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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D4254 − 16

Standard Test Methods for

Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and
Calculation of Relative Density1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4254; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* Three alternative methods are provided to determine the

These test methods cover the determination of the minimum index density/unit weight, as follows:
minimum-index dry density/unit weight of cohesionless, free- Method A—Using a funnel pouring device or a hand scoop
draining soils. The adjective “dry” before density or unit to place material in mold.
weight is omitted in the title and remaining portions of this Method B—Depositing material into a mold by ex- tracting
standards to be be consistent with the applicable definitions a soil filled tube.
given in Section 3 on Terminology. Method C 2—Depositing material by inverting a graduated
System of Units: cylinder.
The testing apparatus described in this standard has been The method to be used should be specified by the agency
developed and manufactured using values in the gravi- metric requesting the test. If no method is specified, the provisions of
or inch-pound system. Therefore, test apparatus dimen- sions Method A shall govern. Test Method A is the preferred
and mass given in inch-pound units are regarded as the procedure for determining minimum index density/ unit
standard. weight as used in conjunction with the procedures of Test
It is common practice in the engineering profession to Methods D4253. Methods B and C are provided for guidance
concurrently use pounds to represent both a unit of mass (lbm) of testing used in conjunction with special studies, especially
and a unit of force (lbf). This implicitly combines two separate where there is not enough material available to use a 0.100 ft 3
systems of units; that is, the absolute system and the gravita- (2830 cm3) or 0.500 ft3 (14 200 cm3) mold as required by
tional system. It is scientifically undesirable to combine the Method A.
use of two separate sets of inch-pound units within a single
These test methods are applicable to soils that may contain
standard. This test method has been written using the gravita-
up to 15 %, by dry mass, of soil particles passing a No.
tional system of units when dealing with the inch-pound
200 (75-µm) sieve, provided they still have cohesionless, free-
system. In this system, the pound (lbf) represents a unit of
draining characteristics (nominal sieve dimensions are in
force (weight). However, balances or scales measure mass;
accordance with Specification E11).
and weight must be calculated. In the inch-pound system, it is
Method A is applicable to soils in which 100 %, by dry
common to assume that 1 lbf is equal to 1 lbm. While
mass, of soil particles pass a 3-in. (75-mm) sieve and which
reporting density is not regarded as nonconformance with this
may contain up to 30 %, by dry mass, of soil particles retained
standard, unit weights should be calculated and reported since
on a 11⁄2-inch (37.5-mm) sieve.
the results may be used to determine force or stress.
Method B is applicable to soils in which 100 %, by dry
The terms density and unit weight are often used
mass, of soil particles pass a 3⁄4-inch (19.0-mm) sieve.
interchangeably. Density is mass per unit volume, whereas
unit weight is force per unit volume. In this standard, density Method C is applicable only to fine and medium sands in
is given only in SI units. After the density has been which 100 %, by dry mass, of soil particles pass a 3⁄8-in. (9.5-
determined, the unit weight is calculated in SI or inch-pound mm) sieve and which may contain up to 10 %, by dry mass, of
units, or both. soil particles retained on a No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve.
Soils, for the purposes of these test methods, shall be
regarded as naturally occurring cohesionless soils, processed
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil
and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.03 on Texture,
Plasticity and Density Characteristics of Soils. 2
Kolbuszewski, J. J., “An Experimental Study of the Maximum and Minimum
Current edition approved March 1, 2016. Published March 2016. Originally Porosities of Sands,” Proceedings, Second International Conference on Soil
approved in 1983. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as D4254 – 14. DOI: Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rotterdam Vol I, 1948, pp. 158–165.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue Jul 28 04:41:18 EDT
2020 Downloaded/printed by 2
Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi (Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions
D4254 − 16
particles, or composites or mixtures of natural soils, or mix- E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test
tures of natural and processed particles, provided they are Sieves
free-draining. E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
All observed and calculated values shall conform to the ASTM Test Methods
guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
Practice D6026. Determine the Precision of a Test Method
For purposes of comparing a measured or calculated
value(s) to specified limits, the measured or calculated 3. Terminology
value(s) shall be rounded to the nearest decimal or significant Definitions—For common definitions in this standard refer
digits in the specified limits. to Terminology D653.
The procedures used to specify how data are collected/
recorded or calculated in this standard are regarded as the Definitions of Terms:
industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the dry density/unit weight ρd or γd, n—the dry density/ unit
significant digits that generally should be retained. The proce- weight of a soil deposit or fill at the given void ratio.
dures used do not consider material variation, purpose for given void ratio, e, n—the in-situ or stated void ratio of a
obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any consider- soil deposit or fill.
ations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to
increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be maximum index density/unit weight, ρdmax or γdmax, n—the
commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the reference dry density/unit weight of a soil in the densest state
scope of this standard to consider significant digits used in of compactness that can be attained using a standard
analysis methods for engineering design. laboratory compaction procedure that minimizes particle seg-
regation and breakdown.
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the maximum-index void ratio, emax, n—the reference void ratio
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- of a soil at the minimum index density/unit weight.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- minimum index density/unit weight ρdmin or γdmin, n—
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. reference dry density/unit weight of a soil in the loosest state
of compactness at which it can be placed using a standard
2. Referenced Documents
laboratory procedure that prevents bulking and minimizes
ASTM Standards:3 particle segregation.
C127 Test Method for Relative Density (Specific Gravity)
and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate minimum-index void ratio, emin, n—the reference void ratio
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained of a soil at the maximum index density/unit weight.
Fluids relative density, Dd, n—the ratio, expressed as a percentage,
D854 Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by of the difference between the maximum index void ratio and
Water Pycnometer any given void ratio of a cohesionless, free-draining soil to the
D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water difference between its maximum and minimum index void
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ratios.
D2487 Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Discussion—The equation for relative density is:
Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) D2488 Practice for e
e3 100
Description and e 2 D
Identification of e d

Soils (Visual- 5
Manual Procedure) max


D3740 Practice for Evaluating, Selecting,

Minimum Requirements and Specifying Bal-
for Agencies Engaged in ances and Standard
Testing and/or Masses for Use in Soil,
Inspection of Soil and Rock, and Construction
Rock as Used in Materials Testing
Engineering Design and D6026 Practice for Using
Construction Significant Digits in
D4253 Test Methods for Geotechnical Data
Maximum Index D6913 Test Methods for
Density and Unit Particle-Size
Weight of Soils Using a Distribution (Grada-
Vibratory Table tion) of Soils Using
D4753 Guide for Sieve Analysis
D4254 − 16
or, in terms of respect to the loosest and results depend on many factors;
densest condition as defined Practice D3740 provides a means
For referenced ASTM standards,
corresponding dry of evaluating some of those
visit the ASTM website, densities: by standard laboratory pro- factors., or contact ASTM cedures. Only when viewed
D d 5 ~~ ρ dmax ~ ρ d 2
Customer Service at against the possible range of 6. Apparatus For Annual Book ρ dmin!! ⁄ ~ ρ d ~ ρ dmax 2
variation, in terms of relative
of ASTM Standards volume ρ dmin!!! 3 100 Apparatus for Methods A,
information, refer to the standard’s density/unit weight, can the
Document Summary page on the or, in terms of dry density/unit weight be B, and C:
ASTM website. corresponding dry unit related to the compaction
weights: effort used to place the soil in
a compacted fill or indicate Selig, E. T., and Ladd, R. S., eds.,
D d 5 ~ γ dmax ~ γ d 2 Evaluation of Relative Density and its
γ dmin!! ⁄ ~ γ d ~ γ dmax 2 volume change and stress- Role in Geotechnical Projects
γ dmin!! strain tendencies of soil Involving Cohesionless Soils, ASTM
when subjected to external STP 523, ASTM, 1973.
3.2.8 density index/unit loading.
weight, Id, n—the ratio,
expressed as a percentage, An absolute minimum
of the difference between density/unit weight is not
any given dry density/ unit neces- sarily obtained by
weight and the minimum these test methods.
index density/unit weight of NOTE 1—In addition, there are
a given cohesionless soil to published data to indicate that
the difference between its these test methods have a high
maximum and minimum degree of variability.4 However,
index densities/unit the variability can be greatly
weights. reduced by careful calibration of
equipment, and careful attention Discussion—The to proper test procedure and
equation for density technique.
index/unit weight is: The use of the standard
I d 5 ~~ ρ d 2 ρ dmin! ⁄ molds (6.2.1) has been found
~ ρ dmax 2 ρ dmin!! 3 to be satisfactory for most
100 soils requiring minimum
or, in terms of index density/ unit weight
corresponding dry unit testing. Special molds (6.2.2)
weights: shall only be used when the
test results are to be applied
I d 5 ~~ γ d 2 γ dmin! ⁄ in conjunction with design or
~ γ dmax 2 γ dmin!! 3 special studies and there is
100 not enough soil to use the
4. Summary of Test soil. standard molds. Such test
Method results should be applied
5. Significance and Use with caution, as minimum
The minimum index index densities/unit weights
density/unit weight The density/unit weight obtained with the special
represents the loosest of a cohesionless soil may be molds may not agree with
condition of a cohesionless, determined by various in- those that would be obtained
free-draining soil that can be place methods in the field or using the standard molds.
attained by a standard by the measurement of
laboratory procedure, which physical dimensions and NOTE 2—The quality of the
result produced by this standard is
prevents bulking and masses by laboratory soil dependent on the competence of
minimizes particle specimens. The dry the personnel performing it, and
segregation. All three density/unit weight of a the suitability of the equipment
methods determine the cohesionless soil does not and facilities used. Agencies that
meet the criteria of Practice
density/unit weight of oven- necessarily, by itself, reveal D3740, generally, are considered
dried soil placed into a whether the soil is loose or capable of competent and
container of known volume dense. objective
in such a manner that testing/sampling/inspection/etc.
Relative density/unit Users of this standard are
prevents bulking and
weight expresses the degree cautioned that compliance with
particle segregation, and Practice D3740 does not in itself
of compactness of a
minimizes compaction of the assure reliable results. Reliable
cohesionless soil with
D4254 − 16
Drying Oven, that the mass of the soil is mold.
thermostatically determined to the nearest Rigid, Thin-Walled
controlled, preferably of 0.1 %. Balances capable of Tubes, for use with Method
the forced-draft type, satisfying these B. The size of the tubes is
capable of maintaining a requirements for most dependent upon the mold
uniform temperature of conditions have size selected. The volume
230 6 9°F (110 6 5°C) specifications as follows: of the tubes shall be
throughout the drying For 0.500-ft3 (14 200- between 1.25 and 1.30
chamber. 3
cm ) molds, use a balance times the volume of the
6.1.2 Sieves, 3-in. (75- having a minimum capacity mold. The inside diameter
mm), 11⁄2-in. (37.5-mm), of 40-kg and meeting the of the tube shall be about
3⁄ -in. (19-
4 require- ments of 0.7 times the inside
mm), 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm), No. Specification D4753 for a diameter of the mold.
4 (4.75-mm), No. 10 (2.00- Class GP 10 (readability of
mm), 5 g).
and No. 200 (75-µm) For 0.100-ft3 (2830-cm3)
conforming to the molds, use a balance having
requirements of a minimum capacity of at
Specification E11. least 15 kg and meeting the
Apparatus for Methods A requirements of
and B: Specification D4753 for
Standard Molds—Two Class GP 5 (readabil- ity of
cylindrical metal molds, 1 g).
one having a nominal For special molds that
volume of 0.100 ft3 (2830 are less than 0.1 ft3 (2830
cm3) and one having a cm3) in capacity, use a
nominal volume of 0.500 balance having a minimum
ft3 (14 200 cm3), conform- capacity of at least 2 kg and
ing to the design meeting the requirements of
methodology presented in Specification D4753 for a
Fig. 1. The molds shall Class GP 2 (readability of
conform to the 0.1 g).
requirements shown in the Pouring
table in Fig. 1. The actual Devices, are used in
volume of the molds shall conjunction with the
be within 61.5 % of the 0.100 ft3 (2830 cm3)
specified nominal volume. standard mold and with
Special Molds— special molds. Pouring
Cylindrical metal molds devices consist of relatively
having a capacity less than rigid containers having
0.100 ft3 (2830 cm3), an volumes about 1.25 to 2
inside diameter equal to or times greater than the
greater than 2.75 in. (70 volumes of the mold(s)
mm) but less than 4 in. used, and fitted with spouts
(100 mm) and conforming or tubes about 6 in. (150
to the design methodology mm) long. Two pouring
pre- sented in Fig. 2. Such spouts are required, one
molds may only be used having an inside spout
when the test results are to diameter of 0.50 in. (13
be used in conjunction with mm) and another with an
design or special studies, inside spout diameter of 1.0
and there is not enough soil in. (25 mm). A lipped brim,
to use the 0.100 ft3 (2830 or other means, must be
cm3) mold. provided to securely
Balances(s), of connect the spout to the
sufficient capacity to container that permits free
determine the total mass of and even flow of the soil
the specimen and mold, from the container into the
having sufficient accu- racy spout, and then into the
NOTE 1—Tolerances are 61⁄64 in. (60.4 mm) unless otherwise noted.
Size Mold, ft3 (cm3) Dimension . (mm)
A B s, in C E F
–0.000 +0.005,
Tolerance –0.000 ±0. ±0.016 ±0.016 ±0.016
(+0.13 (+0.13 (±0. (±0.4) (±0.4) (±0.4)
–0.00) –0.00) 4)
0.100 (2830) 6.000 (152.40) 6.112 7.13 (181.1) 6.50 0.50 1.13
(155.24) (165.1) (12.7) (28.7)
0.500 (14 200) 11.000 (279.40) 9.092 12.13 (308.0) 9.50 0.63 2.00
(230.94) (241.3) (16.0) (50.8)

FIG. 1 Details of Molds

Other equipment such as mixing pans, a large metal scoop, Glass Graduated Cylinder, having a volume of 2000 mL,
a hair-bristled dusting brush, and a metal straightedge (for graduated to 20 mL, with about a 3-in. (75-mm) inside
trimming excess soil after it has been placed in the mold).
Apparatus for Method C:
SD Equivalents
in. mm
0.125 3.2
0.25 6.4
0.50 13
2.75 70

FIG. 2 Special Cylindrical Metal Molds

Balance, of at least 2 kg capacity and otherwise consistent The required size (mass) of the test specimen and mold is a
with function of the maximum particle size contained in the sample
6.3.3 Sieves, 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm), No. 10 (2.00-mm), and No. and the particle-size distribution (gradation) of the sample (see
200 (75-µm) sieves conforming to the requirements of Speci- Table 1).
fication E11. Using a visual method or Test Method D6913 (de- pending
upon the complexity of the gradation of the sample and
7. Sampling and Test Specimen operator experience, determine the percentage of particles
Prior to testing, the sample should be stored in a manner to retained on the 3-in. (75-mm), 11⁄2-in. (37.5-mm), 3⁄4-in. (19.0-
prevent freezing, contamination with other matter, loss of soil, mm), 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm), No. 4 (4.75-mm), No. 10 (2.00- mm),
or loss of identification. and No. 200 (75-µm) sieves.
Sampling and test specimen requirements for Methods A The determination of the minimum index density/unit
and B are contained in the following paragraphs. Require- weight should not be performed in accordance with these test
ments for Method C begin at 7.4. methods unless the requirements of 1.5 are met. If these
TABLE 1 Required Mass of Specimen
Maximum Size Mass of Size of Mold
Placement Device to be Used in Minimum Density Test
100% Passing, in. Specimen to Be Used, ft3
(mm) Required, (cm3)
3 (75) 34 shovel or extra large scoop 0.500 (14 200)
11⁄2 (38.1) 34 scoop 0.500 (14 200)
⁄4 (19.0) 11 scoop 0.100 (2830)
⁄8 (9.5) 11 pouring device with 1-in. (25-mm) diameter spout 0.100 (2830)
No. 4 (4.75) or less 11 pouring device with 1⁄2-in. (13-mm) diameter spout) 0.100 (2830)

conditions are met, then the mold size, pouring device, and diameter and three height measurements, evenly spaced
specimen mass required can be determined in accordance with throughout the mold, made to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025
the maximum particle size as prescribed in Table 1. mm). Calculate and record the height in inches, millimetres, or
When it is applicable to use special molds, 100 % of the centimetres to four significant digits (in accordance with
specimen shall pass the 3⁄4-in. (19.0 mm) sieve and have less Practice D6026). Calculate and record the volume, Vm (cm3) to
than 10 % retained on the 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) sieve. four significant digits (in accordance with Practice D6026).
The selected test specimen shall have a mass not less than 8.1.2 Water-Filling Method—Completely fill the mold with
that determined using the following equation: water. Slide a glass plate carefully over the top surface (rim) of
Mr 5 (6) the mold as to ensure that the mold is completely filled with
0.0024·Vm water. A thin film of grease or silicone lubricant on the rim of
where: the mold will make a watertight joint between the glass plate
Mr = mass required, kg, and of the
Vm = volume of mold, cm3. mold is calculated from the average of at least three internal-
Select a representative specimen of soil that meets the
requirements of 7.3, using a splitter, riffle, or other method
such as quartering. For Method C, the specimen should have a
mass of about 1.5 kg.
Dry the specimen in the drying oven, maintained at 110
6 5°C to a constant mass. Oven-dried sand, for use with
Method C, shall be permitted to cool in an airtight
container. It is often desirable to obtain the water content of
the field sample. If this is the case, determine the water
content in accordance with Test Method D2216.
7.5.1 After drying, thoroughly break up the weakly ce-
mented aggregations as to avoid reducing the natural size of
the particles.

8. Calibration
Molds—The volume and cross-sectional area of each mold
should be calibrated before initial use and at intervals not
exceeding each 1000 times the mold is used for testing, or
annually, whichever occurs first. Determine the volume of
each mold by either the direct-measurement method or the
water- filling method as provided in 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. The
volume obtained by either method should be within 61.5 % of
the nominal value. It is recommended that both the direct-
measurement and water-filling methods be used. If the differ-
ence between the volumes calculated from the two methods
exceeds 0.5 % of the nominal value of the mold being
calibrated, then the calibration should be repeated. Failure to
obtain agreement between the two calibration methods within
the stated tolerances, even after several trials, is an indication
that the mold is badly deformed and should be replaced. If
both calibration methods are performed, the volume obtained
by the water-filling method should be assigned to the mold
(this method more accurately reflects the conditions over the
entire mold).
Direct Measurement Method—The volume
and rim of the mold. Determine the mass of water required to procedure is given in 9.3 and Method C in 9.4.
fill the mold, using the appropriate balance specified in 6.2.3.
Determine the temperature of this water to the nearest 1°C. TABLE 2 Volume of Water per Gram Based on TemperatureA
From Table 2 obtain the unit volume of water in millilitres Temperature Volume of Water per Gram

per gram (mL/g) at the observed temperature. Calculate and °C °F mL/g

record the volume of the mold (m 3 or cm3) to four significant 15 59.0 1.00090
16 60.8 1.00106
digits, as follows: 17 62.6 1.00122 For mass measurements in grams, calculate the 18 64.4 1.00140
19 66.2 1.00160
volume in cubic centimetres (cm 3) by multiplying the mass of 20 68.0 1.00180
water (g) used to fill the mold by the volume of water per 21 69.8 1.00201
gram (mL/g), from Table 2 and noting mL = cm 3. To 22 71.6 1.00223
23 73.4 1.00246
determine the volume in cubic metres (m 3), multiply volume 24 75.2 1.00271
in cm3 by 1 × 10−6. 25 77.0 1.00296
26 78.8 1.00322
8.2 Determine and record the mass of the empty mold, 27 80.6 1.00350
using the appropriate balance specified in 6.2.3. 28 82.4 1.00378
29 84.2 1.00407
9. Procedure 30 86.0 1.00437
The steps for performing Method A, the preferred Values other than shown may be obtained by referring to the CRC Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics, David R. Lide, Editor-in-Chief, 74th Edition, 1993–1994.
procedure, shall be in accordance with 9.2. The Method B
Method A:
Mix the oven-dried specimen to provide an even Place the tube inside the mold. Place cohesionless soil into
distribution of particle sizes. the tube with a pouring device, scoop, or spoon, being careful
If the pouring device (as required in Table 1) is used, place to minimize segregation of material during filling. Fill the tube
the soil as loosely as possible in the mold by pouring the soil within 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) to 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) of the top.
from the spout (Table 1) in a steady stream, holding the Quickly raise the tube allowing the cohesionless material to
pouring device upright and vertical or nearly vertical. overfill the mold, see
Continu- ously adjust the height of the spout to maintain a free Following procedures given in or, trim the
fall of the soil of about 0.5 in. (13 mm) or just high enough to soil surface level with the top of the mold.
maintain continuous flow of soil particles without the spout Determine and record the mass of the mold plus soil, using
contacting the already deposited soil. Move the pouring device the appropriate balance specified in 6.2.3. Calculate and
in a spiral path from the outside to the center of the mold to record the mass of the soil filling the mold by subtracting the
form each layer of nearly uniform thickness. Spiraling motion mass of the empty mold, as determined in 8.2, from the mass
should be just sufficient to minimize particle segregation. of the mold plus soil. Calculate the minimum index density/
unit weight, ρdmin,n or γdmin,n, in accordance with Section 10.
NOTE 3—Static electricity in dry sand can cause bulking similar to that Steps 9.3.1 – 9.3.6 should be repeated until consistent
produced by a trace of moisture on the particles; a static-eliminating values of minimum index density/unit weight (within 2 %) are
brush can be used on the equipment in contact with the sand if this effect
becomes bothersome. obtained.
Fill the mold approximately 0.5 in. (13 mm) to 1 in. (25 Method C2:
mm) above the top of the mold (or until all points of the soil Place 1000 61 g of sand in a 2000-mL graduated cylinder
surface are above the plane of the mold rim). and place a stopper in the top of the cylinder. Tip the cylinder
Trim off the excess soil level with the top by carefully upside down, and then quickly tilt it back to the original
trimming the soil surface with a straightedge. Great care must vertical position.
be exercised during filling and trimming operations to avoid Record the volume that the sand occupies in the graduated
jarring the mold or excessively disturbing the soil surface and cylinder, Vg. Calculate the minimum index density/ unit
causing rearrangement and settlement of the soil particles. weight in accordance with Section 10.
Making one continuous pass with the straightedge, or if Repeat the procedure until three consistent values of the
necessary, two passes, has produced the most reproducible minimum index density/unit weight (within 2 %) are obtained.
If the scoop or shovel (as required in Table 1) are used, 10. Calculation
place the soil as loosely as possible by holding the scoop or Calculate the minimum (dry) index density for each trial as
shovel just above the soil surface to cause the material to slide follows:
rather than fall onto the previously placed soil. If necessary,
holding large particles back by hand to prevent them from Ms
ρdmin,n 5 (7)
rolling off the scoop/shovel. V Fill the mold to overflowing but not more than 1 in. where:
(25 mm) above the top. For soils where the maximum particle particle size, use the fingers in such a way that any slight
size passes the 3⁄4-in. (19.0-mm) sieve, use the steel straight- projections of the larger particles above the top of the mold
edge (and the fingers when needed) to level the surface of the shall approximately balance the larger voids in the surface
soil with the top of the mold. For soils with a large maximum below the top of the mold.
Determine and record the mass of the mold plus soil, using ρdmin,n = minimum index density for given trial, Mg/m3 or
the appropriate balance specified in 6.2.3. Calculate and g/cm3
record the mass of the soil filling the mold by subtracting the Ms = mass of the tested-dry soil, Mg or g, and
mass of the empty mold, as determined in 8.2, from the mass V = volume of the tested-dry soil, m3 or cm3. For
of the mold and soil. Calculate the minimum index Methods A and B, V=Vc or calibrated volume of
density/unit weight, ρdmin,n or γdmin,n, in accordance with mold; and for Method C, V=Vg (see 9.4.2)
Section 10.
Calculate the average of the minimum-index density
Steps 9.2.1 – 9.2.4 should be repeated until consistent
values, ρdmin,n, from the trials that agree within 1 %. This
values of minimum index density/unit weight (within 2 %) are
average value is to be recorded/reported as the minimum index
density, ρdmin, of the test specimen.
Method B: If requested, calculate the minimum-index unit weight of
Mix the oven-dried specimen to provide an even the specimen as follows:
distribution of particle sizes. γdmin 5 9.807 3 ρdmin, kN/m3 (8)
Select the proper sized thin-walled tube in accordance with
the requirements of 6.2.5. or

γdmin 5 62.428 3 ρdmin, lbf/ft3

If requested, calculate the maximum-index void ratio,
emax, as follows:
e max 5 ~ ρ w 3 G avg ⁄ ρ dmin! 2 1 (9)

emax = maximum-index void ratio,

TABLE 3 Summary of Test Results from Triplicate Test
ρw = density of 3water at3 20°C (0.99821) or equal to Laboratories (Minimum Index Unit Weight)
1.0 Mg/m or g/cm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Gavg at 20°C = weighted average specific gravity of soils com- Acceptable
Number of Average Standard Range of
posed of particles larger and smaller than the Triplicate Test ValueA DeviationB Two ResultsC
Soil Type Laboratories (lbf/ft3) (lbf/ft3) (lbf/ft3)
No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve, or
1 Single-Operator Results (Within-Laboratory Repeatability):
Gavg at 20°C 5 SP 8 98.17 0.50 1.4
R (10) Multilaboratory Results (Between-Laboratory Reproducibility):

where: 1 SP 8 98.17 2.49 6.9

100·G 1 at 20°C 2 at 20°C A
The number of significant digits and decimal places presented are
100·G representative of the input data. In accordance with Practice D6026, the standard
deviation and acceptable range of results can not have more decimal places than
the input data.
G1 at 20°C = apparent specific gravity of the soil particles B
Standard deviation is calculated in accordance with Practice E691 and is
retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve as deter- referred to as the 1s limit.
Acceptable range of two results is referred to as the d2s limit. It is calculated as
mined by Test Method C127 and corrected to
1.960œ2·1s , as defined by Practice E177. The difference between two properly
20°C (see Test Methods D854), conducted tests should not exceed this limit. The number of significant digits/
G2 at 20°C = specific gravity of the soil particles passing the decimal places presented is equal to that prescribed by these test methods or
No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve as determined by Test Practice D6026. In addition, the value presented can have the same number of
decimal places as the standard deviation, even if that result has more significant
Methods D854, digits than the standard deviation.
R = percentage of soil particles from the sample
retained on the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve, and
P = percentage of soil particles from the sample TABLE 4 Summary of Single-Test Result from Each Laboratory
passing the No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve. (Minimum Index Unit Weight)A
If the maximum index density/unit weight, ρdmax or (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
γdmax, has been determined in accordance with Test Methods Average Standard Range of
D4253 and the soil deposit or fill dry density/unit weight, ρ d or Soil Type
Number of Test ValueA DeviationB Two ResultsC
Laboratories (lbf/ft3) (lbf/ft3) (lbf/ft3)
γ , or void ratio, e, is known, the relative density, D , can be
d d
calculated as calculated by any of the equations given in 3.2.7, 1.6. Record as a minimum the following informa- tion:
that is, Equations 1, 2, or 3. Sample identifying information, such as Project No., Boring
No., Sample No., and Depth.
11. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) Classification of the test specimen in accordance with
Practice D2488 or identification in accordance with D2487.
The methodology used to specify how data are re- corded
Method (Methods A, B, or C) used.
on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below, is covered in
Multilaboratory Results—Reproducibility (Single-Test Performed by Each
Mass, height and diameter of mold. Laboratory)
Mass of specimens. SP 12 97.54 2.63 7.3
Any testing abnormalities noticed. A
See Footnotes in Table 3.
The minimum index density/unit weight, ρ dmin, in Mg/m3 or
g/cm3 or minimum index unit weight, γdmin, in lbf/ft3 (kN/m3) to
three or four significant digits (in accordance with Practice
laboratory), while other laboratories performed a single test
per soil type (single-test laboratory). A description of the soil
12. Precision and Bias5 tested is given in 12.1.4. The precision estimates may vary
with soil type and method used (Method A, B, or C).
Precision—Criteria for judging the acceptability of test
Judgment is required when applying these estimates to another
results obtained by these test methods, using Method A and
soil or method.
testing a poorly graded sand (SP), is given in Tables 3 and 4.
The data in Table 3 are based on three replicated tests
These estimates of precision are based on the results of the
performed by each triplicate test laboratory on the SP sand.
interlaboratory program conducted by the ASTM Reference
The single operator and multilaboratory standard deviation
soils and Testing Program. In this program, some laboratories
shown in Table 3, Column 4 were obtained in accordance with
performed three replicate tests per soil type (triplicate-test
Practice E691, which recommends each testing laboratory
perform a minimum of three replicate tests. Results of two
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may properly conducted tests performed by the same operator on
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D18-1011.
the same material, using the same equipment, and in the
shortest practical period of time should not differ by more than
the single-operator d2s limits shown in Table 3, Column 5. For
definition of d2s, see Footnote C in Table 3. Results of two
properly conducted tests performed by different operators and
on different days should not differ by more than the multilabo-
ratory d2s limits show in Table 3, Column 5.
In the ASTM Reference Soils and Testing Program, many
of the laboratories performed only a single test. This is
common practice in the design and construction industry. The
data in Table 4 are based upon the first test results from the
triplicate test laboratories and the single test results from the
other laboratories. Results of two properly conducted tests
performed by two different laboratories with different
using different equipment and on different days should not
vary by more than the d2s limits shown in Table 4, Column 5. SP—Poorly graded sand, SP 20 % coarse sand, 48 % medium sand, 30 %
fine sand, 2 % fines, yellowish brown. Local name—Frederick sand.
The results in Table 3 and Table 4 are dissimilar because the
data sets are different. 12.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for these
Table 3 presents a rigorous interpretation of triplicate test test methods, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
data in accordance with Practice E691 from pre-qualified
laboratories. Table 4 is derived from test data that represents 13. Keywords
common practice. minimum index density; minimum index unit weight;
Soil Type: relative density


In accordance with D18 policy, this section identifies the location of changes to this standard since the last
edition (2014) that may impact the use of this standard. (March 1, 2016)

(1) Revised 6.2.1 to clarify design requirements of mold.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the
risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years
and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional
standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a
meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair
hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-
2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the
above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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