MN621 Assignment-2-T1 2019 Mel Syd V1
MN621 Assignment-2-T1 2019 Mel Syd V1
MN621 Assignment-2-T1 2019 Mel Syd V1
Assignment Description
Prepared by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha Moderated by: Dr Ammar Alazab April, 2019
MN621 Advanced Network Design Page |2
Project Scope: A case study for Barranquilla Plaza Hotel is considered. The link for the case study referring to
Barranquilla Plaza Hotel can be found in the Appendix.
The summary of the case study is that the hotel’s Wireless Access service was poor and had issues, such as
dropped connections, dead zones and insufficient capacity. A wireless solution was provided (refer to the case
study for further details) which was received very well by the customers. As a result, the overall experience of
the customers improved remarkably.
Provided 5 different departments of the hotel, guest rooms, multiple restaurants, pool area, reception area
and a bar, a generic network layout diagram of the hotel is presented below for illustrative purposes only.
Assignment Requirement: Provided the advantages of a layered approach (core, distribution and access), the
hotel considers redesigning its network adopting a layered approach. The new network design requirements
are a) three-layered network design (core, distribution and access) b) redundancy required in the core layer.
Gathering information about the existing network (such as IP addressing scheme, traffic restriction policies,
applications used etc.) is paramount for any network redesign for a seamless transition. In this regard, the
staff members and IT staffs can be invaluable sources of information. A carefully designed questionnaire can
be instrumental in gathering information.
Prepared by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha Moderated by: Dr Ammar Alazab April, 2019
MN621 Advanced Network Design Page |3
For the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, it is mandatory to acquire information about the
traffic types from the IT staffs and set the bandwidth requirement accordingly. Specifically, for the
new design, the followings criteria have to be satisfied.
For real-time traffic, bandwidth percentage should be set to 70 of the available bandwidth.
For FTP traffic, bandwidth should be set 200 kbps.
For SMTP traffic, bandwidth should be set to 800 kbps.
Note that traffic information is important and will be used for QoS. QoS reflects on the
performance evaluation of the design.
For demonstration, the format would be a) no more than 2 persons in a group, b) at least 3 viva voce
questions related to the design, and c) demo and viva voce duration 5 – 7 mins (at max). The following is to
be covered.
Demonstration of a part of the design in Week 10 lab class (hardware platform)
Note to the lab tutor: As per the need, the lab tutor can allocate 15 mins in Week 9 and Week 10 for work
progression check and consultation.
Prepared by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha Moderated by: Dr Ammar Alazab April, 2019
MN621 Advanced Network Design Page |4
Marking Guide:
Prepared by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha Moderated by: Dr Ammar Alazab April, 2019
MN621 Advanced Network Design Page |5
Marking Rubric:
Grades HD D CR P Fail
80% and 70 - 79% 60 - 69% 50 - 59% <50%
Questionnaire Concise and Topics relevant Generally Some Not relevant to
prepared specific to the and soundly relevant and relevance and the assignment
(10) project analysed analysed briefly topic
Questionnaire Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Did not
purpose excellent ability excellent ability an average an average demonstrate
(10) to think to think ability to think ability to think the ability to
critically and critically but critically and critically but think critically
sourced did not source sourced did not sourced and did not
reference material reference reference sourced
material appropriately material material reference
appropriately appropriately appropriately material
Evaluation, Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Did not
i.e., validation excellent ability excellent ability an average an average demonstrate
and to think to think ability to think ability to think the ability to
verification of critically and critically but critically and critically but think critically
the sourced did not source sourced did not sourced and did not
questionnaire reference material reference reference sourced
(5) material appropriately material material reference
appropriately appropriately appropriately material
Network All elements Components Components Most Lacks
design and its are present and present with presented and components components
applications very well good cohesion mostly well present and an and not
(10) integrated integrated average integrated well
Demonstration Logic is clear Consistent logic Mostly Adequate The argument
(10) and easy to and convincing consistent logic cohesion and is confused
follow with convincing conviction and disjointed
IEEE Reference Clear styles Clear Generally good Sometimes Lacks
style with an referencing referencing clear consistency
(5) excellent style style referencing with many
source of style errors
Prepared by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha Moderated by: Dr Ammar Alazab April, 2019