over pressure hazard ranges and
casualties for several severity levels, which for thermal radiation, may include:-
dangerous dose of thermal radiation for average members of society (1000 tdu);
It is very important that the full spectrum of casualties is calculated, not only for risk evaluation,
but also for emergency planning purposes.
The following questions may assist the Assessor to judge the adequacy of the accident
consequence analysis:-
Although HSE has published its thermal radiation criteria, some safety reports calculate hazard
ranges to different dose and flux levels. One of these is 300 tdu, which is the dose to cause
blistering of the skin. It extends beyond the 500 tdu range and may be regarded as pessimistic,
but any dose implies an exposure duration and Assessors need to understand the assumptions
being made before making judgements about acceptability. In particular significant departures
from the following assumptions that lead to shorter hazard ranges should be justified:-
The exposure period for fireballs is the fireball duration (no escape).
Average members of the public escape from long duration fires at 2.5 m/s.
The escape speed for the old and very young is closer to 1 m/s.
Individuals escaping from a source of thermal radiation reduce the dose they receive on two
counts. Firstly they increase the distance between them and the fire, and secondly, they can
reduce the exposure period by going indoors.
HSE has two criteria for thermal radiation flux to buildings based on the ignition of American
Whitewood (see Consequence Assessment in part 2), and while these are useful for assessing
risk to occupants of houses, they provide little information on hazard range for LPG fires. In this
context the actions of the local fire service are important because they may be able to keep
adjacent items of plant cool with water sprays. However, a safety report should assume that
plant in the vicinity of a major fire do not receive water spray protection for 20 minutes.
Predictions based on a much shorter response time for the fire brigade are likely to be optimistic.
Operators must consider the consequences of late arrival of fire fighting services, but it is
permissible for them to make judgements about the probability of such an occurrence.
The effects of blast over pressure on buildings and on people cannot be predicted precisely, but
HSE has published tables of the consequences of a range of side-on over pressure. Different
over pressures can be used in consequence calculations provided they convey a realistic picture
of the scale and extent of the damage from an explosion. To this end, the following data are
useful: -
A safety report that presents hazard ranges corresponding to higher over pressures than those
above is not providing the full picture of the potential damage caused by explosions following
accidental releases of LPG.
Criterion 3.5.5 “Are the assumptions in the accident analysis justified and not
unduly optimistic.”
The assumptions being referred to here are those made about the response/effectiveness of
accident consequence mitigation systems and include such things as the time to detect a large
release of gas and the probability that a ROSOV will close on demand. The safety report should
determine the consequences of worst accident scenarios on the assumption that all control and
mitigation systems fail on demand and operational conditions correspond to worst case. Such a
scenario should have a very low probability. The analysis should also consider the effect of
various combinations of partial success of the control and mitigation systems in order to
determine the risk dominating accidents.
A safety report that minimises accident consequences on the assumption that installed mitigation
systems work perfectly is underestimating risk. Assessors can judge this aspect of safety reports
by reference to the following questions:-
An LPG storage site safety report should consider an instantaneous release of the whole
contents of storage vessels and various other scenarios that result in a continuous release of
several 10s of kg/s and give rise to a variety of fires. In addition, it should address failure of
associate plant such as the vaporiser and cylinder filling machine giving rise to a variety of
hazards including a confined explosion.
Q: Does the accident analysis examine the effect of different conditions and assumptions
on the predicted consequences?
The consequences of many severe accidents depend on the environmental conditions, the state
of the plant at the moment of failure and the location and type of failure. Since there are many
combinations with roughly equal probability, the safety report must determine the consequences
of each accident under a range of conditions that encompass the full severity range.
Both day time and night time conditions should be considered for accidents affected by stability
(ie those involving dispersion), but because wind speed shortens the hazard range, only D5 and
F2 conditions need to be considered. A wide range of wind speeds should be considered for jet
fire events.
Accidents can occur any time although their probability is not usually constant. It is important that
a safety report describes the consequences of the worst conceivable accidents at a site that
occur when a vessel is full. If the accident analysis in a safety report is based on average
inventories, it should be judged as incorporating too much optimism.
Failures on plant can occur almost anywhere, but with variable probability. The safety report
should consider failures in the ‘worst’ locations, which include jet flames pointing towards
vulnerable plant and populated areas, knock-on effects when pressure vessels are in close
proximity and explosions in the cylinder filling plant. A safety report that does not calculate the
consequences of worst case accidents fails to comply with the assessment criteria.
Q: Does the safety report fully describe the models used to predict accident
A safety report should describe the mathematical models used to predict the consequences of
accidents. If the Operator or his consultant used well known software to calculate the
consequences of accidents, information on the input data files should be provided so that
Assessors can check its appropriateness and degree of conservatism both of which provide an
insight into the Operators approach to accident consequence analysis. If doubts remain, entering
the Operator’s input data into an HSE model can check the predictions in the safety report.
A difference in opinion about the severity of accident consequences may occur from time to time.
It does not imply a major failing of the safety report but one which the Assessor should try to
resolve by communication with the topic specialist, and, if necessary, with the Operator.
Criterion 3.5.6 “Estimates of the severity and extent of each major accident
consequences are realistic.”
Safety reports should determine the consequences of the worst accidents, but the analysis
should not be overly conservative. If unrealistic hazard ranges are predicted, the off site
emergency plan devised by the Local Authority may be ill conceived and under some
circumstances, lives could be put at risk by spreading emergency services too thinly. The
Assessor can gauge the degree of conservatism in the calculations by asking the following
Under Criterion 3.5.3 reasonable values for some of the more important input data for accident
consequence modelling are shown in Table 2. Assessors should compare these values with
those used by the Operator and make judgements about the realism of the consequence
Criterion 3.6 “The findings and conclusions from the predictive risk analysis
should summarise the relationship between hazards and risks and demonstrate
that the measures adopted to prevent and mitigate major accidents make the risks
Most safety reports will not present particularly reliable accident probabilities and in many cases
the degree of uncertainty attached to consequence predictions will be unknown. This is relatively
unimportant if the scenario is not risk dominant, but when it is, or could be, uncertainties should
be offset by extra conservatism. Risk calculations based on optimistic assumptions and highly
uncertain data should be treated with great caution, but Assessors should bear in mind the
following typical levels of uncertainty:-
Irrespective of the mix of argument, semi-quantitative evidence and quantitative analysis used to
determine risk, an Assessor should have confidence in the results and concur with the
conclusions presented in the safety report.
While the probabilities of worst case scenarios that are not risk dominating do not need to be
quantified precisely, the calculation of their consequences should be reasonably reliable so that
the emergency services can plan an appropriate response. In this context overly pessimistic
predictions are almost as bad as grossly optimistic predictions. The information that emergency
planners may require for each accident scenario and for twelve different wind directions is:-
Assessors are required to judge if the risk quantification, risk reduction measures and residual
risk meet all the assessment criteria. In effect, they need to take a view on the reliability/accuracy
of the predicted hazard ranges and risks and hence upon the acceptability of the predictive
analysis. The following set of questions may aid this process:-
Q: Does the safety report combine the magnitude of the various consequences assessed
with event frequencies, or the likelihood of initiating conditions, to estimate the risk to the most
exposed person or groups of persons, on-site and off-site?
There are several ways, in which the results of a risk assessment can be presented including:-
Contour plots of individual risk of death based on certain assumptions about the individual
(ie he is out of doors and he remains out of doors for 30 minutes).
Risk of death of the individual who is most at risk by being in a certain location for long
In order to judge the acceptability of a safety report that presents the results of a QRA, the
Assessor may have to make reference to HSE guidance on the tolerability of risk. Since this is
expressed in terms of individual risk of death, risk of death is the most useful end point for a risk
calculation. However, this does not imply that other representations of risk are unacceptable,
merely that they are more difficult to interpret.
A safety report that presents only a table of hazard range and relative likelihood does not comply
with the assessment criteria.
Q: Does the safety report show that these risks are negligible or, where not negligible, are
The Assessor should check that the accumulated probability of death of the off-site individual
most at risk from all accident sequence is less than 10-4. If it is not, it is probable that either the
safety systems on the plant are deficient (ie risks are not ALARP), or that the accident analysis is
overly conservative. In either case the Assessor should reflect his concerns in his assessment
report. If the safety report does not present a quantitative risk assessment, but builds a case
based on good practice, regulatory guidance and accepted standards then, almost by definition,
the risks should be close to, if not, ALARP.
Situations may occasionally arise when the safety report fulfils the requirements of the
regulations, but the Assessor feels that the societal risk from the installation is uncomfortably
high. In such cases, the safety report should not be deemed deficient, but the Assessor should
convey his/her feelings to the Assessment Manager for the safety report.
Q: Has the Operator demonstrated that additional safety measures cannot be justified on
cost benefit grounds?
The Operator should systematically examine the risk dominant accident sequences and identify
additional measure that would reduce the residual risk. He should also justify why none of them
have been implemented. Such arguments remove the grounds for rejecting the safety report and
open up the possibility of a dialogue about which improvements would be cost effective.
Q: Does the safety report use quantitative arguments for the ALARP demonstration - if so,
are the risk criteria stated and justified?
The level of quantification expected for the various types of risk assessment are dealt with by
other criteria. The number of failure cases and the depth of analysis increases with
proportionality. For a QRA of a complex site a few hundred different MAs may need to be
analysed. The presentation of the quantitative arguments may need to be coupled with cost
benefit analysis in order to provide the justification that all measures necessary have been taken.
If quantitative arguments are used the methods, assumptions and the criteria adopted for
decision making should be explained. For example in the case of fatality risks to people off-site it
is common practice [HSE, 1992] for the maximum tolerable level of individual fatality risk to be set
at 10-4 per year and for the broadly acceptable level to be set at 10-6 per year. The corresponding
figures for workers are 10-3 and 10-6. There are no commonly agreed criteria for lower severity
levels, however, HSE have published harm criteria for LUP purposes for a variety of substances,
ie the ‘dangerous dose’ level, which is equivalent to a 1% chance of fatality when a healthy
person receives the dose.
Criterion 3.6.1 “The safety report should demonstrate that a systematic and
sufficiently comprehensive approach to the identification of risk reduction
measures has taken place.”
The safety report should identify all major accident sequences and determine their approximate
frequency as accurately as is practical. This does not necessarily imply the use of fault tree
analysis; because in many cases, reference to historical or industry standard data is acceptable.
Once reliable consequences and frequencies of the risk dominant sequences have been
determined, reasoned argument should be employed to show that the residual risks are ALARP.
This is a stepwise systematic process to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.
Accident risks that fall below the HSE tolerability line are not necessarily ALARP but can be
judged by asking the following questions:-
The risks from a plant where a single control system failure or Operator error will result in a major
accident may not be ALARP unless the probability of the event is very low. Assessors should
look for evidence that: -
A fork-lift truck driver cannot puncture a storage vessel with the forks of his vehicle while
his attention is momentarily diverted away from his driving because the vessel is protected by
vehicle impact barriers.
Failure of a high liquid level indicator will not result in overfilling of the vessel because of
the presence of a back up liquid level instrument and other alarm systems and/or a procedure
that prevents overfilling.
Q: Are the standards employed in the risk assessment relevant and up-to-date?
Operators often refer to standards in their risk assessment. These may be a failure frequency, an
HSE guidance document or a plant design and operating standard. In each case, the Assessor
should consider if the standard is applicable to the Operator's plant and if it is appropriate, given
that HSE guidance and standards are updated from time to time. British Standards are revised at
regular intervals and while not all the data in the standard may change, a major accident
somewhere in the world can lead to a revision of failure frequencies of certain plant items.
At five-year updates HSE expects Operators to carry out a reappraisal of the risks from their
operations and to examine if recent technological advances offer opportunities for risk reduction.
Since hardware changes to LPG storage vessels on old sites are likely to be impractical,
Assessors should not be concerned if there is very little in the safety report on this aspect of the
Criterion 3.6.2 “The main conclusions on the measures necessary to control risks
should adequately take account of the sensitivity of the results of the analysis to
the critical assumptions and data uncertainties.”
One of the purposes of the risk assessment in a COMAH safety report is to demonstrate that
sufficient control measures are in place to reduce the risks from the installation to a tolerable
level. This is possible if the Operator has accounted for uncertainty in both the frequency and
consequences of accidents. Considerable uncertainty is tolerable in the frequency and
consequences of accidents that are, beyond a shadow of doubt, not risk dominating, but
Operators should present sensitivity studies that show their predictions for safety critical events
are not seriously in error. Assessors can ask the following questions to test compliance with this
Q: Has the uncertainty in consequences arising from different mathematical model input
data been addressed?
The extent of a flash fire envelope and the volume of a congested plant enveloped by a cloud of
LPG depends on the weather conditions assumed for the dispersion process. Since the
magnitude of the hazard is inversely proportional to wind speed under both D and F stability, it is
important that the consequences are evaluated at typical low wind speeds (F2 and D5). Input
data for most other accident scenarios are fairly well defined, with the exception of emissive
power. Assessors should check that values used in the accident consequence analysis are close
to those shown in Table 2.
Q: Have the uncertainties attached to the risk calculations been addressed and justified?
A safety report that fails to mention uncertainties in the risk estimates should be considered
deficient. Individual uncertainties attached to calculated hazard ranges should to be estimated by
discussion of both model inadequacies and imprecise input data. The safety report should justify
the results, if necessary by reference to confidence levels. Assessors can find uncertainty
information in Table 6.
With regard to uncertainty in the reliability of containment and control systems, it is reasonable to
assume that standards that have been developed over many years provide adequate protection.
However, if a site makes use of new technology, for which an historical database is not available,
then the safety report should discuss uncertainty attached to failure probabilities.
Operators who base their safety report on QRA, should take account of the potential for
protective devices not to function e.g. remotely operated shut off valves and excess flow devices
may fail to operate effectively when called upon. The Operator should recognise that other
protective systems may also fail and should describe the measures in place to show that his
ranking of risk is not seriously flawed.
Most risk assessments, even those not based on quantification, make use of a variety of input
data which have uncertainties attached to them. Operators should describe the effect
uncertainties can have on their predictions and demonstrate, by reasoned arguments, or
quantitatively, that even under worst case assumptions the risks are ALARP.
Criterion 3.6.3 “The conclusions drawn from the risk analysis with respect to
emergency planning should be soundly based.”
A safety report does not need to describe the off-site emergency plan, but it should provide
guidance for the Local Authority on the severity of the risk dominant accidents. This information
should be presented in an easy to assimilate form such as a table that summarises accident
probability and likely numbers of casualties in three severity groups (mild burns or superficial
injuries, hospitalisation and fatalities) for at least two weather conditions. Supplementary data on
the effect of seasonal changes and other variables is essential.
Q: Does the safety report describe a practical and satisfactory on-site emergency plan?
A safety report should describe the on-site emergency plan and detail how severe accidents will
be managed and employees protected. Assessors should look for an emergency management
structure that accounts for the possibility that key members of staff may be off-site, on holiday or
otherwise unavailable. It should clearly detail the evacuation plans and describe alternative
assembly points and safe routes to them. Any fire fighting that staff are expected to engage in
should also be outlined.
The on-site emergency plan for an unmanned site has to be managed and operated remotely, but
its important aspects include:-
Q: Does the safety report describe the effects of a representative range of possible major
accidents across the whole range of likelihood of relevance to emergency planners?
The safety report should provide a sound basis for emergency planning. It should identify a
representative set of accidents that spans the severity range and calculate the consequences of
each in terms of three levels of impact. These are the number of people receiving minor injuries,
the number requiring hospitalisation and the number of fatalities. It should also indicate the
number of people likely to be made homeless by the effects of explosions. The information
should be tabulated for a representative range of weather conditions and for all wind directions.
The safety report should also indicate any significant differences in the numbers of casualties due
to seasonal changes, the accident occurring at week end, at night or on function days. In
addition to the consequence information, it should present probability data in order that
emergency planners can tailor their resources around the accidents presenting the greatest risk.
Q: Does the safety report give the distances to a range of consequence levels of
relevance to emergency planners?
In the event of a major accident the emergency services will want to know where to deploy their
staff in order to bring relief to the maximum number of people in the shortest time. Depending on
the accident, the consequences could be mainly down wind (flash fire) or isotropically distributed
around the site (fireball). In each case the maximum distance out to which people are likely to be
injured is of vital importance.